Monster Hunting High School

Chapter 145 Charm (Part 2)

Su Shijun left the leather chair behind the desk and came to Gouzi.

The Dharma book with a blue cover floated beside her, and several finger-width strips of light flowed out from the Dharma book, fell to the ground, rolled up again, and splashed a few blue flowers, clustering around the dog.

Zheng Qing was vaguely aware that the blue and white flowers were strengthening the structure of this space.

The dog shook its ears uneasily - it was one of the few parts it could move - its head shrank back slightly and glanced at Zheng Qing timidly.

It's just an examination, the young public-funded student muttered in his heart, looking into Gouzi's eyes feeling a little guilty for some reason.

"Now I can confirm that it is not hostile to you."

Su Shijun's voice sounded in the boy's ears, and he seemed very confident: "Dogs and foxes belong to the same family within a large range... For example, wizards and people are far apart, but it does not affect both parties. Let’s do some simple mutual understanding, Su Ya…”

"Yes, miss!" After hearing her name, the little fox girl who was squatting aside and staring at the dog in a daze stood up subconsciously and shouted, which startled the wizard.

However, Su Shijun was used to the little maid's escaping behavior, so she raised her hand and pressed it lightly, indicating that she had no work for her and asking her to be quiet. The little fox girl breathed a sigh of relief and squatted down again to stare at each other with the dog.

"...This dog didn't avoid her before, maybe because it mistook Su Ya for its 'distant relative', a magical creature and a member of the canine family."

Zheng Qing was sincerely convinced by this explanation.

"Then why is it avoiding..." Zheng Qing carefully chose his words, but in the end he did not dare to say the last few words, but just glanced at Su Shijun quietly.

They both belong to the fox clan, so there is no reason for this dog to be picky.

Su Shijun noticed the wizard's unfinished intentions and smiled: "Just like Bai Ding and the wizard belong to two civilizations in the world, there are also huge differences between the great wizard and ordinary wizards, or between great wizards and ordinary magical creatures... This difference is so clear that it can be regarded as a life in two worlds. It is not me, but the class."

When saying these words, the witch stood sideways in front of Zheng Qing.

The evening sunlight poured in from the window and fell all over the floor. The large bat shirt on her body seemed to be flowing water, intertwining with the rhythm of light and shadow.

The boy looked at her side face - this is a rare angle - similar to the front view, Su Shijun's side face is also very delicate and charming; but the difference from the front view is that when looking at it from the side, unexpectedly there is a sudden interaction with the witch. Looking at each other makes the boys a little bolder when peeping.

He noticed the sapphire that looked like water droplets lit on the witch's earlobe, and also noticed that her originally black hair was slightly flaxen in the setting sun.

It wasn't until the drop of gemstones and flaxen yellow color shrank smaller and smaller in the wizard's field of vision that he suddenly came back to his senses.

Su Shijun didn't know when to use magic to shrink himself until his height was about the same size as a lying dog. This made Gouzi's originally shrinking eyes fade a lot.

Zheng Qing clumsily took a small step back, lest he accidentally step on the witch.

Su Ya and Gouzi had similar reactions, with their mouths slightly open and expressions of surprise.

"Meow~" the dog snorted cautiously.

Su Shijun took a few steps forward, raised his hand and pressed the dog's ears, scratched it, and made it squint in comfort. But when the witch tried to pull out a few dog hairs, her fingers passed through its body easily.

"Interesting." The witch chuckled, and the Dharma book that had been floating behind her suddenly burst into brilliant starlight: "The sword is on the third star, and the first grave is the sheep! (Note ①)"

This spell was weird and difficult to pronounce, but it gave Zheng Qing a strong sense of familiarity, as if he had seen it before somewhere.

The starlight fell on Gouzi, causing a layer of faint ripples. When Su Shijun reached out to the short hair on the dog's neck again, what his fingers held was finally no longer an illusion.

The witch grabbed a tuft of neck hair with one hand, pulled out a small pair of scissors from the void with the other, and gently cut it. Then he threw the scissors into the void and pulled out a syringe.

As soon as the cold light from the needle tip touched the dog's skin, he heard it meow and whimper.

The agility in Gouzi's eyes suddenly disappeared and was eroded by darkness. Then the starlight shrouding it began to fluctuate violently.


It was like the sound of a broken mirror.

Just the blink of an eye.

The dog, who was originally imprisoned by the binding spell and those blue flowers, disappeared without a trace. The evening breeze blew across the floor along the cracks in the window. Su Shijun's figure grew longer in the wind, and returned to its original size in an instant.

"Huh?" She said softly.

Zheng Qing took a small step closer.

The witch opened her palms and showed them to him. The tuft of neck hair she had cut off the puppy's neck a few seconds ago was fading and disappearing rapidly. Until it finally turned into a shadow and dissipated in the breeze.

During this process, magical lights of various colors poured out of the Dharma book floating next to Su Shijun, but it was all to no avail.


There was a bit of fighting spirit in the witch's eyes. She raised her hand to hold her glasses, then paused and turned her head to look at Zheng Qing: "I plan to take off my glasses... Do you want to go out for a while?"

"It's okay, I can do it." Zheng Qing replied without confidence - no boy would choose to go out at this time. What's the difference between this and blinding one's own eyes?

The witch raised her lips slightly, smiled silently, and took off her glasses.

Zheng Qing is convinced that people can really shine.

He held his breath, narrowed his eyes slightly, and did not dare to move at all, as if he was standing in a room surrounded by exquisite glass ornaments. The slightest movement would destroy the beauty of this world.

"Wow." Su Ya raised her head and looked at her young lady with gleaming eyes. Her furry ears came out of her hair and then lay down softly. Her big tail hung down from the hem of her skirt and rested on the floor. Reluctant to move, without any energy from before.

Zheng Qing felt slightly dizzy.

It's like feeling flustered and short of breath. But he wasn't sure whether his current reaction was because he had held his breath for too long, or for some other reason.

"It is willing to follow you, naturally because you have qualities that he likes. And I was born to be liked." The witch's voice sounded in Zheng Qing's ears, but what she said made no sense: "I, With you, it couldn’t be easier to hook that puppy.”

Zheng Qing never thought that the first thing he would do to witness Su Shijun's full charm was to catch a puppy.

But it must be admitted that her method is very useful.

Only a few seconds passed.

The gray figure reappeared in front of the two wizards. It stuck out its tongue and squatted in front of the witch, with a flattering smile on its face and its tail wagging like a windmill. It has completely forgotten what it was that it was imprisoned in before.

Su Shijun turned around and proudly raised his chin at the boy.

Beautiful though.

But Zheng Qing still wanted to throw something...

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