Monster Hunt: Notes from a Hunter

Chapter 920 Training Ground

The huge ax shimmering with lightning struck the ground. With this force, Feng Ying jumped up like a pole vault with a bug stick.

At the same time, she waved her hand and released the flying insect upwards, leaping higher into the air.

"Get the hell out of it!"

The giant ax came down from top to bottom, and struck hard on the head of the training puppet beast. The fire that exploded from the energy in the bottle almost blew away Elu in the control cabin on top of the puppet.

"It's too dangerous, meow! Don't collect any more bottles next time you practice this trick, meow!"

Operator Elu screamed angrily.

"Hehe~." Feng Ying, who jumped over and landed on the ground, disassembled the giant axe, returned to the sword and shield mode and said proudly: "I knew that using this 'axe jumping' technique, the power of transcendence in the air It will be stronger!”

Lie Yan next to her gave her a thumbs up, and then danced for a while.

"You said it's too dangerous to jump up against a rigid beast?"

"Hmm!" Lieyan pointed to his leg that had just taken off the bandage, his meaning was obvious.

My legs were broken by rape.

"Then what do you think we should do? That guy is too tough. How can he break through the defense without a stronger attack?"

Lie Yan made another burst of gestures.

"You mean the chainsaw?" Feng Ying raised the shield in her hand, "That's right, first use the chainsaw to slowly break down the defense, and then your double swords can come in handy."


Feng Ying put away her weapon and scratched her head, "Then I have to practice that 'adaptive posture', otherwise it will be inconvenient to dodge under high-pressure backfill.

Stop talking about me. Are you ready to practice your new moves? "

Lie Yan directly pulled out his two swords, with an expression of "Watch my performance", turned on the ghost form and rushed towards the training puppet beast.

He turned around and struck the puppet with a sword in the face, using the force to turn over and jump up.

The whole person hung upside down in the air and stretched out, constantly waving the double blades, launching a series of consecutive slashes, rushing up to the target's back, and then transformed into a whirlwind, sweeping over the target's back.

The ghost dances in the air, then spins and slashes in the air, then spins and dances in the air!

"Aren't you still flying?!" Feng Ying shouted angrily.

However, at this moment, Lieyan suddenly interrupted the mid-air circling and dancing, and used the flying insect to fly higher into the air, and hung there, looking at her with a smile.


Feng Ying had a dark face.

This guy simply can't learn well. He was beaten by a monster because he was flying around in the air. The solution is to fly higher? !

Can't you just walk properly? ah! ?

"Instructor! Officer!!!" Feng Ying shouted, preparing to call instructor Ni Tai over and ask him to teach this guy who was pretending to be stupid and mute a lesson.

Lie Yan quickly fell to the ground and covered her mouth.


"You said you were joking, but actually you have other new tricks?"

Afraid that Feng Ying would call the instructor to nag her, Lie Yan nodded frantically.

Seeing Feng Ying's distrustful look, she had no choice but to take a few steps back, took a deep breath, and swung her knife into a posture like a wild beast charging forward.

Bloody fighting spirit burned in her body, and even her eyes turned scarlet under the wash of fighting spirit.

The spirit of the beast possesses the [wolf] (the ghost transforms into a [beast]).

Feng Ying was stunned, a move similar to Master Gordon's.

No, it should be said more like pork chop?

As the accumulation of the True Power Slash was completed, the bloody fighting energy wrapped around the body was completely absorbed into the sword.

The beast soul possessed [Lion] and the true charged slash, blessed by the state of courage, fell on the wooden target wrapped in old dragon skin at the training ground.

With a muffled sound of "boom", the dragon's skin split open, and a wooden pile more than half a meter thick was smashed, creating a huge depression twenty or thirty centimeters deep, with heavy wood stubble.

Gordon put down the training sword, which had no blade and was like a thick steel plate, and exhaled.

I have never stopped my daily morning exercises, and coupled with the high-intensity training throughout the day today, my condition has finally recovered.

He was not the only one in the training ground. The high-ranking hunters from the special investigation team had been coming here in the past two days.

Diligence and hard work are the most basic qualities for those who can be promoted to a higher position in their twenties and thirties.

Seeing Gordon putting away his training weapons, a young man who looked to be in his early twenties and also carrying a big sword behind him immediately came forward.

He is the grandson of the Commander-in-Chief, named Hunter (Note), and he is also the only local in the entire Star Stronghold who was born in the New World, grew up in the New World, and has never left the New World (a black householder in the New World).

A few years ago, when his parents, the commander-in-chief's daughter and son-in-law, were preparing to return to their hometown in the Old World, they wanted to take him with them.

But he refused. For him, the New World was the hometown where he was born and raised.

He wants to guard the stars with his grandfather.

The young man looked at the huge dent on the wooden pile, his eyes shining a little, "Brother Gordon, is that a real charged attack? Why is it so powerful! Is it because of the previous preparations?!"

"What kind of thing is this, Meow!" Before Gordon could answer, Pig Chop jumped out first, "The Ghost Man three-piece suit is useless, Meow, and it's no use in one go, Meow. The weapons are for training, and the armors are for casual wear, Meow.

This attack is far from Gordon's strongest attack! "

"Oh oh oh!" The young man was very excited after seeing the unheard of moves with the big sword, "As expected of Brother Gordon! Master, you saw those moves just now!"

On the wooden box next to him, an old hunter wearing a female fire dragon swordsman's armor sat with his arms crossed, as calm as a mountain.

Facing the disciple's question, the old hunter with a ferocious scar on his face nodded seriously, "A very powerful fighting spirit skill, one of which seems to be not only fighting spirit, but also a skill of will?"

Gordon gave a thumbs up.

This old hunter is the "Master of Swordsmanship" and one of the main members of the first group. I don't know his real name is Gordon, but everyone in the Star Stronghold calls him that.

In fact, with his strength, he is fully worthy of more sophisticated armor, but this old-school hunter said that he was not used to using new things, so he tinkered with them and used one set of armor for most of his life.

It is for this reason that the sword master is one of the only two hunters in the investigation team who cannot use a projectile.

The other one was the Grand Commander. He was very confident in his wrist strength and could throw everything from stones to ropes with his bare hands.

Gordon had heard from the young hunters about his age in the fourth group that the swordsman master was once a super powerful swordsman.

Later, when I got older and had old injuries on my body, it was a bit difficult to wield the sword, so I switched to tachi.

But Hunter told Gordon that these were just rumors.

In fact, the swordsman master is proficient in any kind of melee weapon, and the sword is the one he is most proficient in. His swordsmanship is superb.

The title of swordsman master is not something you just blow off.

Hayata highly agrees with this statement.

After hearing about the existence of the sword master, she who is also a swordsman excitedly came to ask for advice.

Unlike large swords and other heavy weapons that cannot be used against people, it is very common for Tachi users to practice with each other holding bamboo swords.

The result of the competition with the sword master was that Hayata was beaten to a bruised face.

According to her, the swordsmanship of the master swordsman is still better than that of her master, the eight-star Taishou Yamosi, and only Master Samantabhadra of Yanhuo Village can compete with him.

However, one thing in the rumors is indeed true. The swordsman master has old injuries and his physical fitness has declined with age.

If not, with his swordsmanship, this taciturn old hunter might also have a nine-star level of combat prowess.


The gangster in the New World didn't have a name. At his current age, it was a bit early to become the leader of the investigation team, and it conflicted with Gordon's positioning, so he had to give him a name.

There is no name in the set. In order to find his name, I even re-watched the live-action movie with nausea. As a result, there is still no name (fuck).

But I also came up with an idea. In the movie, the protagonist calls him Hunter, so let’s call him Hunter.

As for his age - it's a little hard to determine, so let's assume he was in his twenties when the mhw plot started, and he looks like he's in his twenties now.

In terms of personality, it's hard to tell from the game alone, but from the sketch in the appendix of the setting collection, he should be a cheerful and cheerful person.

There is also the saying that the swordsman master once used a big sword and only used the tachi when he was older. It should be the second creation (in order to pinch the second generation protagonist).

As for the idea that the female fire dragon's melee suit will be tinkered with without projectors and guide insects for a lifetime, this is an official setting.

He also mentioned that he once had two good partners, one was a strong man and the other was a pistachio, but they should have been sacrificed, possibly related to Yanwanglong.

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