Monster Hunt: Notes from a Hunter

Chapter 908 Leader? Group emblem?

On the first day of sailing across the sea, most people were not very excited.

It’s not like he has any grudge against the land and people of the Old Continent. No matter how free and easy he is, he will look at the direction where the land disappears on the horizon and sigh.

But as the sun went down, everyone gathered in the restaurant in the cabin to eat, drink a few more drinks, and take a long nap with their heads covered.

All the melancholy will disappear as the sun rises again.

Early the next morning, under the call of Mecca, the hunter of the dragon tribe, the hunters, the Xuexiao mixed in, and some of the logistics technicians and scientific researchers of the special investigation team gathered on the deck.

Most people are full of energy, but there are also people who are not suitable for HNA and have green faces. The two most obvious ones are Ancier and Gale.

Although he didn't have vomiting or diarrhea and needed help when walking, he was obviously a little depressed.

Gordon felt a little lucky for no reason.

If only one of the two gets seasick and the other is fine, continued cynicism will probably be inevitable.

The person being ridiculed will definitely fight back, and the end result will be a quarrel or even a fight.

It's better now, the two of us are sluggish and pure together.

The dragon hunter clapped his hands and asked everyone to focus their attention.

"Generally speaking, each group will have a leader, and the special investigation group is no exception. There are no too specific matters for now, and there may be arrangements later.

The only requirement is that everyone can be united so that they are not scattered and there is not even one person who can shout "assembly".

You can recommend whoever you think is suitable. "

Gordon raised his hand and asked, "Isn't it you?"

The dragon hunter shook his head, "I'm just the one who organized this team. The subsequent events have nothing to do with me. After arriving in the New World, I will not act with you."

Herta, one of the logistics staff, raised his hand and said: "When you formed this special investigation team, you also said that this team mainly exists as a supplement to combat power.

So the core is all the hunters. We logistics personnel and scholars will be integrated into the stronghold’s research or logistics system after arriving in the New World. There is no need to care too much about our opinions. "

"We feel the same way." A young man from the Dragon tribe with many small bottles and jars hanging on his robe said with a smile.

This should be a pharmacist or an alchemist.

"It makes sense." The dragon tribe hunter nodded, as if he didn't care too much about this matter. "Hunters, what do you think?"

The hunters all looked at Gordon without any doubts.

"That's you, Gordon."

Gordon didn't shirk or pretend to be modest. No matter from which point of view, he is indeed the most suitable one.

Nod and agree.

"By the way, let's discuss it when you have time and design a group emblem. When you make clothes or armor later, you can put the Special Investigation Group's emblem on it."

"Does this have any special meaning?" An Xil asked, resisting the feeling of dizziness and nausea.

"This is more ceremonial." The dragon hunter replied.


Noticing that everyone was a little disapproving, the dragon hunter's expression became serious, "The environment in the New World is difficult. Except for the small town-sized star strongholds, there are dangerous wilderness everywhere.

To survive in such an environment for a long time, a sense of ritual, honor, and even some romantic emotions are very necessary. If the nerves are too tight, it is easy to be unable to persist. "

"I understand. I will gather everyone's opinions and make a decision as soon as possible." Gordon agreed.

"Well, I can give you some reference. The emblem of the first group was stars. When we went to sea back then, we could only rely on the stars in the night sky to identify the direction.

The members of the second group are mainly craftsmen, and the group emblem is a whirlpool of flames.

The third phase of the group is composed of scholars and researchers, mainly responsible for studying and recording ecology. The group emblem is an abstract hourglass and scale.

The fourth phase of the regiment is mainly responsible for logistics supplies, construction, trade and transportation. The regiment emblem is the rudder, which can also be seen as a wheel.

As for you, it’s up to you to decide what’s appropriate. "

Ted started yelling, "Let's use bottles and glasses!"

"Fishing rod!" This is what Aziz shouted.

"Weapons? Crossed swords and crossbows?" Hayata also gave a suggestion.

"Cathead!" Gale said nonsense.

Gordon had a headache and made a gesture to silence everyone, "Let's discuss it later and combine the opinions."

Seeing that Gordon could indeed shut up this group of hunters with different personalities, a trace of satisfaction flashed in the eyes of the dragon hunter.

"Don't worry, you can decide on the regimental emblem before arriving in the New World. There is still more than a month, there is plenty of time." The dragon hunter with his arms folded tilted his head towards them and walked towards the bow of the ship.

"Now, let's learn something more important."

The hunters, the technologies, and the researchers looked at each other and followed.

The spacious front deck has been prepared in advance.

On a long table, there are four or five metal machines that look like small crossbows (thump, thump, thump!).

"Projector?" Gordon was a little surprised, but then he took it for granted.

"Do you know this?" The dragon tribe hunter was also a little curious. This kind of auxiliary device developed by the craftsmen of the second phase of the regiment has long been popular in the New World Survey Corps, but it is a bit acclimatized in the old continent.

This has to do with the astonishingly rich biodiversity of the New World.

"I met him several times at my master's place."

The dragon hunter understood, "I almost forgot, your master is Master Campbell, no wonder."

After that, he looked at everyone, "As Gordon said, this auxiliary device is called a projector and has a wide range of uses.

If you want to freely explore the New World, you can even go without weapons, but you must bring a catapult.

It has two most critical functions. Based on these two functions, countless uses can be developed. Let me show you. "

As he said that, the dragon hunter picked up a projectile and fixed it on the wrist armor of his left arm, "The armor made by the craftsmen of the New World will leave a special bayonet on the left wrist armor to facilitate the fixation of the projector.

If you are left-handed, or have any other reason for using the launcher with your right hand, remember to explain it to the craftsman before building the equipment. "

The dragon hunter who fixed the projector in a few clicks flicked his wrist, and the folded crossbow popped open.

He picked up a small stone or slag or something from the table, put it on the projector and quickly launched it.

The rocks flew twenty to thirty meters and finally fell into the sea.

Ancier narrowed his eyes, "The accuracy is acceptable. The crossbow string is not fully drawn, so it is not the ultimate range. As a weapon, it is too weak."

"Yes, the projectile is not a weapon, but it can help hunters quickly project various eggs into fist-sized objects, including but not limited to various tree fruits, stones, insects, and even some moss.

Hunters, you should be able to quickly think of many application scenarios, right? "

Evelin, a katami swordsman who is good at using various props, immediately asked: "Can I put the light bug on the projector and shoot it out as a flash bomb when needed? There are also dyed fruits.

In this case, there is no need to specially make flash bombs and dyed balls for easy throwing. Using this is faster, more convenient, and more stable. "

"Of course, this is one of the main uses of the projector, but there is one thing. Dyed balls are not suitable for the New World. We have a more efficient way. We will talk about this in the future."

After speaking, the dragon hunter raised his hand and pointed the projectile above his head.

"The first function is to project, and the second function is this." With that said, a rope with a fixed claw flew out from the projector, accurately hit and wrapped around the crossbar high on the mast.

The dragon hunter jumped up with a little force, and the machine in the projector quickly turned, tightened the rope, and in the blink of an eye it was brought to the top of the mast more than 20 meters above the ground.

"****!" Gale blurted out a beautiful compliment.

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