Monster Hunting High School

Chapter 193 Target, Museum

"Your husband?"

Fatty Xin leaned forward, with a look of interest on his face: "Your husband has come to school? When did he come? I've always heard that you have a husband... When will you introduce us to him?"

"If I can find him." Zheng Qing spread his hands and said in a helpless tone: "Except in the bookstore, he is always the one looking for me. I don't know where he is now."

"Mirror Pavilion, Mirror Pavilion."

Xiao Xiao muttered and repeated the name. The black notebook in his hand was flipped through, and his voice was full of confusion: "I must have heard of this name somewhere... where is it?"

"Is there anything else that Dr. Xiao Da can't remember?" Fatty Xin joked.

Xiao Xiao ignored him and patiently looked through his notes. Without raising his head, he asked Zheng Qing: "You said that mirror has no name... Then you can tell what it looks like."

This is not difficult, Zheng Qing nodded.

"It's about three feet wide, and if it's tall... it's two heads taller than me, so it must be about two meters." He raised his hand to indicate his size, while trying to remember what the mirror looked like:

"The base is made of obsidian. The whole piece of obsidian looks very heavy. The stone is full of relief sculptures of little people with their hands raised. The little people all raised their heads and looked fanatical... They should be holding up the mirror. ”

"On the left and right of the mirror are Roman relief columns, maroon red, probably made of sandalwood. On the left column is a devil, the kind with the wings of a horned bat, and on the right is a pair of male and female wizards... There are two busts of wizards on the top of the pillars. , all wearing pointed hats and holding up wands. I don’t know them, but they are holding up a lintel stone with a line of words carved on it..."

"The light is like a piece of water, casting shadows on people on both sides?" Xiao Xiao interrupted Zheng Qing's description, with a hint of surprise on his face.

"Yes, yes," Zheng Qing nodded in surprise and admiration: "You really know this mirror!"

Next to him, Fatty Xin muttered something in a low voice, but no one could hear him clearly.

"No, I don't know." Xiao Xiao shook his head, denying Zheng Qing's guess, and explained at the same time: "I just happened to meet him a few days ago."

"A few days ago?" This time, even Jiang Yu was a little curious: "Where did you see it? Did you go to that mirror pavilion?"

"at the Museum."

"Museum? Where's the museum?"

"Does the school have many museums?" Xiao Xiao closed the notebook in his hand and pushed up his glasses: "It's the Magic History Museum... Although it's called a history museum, many of the collections in it are not just used to describe history. Notes , every exhibit has history.”

Zheng Qing breathed a sigh of relief silently in his heart.

Doctors always like to talk about some great truths when chatting, no matter whether those truths are reasonable or not.

"In which exhibition hall of the museum did you see that mirror?"

"The exam is coming soon, why do you still have time to go to the museum?"

"Why did the school move that mirror to the museum?"

"Can we go in?"

Everyone was chatting and threw a lot of questions at Xiao Xiao, which left him speechless. For a moment, he didn't know who to answer first, so he could only raise his hands and say to everyone [New Biquge ] made a pause gesture.

"Come one by one, come one by one!" He sat up straight and looked around, looking a little embarrassed and solemnly: "I went to the museum on secondment... The library and the museum are both under the management of the school working committee, and the museum has a lot of work recently. , so some work-study students were loaned from the library..."

"Has the school's work-study program stopped yet?" Zheng Qing looked at the doctor with pity: "My night patrol of Linzhong Lake has been suspended recently... It is said to not affect the final exam."

"Linzhong Lake night patrol is the job of Jiuyou College, so the patrol arrangement also obeys Jiuyou's consistent tradition." Fatty Xin explained this problem for Xiao Xiao: "And work-study jobs including museums and libraries are among the first One university has unified arrangements, and several other colleges don’t attach as much importance to final exams as we do.”

Xiao Xiao nodded and continued to answer other questions: "...I saw that mirror in the museum. The velvet covering it fell to the ground, so I saw what it looked like. I was responsible for carrying the mirror. The people in the mirror are all wizards in black robes, and they look a bit unfamiliar. They are either researchers from a certain laboratory or teaching assistants I don’t know.”

"They moved the mirror to the back of the museum, to a temporarily vacant exhibition hall. That exhibition hall was filled with magic items collected from all corners of the school... I thought the holiday was about to come, so the school placed them on the campus The magic props were temporarily moved indoors, but now that I think about it, I think it’s not that simple. Do you still remember David at the gate of Hunting Ground No. 5? "

The David Xiao Xiao is talking about is an ancient Greek male warrior sculpture more than three meters tall. He wears a leather bag on his shoulders, and the bag is filled with stones. He always poses as if he is throwing stones. If there is a hunter, When hunting, the team accidentally drives the prey near the entrance of the hunting ground. It will also take out stones from the bag and knock the prey unconscious.

"In past graduation seasons, there really was no such operation." As Nicholas, who has stayed at First University for two graduation seasons, he has the best say on this matter: "The school's guardian array can isolate all unsafe factors. There has never been any I heard that David was moved to the museum because of the holiday after the final exam.”

The few standing young wizards looked at each other with deep meaning in their eyes.

It is obvious that the school is preparing for some possible chaos - some may even cross the First University's protective circle and spread to chaos within the campus. This is also in line with everyone’s previous guesses.

Li Meng sat on the ground, raising his head, looking at the witches and wizards who were flirting with each other, and was very unhappy.

"Can't you talk if you have something to say? What do you mean by looking at it?!" As she said this, she also pinched the stuffed bear's ears so hard that the stuffed bear burst into tears and did not dare to shout out in pain.

Xiao Xiao coughed lightly and continued to answer the previous question: "Although the exhibition hall that serves as a temporary warehouse is not closely guarded, it is located deep inside the museum, so it is difficult for us to get in without alerting the guards... If you really I’m going to look for that mirror, I suggest doing it at night.”

Everyone looked at Zheng Qing.

Zheng Qing shrugged:

"Do we have any other options?"

Everyone shook their heads again.

At this point, the discussion comes to an end. Although there was action at night, it was only early afternoon, and there was still half a day left, so there was no room for waste.

The study room soon fell into an atmosphere of reviewing homework.

Until the sun gradually sets.

There are fewer and fewer people outside the window.

The doctor then asked everyone to go back to the dormitory early to prepare for the 'small operation' in the evening.

Before leaving, Zheng Qing looked up at the old almanac hanging on the wall.

June 5th.

Gengwu month, Xinsi day.

It is suitable to start construction, install beams, decorate and get married.

Avoid traveling.

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