Monster Hunting High School

Chapter 175 After smashing

At that moment, time seemed to stand still.

The smashed skull of the old lich, the bone bowl smashed on the floor, the bright red liquid floating in the air, the wizard with a bright smile after lifting his hood, the glowing book, the rumbling thunder, and finally Importantly, Sir Ulrich and Captain Misty both turned their heads and looked at the entrance of the room.

The two great demons and their four gazes were as heavy as four Taishan Mountains, causing the whole room to fall into deathly silence for an instant.

The attackers who suddenly appeared were like small insects trapped in amber, struggling slowly under the thick breath of the big demons. Everything around them lost color at this moment, leaving only black and white. Nikita felt as if she was watching a slow-moving mime, everything was silent, and the comedy was a little ridiculous.

It's like a dream.

No, it couldn't be that bad in a dream.

The young banshee could never imagine that the largest gathering place of liches in the Withered Land would be suddenly attacked by wizards.

Of course, she's not the only one who feels bad about the situation.

The hunting team that broke into the second floor of the mage tower also found that something was slightly unexpected.


A silver bean the size of a peanut slipped from the witch's hand and landed on the soft carpet, but it made a crisp sound like hitting a glass bowl. Along with this crisp sound, a dazzling silver halo suddenly flashed across, breaking the control areas of the two great demons.

The wizards regained their mobility.

Black and white fade away, and the lost colors return to their respective owners.

The scene in the room suddenly became vivid.

"What the hell!"

The sturdy wizard pulled off his cloak and threw it on the ground together with the two calves in his arms. At the same time, he yelled: "Why is the old ghost of the fog in the territory of the lich! It's not like Ulrich is the only one today. Old thing?"

The two calves quickly retracted into the cloak. A small, eye-catching but inconspicuous puff bulged on the soft carpet, shivering under the wizard's roar.

After roaring, the wizard took a deep breath, and his figure suddenly grew larger.

The wizard was originally 1.89 meters tall and had a strong body. After growing again, his height jumped to nearly three meters. His large robe was stretched tight by the bulging muscles, as if it had turned into a small vest. , even the hair on his body is much thicker. Standing at the head of the hunting team, a fierce aura swept through the entire hall, like a wild beast that broke out of the wilderness.

The eyes of the two great demons were immediately attracted to this wizard.

Following the wizard's outburst, the teammates who followed him also pulled off their cloaks.

There is a young man wearing a small black hunting suit and a Japanese sword; there is a dwarf with a strong build wearing heavy leather armor and holding an alchemy device that looks like a machine gun in his arms; there is also a wide robe with wide sleeves and a flowing skirt. , but her eyes were closed from beginning to end, her body was suspended in mid-air, and her feet never touched the ground.

"Bah, I told you that I was tricked by that guy named Chu. You still don't believe it." The dwarf holding the machine gun spat heavily on the gorgeous carpet and began to shake the handle of the cannon: "...he Do you dare to believe your plan? I drank too much barley wine, so I believed your evil plan!”

The young man in hunting clothes and the witch with light and wide sleeves remained silent. However, the man slowly placed his hand on the handle of the knife, and the witch opened the book of laws in her arms.

"Yin Qilei!"

She shouted softly, and the Dharma book burst into thousands of rays of light. In just a blink of an eye, she heard the thunderous sound like an explosion of beans, and the entire hall was submerged in a lightning thunderstorm.

Just when people were sitting at home, thunder came from the sky. The old lichs who were originally sitting on the second floor, drinking wine and taking a nap, were already slow to react. One after another, they were blinded by the sudden thunderstorm. Many of them had not even had time to take out their Dharma books. His face was burnt black from the bombing and he was dizzy.

There is also the old lich who reacts quickly. The wine glass in his hand has been replaced by a staff.

"Secret Sword·Iai!"

The young swordsman let out a soft drink, and unsheathed the long sword in his hand half an inch. The sharp light of the sword shone in half the room. The next moment, the light of the sword had returned to the sheath. The young swordsman stood there, as if he had not moved from beginning to end. But opposite him was an old lich who had just raised his bone staff. The bone staff and its head in his hand had been evenly cut into dozens of parts.

Da da da da da da!

The machine gun in the dwarf's hand roared wildly, accompanied by the dwarf's vulgar yelling, pushing the atmosphere in the entire hall to a climax.

Nikita stood behind the mentor and captain, cautiously sticking out half of his head to look at the rash hunting team.

It can be seen that it is a well-coordinated and well-equipped hunting team. It is very likely that it is also famous in the new world. The only shortcoming is that it is too young. The strong wizard who was young enough to lead the team was only at the level of a top registered wizard when he was at full strength.

The banshee doubted whether this hunting team was here to touch Porcelain.

But there is no reason to bump into the bottom of the car.

It is true that these old lichs on the second floor are just a group of registered wizards who have suffered from mental torture and have reduced their combat power. In addition, as the saying goes, the young are afraid of the young. Without adequate preparation, the old lichs will most likely fail. The combat power cannot be used half. Those young top registered wizards may be able to gain some advantage in fighting these old lichs.

But that's all.

Because there are not only those old lichs on the second floor today.

There are also two great demons, Captain Mist and Sir Ulrich.

Caught in the hands of two big demons, the banshee didn't think those young wizards had a chance to escape.

What a pity. She looked at the handsome face of the young swordsman and silently mourned those beautiful eyes for half a second. To the demons, there are all kinds of beautiful faces, but their eyes are all the same scarlet.

Different from the simple thoughts of the banshee, the first reaction of the two big demons when they encountered the attack was not to catch those rash little wizards with all their strength.

But careful defense and exploration.

A thin layer of mist spread around the Captain of the Mist, shrouding it and Nikita. This is a magic that contains the true meaning of time and space. Although the two of them are still standing there and close at hand, any magic attack that falls into the fog will fall into the void.

Sir Ulrich closed his eyes, his mind contacted the guardian spirit of the mage tower, and he used all his mental power to search and explore the entire withered land. Unlike Captain Mist, there was no thin layer of fog around it, but there was a shadow pouring out from the black wall. Those shadows hovered around the old lich like a tide, roaring silently, swallowing up any magical fluctuations that approached without permission.

And out of some secret thoughts, the two great demons quietly distanced themselves a little.

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