Monster Hunting High School

Chapter 142 Charm (Part 1)

"So, you came to me today because you wanted me to help you catch that puppy?"

When Zheng Qing saw the gray figure again in Su Shijun's office, he finally gave up his fantasy and told the truth about his 'little trouble', hoping to get help from the witch.

Su Shijun sat behind the desk, folding his legs and folding his arms, looking at the public-funded student in front of him with an unkind look: "So what happened just now about Poseidon..."

"No, no, no, Poseidon is the reason why I came here... and it's the main reason." Zheng Qing immediately swore that he really came here today to attend Poseidon's university courses next semester - Gouzi It's just a small trouble. If it hadn't just appeared in front of him again, he would have almost forgotten it.

After saying a few more oaths, even he himself somewhat believed that it was the truth.

The owner of the office snorted and gently let go of the topic.

"We will discuss Poseidon's schooling later... Let's deal with your little trouble first... You said you first saw that dog under the cat fruit tree?"

Zheng Qing nodded immediately.

Su Shijun picked up the quill that was bent by her on the table again and stroked the messy feathers on it: "Where is the cat fruit tree? Why don't I remember that there is a cat fruit tree planted in the school?"

Zheng Qing was stunned for a moment before he reacted.

The witch mistakenly thought he was talking about a real 'cat fruit' tree.

He had to explain it from the beginning - after he took the transformation potion and turned into a cat, he became the leader of the cat group. Then the cat group occupied an 'old oak' as a base because cats like to form a ball and squat on oak branches. , like hairy fruits, so the tree was called the 'cat fruit tree' by him.

Su Shijun suddenly realized: "It turns out to be such a 'cat fruit tree'... But why didn't you turn into a fox?"

Zheng Qing nodded halfway when he suddenly realized something was wrong.

"Ah?" He raised his head in confusion, feeling that he couldn't keep up with the rhythm of chatting with the witch. We are obviously discussing about that dog, but does it have anything to do with my transformed appearance?

"It didn't become...maybe...probably because..." He looked around, thinking crazily, trying to find a suitable reason: "Because my family has raised cats before, and I am familiar with cats?"

He regretted this explanation as soon as it came out of his mouth.

Because a certain fox once stayed at his house for a while and knew what his house was like.

"Aren't pets allowed in your home?" Su Shijun raised his eyebrows, but quickly put them down. His tone was as proud as ever: "Forget it, forget doesn't matter if you turn into a bedbug. I'm just Just asking casually."

Zheng Qing wiped his forehead and felt very tired in his heart.

He and the dog battled wits and courage all day long, but he never felt this hard. At a certain moment, he also regretted coming to this office - it was just a puppy, and he didn't really do anything to him. He could have flown paper cranes to his husband, or simply asked Brother Huang to come forward. Although it was a bit troublesome, it was He would never fall into this embarrassing situation now.

"Bed bugs are easily trampled to death," he murmured, quietly answering the office owner's words.

"You said before that the puppy once escaped from under Lao Yao's nose...and it just appeared in my office, and it didn't attract my attention." Su Shijun straightened up slightly and leaned forward. , showing beautiful lines: "...a dog that can escape from the top wizard is definitely not an ordinary dog... I am also curious about what kind of dog it is. Do you have any clues now?"

Zheng Qing shifted his gaze, trying his best to avoid the charm exuded by the witch behind the desk, and then stared at the pot of pothos, as if the dog would come out from behind the flower pot:

"Doctor... is Xiao Xiao, one of my classmates. He is very familiar with magical creatures and can identify all the magical creatures listed in the "Wizard Encyclopedia"... He has also studied that puppy before, At that time, because the dog appeared in the cat fruit tree and meowed like a cat, I felt a little strange, so I asked him for help... The puppy was just a little strange at the time, not as strange as it is now. "

The words were so long-winded and confusing that Zheng Qing himself was sweating profusely.

But Su Shijun seemed to have become accustomed to this kind of behavior from others. He held a quill in one hand and clicked on the parchment. He held his chin in the other hand and listened with interest: "...In other words, that puppy initially Doesn’t it disappear casually, or stick to someone like a dog-skin plaster?”

"No way..." Zheng Qing glanced at the witch with some uncertainty, then groaned in his heart and immediately looked away.

Because the witch leaned forward, the large bat shirt was a little tight on her body. Summer clothes are often light and thin, and Zheng Qing's eyesight is not bad. He can easily see the bulging lines and traces of the underwear under the tight layer of tulle.

For a strong-blooded wizard, this is very fatal.

"Yes, I will, if not, I won't... What does the word 'bar' mean?" The witch's pleasant voice sounded in his ears, which seemed to be a little annoyed, but it was completely incapable of making people angry.

"What I mean is...I don't know very well." Zheng Qing stared at the pot of green radish blankly, hoping in his heart that it would bloom into a flower in a second, and murmured in reply: "When that puppy was in the tree, it was just meowing like a cat... I didn't see it following other people or cats, and I didn't see it disappearing easily."

Until it bit him later.

Zheng Qing added in his heart, but didn't tell Su Shijun this. Because it would bring a lot of trouble. And it wouldn't make it easier to deal with the dog.

"Have you ever provoked some canine magical creatures before?" Su Shijun asked another question.

"No..." Zheng Qing shook his head decisively, and then when he shook it for the third time, he hesitated for a few seconds, and his shaking head drew an arc, shook to his chest, and turned into a nod: "...Is it."

Su Shijun was really going to laugh.

"Is it? Huh?" She raised her voice slightly, and the tip of the feather pen in her hand poked the parchment with a popping sound: "Don't you know whether you have provoked other dogs? Or, like provoking girls, you can't figure out how many witches you have provoked?"

This is a bit heartbreaking.

Zheng Qing quickly spoke up, explaining somewhat awkwardly: "No, what I mean is... at school, apart from this dog, I have never provoked any other canine magical creatures... but when I went home during the winter break last year, I was attacked by a stray dog ​​demon near my home... that was the one time."

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