The snow-white sword light illuminated the entire hall.

It was also like a bolt of lightning in the dark night, piercing the fog in the old lich's mind.

Yes, what does it matter if it’s just a piece of fishing bait? Eat or not, these young wizards are right in front of you. Now, if he continues to hesitate, these little baits will come off the hook.

The sword light kept approaching in the old lich's thoughts, aiming directly at the black wall behind it.

The old lich slowly turned his neck, as if he wanted to take a look at the knife light.

"look here!"

The sturdy hunting team leader roared loudly, and his muscles swelled even more. His iron-black fist broke through the air with his roar, and hit Sir Ulrich's head hard.

The turbid air mixed with the heavy fisting wind, becoming extremely viscous. Wherever the fisting wind went, it seemed to turn into a pool of glue, which delayed Sir Ulrich's movement of turning his head.

Just a moment too late.

It was at that moment.

The light of the sword passed by the old lich's ear and struck the black wall.

There was a halo of light on the wall, but it was not damaged at all, and not even a piece of wall skin was broken off; but the bronze tripod with three legs and two ears under the wall made an angry buzzing sound.

Because the bronze cauldron had been simmering for a long time, the skulls hanging on the walls were broken.

Everyone in the hall heard the sound of the porcelain breaking. It was a sound that made everyone panic. If you stand outside the Mage Tower, you can even see that some of the starlight in the depths of the starry sky becomes brighter in an instant.

Hundreds of wizard skulls hanging on the black wall were all shattered under the light of the sword, and stopped shaking with a crisp cracking sound.

Still for a moment.

Then turned into fly ash.

Fine ashes fell slowly along the rough wall.

Like a gray waterfall.

It's like the curtain of time has come to an end.

The liberated souls sighed contentedly before dissipating, their blessings and curses heard by all in the hall. Bless the hunters who saved them and return home safely; curse all the lichs and never be reincarnated.

The captain of the Mist crossed his arms, with an unpredictable smile on his lips, and quietly watched the scene in front of him, seemingly without any intention of intervening.

Sir Ulrich didn't want the captain to interfere either.

Because that would be a shame to the entire Yellow Land.

It stopped turning its head to look at the black wall, slowly turned its neck, looked at the hunting team leader who had just delayed its movements, and looked at the fist that was so close at hand.

"court death."

It said two words with a calm expression.

The answer was the hunting team leader yelling with all his strength: "Fan! Heaven! Seal!"

Just like when he stopped those 'old monkeys' a moment ago, the same fist emitting a faint black light broke through the shackles of the layers of air. The momentum surrounding the fist was also getting higher and higher as it advanced. It gets darker and darker, and the fists get bigger and bigger.

The only difference is the goal.

The previous fists hit a group of old registered wizards, vividly displaying the words 'fists are afraid of young people'. Wherever the fists hit, the old lichs were scattered with blood and flesh, and their bones were turned into mud.

Now, the target of this fist is a great wizard.

A great lich who is famous in the dark world and well-known in the wizarding world. It is true that Sir Ulrich's fame is mostly related to those evil magical researches, and he is already very old and his physical condition may have declined. Comparing fists with this old man was quite a bit like fighting against each other.

But the reason why archliches are called archlichs is because they are 'big' enough and have sufficient tolerance for any changes and any enemies.

The moment they broke into the enemy's mage tower, the two great demons put heavy protection on themselves.

A thin layer of mist spread around Captain Misty.

A tidal wave of shadows swirled around Sir Ulrich. Those shadows poured out from the black wall behind him. Theoretically, as long as the mage tower was not destroyed, the shadow could not be broken.

But just a moment ago, another young hunter's sword struck the black wall, shattering the hanging skulls, causing the bronze tripod to become furious, and the black wall wavered for a moment.

At exactly that moment, the hunting team leader's fist struck.

The fist crashed into the shadow.

Like a stone dropped into water.

The difference is that when this fist hit those old lichs before, it was like a mountain falling into a blue lake, shaking the earth and causing waves to surge; and this fist falling into the shadow was like a mountain falling into the sea, Although it also caused huge waves, the sea was really too big, and no matter how high the waves were, it was just a small splash in front of it.

If the lens is more precise, you can see that the black tide-like shadow creates layers of ripples under the fist, just like the ripples caused by a stone falling into a pond, intertwining and spreading, Stirring back and forth, the surging punch power continued to melt under the interaction.

The black shadow sunk inward under the fist, and the ripples were pulled by the force of the sunken force, becoming longer and thinner, like rubber bands.

From beginning to end, Sir Ulrich just looked at the fist indifferently.

He didn't move his feet, and his expression didn't change at all.

On the contrary, the face of the master of the fist changed drastically after the fist fell into the shadow. The originally red face quickly lost its color, revealing a bit of darkness:


he yelled.

The entire hunting team was like a clamp that was pulled on a switch. They immediately gathered together and stood in the direction of the four-pointed star. In the center of the four-pointed star is the little witch who has been hiding under the cloak from beginning to end - ever since Sir Ulrich set his sights on these 'little baits', she no longer even shows her head, and even her head is hidden under the cloak. .

"Have you finished the fight? Have you finished the fight? I'm going to sleep... I can't bear it anymore!"

The little witch hid under her cloak, shivering and talking nonstop.

Until the captain yelled "Run", she closed her eyes, stretched out her legs, covered with the thick cloak, and fell asleep in the blink of an eye, falling into a deep sleep.

A layer of light blue light appeared around her as she breathed.

At first it is a regular spherical shape.

Then, as the little witch's eyes swam under her eyelids, the regular blue ball began to wriggle irregularly, like an insect biting through its afterbirth, and slowly grew a head, wings, fins, tail, and a 'ball' The runes on his body became increasingly complex.

It seemed like an eternity had passed.

But it was only a moment.

A big blue fish appeared in full view of the world in a world full of lichs.

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