Monster Hunting High School

Chapter 605 Time is getting less and less

"The three-pronged sword is the three-pronged sword of the alliance, not the school; the relevant departments are the relevant departments of the school, not the alliance."

Su Shijun first said something that was a bit difficult to pronounce but not difficult to understand, and then looked at the boy with a smile: "In other words, has anyone in the school or league reported that your talisman bullets are related to the forbidden curse?"

At this time, the sky was already bright, and a ray of sunlight outside the house passed through the tall windows and the spacious hall, and happened to fall on the witch, covering her face somewhat.

Zheng Qing couldn't help but squinted his eyes and looked down at the contract he just signed.

Indeed, just like this transaction, from beginning to end, Sanchajian did not inquire about the source of those rune bombs, and strictly limited the transaction matters to the finished rune bombs.

“That’s what the saying ‘if the people don’t promote it, the officials won’t investigate it’ means.”

Su Shijun's voice came out from the bright sunshine, and it seemed to have become much louder: "Do the relevant departments know that you are related to the forbidden curse? Of course they know, otherwise they would not take away your black Cat. But since the relevant departments have not put you under control, it means that they believe that at your level, the risk of the spread of the forbidden curse is limited. This also means that those organizations or institutions that covet the forbidden curse have some degree of involvement with you. It is within the scope of the rules to make a small borderline contact.

Of course, I don't mean to say that Trident Sword has ambitions to master the forbidden spell... they may not necessarily have such courage. But in the name of risk control, they still have the courage to use the power related to the forbidden curse a little bit. But this is not a bad thing. With them standing up for you, it will not be so easy for other organizations in the league to cause trouble for you on this matter in the future. "

Zheng Qing pinched the flimsy contract in his hand and let out a sigh of relief.

He never expected that just a simple transaction of buying and selling rune bullets would have so many twists and turns and subtle games hidden behind it. Or, for those who walk with trouble, nothing is simple.

There was faint chattering outside the window.

It seemed to be the voice of the little fox girl taking Poseidon out for a walk.

Zheng Qing stood up and looked around, and could vaguely see Su Ya leading Poseidon to confront a flower sperm in front of the fence. The flower sperm might have been attracted by the heavenly beauty in the small garden and wanted to come in, but was stopped by Su Ya. Mei sternly refused, but Poseidon wanted to show mercy, and the two little foxes argued endlessly about this.

"...One carrot, one pit...Sister Man said that the garden cannot support so many elves. If you put her in, you will drive away the other one, or watch a flower wither and die..."

"...chirp...chirp chirp..."

"...radish? A radish is something sweet, crunchy, red, and finger-sized... It tastes good when it's raw, but it doesn't taste good when it's cooked..."


"It's useless to beg me... This is related to the environmental carrying capacity. Do you know the environmental carrying capacity? There is a lot of knowledge there... So, you should study hard to avoid knowing nothing in the future... "

When Zheng Qing heard this, he felt a little ashamed for no reason. He didn't expect that Su Ya, who usually looked at her as a child, could actually do this. She was much better than him.

A small green paper crane flapped its wings, with a trace of smoke lingering around it. It appeared in front of Zheng Qing's eyes with a lively look, dangling back and forth, attracting the boy's attention.

It only took a second for Zheng Qing to recognize that this was the paper crane snatched away by Su Shijun just now. There were still a few scattered words on its wings. There was a "big" character on the left wing, and a "big" character on the right wing. The word 'Qieqie' was written diagonally on the wings.

The wizard had quick eyes and quick hands and caught it.

The paper crane, which had been dismantled once, no longer had the energy to struggle as before. It lay naturally in the boy's hand and unfolded its body on its own initiative.

Zheng Qing noticed that this time it was folded backwards into a paper crane.

On the back of the letter paper, my line of 'memo' is still clearly visible; but on the front of the letter paper, there is a line of soft and handsome hairpin small characters - "Detailed explanation of the structure of the Talisman Bullets" "Structural Characteristics of Evil-Repelling Talisman Bullets and Seventeen Methods of Making" "Classical Alchemy Theory Series: Rune Bullet Design Theory", "Secret Method" (Borrowing allowed, Su Shijun)

The titles of the first few books were clear at a glance. It should be that the witch asked her to supplement the books related to making talisman bullets in order to deal with the three-pronged sword. But the last one, especially the sentence that seemed very special, left Zheng Qing a little confused. .

"What is this?" He grabbed the green letter paper and looked back at the owner of Qingqiu Mansion without confidence.

Su Shijun was stretching his arms gracefully.

"Oh, I have those books in my study. You can take a look." She lowered her eyelids, covered her mouth and yawned a little: "While you have plenty of time during this winter vacation, Learn how to make talisman bullets systematically again, lest you make talisman bullets that don’t look good and are laughed at by those guys from the Three-Forked Sword... If you don’t understand anything, just ask Su Man directly, and she will take you to consult the most professional talisman in Qingqiu. Bomb maker."

"This last one..."

Zheng Qing ignored the embarrassment and shamelessly raised the letter and asked in a whisper.

The corners of the witch's lips curled up slightly, and she turned around and walked out of the hall, but she didn't whet the boy's appetite: "The last book is "Qingqiu Secret Technique". I have opened up the part about the magic bullet sealing skills. You can refer to it... so as not to You have been paranoid all day... Take my note and go to the study, and the books will find you by themselves."

"What about you?" Zheng Qing asked in a strange way while feeling grateful.

As soon as he finished speaking, he immediately regretted his Meng Lang.

The owner of Qingqiu Mansion stopped and turned around, with a hint of confusion in his eyes: "Me? Of course I went to catch up on my sleep! Don't you know sleep is the best beauty magic?"

At this point, she glanced out the window and added: "Yes, it looks like Su Ya and Dongdong have finished hanging out... You are still responsible for supervising Dongdong's class today. Don't ask her to be lazy."

After that, she continued to walk out and waved her hand without looking back, as if she didn't want to disturb her anymore.

The witch's skirt was about to disappear around the corner.

While the boy breathed a sigh of relief, he began to worry about the disappearance of the remaining happy days of this holiday.

But before he finished breathing, Su Shijun's figure suddenly stepped back a little, getting stuck on the edge of Zheng Qing's line of sight and the corner. He tilted his head and looked at him, frightening the boy's remaining breath. Holding it back:

"I almost forgot, there is one more thing... There is still some time before the holiday ends. I think you can check the compulsory and elective courses for the second and third grade in advance and determine the class schedule before the start of school. Since there are three crosses now The swordsmen are coming to your door, so the time the world allows you to be an irresponsible student will be less and less..."

The lingering sound of birds.

This time, the witch has definitely disappeared.

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