Monster Hunting High School

Chapter 259 Ding! Ding!

Several nouns on the task list stand out.

The Slug Morgan Laboratory is similar to the Monteria Laboratory. They are both advanced laboratories funded by First University and run by senior professors of the school. The research topics involve fringe and taboo magic; the Totem and Spiritual Field Theory Laboratory is It is more similar to the two-dimensional evolution laboratory run by Su Shijun, whose research scope covers the most cutting-edge magic theories in the world today.

These laboratories are the most important assets of First University besides students, and are very strictly protected. Not only do researchers entering and leaving the laboratories need to be screened at all levels, but even the school's security formation will be on high alert around the laboratory 24 hours a day. All abnormal magic fluctuations.

It is no exaggeration to say that even if an ant crawls near these laboratories, it will be marked by the guardian circle with detailed information such as its gender, age, whether its antennae are broken, and even where it came from.

As for the other terms in the list - Needless to say, the Rat Immortal, a wizard who was extremely sublimated and advanced to the legendary level. The rat people he created attracted the attention of the Moon Council; and Earl Drett became famous in the 16th century. A famous occult researcher of the century, the "Corpse Eating Ceremony" has an unsettling connection with the existence deep in the starry sky.

With just a glance, Black Cat confirmed that except for the task of collecting "Double Yang Water", which seemed to be possible for him to complete, the black cat had no clue about the other tasks in the list and was determined to have no chance of getting started.

"all of these?"

Black Cat's questioning was endless, his voice was sharp, and there was an unbelievable surprise in his tone, as if he was looking at a graceful figure whose soul had been polluted by the existence deep in the starry sky.

"of course not."

Although the guest's words were vague, the wandering wizard could still easily understand the other party's implication, and explained in a gentle tone and quickly:

"...The items listed in the task list are similar to your 'Crow Investigation', and most of them are commissioned tasks posted by other guests in the Wandering Bar... But we can guarantee that every time you complete any of the tasks in the list, you will be We can get information about at least three dark side organizations active within First University...not just the list and contact information...if the commissioned task is completed with high quality, we can even provide some more detailed materials about those dark side organizations."

"If we can get into Professor Slug Morgan's laboratory, do we still need to make a deal with you?" The black cat laughed angrily, wanting to bite open the wandering wizard's head to see if there was a puddle of water inside.

"You don't necessarily need to sneak into the laboratory." The wandering wizard chuckled: "Similar to the research progress in Professor Slug's laboratory, I believe there are always some researchers in that laboratory who like to brag about their achievements in front of beautiful witches... Just Like a male peacock spreading his tail feathers in front of a female peacock, this is male nature.”

The black cat suddenly fell silent.

A long while.

It tugged at its ears, turned them into a plane shape, and suddenly changed the direction of ridicule: "Do they know you are selling their information?"

The words it talks about are naturally the 'rewards' promised by the wandering wizard to the black cat - news about those dark side organizations.

"Everyone likes to make new friends."

The wandering wizard answered the black cat's tauntingly and appropriately. At the same time, he raised the wine glass in his hand again and lightly bumped it with the wine glass in front of the black cat.



Two slender wine glasses separated in mid-air. The amber liquid in the glasses swayed slightly, and stars twinkled, exuding charming colors.

"Happy cooperation." Duke Milton of the Parliament under the Moon politely raised his glass to celebrate the conclusion of the commission agreement between Wandering Bar and the Parliament.

“A pleasure to work with.”

The bar owner standing opposite the Duke took a sip. The wandering wizard had a clear face and well-shaped eyebrows. He was not a combination of smoke and shadow, so his voice was also clearer: "... serves as an intermediary between the Parliament under the Moon and the Wizards of the North District. It is not difficult to contact the person who contacted him. Little Kolma is also in great need of such a strong helping hand as the Yuexia Council; there is no pressure to suppress the rumors related to Congressman Su. After all, this is still a school, and the children's hearts are very simple. Attention is also easily diverted by fresher matters...Only one last thing...Since the Battle of Black Prison, the Rat Immortal has completely hidden his traces, although there are signs that some kind of agreement has been reached between the school and the Rat Immortal. , but no one can find any definite evidence... He is a true legend after all.”

"So?" Duke Milton expressed his confusion appropriately.

"So for this last commission, we can only do our best and cannot make any promises." The wandering wizard expressed his attitude very carefully.

The pale vampire swirled his glass.

"Trying your best is the best commitment."

He spoke slowly in the usual tone of a nobleman under the moon, took a sip of the wine, and looked at the scattered stars in the cup, his eyes a little more melancholy: "Promise, hey... good times, gold will flow." Every time I drink it, I can forget about this terrible world and the terrible things in it.”

The wandering wizard sitting opposite him laughed softly.

The wandering wizard sitting here has a clear face and clear eyebrows. He is not a combination of smoke and shadow.

"Why are you laughing?" Duke Milton glanced at the bar owner very sensitively.

"Well, I just remembered a saying," the wandering wizard tilted his head, as if listening to other voices, with a warm tone: "That saying says 'memory is unforgettable, amber light makes people forget'... There are terrible things in this world. It’s always easier to leave a mark in life than good things.”


Mr. Duke muttered, took another sip of the wine in the glass, and finally sighed deeply, and asked rather reluctantly: "That matter...does it have to be a sack? I always feel a little uncomfortable."

The bar owner did not answer the question directly.

"When I was young, I used to run a divination shop." The wandering wizard squinted his eyes slightly, as if he saw his young self through the long river of time: "It opens at twelve o'clock every night, and before one o'clock it is Tarot cards. Time, before two o'clock is the crystal ball, before three o'clock the tortoise shell is burned, and at four o'clock it is used for divination using smoke, tea leaves and astrology... From time to time, according to the requirements of the guests, it is necessary to listen to the whispers of the dead..."

"Is it working?" the Duke asked with great interest.

"Oh oh oh, pretty standard inquiry."

The wandering wizard laughed hoho: "There are always wizards asking, 'Are you good at calculating?', and the next question is usually, 'How about helping me calculate my recent fortune?'... Most of the time, when you When you start to pay attention to your own luck, your luck is already very bad, so you can never go wrong by reminding these guests to be more careful.”

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