Monster Hunting High School

Chapter 2243 A useless detail

"An apple is definitely not enough to fill my stomach."

The wizard made his choice wisely, and at the same time remembered what Xiao Xiao once said to him on Monday: "The doctor gave me some advice a few days ago... By the way, his advice came from the staff of the 'Forgiveness Hunting Team' "Joint Meeting," I wonder if you've heard of it?"

"I chaired the meeting," the witch replied calmly.

"Oh, um, okay."

The boy blinked, poked a small piece of orange with a two-tine fork, and moistened his mouth. Then he realized that he hadn't finished speaking, and quickly added dryly: "I mean, the doctor advised me not to eat it at the dance. Don’t take any food from others, and don’t drink any I plan to eat and drink before I go.”

"Their worries are absolutely correct. You will be the most eye-catching one at this dance."

Maybe she thought that such rhetoric would make the boys excited. The witch then warned: "But I don't recommend that you go to the dance after eating and drinking, because the white robes present have experienced countless similar dances, and their eyes are vicious. It's very easy to tell whether you are going to the toilet..."

"Will they still stop me from going?" Zheng Qing felt a little funny in his heart. He raised the fork in his hand and joked seriously: "People have three urgent needs... I mean, for such urgent matters, , I don’t mind taking out the rune gun and killing the guys in the way.”

Jiang Yu lowered his eyelids, as if trying to block the smile that flashed in his eyes.

"Violence is indeed a way to solve problems, but it is not 'under the moon' enough."

She calmly dealt with a small piece of dessert on the plate: "They consider themselves to be 'civilized and elegant' aristocrats, and will not rudely stop you from going to the toilet. But they can always find topics that you can't get rid of, Or create a predicament that you can't get out of, even if you put a sphinx at the door of the toilet... until you can't hold on anymore. Trust me, wizards from well-established families are very good at disgusting people. "

Zheng Qing imagined how he would be embarrassed at a lively and gorgeous dance where everyone was drinking and drinking, and suddenly felt a chill.

"Actually, I haven't quite understood it yet."

While he fiercely cut the steak in front of him with the largest knife that still had a hint of blood, he tried to recall the experiences of the two school hunting parties he had attended: "Why is there a banquet at the Moonlight Dance..."


Jiang Yu saw Zheng Qing's arm touching the table at a glance. She first reminded her aloud, then snorted and asked, "Didn't Senator Su tell you?"

The young public-funded student obediently raised his arm and cut the steak in front of him stiffly, with a look of confusion on his face.

The witch curled her lips and explained patiently: "As I mentioned at the beginning, the more important purpose of this kind of dance is 'socialization', so before and during the dance, there will always be a buffet-style cold meal to ensure that everyone is happy. You have enough time and energy to last until the end. In addition, the Christmas Eve dance will last until Christmas noon. After the dance, the ladies will invite their favorite wizards to attend a dinner meeting, or the brave wizards will take the initiative to go to the ladies. of……"

Zheng Qing put down the knife and fork in his hand and was stunned.

"Till Christmas noon?"

He made no secret of his ignorance - it was not his fault. For ordinary students of Jiuyou Academy, the inside story of Alpha Academy's high-end dance was like the house number of Qingqiu Mansion, very few people knew it - so at this moment The tone was full of shock: "Isn't Christmas on Friday? Jiuyou Academy has no holiday on that day! Do you want me to skip class? Why has no one ever told me about this!"

Jiang Yu was suddenly in a good mood.

"Perhaps Councilor Su thinks you should know these little things."

She raised the corner of her napkin and wiped her mouth gracefully: "Normally, this is common sense for members of the Yuexia clan who are eligible to participate in the dance. As for holidays, your invitation letter is the best request for leave. The academy is Approved... In fact, I think several colleges would like more communication between students, but the power derived from tradition and prejudice is so strong that it is difficult for anyone to leverage this stubborn understanding. "

On Wednesday night, the black cat appeared again at Qingqiu Mansion.

The senators of the Yuexia Parliament were dealing with a thick stack of documents behind the desk, while Bose Dong was holding a copy of "Awakening the Power of Bloodline" that was larger than her, nodding her head.

"The dance under the moon will last all night, until noon on Friday?" The black cat seemed to have its tail on fire and jumped on the desk in a hurry: "You have never told me about this!"

The owner of the mansion raised his eyelids, looked past the rims of his glasses, and landed on the black cat's paws without saying a word.

Only then did the black cat notice the small string of plum blossom marks he had left.

It raised one paw, then two paws, and then realized that there was no point in making up for it. It wanted to jump off the desk, but it was worried about leaving a new 'plum blossom mark' on the table.

At this moment, Boseidong dropped the heavy textbook in his hand, jumped on the black cat with cheers, and complained to the black cat how seriously he was reading, how much new knowledge he had learned today, and how sore his eyes were now - nothing No doubt, she did not say these words to the black cat, but the black cat is a very good tool cat.

Similar to it.

While the little fox was chirping, the black cat quietly raised its hind paws, grabbed the little fox's big tail, quietly rubbed off the few 'plum blossom prints' on the table, and wiped its paws clean on the little fox's body. .

Looking up, Su Shijun was looking at him with narrowed eyes.

"Su Man!"

The owner of Qingqiu Mansion raised his voice slightly.

The tall figure of the head maid appeared quietly behind the black cat, so frightened that it consciously clamped its tail and lowered its body. Fortunately, Miss Su didn't let Su Man throw it out.

"Take Dongdong to take a bath, and then watch her sleep." Su Shijun said something that made the black cat and the little fox breathe a sigh of relief. The little fox swung its tail, happily jumped into Su Man's arms, and forgot about the tool cat in the blink of an eye.

After the head maid stepped back, the owner of Qingqiu Mansion's eyes fell on the black cat again.

"Does it make any difference if the dance lasts all night or all day?"

She put down the quill in her hand, stretched out gracefully, and said casually: "You are my dance partner, are you planning to find a lady you like at the ball and participate in the sumptuous dinner she prepared for you at noon the next day? Lunch?”

When she mentioned the word lunch, her tone was slightly aggravated.

The black cat unconsciously pulled its ears into a plane shape, balled up its tail, and covered its paws, as if this could make its heart feel warmer.

"Well, I remember tonight we are learning amber light identification skills and drinking methods, right?" It shamelessly looked at the row of wine bottles that had been placed on the desk - anyway, there was no color on the black face, so it didn't matter. Being laughed at.

"whispering sound."

The witch's disdainful voice came to my ears.

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