Monster Hunting High School

Chapter 591: Breakfast

The next morning.

The main restaurant of Qingqiu Mansion.

Su Shijun sat on the main seat, flipping through the newspaper that had just been delivered in the morning, and carefully read about the accident that happened at the celebration dinner after she left last night.

"Chirp, chirp..."

Poseidon sat on the side of the newspaper and complained endlessly to the witch on the main seat. The topics ranged from the bad weather today, to the nightmare she had last night, to a flower sperm that just flew outside the window. Almost every sentence None are repeated.

It stands to reason that talking at the dinner table is not very polite.

But for one thing, it was not yet time for breakfast, and the custodial nun in charge of etiquette was not present, and there were no outsiders. The contents of the newspaper in front of the third person attracted most of the witch's attention, so the owner of Qingqiu Mansion could only treat it as There was a sparrow in my ear, and I turned a deaf ear to the chirping of the little fox.

In the winter morning, before the sun has fully risen, the cool white light falls on the maroon tables and chairs through the tall floor-to-ceiling windows, forming a narrow strip of light that gradually opens. The big witch and the little fox sitting in the light strip look like... The two jade stones nestled together are clear and exuding soft colors.

When Zheng Qing walked into the restaurant, he saw such a harmonious picture.

"Feel sorry……"

He had just said two words when he saw a white light swoosh from the other end of the dining table to the other end of the dining table, like a ball, crashing into his arms, interrupting his subsequent words.

"Chirp chirp chirp..."

The little fox was wagging its tail happily and couldn't wait to show off to the boys how many spells he had mastered, how many magical herbs he had learned, and how many runes he had learned. At the same time, he did not forget to complain in a low voice that someone was too strict and he hadn't been there for a long time. The petting zoo played with the Nine Lamas and others, and so on.

Su Shijun put down the newspaper in his hand and glanced this way.

Zheng Qing quickly put the fur ball in his arms back on the dining table, and at the same time pinched her ears quietly to indicate that someone was looking at her. The little fox hummed and became quiet listlessly.

"I didn't see you doing morning classes today." Su Shijun motioned for Zheng Qing to sit closer, and at the same time picked up a slender silver hammer and knocked on the copper bell placed on the corner of the table.


Accompanied by the crisp ringing of the bell, an oval porcelain plate suddenly appeared in front of Zheng Qing, with a silver dinner plate cover fastened to the plate. A fox maid quietly walked to his side, placed a green drink next to the porcelain plate, took away the silver plate cover, then bowed slightly and retreated.

Zheng Qing's first feeling was that there were too many links in this process that could be omitted with magic, but he was very wise and did not discuss this topic with Su Shijun.

"I slept a little late last night, so I woke up a little late this morning." He answered the witch's words vaguely, without mentioning that it was because the books he saw in the study room last night kept him thinking for a long time. , which leads to insomnia.

"Is it because of the dinner party yesterday?" The witch pointed to the newspaper on the table. Zheng Qing blinked, took the newspaper, and scanned the content on it before he knew what she meant.

"Hmm... Yeah, that's about right." The wizard Mohu agreed, picking up the green drink in front of him and taking a sip while scanning the contents of the newspaper.

Although it looks a little weird, the taste of this drink is not as dull as it looks. It has a hint of sweet grass flavor and the mouthfeel is also quite smooth.

"Why didn't you tell me about this last night?" Su Shijun held a knife and fork and elegantly cut the fried eggs and toast in front of him. At the same time, he raised his head and glanced at Poseidon, who was sitting on the other side of Zheng Qing.

The little fox sat on the table neatly, with a white napkin tied by the maid around her neck. The hanging white cotton cloth firmly covered her fluffy tail under her paws, looking like a lady.

"Last night... my mind was a little confused at night, so..." Zheng Qing considered his words - what he said was not entirely a lie, because the pile of books he saw in Su Shijun's study last night really made his mind confused for a period of time. Falling into confusion - but at this moment, following the words of the witch, it seemed that his confusion was caused by the accident at the dinner party.

After a while, Zheng Qing put down the newspaper and frowned.

The newspaper contained a lot of content about yesterday's events, from the death of the dark wizard to the details and destruction of the Crow Organization; from the names and achievements of the hunting teams participating in the hunt to the personal resume of the main hunter; from the three-pronged sword and the first From the sincere cooperation of the university to the huge role of the school's protective circle, etc., it covers almost everything.

Only about the banquet that night and a certain 'episode' at the banquet, there is very little written about it, only a few hundred words. If you are not a party involved, it is easy to overlook this detail.

"They would rather use a lot of space to describe the evil deeds of the dark wizard Whateley and the scale of the illegal laboratory set up by the crows, rather than write one more sentence about the attack at the dinner party..." Zheng Qing pointed directly with a fork. He poked the fried egg, stuffed it into his mouth, and chewed it fiercely.

"You said a bean got into you?"

"It's absolutely true!" Zheng Qing looked at the witch seriously. In order to enhance his persuasion, he took out a golden bean from the gray cloth bag and gestured: "That bean is about this big and made of brass... In the past We saw it when we were chasing crows..."

"Didn't you go to the school hospital?"

"Been there, but the therapists couldn't find..."

"Put your hand over here and let me see." The witch ordered in an unmistakable voice.

Zheng Qing did not think that Su Shijun's skills were more sophisticated than those of the great wizards at the dinner or the professional therapists at the school hospital, but he still honestly stretched out his hand and let the witch's delicate white fingers rest on his wrist.

The sunlight outside the window fell on her shoulders and hair, making the already dazzling witch even more eye-catching. For some reason, Zheng Qing suddenly felt that the sunlight was like a swarm of furry bees. They had just discovered a flower bed in full bloom and were buzzing. Falling on those blooming flowers, there is a sweet smell brewing in the air.

"Hmm... do you think I should ask Fatty Xin to write an article to remind everyone that all the crows have not been caught yet?" Zheng Qing forced himself to look away and tried to get his brain moving.

"not so good."

The witch squinted her eyes, carefully capturing the subtle changes in magic power in Zheng Qing's body, and said meaningfully: "You can't punch hard with porcelain in your hands. For the school, reputation, face, etc., are just those things Precious porcelain. Do people avoid them because they are scary? No, just because they are dirty. Things related to dark wizards are very dirty... so avoid them if you can. The mission is over, so stay away from it as soon as possible. "

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