Monster Hunting High School

Chapter 593 Servants and Reports

Zheng Qing heard a sentence.

When you are alone, you must learn to be kind to yourself, when you are two people, you must learn to be kind to each other, and when you are with three or more people, you must learn to be kind to the truth.

Zheng Qing was not sure about the specific meaning of this 'principle' before, but now that he thinks about it, it just refers to rules or order. When many people are together, rules become necessary to maintain the relationship.

"You have five minutes to eat breakfast."

Zheng Qing kept a straight face, imitating Su Shijun's speaking momentum, trying to show the majesty of a parent: "After breakfast, do foundation building exercises first, wait for the home teacher to come, and then follow the class schedule... Well, every thirty minutes You can rest for ten minutes... Oh, stay away from me! Don't lick your mouth!

! "

It's a pity that his words seemed to be spoken to the air.

As soon as Su Shijun left, Poseidon was like an unbridled wild dog. He pulled the napkin around his neck, used both paws together, and emptied the plate in front of him in less than ten seconds, and then bounced it with a bang. Entering Zheng Qing's arms, his little head moved around, and his mouth smeared everywhere. Zheng Qing's clean robe was wrinkled and stained with oil stains.

She was not satisfied yet. She stuck out her tongue like a puppy and licked Zheng Qing's cheek randomly. Zheng Qing tried hard to push her away, but he didn't dare to use too much force. He could only be sucked by this fragrant piece of meat. Dog skin plasters were applied randomly to the body.

After washing his face in Zheng Qing's arms, the little fox flicked his tail, ran away, and disappeared around the corner of the restaurant with a puff of smoke.

Zheng Qing wiped the saliva on his face with a napkin, and regardless of his old father's majesty, he shouted behind her at the top of his lungs: "Don't mess with those sperm in the garden! Also, the tutor will be here in half an hour." !”

I don’t know if the little thing heard it.

The boy sighed heavily, but his aunt's smile couldn't help but appear on his face. After smiling for a few seconds, he blinked and suddenly thought of a suitable 'personal servant'.


Poof, the gray dog ​​appeared in the corner of the restaurant wagging its tail and looked at the wizard eagerly.

"Meet Dongdong."

The dog nodded obediently and meowed.

Zheng Qing was still not used to its cry, so he coughed dryly, and then ordered: "Follow her. If she escapes from the mansion, don't let her be captured by an owl or other strange things... Well, quietly, don’t let her find out..."

Speaking of this, Zheng Qing glanced at Maodou's hanging tail subconsciously, hesitated for a few seconds, and finally stopped talking and just waved his hand distractedly.

Edamame popped into the corner and disappeared.

Next to her, the head maid Su Man, who had remained silent throughout, looked away from the corner where the greyhound disappeared, raised her hand to call another maid, whispered a few instructions, and the maid left quietly.

Then the restaurant fell into silence again.

Zheng Qing didn't notice the little movements of the maids. After Poseidon left, he chewed the exquisite breakfast in Qingqiu Mansion while quickly browsing other pages of the Beta Town Post.

Most of the pages of the Post were devoted to a detailed analysis of yesterday's incident in which First University and the Trident Sword jointly annihilated the illegal laboratory of the dark wizard. There was an article dedicated to analyzing the dark wizard Whateley, from his life, to his evil deeds, to Why he hid the great wizard's cultivation, etc., through detailed and logical content, readers' understanding is unconsciously guided; there are also articles discussing the ten hunting teams participating in the hunt, as well as the strengths, weaknesses, and Hunter traits, etc.; there are also articles touting the excellent and sensitive response mechanism of the First University's guardian array.

When he saw this article, Zheng Qing tried hard to resist the urge to roll his eyes.

If he had not experienced the baptism of thunder that was like a torrential rain yesterday, or if the Bofu giant of the Exorcist Hunting Team had not been severely injured by those thunder and lightning, he might still agree with some of the words in this article.

But now, he just wants to graffiti and carve words on the school wall.

Of course, this kind of thing can only be thought about in private. After all, the entire campus of First University is alive. If it is accidentally annoyed, Zheng Qing may not be able to attend classes on time or find a location in the library in the next semester.


The newspaper turned to the last page.

At the top was a boring-looking commentator's article with no pictures. The author was Ms. Pulitzer. Zheng Qing originally planned to pass by it, but to his surprise, he saw a few of them out of the corner of his eye. Familiar words—forgiveness, talisman, dean Yao Xiaomi—so he read it patiently, and as expected, he quickly frowned.

"...According to reliable information, the Exoneration Hunting Team, which made a significant contribution in the battle against the dark wizard Whateley, was able to become the last straw that broke the camel's back, thanks to Professor Yao Xiaomi of Jiuyou Academy A private reward... Just because of an ordinary school hunting competition, Dean Yao Xiaomi of Jiuyou College asked his students, the five hunters from the Astronomy 08-1 class of the Forgiveness Hunting Team (the fifth ranked A sophomore at the First University)—rewarded five legendary talismans... This is more than the number of super-level talismans awarded to all students in the First University in the past year..."

Super-level talismans are talismans that exceed the level specified by the alliance. Generally, only those drawn by wizards of legendary level and above will be counted. But if I remember correctly, in addition to the apology, Nicholas, Liu Feifei and Carmen of the Edge Hunting Team also received corresponding talismans, but for some reason they were not reflected in the report.

The reason why Zheng Qing frowned was not just that.

"...It is true that the legendary wizard's 'encouragement' behavior may have some unknown meaning, which satisfies many wizards' fantasies about concepts such as 'adventure' or 'rich wealth'..." …But this cannot conceal the systemic damage and hidden negative impact that this kind of private reward has brought to the entire league hunting environment…

… Regardless of whether this obviously differentiated reward is discriminatory or not, the uncontrolled flow of super-order talismans into the hands of undergraduates has already caused huge campus safety risks...

...It is hard for us to believe that one of the students who received the super-level talisman reward was once placed on probation by First University for attacking students from other colleges at night...Perhaps when Jiuyou College made relevant reward plans, It does not violate any league or school regulations, but we still have to ask, does such an unscrupulous proliferation of highly dangerous super-order talismans conform to the consistent educational philosophy of First University? Will it affect students' understanding of bullying and competition? Is this the responsible thing to do for the next generation of young wizards? …”

Why is there discrimination?

Still bullying?

Are you still linked to the future of the Wizarding World?

Zheng Qing's brows knitted together. He had a toothache after reading this report that was full of bias and fallacies. He really wanted to find Fatty Xin to write a detailed and reasonable rebuttal article.

But immediately, he thought of what the fat wizard often said in the dormitory - the media usually only creates sensational topics without trying to dig out the truth; even if sometimes the media does dig out the truth, it is just a lie. It's just a ride on the hype topic.

Thinking of this, Zheng Qing sighed slightly, gave up the opportunity for the reporter to continue hyping up this topic, and looked up out of the window.

At this time, the sun has just risen.

The sun is nice and bright.

But the sunshine in this season lacks temperature and brings a bit of chilliness.

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