Monster Hunting High School

Chapter 106 The Barbarian at the Door

Before starting his first university life in the second year, Zheng Qing never thought that magic life would become so boring.

Monday, go to class and do homework;

Tuesday, go to class and do homework;

Wednesday, go to class and do homework.

Thursday, Zheng Qing, Zheng Qing, magical life should not be like this, beautiful fairies in the garden, charming nymphs in the water, dazzling witches at the ball, magical potions, bizarre magical creatures, mysterious and unpredictable The magic...that is the real magical life! Even if you take time to pet the cat? They all ignore you!

Friday, go to class and do homework.

The life of the students of Jiuyou Academy is so simple and boring.

If there is any hope in this boring life, it must be the school hunting party held in October. The young wizard finally realized why the senior seniors acted so indulgent and crazy at last year's school hunting party.

If it were him, he would be so crazy after spending a month in a high-pressure learning state.

Of course, for now, the distance between the school hunting club and them is still very far, so far away that the young hunters of the Forgiveness Hunting Team chanted it countless times with their fingers, and the calendar slowly turned four or five pages.

On Saturday morning, when Zheng Qing got up with his numb mind, his first reaction was that he didn't have to go to class today.

"I'm going to lie down in the cat fruit tree for the whole day!" the young public-funded student announced his wake-up call.

But immediately, Xiao Xiao broke his illusion.

"No, you don't have time."

The fortune teller of the Forgiveness Hunting Team flipped through his notebook and read quickly: "You haven't done the summer line chart analysis assigned by Professor Yi after Tuesday's divination class; Professor Li asked everyone in Thursday's Potions class Before the next class, students are required to submit a unique potion prepared by themselves... I remember that you chose 'Buffy's Wake-Up Potion', but you still lacked 'Icehorn Musk'. You asked me to remind you to go to the pedestrian street to buy it on Saturday. "

"Speaking of the pedestrian street, a customer made trouble in the store on Tuesday and wanted to touch Dingdang Ear's tail. Dingdang Ear reported him for sexual harassment. You need to take the time to go to the Beta Town Management Committee to issue a certificate proving that Dingdang Ear is your employee. . At that time, you were only copying my magic essay homework and told me that you would do it on the weekend. "

"Also during morning class on Wednesday, Poseidon came to see you, but you pushed him to Saturday and Sunday. It seemed to be about some tutoring... Did you also ask for a tutor for your little fox? Did you teach it how to lick its fur? "

"In addition, the school hunting party in October is coming soon. If you plan to participate in this hunting party, you should take time to do restorative training... at least familiarize yourself with the battle formations practiced last year."

"You can't let anyone live anymore!" The young public-funded student wailed and fell on the bed, not wanting to get up.

But life must go on after all.

After the morning class, it was too late to go back to the dormitory. Zheng Qing dragged Xiao Xiao and went straight to the library. He planned to take advantage of the energetic period after the morning class to copy the homework he had saved, and then take the time to go there during lunch. In Pedestrian Street, I helped Dingdang Ear get an employment certificate. When I came back, I stopped by Wandering Bar to see if I could buy cheap Bingjiao Musk. In the evening, I quietly went to Qingqiu Mansion to find Poseidon and check his homework this week. .

The idea was good and the plan was very thorough. The only problem was that the entire plan encountered something unexpected in the first step of execution.

"Excuse me, who is Senior Zheng Qing?"

In front of the library, two wizards who were in a hurry were stopped in a friendly manner.

The person who asked the question was a wizard with black hair and black eyes. He was tall and handsome. He was wearing a moon-white robe. Many mysterious runes were embroidered with gold and silver threads on the robe. There was a glimmer of light floating in the sun. At a glance, You will know that it is valuable.

Not far behind him were two tall wizards, one with long hair and a horse face, the other with a round face and bald head. Their blue vests were tightly stretched on their bodies, outlining striking muscles.

Zheng Qing frowned.

From the first moment, he disliked the wizard who stopped him to ask questions.

It's not because of the color of his robes, but because on the one hand, the same sex repels each other, and males will inevitably feel conflicted when faced with someone of their own kind who is bigger and better in appearance; on the other hand, it's because of the fake look on this wizard's face. With a smile on his face, his eyes were clearly on him, but he still bothered to ask who Zheng Qing was.

The young public-sponsored student's eyes swept over the sleeves and collars of the three people in front of him. They were untrimmed and looked very familiar. They should be freshmen who had just enrolled in school in the past few days.

But why are the freshmen looking for him?

"It's me," Zheng Qing suppressed the displeasure in his heart and showed a hint of just the right amount of confusion on his face: " you have anything to do with me?"

As he asked, he was thinking quickly, wondering if he had been in any trouble recently. After thinking about it, he had been attending class and doing homework honestly during the first week of school. He had no time to cause trouble. It should not be his own problem.

"Hello, I'm Lin Yan, a publicly funded student from the Alpha College of Science in 2009."

The white-robed wizard raised his hand politely, as if he wanted to shake hands, but before Zheng Qing could react, he took his hand back and retracted it into the sleeves of his robe, continuing to wear that fake look on his face. Smile: "...I heard that the seniors formed a hunting team called the Excuse the Sin? I like this name very much."

As the saying goes, don't hit someone with a smile. Even if it's a fake smile, you shouldn't break the rules.


Zheng Qing raised his half-stretched hand and wiped his hair casually. While he continued to be polite, he felt a little enlightened in his heart. Maybe this new student wanted to join the Exoneration Hunting Team?

This guess immediately made Zheng Qing feel gratified that he had met someone who knows the goods. He was secretly happy that he had not sent out an invitation letter, but a new student came to him on his own, which was in line with the old saying - the smell of wine is not afraid of the depth of the alley.

Unfortunately, his hunting team does not plan to recruit new members this year.

Thinking of this, the captain of the Exoneration Hunting Team became more reserved on his face. He probably felt that his previous attitude was a little harsh, so his tone became much gentler:

"But I'm very sorry, our hunting team doesn't plan to recruit new people this year, so..."

The wizard spread his hands, showing a helpless expression.

Lin Yan looked a little surprised.


There was a strange expression on his face: "No, no, senior may have a bit of a misunderstanding... I have no intention of joining other people's hunting team. I just think the name 'Forgiveness' sounds nice, so I want to buy this hunting team, senior." Just set a price."

As he spoke, he shook his wide robe sleeves, and the sound of jade coins clattering could be heard in his sleeves.

The smile on Zheng Qing's face disappeared.

He felt as if he stepped in dog poop when he went out in the morning without looking at the almanac.

Please remember the first domain name of this book: . _wap.

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