
Dr. Xiao Da's familiar voice sounded in the dormitory: "... Just in time, it's almost time. Now that you're awake, don't go back to sleep and get up to do your morning classes."

Zheng Qing opened his eyes and stared at the mottled wall on the ceiling and the slowly rotating bronze mirror hanging in the air with thin wires. He was speechless for a moment.

The panic in the dream quickly dissipated under the wash of calm reality, but the pain in his body clearly told him how hard he had been in his sleep last night.

"Hey, get up when you wake up. Don't stay on the ground." Xiao Xiao approached and kicked the wizard gently: "It will be October soon, and the ground is very cold."

Zheng Qing shivered subconsciously and sat up from the ground. It wasn't because the ground was cold, but because the doctor's kick reminded him of the kick he received from Senior Colma in his dream.

Not far away, Fatty Xin and Tuantuan were snoring one after another, and the faint sound of birds chirping could be heard outside the window.

The elves screamed, holding hot towels, toothbrushes and water, and flew lightly to the wizard, gesturing for him to wash up.

The wizard sat cross-legged on the ground, motionless.

"Having a nightmare?" Xiao Xiao brushed his teeth and looked at the wizard in surprise.

Zheng Qing naturally couldn't tell his companions about his bad experience last night - he bet that if he told the truth, he would be laughed at as "Zheng scum" for a whole day, no, for a whole month!

He leaned on the six-poster bed and sat on the floor. After a long while, he replied in a deep tone:

"From Monday to Friday, just because I get up does not mean that I am awake; on Saturday and Sunday, just because I am awake does not mean that I am out of bed... The gap between soul and body is so clear that it proves that the duality of soul and body in classical magic theory is widespread practical significance.”

"No, you're just being lazy."

Doctor Xiao spat out the mouthwash, took the belt handed to him by the elves, and corrected him calmly: "...Laziness may be related to the Sand Toki larvae, but it has absolutely nothing to do with any magic theory."

Sand time larvae are also called lazy insects. Last year was also the time when those bugs caused a lot of trouble in the school. The sand time royal jelly that Zheng Qing used to treat the elves was saved at that time.

It's just that Zheng Qing didn't really discuss the damn magical theory of duality of soul and body. He just wanted to find an excuse to avoid the doctor's questioning.

Seeing that Xiao Xiao was no longer obsessed with his nightmare, the young public-funded student immediately stood up and washed up.

This positive attitude lasted until the end of the morning class.

"Why didn't Poseidon come to do morning lessons with you today?" Xiao Xiao asked casually while helping his old turtle wipe off the graffiti drawn by an unknown person on its shell.

"Well, maybe he's sleeping in." Zheng Qing answered vaguely - he couldn't tell Xiao Xiao that the little fox was probably chasing butterflies at Qingqiu Mansion - and at the same time pointed in the air: "What is that? Come for us!"

In mid-air, a huge paper crane was hovering, stretching its neck to find its target.

Xiao Xiao dropped the turtle in his hand, stood up straight, raised his arm, and whistled. The paper crane fluttered its folded paper wings and landed calmly on the short wizard's arm, gently licking his glasses.

"The latest issue of the school newspaper,"

The doctor adjusted his glasses, took apart the paper crane, leaving only the front page, and threw the other pictures to Zheng Qing: "...Yesterday, the fat man said that Professor Yao published an article in the school newspaper, and I was very interested. "

Zheng Qing shrugged, took the 'excess' pages, and did not open them. Instead, he squeezed next to Xiao Xiao and looked at the front page with him.

The front page published Professor Yao's signed article - "Truth, Philosophy and My World View" - in a huge space. However, this article was not the only content on the front page. There was also an inconspicuous but eye-catching article in the lower right corner of the newspaper. The Tofu Block Newsletter.

Zheng Qing's eyes first fell on the communication.

The content of the communication is very simple. It is announced that Professor Emma will succeed Ms. Shi Hui and become the new vice president of First University. Behind this message, it is mentioned that after Professor Emma successfully advanced to the (quasi-) legendary level, the Grand Wizard of the Wizards Alliance The meeting sent a congratulatory message.

"What is the rank of quasi-legendary?" This is the first time Zheng Qing heard of this classification.

"It's just a euphemism for failure to advance to legend." Xiao Xiao rarely showed a bit of acrimony. He paused and then added: "Just like the literal meaning, he is slightly stronger than the great wizard but not a real legend. Between Between the top wizard and the legend... Because I had glimpsed the legendary style in the advancement ceremony, I already have some of the power of the legendary wizard in every move. Well, I can't even rule out the ability to cast one or two legendary magics. ”

"Professor Emma," Zheng Qing's eyes lingered on this communication for the last few seconds, and he sighed slightly: "...It's such a pity."

But I don’t know whether it’s a pity that Professor Emma failed to advance, or that it’s a pity that Professor Yao failed to become the vice president of First University.

"Your breakfast!" Fatty Xin's shout came from afar.

No one paid any attention to him.

Zheng Qing and Xiao Xiao stood on the edge of the grass, each holding one side of the front page of the school newspaper, their heads squeezed together, reading Lao Yao's article intently.

When the fat man ran over panting and saw this scene, he was stunned at first, and then a trace of curiosity appeared on his face: "Lao Yao's article? Excuse me, can any of you explain it to me after reading it?... Although the editorial department got the final copy yesterday I finished the draft, but to be honest, I read it many times and couldn’t get into it... After reading it, my mind went blank and I didn’t even know what was written in it.”

Still no one paid any attention to him.

Zheng Qing sniffed and took out a meat bun from the paper bag in the fat man's arms. At the same time, he stretched out his finger and pointed at the position where he read, and continued reading word by word:

"... Among the advanced magicians, you would be hard-pressed to find a wizard without ideals and beliefs. However, this ideals and beliefs are different from those of ordinary wizards."

"For ordinary masters, on the one hand, they hope to gain the favor of the truth, but on the other hand, they are afraid of the impact of the truth of the world. This feeling is similar to the sublimation of a child's feelings for his father. Regarding the truth, wizards and Him are in a certain relationship To a certain extent, a personal connection is established, no matter how much ideals and beliefs are involved.”

"But 'I' am obsessed with the cause and effect in all these connections. For 'I', the future is as inevitable and certain as the past. Ideals are not sacred, but purely rational things."

"...'my' ideals and beliefs appear in this form: a fascination with the harmony of natural regularities, which reveals such a profound rationality; compared with this, all wizards have The thinking and arrangement of meaning are only minimal reflections. As long as 'I' can break free from the enslavement of instinctive desires, this understanding will undoubtedly be the guiding principle of 'my' life and exploration. The cognitions shared by magical geniuses are closely related..."

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