Monster Hunting High School

Chapter 173 Sir Ulrich

"True Ancestor? Glory?"

After hearing Captain Misty's bewildering words, the old lich on the podium sneered: "We are a special group of wizards, not those bastards of the True Ancestor..."

"Where is your respect for the True Ancestor?" Captain Misty raised his eyebrows.


Sir Ulrich's figure shrank even more, and soon he shrunk from a height of more than ten meters to the size of an ordinary person, but his voice was as loud as before: "We have the same respect for Him as the little one behind you. The girl is in awe of you... respects and fears you, but she doesn't love Him, right, little Nikki."

The banshee uneasily stepped out of Captain Mist's shadow, glanced at the 'I'-shaped logo on the old lich's chest, and lowered her head: "Mentor."

Sir Ulrich was the old lich who took her out of the Sahara Desert, and was also the mentor who taught her to start eating from dead bodies and gradually get used to the monster's temperament.

Seeing Jazz, she could easily think of her own struggles in the desert. The pungent taste of that beetle was still vaguely left in her mouth. Then she thought of her experience in the captain's cabin of the Misty that day, and of the despair and despair that surged to her tongue. Sweet.

The banshee suddenly burst into tears.

The old lich walked up to the banshee, raised his hand and put it on her head, with a gentle tone: "...Any growth comes at a price. You have slowly become a real lich."

Captain Misty watched all this silently.

As a native demon, it has always been difficult for it to understand the sensitive and cowardly mentality of lich. In its view, the demon eating the wizard is just like the wizard drinking water and eating meat. It is a natural thing, and there is no reason for the demon to block it for such a trivial matter. But as a big monster, Captain Misty is wise enough that he will not say the wrong thing to the wrong person at the wrong time or in the wrong place.

After appeasing the banshee, Sir Ulrich turned his attention again to today's main guest.

"Tell me why you're here, Misty." He repeated the previous question, his tone and expression a little more serious than before.

Captain Misty tugged at the brim of his hat.

"No need to be so serious," he said with a false smile on his face, his eyes as cold as ever: "I just want to remind you that mayflies are only safe when there are enough... and now, the wings of the new mayflies have not yet fully expanded. , the old Mayfly has been over-captured by hunters, and the people of the True Ancestor are in danger."

"It's all nonsense." The old lich shook his head, obviously not satisfied with the guest's answer: "You are not young anymore. You should know that the war between demons and wizards has never stopped...the demons are always in danger."

"...We need to unite all the forces that can be united," Captain Mist did not care about Sir Ulrich's ridicule and continued: "The Siren intends to launch an attack on the First University to liberate the compatriots trapped in the black prison. So, we need your help."

Ser Ulrich looked at Captain Misty like he was a fool.

"Do I look stupid?" He raised the slender cane under his robe and knocked on the floor, making a crisp sound: "The lich just likes to stay in the laboratory and do research, but it doesn't mean that our ears Don't listen to what's going on outside the window... What's in the dark prison, what are you planning to do, what are the school's preparations... Some things happened in a day or two. Why do you think we are here. Will I take the chestnuts out of the fire for you?”

"No, this is not use, but a win-win situation." Captain Misty's face showed no embarrassment after his lie was exposed, and his eyes were as calm as ever: "We have your support, and your tribe can be supplemented by fresh blood from the school. You The elders may get the trophies in the dark prison, and you yourself can also get the appreciation of the true ancestor and the respect of the entire demon world."

[Biquge520] The wrinkles on the old lich's face did not tremble at all, making it unclear what he was thinking.

"This is not enough." The thin stick in its hand stamped on the floor, making a thumping sound: "If you were really sincere, you should have sent us an invitation half a year ago... instead of on the eve of departure. ”

"Is there any difference?" Captain Misty's face showed just the right amount of confusion, and he responded tactfully: "Aren't you prepared accordingly? If I remember correctly, the number of lichs who have returned to the Withered Land in the past six months It’s probably more than the total in the past ten years.”

Nikita lowered his head, trying to reduce his presence, lest the two ugly bosses realize his presence.

After hearing Captain Misty's words, Sir Ulrich finally fell silent.

It held the slender cane and walked along the spiral staircase to the second floor of the wizard tower.

Captain Misty followed behind it.

Nikita walked at the back.

The old lich's voice flowed from front to back like water, gurgling into the hearts of the guests: "If you want to send troops to the withered land, just convincing me is not enough. I am just one of the king's staff... and I must remind you that the timing of your arrival is indeed unlucky. A change is brewing in the Withered Land...a religious and spiritual revolution...the other elders are more concerned about this matter."

"Religious...revolution?" Captain Misty raised his eyebrows warily: "Whose revolution?"

"Our own." The old lich's answer was always somewhat unexpected: "Every year, every month, every day, when new lichs are born, it is always difficult for them to adapt to their new identities... This is very uncomfortable. Good. The Blighted Land is a huge laboratory, not a mental hospital. The old people are getting tired of this kind of thing."

Nikita feels deeply about this.

Back in the Withered Lands, she was not the only lich who found it difficult to accept eating living wizards. There are many new-generation lichs similar to her, and they are like the dregs of the tribe, despised.

"...So we are preparing a set of thanksgiving rituals." Sir Ulrich said: "You mentioned before that many of the lichs who returned to the Withered Land actually came back for this matter. They don't know about the Black Hell. what happens."

Captain Mist was more interested in the old lich's previous words than the purpose of those returning lichs.

"Thanksgiving ceremony?" It raised the corners of its mouth slightly and asked with interest: "Can you briefly explain it?"

"When a wizard eats meat, he will not eat and repent to the piece of meat at the same time. If the new lich wants to change this mentality, then he can turn repentance into gratitude... A grateful heart can make the newly born lich They have the courage to be themselves.”

Before he finished speaking, the slender cane in the old man's hand touched the door of the second floor entrance.


As if being pulled hard by a giant, the two doors opened outwards with force, causing a draft to blow through the room and blowing the corners of Nikita's robe.

In the hall on the second floor, a colder atmosphere blew out along with the draft.

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