Monster Hunting High School

Chapter 272 The Seventh Sunday

The next morning.

The back garden of the school, dormitory 403.

When Xiao Xiao and Zheng Qing were discussing the wizard who posted the mission anonymously on the bulletin board, the young public-sponsored student's memories of last night's experience were unknowingly brought back, and the complex emotions of that period were resurrected in his heart.

"It's so inhumane!"

Zheng Qing's memories were interrupted by the fortune teller's evaluation of the mission issuer. His consciousness broke through the haze and returned to reality. It was as if the aperture of an out-of-focus camera had been adjusted. The clarity and deconstruction effects were getting better and better, until finally, the world was formed. Every line becomes extremely sharp and clearly distinguishable.

"...How about I transfer this task to you?" The young public-funded student looked at his fortune teller in a flattering manner.

The short wizard adjusted his glasses and looked at him suspiciously: "Are you willing to give up this opportunity to make money? How much do you plan to give?"

"Twenty golden beans!" Zheng Qing gave an exact number very readily.


The doctor sneered again and again: "If I remember correctly, you just said, 'the other party is willing to pay twenty golden beans for these assignments'... If you give me all twenty golden beans, it means that you are a copper in the whole process." I haven’t made any money... Do you think I would believe this kind of deal?”

"We are brothers, you have to believe me, not one of the twenty golden beans will be missing!" the young public-funded student said firmly, patting his chest.

As if to enhance his persuasion, he immediately took out two jade coins from the gray cloth bag and slapped them in front of Xiao Xiao.

"You are the only one who believes in ghosts."

The fortune teller curled his lips, but it was hard to take his eyes away from the green luster of the two jade coins - he was not well-off to begin with, but after falling in love, he spent a lot more money than he had budgeted for, and he became increasingly stretched on weekdays. .

"Well, no matter how much money the other party actually gave you, or whether you secretly took the kickback, I will accept this task." Xiao Xiao finally accepted the two jade coins: "...This little homework is worth twenty golden beans. It’s already very high.”

It must be admitted that the gap between people is huge.

Some people spend more than a dozen jade coins to be like drizzle, some people write more than a dozen assignments without blinking an eye, and some people have neither drizzle nor drizzle, but their eyes are very dry. The only thing worthy of praise is socializing. Broad and thick-skinned.

Perhaps feeling guilty for his 'exploitation', Zheng Qing opened the drawer, counted out a dozen inferior talismans, and stuffed them to Xiao Xiao angrily: "Hey, just keep these talismans. If you don't have enough, I won't ask for them anymore!"

These inferior talismans include tranquility talismans, pure heart talismans, and invisibility talismans. Without exception, they are all talismans that help Xiao Xiao avoid external interference and allow him to focus more on his homework.

"Huh... It seems that you did get a kickback, and it was quite a lot, otherwise you wouldn't be so interested."

Xiao Xiao shook his head mockingly, accepted the stack of talisman papers without any psychological burden, picked out a few particularly inferior ones, and threw them back to Zheng Qing: "Exchange for two usable ones, these talismans will be broken." ...Also, is there a time limit for this task?”

Zheng Qing obediently took the useless talismans and threw them into the trash can. Then he rummaged around in the drawer for a long time before pulling out a few suitable ones and handing them to the doctor.

"It would be best if it can be completed next week," he thought about the time limit given to him by Belphegor, and considered: "If it really can't be completed, it shouldn't matter if it's delayed for a few more days."

"The finals of the school hunting club will most likely be scheduled next week, is that okay?" Xiao Xiao raised his eyebrows and shook the parchment in his hand: " gave me so many homework because you planned to make me a substitute. Are you ready?"

Zheng Qing laughed twice.

"You are the best fortune teller for forgiveness, and no one will be missing you." He replied very tactfully: "...But in case you really don't have time, Jiang Yu's grades in divination class are also good. "

Xiao Xiao rolled his eyes and finally stopped tearing at the thin fig leaf on his captain's face. After receiving the 'subsidy' and 'task', he had no more time to kill and quickly left the dormitory.

When Zheng Qing saw Xiao Xiao again, it was already time for the evening class meeting.

When he took off his invisibility charm under the lintel with the 601 sign embedded on it, the classroom immediately burst into enthusiastic applause, occasionally mixed with sharp whistles.

"The most important member of Jiuyou Academy's super student hunting team finally appears!"

The little stick figure behind the door shouted in its usual exaggerated tone: "...let us welcome the arrival of Captain Zheng Qing with warm cheers and applause!"

Several lively classmates applauded loudly.

Although two days have passed, Hunting Moon's enthusiasm has infected everyone in the school. After word-of-mouth fermentation in newspapers and brother colleges, more and more people have begun to truly realize that Yu Zui has gone away in this hunting game. How far away, realizing where the hunting team 'Super', hailed as the 'Super Student Hunting Team' by the Beta Town Post, was.

To give a very intuitive example, the second-level battle formation.

By unfolding the second-level battle formation, You Zui constructed a flesh-and-blood Bofu giant. Although the 'big' shown in it was not the 'big' of the great wizard, there were similarities and similarities - there were more than one. Experts hinted in their comments that the future achievements of these young hunters of the Forgiveness Hunting Team will far exceed public imagination.

Therefore, at the class meeting tonight, Zheng Qing once again felt the enthusiasm of his classmates.

The wizard had a stiff smile on his face and kept saying hello to his classmates. Even when he passed by Jiang Yu's desk, he couldn't say a word to her.

It wasn't until they hid back in the 'Forgiveness Corner' - the place where they usually sat had been given the name 'Forgiveness Corner' by the bad guys - that the young public-sponsored student breathed a sigh of relief.

"If you feel that you are not enthusiastic enough, you can try taking off your invisibility charm outside." The fat wizard turned around and suggested to Zheng Qing with a smile.

"Thank you, no need." The wizard refused with lingering fear, and at the same time looked around: "Has anyone used up the invisibility charm? You can come to get it from me."

As he spoke, he had already spread out the yellow paper and inkstone, planning to seize the time to save a few more talismans before the class meeting started.

"Why are you all so busy!" Fatty Xin stuffed a Luo Han Bean into his mouth, puzzled: "The editorial department gave me several manuscript assignments, and I can still find time to chat..."

"Because you always rush to finish the manuscript at the last hour before the deadline." Zheng Qing countered without raising his head.

The fat wizard didn't seem to hear Zheng Qing's complaints.

"Brother Xin is busy, it's understandable, because in addition to the tactical plan of exoneration, he also helps his brother deal with many things within 'Will'," he folded his fingers and counted them, not forgetting to throw another pea in his mouth: " Brother Zha is busy, so it can be said that preparing invisibility charms for everyone is not an easy task... But doctor, you are a bit confusing because of your busy schedule."

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