Monster Hunting High School

Chapter 439: Fox Tail Pen and Copperplate Book

The Dharma book used by Zheng Qing is the standard Dharma book given to public-funded students by the school. It has a deerskin cover and mulberry paper, which is enough to carry most of the spells at the registered wizard level. The quill pen he uses is also very ordinary, retailing at Green Grocery Store for 7 yuan each. If you buy more than ten pieces at a time, the store will discount each piece by one copper piece.

"So, you need a more powerful pen and an equally powerful Dharma book." The little green snake chirped in his ears and eyes, talking worthless nonsense.

"I need a pen that is powerful enough, and a Dharma book that is strong enough." Zheng Qing spoke at the same time, repeating the nonsense of the little green snake almost word for word.

He didn't need to emphasize it.

The other wizards present noticed what just happened.

Although they didn't know where the power Zheng Qing borrowed came from, everyone could feel the awe-inspiring aura from it, and knew that it might be everyone's biggest opportunity.

"I have an eighteenth-century Venetian binding!"

The lecturer of Magical Biology came forward and provided his own collection, trying to weaken the sense of alienation between himself and this small group: "The Welsh Green Dragon has a layer of skin on its back, which is very solid and is said to be able to withstand traces of legendary magic... Of course, As far as I know, the most powerful spell recorded in it is the 'Flowing Fire Curse' copied by a certain great wizard."

"I have here a nineteenth-century Bologna binding."

As a non-famous immortal species, classmate Dylan has similar hobbies to those of the vampires. At this moment, he also took out an exquisite Dharma book from his arms: "The pages are made of Egyptian papyrus. Although the texture is relatively brittle, after passing through the Holy of Holies, The blessing of the oracle priest can contain the power of the gods."

"You can also try this bamboo slip of's from the 21st century." Xiao Xiao reluctantly contributed his Dharma book, but he hesitated and finished behind everyone else.

Zheng Qing hesitated for a moment, and finally chose the Venetian-bound volume of lecturer Gan Ning.

As for the pen.

Su Shijun provided a jade badger pen with a glaze-coated barrel and a light green tip. The hairs are about five centimeters long. The guard hairs are straight and strong, and the pen tip is slender and sharp. Just holding it in your hand gives people an unusually solid feeling.

"I usually use it for painting."

The member of parliament under the moon added lightly.

Zheng Qing took the brush and Dharma book, and couldn't wait to repeat the previous action - guard, I need the power of guard, he thought in his heart, and wrote a stroke on the blank page with the pen.

The familiar hot feeling flows along the forearm, wrist and pen tip, onto the dragon skin book.

This time, he successfully wrote the first field of the spell, "Jiebi", and completed the analysis of the first paragraph of the spell. The light red cursed light mixed with yellow light suddenly appeared, and the fiery breath instantly swept through the entire barrier, making people feel like they were in a hot summer.

But that’s about it.

After writing the first field of the spell, Zheng Qing realized that the book and the talisman pen could not withstand the erosion of the power of the forbidden spell. If they continued, they would definitely be destroyed.

He gritted his teeth, slowly closed his pen, and looked up at Su Shijun.

"not enough."

He returned the still hot jade badger pen to the witch and explained succinctly: "This pen is not strong enough... and the Dharma book is not strong enough."



There was a sound of the light golden barrier breaking in mid-air. It was the outer barrier of the school's protective formation over Phuket Island. Without the filtering of this barrier, the image of the giant hand falling from the sky suddenly became clearer and more difficult to understand.

In a sense, calling it a 'giant hand' follows the appearance and syllables within the scope of human understanding. Without the filter of the barrier, his true posture appears in front of everyone without any concealment.

"Receive blessings from heaven and protect your life!"

The witch screamed and cast a blessing spell. The powerful magic force materialized this ordinary blessing spell, forming a thin lavender barrier to prevent the starry sky from corroding the young wizards.

Almost at the same time, other areas of the Silent Forest - from the center of the forest, to the edge of the winter hunt, to the deepest part of the Silent River - also lit up a stream of cursed light, shielding the pollution caused by the giant hand.

It was the work of powerful magical creatures and reclusive old wizards who lived in the Silent Forest. But that's all. As an unknown and neutral existence, they will not take the initiative to participate in any disputes from the outside world. Regardless of the black tide of silence that surges every year, whether demons attack the school, or what other fancy things the school does, they will just watch with a cold eye.

This move was just because many of them didn't like the starry sky.

"Take it away!"

Su Shijun turned his hand and picked off a fox tail from behind. The fox tail changed in the wind and turned into a delicate brush. The appearance was similar to the previous jade badger pen, but the breath was completely different.

Just looking at this pen, Zheng Qing believed that it could finish writing his spell.

"I also need a law book."

Before the wizard finished speaking, a 'light belt' composed of Dharma books suddenly appeared in front of him. Colorful and various Dharma books surrounded him, rising and falling, and each book exuded a commendable aura. Magical radiance. Zheng Qing noticed that the bamboo slips Dharma book given to Xiao Xiao by Sima was also among them.

Everyone took out their inventory from the bottom of the box.

Zheng Qing was dazzled by what he saw. He simply closed his eyes and let out a trace of the forbidden curse, letting him find a suitable carrier on his own. What is gratifying is that in just a blink of an eye, the breath found its target.

It is a metal-looking Dharma book.

"Copperplate book?"

Su Shijun's voice came to his ears, with a hint of surprise and a hint of ill-intention in his tone: "Zhongshan Copper has always been known for its gentle temperament and fine texture. The Dharma books made with it have excellent magic conductivity and magic compatibility... …It’s just that Zhongshan’s copper output is very small, and it takes a lot of copper essence to make the book… There is almost no spot on the market.”

Just hearing the word 'Zhongshan', Zheng Qing felt the corners of his eyes twitching and couldn't help but look in another direction.

The only witch in the Exoneration Hunting Team added in a very soft voice: "This book has not been opened yet. There is no need to make any adjustments or erasures. You can use it directly."

The young public-funded student licked his dry lips, tried his best to ignore the weird looks from other wizards, and tried to focus on the foxtail pen and copperplate book in front of him.

"Jiebi Nanshan, Weishiyanyan!"

The protective spell was completed in one breath, and the light red spell appeared on the metallic-glossy copper page. It was clear and three-dimensional, and you could almost see with the naked eye a trace of extremely fine magic power rolling and flowing in it.

The next second, the cursed light rose.

A translucent low hill appeared silently, covering all nine wizards inside.

At the same time, the giant hand that continued to shrink and become smaller during the fall finally fell down. With a grab, a scoop, and a pull, it suddenly shrank back with the mutant ogre in hand.

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