Monster Hunting High School

Chapter 160 After the Practice Class

Aristotle said that people in the world are divided into three categories: "living people", "dead people" and "people who go to sea". Generally speaking, he is complaining about the uncertainty of life and death among people who go to sea, and they are often in a state between life and death.

In Phuket Island, especially in the North District, this statement is often changed into three categories: "living people, dead people and people who enter the forest".

Although the wording is different, the meaning is the same.

Entering the Silent Forest, life and death are determined by fate. Good or bad luck lies in the sky. You can die at any time, or you can live forever.

A week ago, if someone mentioned this sentence to Zheng Qing, Zheng Qing would probably laugh at it. When he was in a good mood, he might talk a few more about the anecdotes about the silent forest that he had heard. There will definitely be no more associations.

After all, as freshmen who have just entered the school for half a year, their relationship with the Silent Forest for at least two years will only be limited to hunting and outing in spring every winter and spring. Their access to the forest will also be strictly restricted, and this For a period of time, the school will also arrange sufficient defense forces to guard the left and right, so that these young people will not suffer in the woods.

But now, if someone talks in Zheng Qing's ears about "living people, dead people, and people who enter the forest," the young public-funded student will definitely roll his eyes and resent him. Those who are unlucky may even receive a punch from him.

The change during this period was naturally due to the contract that Zheng Qing and Kolma signed under the supervision of the Rat Immortal during their outing not long ago. The contract requires Zheng Qing to fully assist Korma in finding the newly discovered secret place near the Silent Forest.

This means that this semester, Zheng Qing needs to sneak out of the school from time to time and enter the dangerous forest of silence. And it will most likely require entering the depths of the Silent Forest.

Even if Zheng Qing had some secret connection with the newly born secret realm, it didn't mean that he could easily find it in the woods. In addition, he was in danger several times last year, including Su Shijun and many professors who warned Zheng Qing not to leave the protection of the school's guardian formation at will, which further increased the psychological burden on the young wizard.

Every time he thought about this, he sighed and became filled with sadness.

"It's just a scratch on the skin, do you need to sigh so much?" A crisp voice chirped in Zheng Qing's ears, with a hint of contempt in his tone: "You are still a government-funded student... I have never seen a government-funded student as weak as you!"

The person who spoke was the nurse on duty at the school hospital, a young witch with a round face, short height and a lively temperament. In the short time since Zheng Qing was admitted to the hospital, she had become familiar with everyone in the ward.

As for the reason for being admitted to the hospital, it was because in the practical class this afternoon, a conflict broke out between Alpha students and students from Jiuyou Academy when they were choosing pairs to practice magic. There was a quarrel between the two sides. As one of the male representatives, Zheng Qing naturally did his part and rushed to the front. As a result, he was hit by several small magic spells from the opponent.

Fortunately, the other party didn't use any evil spells - but it was by no means as simple as 'bruising the skin' as the little nurse said - according to the therapist, Zheng Qing can leave tomorrow morning.

Hearing the nurse's disdain, Zheng Qing pulled down the corner of his mouth and made an ugly smile: "I haven't finished my homework yet. Can I leave early today?"

As a student of Jiuyou Academy, this reason is very convincing.

Hearing this, the nurse lady sighed sympathetically, and then shook her head decisively: "No, even if you just scratched a layer of oily skin, you still need a formal discharge certificate from the therapist if you want to be discharged... Dr. Ma is very busy now , Those lunatics at Starry Sky Academy started fighting again, and many people broke their bones, so you just stay here tonight."

A patient with a broken bone is naturally more critical than a patient with a bruised skin. Zheng Qing had no reason to let the therapist leave those seriously injured patients to attend to his own trivial matters.

After the nurse shook her head, she suddenly felt a bit resentful: "Tell me, what's the matter with all of you college students who don't study magic in class and fight every day? Those bastards from Starry Sky Academy used to be diligent, which is understandable. It has to do with their damn school philosophy.”

"What now? Why are you nine students and Alpha people so crazy? A large number of people are delivered every three days, and you have to work overtime every three days! I haven't had a vacation for almost a month! Do you still want to live?!"

The crisp whining sound was like a machine gun, crackling and firing at the students in the entire ward.

Everyone is hiding in their tents, quietly, pretending that they don't exist.

It wasn't until the nurse distributed medicine to each hospital bed, completed the examination, and left that everyone let out a sigh of relief. But when he thought about all kinds of things tomorrow, Zheng Qing fell slumped on the hospital bed and never wanted to get up again.


The curtain of the hospital bed next door was forcefully torn open, revealing Fatty Xin's big, round, green face. In the afternoon practical class, he was beaten to death by a rotten egg spell from the thin-eyed wizard named Julian from the Alpha Academy. When it hit his head, he not only smouldered his surrounding companions, but also turned his head all green.

Although the therapist at the school hospital eliminated the stench from the fat man in three strokes, the remaining green color was all on his face. In order to avoid secondary damage caused by the healing magic, the hospital recommended that the fat man stay in the ward for two days. Days later, relying on the power of time to complete the follow-up treatment work.

Since the green color on his face would fade away the next day, the fat man didn't struggle and stayed in the ward obediently.

"We didn't initiate the fight." The fat man watched the door of the ward close tightly before complaining to Zheng Qing: "Could it be that the enemy hit me on the left side of my face, so I want him to hit me on the right side too?" ?”

Seeing the fat man's big green face, Zheng Qing subconsciously covered his nose and shrank back. The power of that rotten egg in the afternoon made Zheng Qing never want to try it again. Just thinking about it makes me want to puke.

Zheng Qing's little actions obviously caused a little irritation to the fat man.

"Why are you hiding! It's boring again!" Xin opened the tent even further, moved his head closer to Zheng Qing, and opened his eyes wide: "After all, you are also the captain of our hunting team, can you You can’t act a little calmer!”

"Are you as steady as Dr. Xiao?" Zheng Qing retorted angrily: "Backing off in the face of battle is not steady, but cowardly!"

"If you can, please tell me this in front of the doctor."

"Just say it." Zheng Qing hummed unconfidently, but his body involuntarily shrank downwards, trying to get back into his bed.

Fatty Xin sneered secretly, but because the topic came to Xiao Xiao, he remembered the topic he wanted to talk about when he first came up: "Speaking of which, isn't tomorrow a holiday? Why are you in such a hurry to do your homework today?"

Zheng Qing rolled his eyes and said angrily: "It was originally an excuse...I have been in a lot of troubles recently. I just want to go back early and do what I need to do. Instead of lying on the hospital bed stupidly."

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