Monster Hunting High School

Chapter 191 Start with the mirror

The windows are closed.

The sunlight passes through the transparent glass window and falls on the red flowerpot on the edge of the window. The slender leaves of the squid open wildly, greedily sucking the sunlight falling from the sky.

Zheng Qing stood in front of the flower pot, beside the narrow desk.

On the left are Xiao Xiao and Banner. They are sitting on red armchairs, leaning sideways. On the table are "Philosophy of Magic" written by Karl-Strauss and Professor Yao's lecture notes; on the right, standing Looking at Liu Feifei and Nicholas, Liu Feifei bit her lip and looked nervous, while Nicholas held Liu Feifei's shoulders with a serious expression.

Li Meng squatted back on the ground, pressed Maodou's head, and looked at her cousin. Jiang Yu crossed her arms and looked at Zheng Qing, with a hint of questioning in her eyes.

Zheng Qing once again repeated the information conveyed to him by Maodou, but it was different from before. This time he described it in more detail and added a little more speculation of his own.

"So," Jiang Yu finally concluded: "Do you think those demons want to do harm to the school... They plan to summon some magical creatures in the Silent Forest to attack the First University?"

It must be admitted that in the eyes of normal people, Zheng Qing's guess is somewhat ridiculous.

Whether it is the tribe of magical creatures in the Silent Forest or the two slightly difficult monsters that Edouard mentioned, they may be a major threat to young wizards like them, but to First University, they are not even considered Get into trouble. Talking about ringworm and scabies is an understatement.

Zheng Qing felt a little anxious in his heart as he touched the red string tied with the beetle leaf on his wrist.

He had no way to tell his companions that there was a magical ancient tree in this world called blackwood. The fruit of blackwood could help demons purify their blood and help wizards resist the erosion of evil spirits. He couldn't tell his friends that the ancient tree was growing in the dark prison, had already blossomed, and was about to bear fruit. Those demons outside the school who were ready to move around were not targeting the First University, but the people hidden behind the school. A dark prison.

Just like if you see a cockroach in the kitchen, it means that there are dozens or even hundreds of cockroaches hidden in the corners of the kitchen that you cannot see. If you see two monsters in the silent forest at the entrance of First University, then God knows The entire Silent Forest, or the entire Phuket Island, has already found its way into many terrifying creatures.

Perhaps he sensed the uneasiness in the wizard's heart.

The doctor leaned forward, reached out and patted Zheng Qing's arm.

"Don't be unreasonable. The school must be planning something big. It's not surprising that the demons are making moves." Xiao Xiao felt that Zheng Qing's guess was a bit exaggerated: "...We must always believe in those great fortune-tellers, and they should be fully prepared. ”

If the fortune teller could be completely believed, then there would not be two lich wars, and there would not be so many conflicts, disputes, and even deaths in this world, Zheng Qing secretly cursed.

But at the same time, Xiao Xiao's words also brought back a trace of his memories.

"Divination!" the young public-funded student exclaimed, with a look of surprise on his face: "Do you still remember what the wandering fishman god 'Yagneg' said last time I went to Quanke?"

Xiao Xiao opened his black notebook.

I quickly found the notes I took at that time.

"There are two paragraphs," he cleared his throat and read: "Evil eyes staring at the earth... huge pieces of flesh, with many tentacles, and big mouths dripping with mucus... the tentacles stretch from the sky to the ground , catching innocent people one after another... The rivers dried up under the stars, the forests burned under the moonlight, evil shadows wandered around, and thunderous sounds resounded over the lakes, shattering the white towers! Trembling!"

He spoke very quickly and kept frowning. He didn't seem very convinced of this divination.

Doctors are not the only ones who hold the same view.

"I have always felt that this divination is not very reliable," Fatty Xin bent down with great effort and whispered to Li Meng: "Have you ever seen any fortune teller say a bunch of things? They would like to replace one sentence with one word... This Yagnegg talks too much nonsense, no wonder he is just a totem of a wandering fishman tribe.”

"The school is not safe!" Zheng Qing glared at the fat man, looked at the others, and emphasized: "Didn't the divination mention that 'law books and talismans can't protect you, walls can't protect you, and castles can't protect you.' If we If you don’t do anything, more and more innocent people will fall!”

"So, what do you want us to do?" The fat man straightened up, spread his hands, and said with an innocent face: "The final exam is coming soon... and according to the divination, the danger comes from the depths of the starry sky, which is the same as those monsters in the Silent Forest. It doesn’t matter.”

"Compared to those monsters, I'm more worried about the final exam." Li Meng also raised his hand and reminded weakly, while trying to find allies: "Right, Nicholas... you don't want to have problems in the final exam, right?"

Nicholas smiled awkwardly, his eyes a little wandering.

Liu Feifei glanced at him worriedly, while Jiang Yu bent down, grabbed the stuffed bear, and forced its claws into the little witch's mouth.

Li Meng pursed his lips and looked angry.

She is telling the truth!

The stuffed bear looked at his paw with tears in his eyes. He wanted to pull it out of the little witch's mouth, but he didn't have the courage. I can only comfort myself, it’s not flesh and blood anyway, it doesn’t hurt, it doesn’t hurt.

Zheng Qing took a gentle breath.

Some time ago, when my husband was teaching him, he also told him a prophecy——

"The first weekend in early June...the threads of fate are intertwined...all beings return to their places...the starry sky returns...the ones who have gone away return to their hometown...the hostile face-to-face, the blood is everywhere...everything happens on the first Two May.”

Zheng Qing looked up and glanced at the calendar hanging on the wall of the study room.

Today is Friday, June 5th.

Tomorrow is the first weekend of early June and the second May of this year.

Zheng Qing can be sure that something will happen this weekend. Compared with this imminent change, the final exam that will be held next week seems a bit distant.

"Leave this matter to the school," Xiao Xiao also advised: "It involves demons and the tribe of magical creatures in the Silent Forest. It is no longer something we can handle."

"The school can't even deal with things that happen on campus. How do you expect them to have time to go to the Silent Forest or the Mirror World to catch monsters?" Zheng Qing replied in a mocking tone.

Liu Feifei's pet and Lin Guo's black goat were both accidents that occurred at the school, but so far the school has not given a satisfactory answer.

"Then where do we start?" Jiang Yu made his own statement.

Zheng Qing glanced at her gratefully and whispered two words:


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