Monster Hunting High School

Chapter 101 Giant Zero Three


There was a loud sound outside the private room, as if someone knocked down the door panel, or as if a mural hanging on the wall was unhooked and fell to the floor.

"Bookkeeping! Bookkeeping!!" The wandering wizard raised the wine bottle in his hand and shouted loudly to the door, then glared at the big mouse on the sofa fiercely: "Are you going to let me redecorate this store? "

The Rat Immortal felt innocent.

"I didn't move just now." It opened its small round eyes, subconsciously glanced at the tail hanging from the sofa and winding out of the private room, and then exerted a little strength on its tail vertebrae.

Thick rat tails surged out of the room like waves.

There was another sputtering sound outside.

The Rat Immortal then raised his head and glanced at the owner of the Wandering Bar with certainty: "I was the one responsible for the noise this time... the one just now was really not me!"

The wandering wizard opened his mouth half-open and raised his hand to hold the brim of his pointed hat, as if he was considering whether to stuff the big mouse into his hat.

"Old Mouse! Let's go, let's go! Ju Ling San just moved!" A voice screamed, coming from outside the room, from far to near, like a train rushing out of the tunnel with its whistle blowing, and crashing into it in the blink of an eye. In a small private room.

An ocher-yellow 'rubber ball' stumbled and rolled into the private room.

The Rat Immortal and the Wandering Wizard looked at each other.


The thick rat tail shrank rapidly like a frightened python. There was another clanging sound outside the door. A piece of white mist emerged from the head of the Rat Immortal, and the wrinkles on his face seemed to have been smoothed out by this burst of white mist.

"Waste, waste!" The wandering wizard looked at the white mist heartbrokenly, and said with grief: "What a waste of natural resources!!"

Then he caught a glimpse of the 'ocher leather ball', turned to look at the Mouse Immortal, and added: "The barrier that Fei Rui broke will also be recorded in your account... This name is really unpleasant."

He was talking about the name 'Fei Rui'.

However, neither of the two guests in the room seemed to pay attention to the bar owner's thoughts.

The Mouse Immortal's figure shrank rapidly, and in an instant he changed from a person's height to half a foot. Under his body at some point, there was an agarwood chariot carved with dragons and phoenixes, floating in the air.

The 'ocher-colored leather ball' also seemed to be deflated. It changed from the size of a basketball to the size of a tennis ball, and it was also floating in the air.

"Moved?" The Mouse Immortal leaned forward, the beard at the corner of his mouth trembling slightly, looking a little excited.

"The distal phalanx of the ring finger and little finger of the left hand moved." Fei Rui jumped up and down in mid-air, like a tennis ball being beaten by a racket - as if it couldn't vent its inner excitement without doing so: "Tai Rui What Rui said is true! He really did it! He moved!"

"This is really good news." The wandering wizard gave a small compliment behind the bar.

Before he finished speaking, the two 'Rat Guests' in the room turned into two puffs of smoke and disappeared from sight. The wandering wizard sighed slightly, poured the last sip of Kraken Rum from the cup into his mouth, then reached out and pulled out a dusty bottle from the top of the wine kitchen, turned around, and disappeared behind the bar.

Only his muttering to himself was left in the air:

"At this time... coming to celebrate is a very reasonable choice."

"Then again, Kraken Rum tastes really bad."

The setting sun is like a wheel, spreading a piece of orange.

Give the towering mountains a charming glaze color.

The snow that never melts all year round on the top of the mountain has become the best background board at this moment, able to accommodate the most natural and spectacular colors in the world, and still have room to add a bit of cold temperament.

A giant leaned against the mountain, lying slantingly in the afterglow of the setting sun.

To be precise, it was the skeleton of a giant.

The smooth skull resembles a small skating rink, gilded with the colors of the setting sun. There is a curved and sharp horn on each shoulder on the left and right sides. It's just that the horn on the left side was broken from the middle, perhaps due to the struggle, revealing a rugged section like a reef.

There is no trace of flesh and blood in the giant's empty chest, and its thick ribs are like two rows of spruce trees, opening to the gray sky, revealing the dark rocks underneath.

Below the chest, it was submerged in thick clouds and fog, making it difficult to see the specific appearance.

Its right hand was submerged in the clouds.

But its left hand reached out of the clouds, beyond its head, and stretched upward, its palm clinging to the huge rock at the top of the mountain. Anyone who sees this scene for the first time can complete this picture in their mind - the giant who failed in the battle climbed across the mountains and wanted to use the highest mountain as his tombstone. It almost succeeded. , its left hand had climbed to the top of the mountain, but at that moment, it died of exhaustion.

Time was frozen in this scene of struggle.

The thick mist slides through the mountainside like flowing water. There was no sound in the mist, just like this mountain, as if it had been so quiet since ancient times.


Several pieces of falling rocks slipped from the mountainside on the opposite side of the mountain and smashed into the thick fog without making a single splash.

On the mountainside where the falling rocks rolled out, a short arch appeared at some point.

The arch is only a mile high, with plump Roman columns on the left and right. Olive branches and laurels are entangled on the arch, and a dozen naked little angels cling to it, with strange smiles on their faces.

Rat Immortal and Fei Rui stood at the exit of the arch, quietly observing the giant's skeleton.

In the center of the giant's smooth skull, a line of bright red characters was carved:

Ju Zero Three.

"Crunch, crunch."

The archway behind the two mice gasped with difficulty, and the faces of the little angels clinging to the olive branches and laurels all showed frightened expressions, as if a barbarian was banging against the door crazily.

A moment later, the wandering wizard's pointed hat emerged from the archway first and appeared in this silent world.

Then came his head, beard, black robe, and his skinny hands holding a bottle of wine and three wine glasses under the robe.

"It's too small," the wandering wizard complained in a low voice before he could fully get out of the archway. "The door you opened is really too small...Have you considered the physique of the guests?"

The Rat Immortal stared at the giant skeleton silently and ignored him.

Fei Rui, on the other hand, looked at the arch, then at the size of the wandering wizard, and finally shook his head for the sake of the bottle of wine: "There shouldn't be guests here in the first place."

The wandering wizard finally got out of the arch, stood on the boulder on the mountainside, and breathed heavily.

"What a terrible name." He looked at the line of words carved in the center of the giant's skull, his tone full of disappointment: "It has no depth or temperament...the simplicity and beauty of the numbers are also completely destroyed!"

This time, even Fei Rui was not going to pay attention to him.

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