Phuket Island.

Silent River is a quiet inlet.

An unmanned sailing boat docked quietly on the shore, swaying gently with the undulations of the water. It was not restrained by a cable, but unexpectedly it was not washed away by the current.

Below the boat, dozens of meters above the water.

In a huge air bubble, several 'crows' sat cross-legged and looked up. The bubble film wall is reflecting the empty and quiet battlefield deep in the Silent Forest. In the center of the battlefield is a bare hill. At this moment, most of the soil outside the hill has been peeled off, revealing the exquisite pyramid-like structure inside.

The leader of the crow was speaking very slowly to remind his companions: "...The scale of this experiment is very large. The professor has ordered that the relevant data recording and collection must be accurate, so I hope that everyone here will not be confused by some unexpected circumstances. Distracted and focused on their respective goals.”

"Aren't you going to save people?" As soon as the other crow said these words, he received a sharp look from the leader, and his tone suddenly became weaker: "I mean..."

"Our mission is to record data!" The leading crow looked around and emphasized word by word: "Even if the sun falls, the earth cracks, and the world is destroyed, we only need to focus on our mission. This is what a qualified researcher should have. Emotions. We must remain calm and objective from beginning to end in order to capture the accurate numbers that flash by during the experiment...Do you all understand?"


All the crows lowered their heads and looked at the clipboard in their arms.

It is dozens of miles away from the boat.

In the canopy of a lush locust tree.

Also hidden were several wizards wearing black robes and crow masks. They were like a few feathers, falling lightly among the thin branches, looking together in the direction of the illegal laboratory.

In the twelfth lunar month of winter, the sparse leaves could not hide their striking figures, but the birds passing by the branches seemed unable to see them, flapping their wings and chirping beside the two figures.

One of the cyan birds had a different cry because it spoke human language.

"...This mission is jointly carried out by First University and Trident Sword. The mission code is 'Breaking Shell'. It consists of a special tactics team of the teaching assistant group, a patrol team of the school working committee; two Crisis Support Teams of Trident Sword "

"Got it!" the leader of the crows promised in a low voice.

The cyan bird tilted its head, and its dark eyes revealed a hint of human emotion: "A little hesitant in your attitude? I heard a trace of hesitation in your voice."

Several other crows tensed up in unison. Although they did not look back, they all pricked up their ears and got very energetic.

The leading crow took a deep look at the little blue bird and touched his shoulder.

"Death turns us into angels, letting wings grow from our shoulder blades that were like crow's claws." He recited the words that every crow knows in a low voice, but his tone did not have any fanaticism and seemed very calm: "We To break through the shackles of rules, transform into an angel, and pursue the eternal and noble truth..."

The little cyan bird retracted its wings, its eyes softened again, and together with several other crows, followed the leading crow and softly recited the following words:

"...I am willing to follow in the footsteps of the true knights of the past. In the sleeping wilderness - walking on horseback. My destiny will be closely connected with the moving legend, and following my own beliefs will be the behavior of my life. "

From the top of the locust tree, we go up diagonally for dozens of miles.

Between the sun and the earth.

A huge gray-white crow spread its wings and rested steadily among a thick gray cloud. In its open eyes, the small hill with its shell peeled off and the figures of every hunter near the hill were reflected.

Two wizards wearing crow masks sat quietly on the backs of gray-white crows, eyes closed, as if they were dead stones. The wizard sitting in front is slightly thin, with a loose robe flapping around his body. On the edge of the dark mask, a few gray hairs are flying randomly in the cold wind; the wizard sitting behind him occasionally goes in and out of his sleeves. There are several cyan birds. When the birds rise and fall, the two dark golden numbers "zero three" can be vaguely seen on the edge of the mask leaking out from under the hood.

"This time the school has brought back the Exoneration Hunting Team." Crow No. 3, who was sitting in the back, rolled his eyes slightly, seeming to notice something, and murmured in a low voice.

As soon as the words came out, they were torn into pieces by the surrounding strong wind.

The crow sitting in front of him tilted his head slightly: "What?"

Crow No. 3 quietly opened a slit in his eyes, looked at the back in front of him, hesitated again and again, and finally said in a low voice: "Professor, didn't you say before that you wanted them to join the Crows?"

"That's right."


"After this mission is over."

The crow's back became quiet again, but this silence did not last long. Crow No. 3 couldn't help it again, moved his butt forward, and asked thoughtfully: "But Professor... I heard that something like Tianmen Zhang Or the legitimate sons of aristocratic families like Zhong Shan and Jiang have some special 'security measures'..."

"Just don't touch them."

"Eh?" Crow No. 3 obviously didn't keep up with the professor's conversation and was stunned for a moment.

"If you want to control a fire dragon, you don't need to control every one of its scales." The professor still closed his eyes, and his voice was not loud, but it passed clearly to the ears of Crow No. 3: "We only need to control its reverse scales. , it will truly tame... In the same way, to tame a hunting team, we only need to capture the reverse scale in the hunting team."

Crow No. 3 turned these words around in his mind several times, thinking about who would be the "reverse scale" of the Sin Hunting Team.

"Do you know why I took you so high?"

The professor's question made Crow No. 3 immediately straighten his back and subconsciously sit up straighter. He shook his head slightly, and then realized that the professor's back was facing him at this moment.

But the professor seemed to have seen his movements.

"On the one hand, it is naturally because of this 'Golden Cicada Escape' that the plan to make the crow disappear from the public eye again was drawn up and arranged by you. You need to control the overall situation from a higher position; on the other hand, if this experiment is successful, , I will try to complete the Grand Wizard's advancement ceremony before the start of the next semester. During this period, I hope you can take on more responsibilities and be more prudent in dealing with things compared to Riven and Hu Yin..."

"Isn't it too hasty?"

Crow No. 3 interrupted the professor's words very rarely, and his tone did not show the joy of taking over the 'crow', but instead contained uneasiness and seriousness that could not be concealed: "Our experiment has just entered the second phase, and more data are needed for comparison. …You shouldn’t risk your brain on something like this!”

This time, the professor was silent for a long time.

“The school made me an offer I couldn’t refuse.”

He sighed softly, but his tone was very firm: "That proposal can take us further on the path of exploring the truth... But that proposal requires a great wizard to accept it... Just like I told you before Everyone of you is following your own beliefs...You can take risks and sacrifices, and so can I."

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