Monster Hunt: Notes from a Hunter

Chapter 925 Armor Failure

That night, the hunters of the Special Investigation Group, who had completed their first daily reconnaissance mission, returned to the Star Stronghold one after another.

From an efficiency point of view, it is somewhat of a "waste of resources" to have high-ranking hunters perform such daily reconnaissance missions at home.

After all, as long as they have sufficient experience in field operations, ordinary investigators can do this kind of tasks without even requiring a hunter.

However, this mission at home is very critical for the powerful newcomers like the Special Investigation Team.

Only after seeing it with their own eyes, touching it with their own hands, and experiencing it themselves can they realize from the bottom of their hearts that they and others have arrived in a brand new land.

Every plant, tree, and even the air here was different from what they were used to.

This unaccustomed attitude is not only reflected in the mentality, but also has a more tangible impact.

Take Gordon for example.

He didn't realize it before when he was wearing casual clothes at the stronghold, but today he was fully armed and discovered it after running around in the ancient tree forest all day and killing two small monsters without eyes.

My own [He Yao] suit seems a bit "acclimated" to the New World.

Mainly reflected in the effect of dragon energy activity, it is obvious that the strength of [He Yao]'s dragon energy has been weakened, and the difficulty of activation has also been increased.

He was not a technician or a craftsman, and he couldn't figure out the reason for a while, but he believed in his body sense.

This was a very serious problem. He went to the leader of the second group as soon as possible to see if there was a solution.

However, at the moment, the equipment issue can only be put aside first, as there are more urgent matters that need to be dealt with urgently.

A total of five groups of people set out in the morning, but only four groups came back in the end.

It was already late at night, and the team of Evelin, Feddy, and ecological researcher Pope still hadn't returned.

The probability of being killed should be low. After all, no one has seen a distress signal. With the strength of the couple, even if they encounter an ancient dragon, they will not be unable to send a distress signal.

get lost? It is also unlikely. According to Hunter and others, Ms. Pope spends at least half of the year wandering in the ancient tree forest. She should not get lost if anyone gets lost.

Are you caught up in something?

As time passed, everyone became more and more anxious.

Just when Gordon proposed to the commander-in-chief that he wanted to lead a team to conduct an overnight search, Evelin and the others finally returned.

As for the reason for their late return, it seems to be clear at a glance.

——Feddy held a huge egg in his arms.

This egg is about the same size as a Maru bird egg, but it is a bit more slender overall and has a more complicated pattern. It is unknown what kind of creature it is.

With such a big egg in their arms, they obviously couldn't use the Pterosaur to fly. It took them a lot of effort and time to run all the way from the northern area of ​​the giant tree back to the star stronghold.

The commander-in-chief, who was also relieved in his heart, came over and asked about the situation.

The three Evelins described their experiences of discovering, tracking, and witnessing the battle between the male fire dragon and the unknown flying dragon.

The Commander-in-Chief crossed his arms and his expression became serious, "Are you saying that a flying dragon suspected to be a subspecies of Fengdiaolong has invaded the ancient tree forest?"

As an ecological investigator, Pope quickly added, "It may not be a subspecies, it may just be an individual with abnormal appearance."

As she spoke, she took out a piece of purple wing membrane.

"The situation is urgent. I only had time to take this sample. The director may be able to see something."

"Hmm -" the Commander-in-Chief pondered.

He is always particularly vigilant about the abnormal migration of this species.

Gordon was curious about another thing, "So what's going on with that egg?"

With the help of the people next to him, Feidi found an empty wooden box lined with soft cushions, carefully placed the eggs, and then shook his sore arms and said:

"The flying dragon gave birth before it died."

Feidi stroked the unpolished marble-like, slightly rough eggshell, "Evelin and I couldn't stand it. She broke off and entangled the dragon, and I ran away holding the egg."

"Uh" Looking at the egg, Gordon didn't know what to say.

As far as he knew, it was a relatively common phenomenon for creatures in late pregnancy to give birth early when they encountered danger.

Most premature fetuses and eggs are not very healthy. Even if the egg is fertilized, it is likely that it will not hatch.

What Evelin and the others did was a bit too emotional.

Because I had a baby not long ago, so I can’t bear to see these things?

"Ensuring your own safety is the first priority, remember that in the future."

After the commander-in-chief reminded the soft-hearted couple, he didn't say much, "It's already very late. Send these to the Institute of Ecology, and then go back and rest."

The next morning, not long after finishing morning exercise, Xuanxu came to the door with two cats and one dog.

The little girl seemed to be particularly interested in that egg. It was too dark last night to see clearly, so she wanted to go to the Institute of Ecology early to observe it carefully.

Pork Chop Pandan was also very curious, while Li Feng stuck out his tongue and drooled, most likely because he was greedy.

The talkative Hayata was dragged away by them, and Gordon specifically reminded her to keep her eyes on the strong wind and not take a bite of anything she saw.

Gordon himself brought the [He Yao] suit to the processing house.

The weakened equipment was like a thorn stuck in his throat, and he didn't sleep well last night.

Not many people came to the processing house early in the morning, but there were a few craftsmen who were busy.

They may have been working all night. After all, the work of smelting and forging cannot be stopped as soon as they want to sleep.

The leader of the craftsmen and the leader of the second group was also there.

Except for meetings and sleeping, the old man basically stayed in the processing room all day.

Moving the components of the [He Yao] suit onto the counter one by one, Gordon explained the anomaly he discovered.

I thought that the old craftsman would be suspicious first, but I didn't expect that he just picked up the breastplate and looked at it for a few times, then sighed: "I know what you are referring to, but it is a pity that I can't solve this problem."

Gordon's expression changed, but the old craftsman didn't give him a chance to speak, and continued: "If I'm not mistaken, this set of armor should be the work of the legendary craftsman.

While having a complex energy conduction structure, it also has amazing stability.

Filling the armor with high-intensity energy to provide additional attribute resistance and strength protection? Is this the design idea?

He is indeed the legendary master. "

After listening to the leader of the second phase of the group praising [He Yao], Gordon tentatively asked: "Is the problem very difficult?"

The old craftsman scratched his steel needle-like beard and said, "The problem lies in 'energy'. The energy environment in the New World and the Old World are different.

Let me give you a simple example. When you boil water on the plains, the boiling temperature is different from when you boil water on the plateau.

If you want to boil hot enough water on the plateau, you need to use a special pressure cooker. The same goes for your armor. "

Gordon roughly understood, "So, can't you add a 'high-pressure valve' to this set of armor?"

The leader of the second group pushed back the armor parts, "Unfortunately, I'm afraid we can't.

That dragon craftsman's skills are superior to mine. If you give me enough materials and let me build a similar set of equipment from scratch, there should be no problem.

But if you ask me to disassemble, modify, and reinstall this set of armor, I'm afraid it will continue to malfunction."

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