Monster Hunting High School

Chapter 138 The dog is coming

The next day is Monday.

Although there was a slight disturbance in the dormitory last night, it did not affect the biological clock of the young public-funded students.

Just after six o'clock in the morning, Zheng Qing was still pushed by the force of habit and left Zhou Gong's Go table. He opened his eyes in confusion, yawned and opened the curtain, preparing to get up to do morning lessons.

Then his feet hung half a foot away from the shoes, frozen in mid-air.

Because a gray dog ​​was squatting beside his shoes, wagging its tail happily and holding a shoelace in its mouth.

Zheng Qing suppressed a yawn in his mouth. For a long time, he forgot whether to open or shut his mouth.

After a few "ho ho" sounds, the young wizard suddenly woke up, raised his leg and kicked the dog. Not surprisingly, he kicked it all away. The dog stuck out its tongue and waggled its tail, turning into a shadow and disappearing in front of Zheng Qing's eyes. The shoelace in its mouth fell to the ground with a thud. Soft, like a dead snake.

A second later, the dog changed its position - a few feet further away than before - and reappeared in front of Zheng Qing, continuing to stick out its tongue enthusiastically and wagging its tail happily.

This guy has become more and more proficient in this skill, this thought flashed through Zheng Qing's mind.

Soon he realized his mistake.

"The dog is coming! The dog is coming!" The young public-funded student shouted: "The dog is here again!! Everyone, get up! The dog is here again!!"

Before he finished speaking, the dog made a 'poof' sound and turned into a shadow and disappeared in front of Zheng Qing.

The wizard stared at the empty floor in front of him, speechless.

Others were woken up by him and rubbed their eyes to get up, but they didn't see a single dog hair.

"It was squatting here just now! It was less than one meter away from my head!" Zheng Qing stepped on the ground with his bare feet, his expression was excited, and he gestured to his companions with saliva flying - in the end, he also learned The dog squatted down to demonstrate.

But this did nothing to increase his persuasiveness.

"Are you blinded?" Fatty Xin yawned, rubbed his eyes, turned over and fell on his pillow again, his voice getting lower and lower: "I still want to sleep... don't disturb me... I'll be back in a while I have to go to class..."

"It's really coming!!"

"Okay, okay, it's coming... Huh... Huh." The fat man agreed vaguely, snoring gradually.

Zheng Qing looked at Xiao Xiao angrily.

The doctor was wearing pajamas, with his shoes on, and holding a crystal ball in his hand. He moved to where Zheng Qing indicated. While turning the crystal ball, he muttered something, and he continued to toss for a long time.

The fluctuations of magic were ups and downs, but the crystal ball was always dim and no shadow appeared. Even Zheng Qing, who was not very proficient in crystal ball divination, knew what this meant.

"But it was really squatting here just now." The young public-funded student continued to defend. Compared with before, his voice was much weaker this time and seemed a little weak.

Xiao Xiao did not express his attitude clearly.


He stood up, stuffed the crystal ball back into the desk drawer, and while changing into his school robe, he analyzed: "But it's also possible that you are really dazzled... As the saying goes, 'Think about it every day and dream about it at night.'" There will be repercussions if you never forget them...According to what you said before, that puppy behaved strangely and appeared in front of you many times for no reason, which caused a certain amount of psychological pressure on you...Coupled with last night's experience, It doesn’t rule out that you just had a nightmare...and then just woke up, and it’s not uncommon for you to not be able to distinguish the difference between dreams and reality.”

This analysis makes sense.

Zheng Qing glanced suspiciously at the place where the dog disappeared.

Is it really my own illusion?

As soon as this thought came to his mind, he immediately denied it - no, he definitely wasn't looking at it, that dog was really squatting in front of his bed just now. It is not modest to say that his understanding of dreams and illusions is better than that of most students at First University. There is no reason to be confused by a small dream.

"Tuan Tuan, have you seen it? That dog... was it squatting in front of my bed just now?!" Zheng Qing pinned his last hope on the fat cat.

The fat cat, who was taking a nap on the fat man's pillow, raised one eyelid and reluctantly snorted, then raised his paws, plugged his ears, turned over and continued to sleep soundly. Like another fat man on the pillow.

"Did you see it? Did you hear it?" Zheng Qing said happily: "Tuantuan also saw that dog!"

"I think the snort it made was more like saying 'leave me alone', 'how do I know'... something like that." Xiao Xiao shrugged his shoulders, took the toothbrush filled with toothpaste from the elf's hand, and stuffed it in Before putting it in his mouth, he added: "Although I am not a cat, you are not a cat now either."

His last explanation choked back Zheng Qing's original rebuttal.

The young public servant was sulking. He took the hot towel from the elf's hand and put it on his face. The steaming heat dispelled the last bit of confusion in him and made him more certain about what he had seen before.

"Have you already killed that dog, and then its ghost is haunting you, looking for revenge..." Fatty Xin was still lying on the bed, half asleep and half awake, as if talking in his sleep.

"Shit." Zheng Qing replied briefly, finally giving up on the matter.

Then when he was tying his shoes, he saw a shallow tooth mark on the upper.

They would say that they dug it out with their own nails, Zheng Qing thought angrily while tying his shoelaces, and finally decided to hang more evil charms beside the bed.

As for the dog, it will eventually show its tail - Zheng Qing is very confident about this.

As it turns out, his confidence came a little early.

When he was doing morning lessons on the grass in Feiyuan, he had just finished a set of 'no punches' with his eyes closed. Then he opened his eyes and saw the dog having fun with Poseidon. The two idiots were chasing each other's tails and jumping around in the grass.

"Dog!!" Zheng Qing yelled, so scared that Xiao Xiao almost lost his breath.

"Where?!" The doctor came back from his trance, put on his glasses, and looked around, but did not see Gouzi.

Zheng Qing stood in front of him with a helpless expression.

"Run away," said the young public-funded student, holding the little fox's top pattern and lifting it up: "But this time I have evidence... Dong Dong, tell daddy, was a dog meowing like a cat just following you? Let’s play together?”

The little fox drooped his tail, his face full of annoyance.

It was having fun just now, but its playmate was scared away by Zheng Qing's yelling - so it shook its head very decisively and made up its mind not to betray its friends.

Xiao Xiao sighed and looked at Zheng Qing.

"Although I don't understand fox language, I think I understand its meaning." The doctor looked a little unhappy: "Also, besides cats and foxes, can you find a more reliable witness? Can you speak people? That kind of thing.”

Zheng Qing ignored Xiao Xiao.

He was clenching his fists, looking down at Poseidon's butt, wondering whether he should beat the little fox in his hand - the little fox had drooped ears and looked pitifully innocent - Zheng Qing was not impressed by its appearance. Confused.

It’s so lawless that you’ve learned to lie? ! Are you going to swindle gold out of his pocket next time? !

But he could only ponder this idea quietly.

No matter how brave he was, he wouldn't dare to attack the little fox casually. That way, the next time she meets Su Shijun, the beautiful Su will not just cut off his shadow.

"It will come back." The young public-funded student finally put down his fist and said to his companion with a determined look: "Next time, you must turn your head faster..."

"Okay, no problem." Xiao Xiao said perfunctorily and closed his eyes again.

He hasn't finished his morning lessons yet.

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