Monster Hunting High School

Chapter 609 New Year’s Eve

Two days passed in a blink of an eye.

But in Zheng Qing's mind, being naked and being touched by Su Shijun - of course, this was just his own private wishful thinking - seemed to have happened just a second ago.

Every time he recalled that moment, the young wizard felt a surge of heat in his body, as if he was stung by the scorching summer sun, and some goosebumps would appear on the back of his neck unconsciously.

This feeling was so strong that when he ate at the restaurant in the past two days, he wiped away the feeling of gradually adapting during this period and became restrained again. Sometimes even after finishing a meal, he did not dare to sit down to Su Shijun. Take a closer look at the location.

Apart from that, there was no other incident.

After the small accident of falling from the ladder, no witch in the mansion dared to ask him for help. The only little fox girl who had the courage to ask him for help was completely obsessed with the activity of climbing high. Tian dragged the triangular ladder around the mansion, looking for every piece of glass and candlestick that had not been cleaned.

This made Zheng Qing suspect that there was a cat living in Su Ya's heart.

Of course, not doing housework does not mean that Zheng Qing is idle.

In fact, he has been busy in a familiar yet unfamiliar way for the past two days. In addition to paying close attention to Bose Dong's studies every day, he also spends a lot of time sorting out the theory of making talisman bullets and studying the secrets of Qingqiu, so that he always feels that there is not enough time. He originally thought that this orderly busyness would continue until the beginning of school, but until New Year's Eve, this busyness was unexpectedly interrupted.

February 13th.

That is New Year's Eve.

After breakfast, Su Shijun stopped Zheng Qing who was about to get up: "It's New Year's Eve, let Dongdong have a day of rest. Sister Man said there are some things that you need to be responsible for."

As soon as these words came out, the ears of the little fox who was eating breakfast slowly stood up suddenly, and he looked at the witch with two bright eyes, his happiness was beyond words.

Zheng Qing felt sorry for the little fox in his heart - even when he took the college entrance examination, he didn't have such a hard time - at the same time, he raised his hand and stroked the back of his neck, trying to suppress the hairs that stood up again.

"What's the matter?" He tried to speak as usual, but even he could hear the weirdness in his tone. He couldn't help but cover up the water on the table and took a sip.

Su Shijun looked at him with a smile.

"Posting Spring Festival couplets and worshiping ancestors."

The witch sat upright and moved very little. Even while talking and cutting the food on the plate, she gave people an extremely elegant feeling: "Dondong is your child and my flesh and blood. From the first day she was born, From one day on, we were her closest family members, the most profound bond...Based on the ancient and solemn magic contract, the three of us are connected together by an unbreakable bond..."

Zheng Qing felt a bit toothache when he heard it. He couldn't help but speak out suddenly, and interrupted in a low voice: "So why do you need me to... post couplets and worship ancestors? We are not married yet."

When the word 'marriage' was mentioned, he unexpectedly felt a little calm and no longer had the uneasiness of the past.

The witch put down the knife and fork in her hand, wiped her mouth, and looked at the boy quite speechlessly: "The meaning of what I just said is to remind you that although we are not married yet, Dongdong and I are already your responsibilities. , so you should shoulder the responsibility of being the master of Qingqiu Mansion."


It's responsibility again.

The forbidden curse seed left to him by his teacher is his responsibility, the Exoneration Hunting Team is his responsibility, the group of elves he saved when he was a freshman is his responsibility, and the little witch he brought out from the mirror is also his responsibility.

Plus dong dong.

Zheng Qing couldn't help but glance at his shoulders. Unknowingly, these shoulders, which were not very broad, carried too much weight that did not belong to him.

He has followed his grandfather in the work of pasting Spring Festival couplets since he was a child. From mixing the paste to writing, and then pasting the couplets and the word "Fu" in the right place, Zheng Qing is very familiar with the whole process - or in other words, he thought he was very familiar with it. familiar.

But after he actually got started, he suddenly realized that there was a difference between the two worlds.

For example, the Spring Festival couplets and blessing characters posted in different rooms of the Qingqiu Mansion are dotted with tiny runes on the edges. Every sentence written on the red paper is a true and magical blessing.

For another example, these blessing characters and Spring Festival couplets are not simply blessing mantras. They are closely connected with the guardian array that covers the entire Qingqiu Mansion. They are like gears on a precision instrument. Replacing new charms is like replacing the gears on the instrument. , must be precise and precise, without any error.

From the size of the cut paper to the direction and position of the posting; from the peach charms embedded outside the door, to the lanterns hanging under the eaves; to the incense offered to the door gods, and the new clothes added to the roof beasts, etc., one after another. , each one made Zheng Qing feel novel after wave of familiarity.

He seemed to be back as a child again, looking at everything in the world with curious and ignorant eyes.

"A family as big as Qingqiu can always find a few male servants."

While arranging the sacrificial table, Zheng Qing couldn't help but whisper to the head maid beside him: "If I had to do all these things, how did you celebrate the Spring Festival last year?"

Su Man was sitting on her knees at the sacrificial table. While pointing out the placement of different fruit plates and snack plates to the wizard, she glanced at him: "Last year, Miss returned to Qingqiu to celebrate the Chinese New Year. This year, because of you, she chose to stay here at the mansion. Chinese New Year... There are actually quite a lot of opinions within the clan on this point.”

"You don't need to care about their opinions."

Su Shijun's voice came from behind the two of them. Zheng Qing turned around and saw her wearing a loose robe and leaning lazily on the door frame. Noticing the boy's eyes, she raised the red wine glass in her hand: "Ice it. Coconut milk, would you like some?"

A strand of long black hair hung down from her face, swaying slightly in mid-air. Zheng Qing noticed that there was a little coconut milk on the corner of her mouth, which was particularly eye-catching on her red lips.

"Thank you," the boy murmured in a low voice, his eyes bouncing back to the altar table as if being electrocuted, and he continued to arrange the gorgeous small plates: "I'm not done yet..."

Before he finished speaking, a blue and white porcelain plate he held in his hand cracked with a crack.

The crisp voice immediately silenced everyone.

The next second.

Su Ya's little head emerged from behind the hem of Su Shijun's skirt.

"Is this the legendary broken peace?" Her ignorant little face was full of wonder, but her tone also had a hint of dissatisfaction: "But isn't this set of plates your favorite?"

"Ah! Sorry!" Zheng Qing carefully grabbed the plate and turned around uneasily: "But I really didn't use any force just now..."

Su Shijun scratched Su Ya's furry ears and looked at Zheng Qing thoughtfully: "I also thought that this is really not your fault."



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