Monster Hunting High School

Chapter 2630 Disrupted Rhythm

"What the hell!"

"First shot!"

When the slender red line shot out from under the shadow of the pale yellow rock and hit a large crow in the crowd, two voices sounded almost at the same time in the second-floor attic room facing the street not far from the battlefield.

There were five 'human crows' crowded in this small room. They were either sitting at the coffee table in the center of the room, leaning against the wooden wall next to the door, or half-lying on the narrow wooden bed.

The ones who spoke were the two crows marked with numbers nine and thirteen on their masks. They were standing by the window. Crow No. 9 held up a small brass telescope with a hint of annoyance in his voice; Crow No. 13 held a pair of glasses in one hand. Holding the record board, holding a quill in one hand, he lowered his head and sketched, his voice seemed very calm.

They evaluate the same thing.

The former was discovered by three young wizards at one of the nodes in the cursed sandbox world.

The latter records that the target's highly threatening rune bomb has just been consumed - according to Crow's internal statistical analysis, the number of such lethal rune bombs should be very small. When used, the rune gun The burden should also be heavy. To be on the safe side, their initial plan was to consume three to five of the opponent's coins through various methods before the official fight between the two sides.

But those young wizards were surprisingly calm.

From when they accidentally fell into the sandbox world, to when they were attacked by a flock of crows, and until now, the target actually fired the first such powerful rune bomb, and it hit one of the magic nodes of the small world with one blow.

"As expected of a hunter who has been on the battlefield of Black Prison."

Sitting next to the coffee table, the crows with the number fifteen marked on their masks raised their hands, feeling the dust falling due to the vibration of the small world, and unabashedly praised their opponents: "As expected of the professor's chosen target... There are very few students in school who can achieve this level.”

"Any wizard who can join the school's teaching assistant group can be called 'elite' and no longer belongs to the ranks of current students... But the better he is, the more difficult it will be for us to complete the task. This is not a good thing." Beside the door, the crow with the number fourteen on his mask couldn't hide the worry in his voice.

"Isn't it because someone is doing something outside?"

Crow No. 9 standing by the window raised the brass telescope in his hand and looked at the foggy sky, while complaining: "I saw it, it's the great sage of the North District... Fortunately, she is the only one... If I remember correctly , The professor said that the probability of her taking action is very low!"

"No matter how low the probability is, it still has the possibility of happening." Crow No. 15 blew off the dust on his hands and turned to look at Crow No. 3, who was half lying on the small bed: " much time do we have?"

Gan Ning was leaning on the bedside, holding a pocket watch in his hand. He seemed to be staring at the ticking hands on the dial. However, his slightly lowered head from time to time clearly told the other people present what he was doing.

"Number three!"

Crow No. 14 rushed forward in a panic, shaking the shoulders of Crow No. 3 vigorously, as if trying to shake his head off. The sharp crow's beak on the mask of No. 3 moved sharply with his head, and stabbed it accurately. He was holding the pocket watch in his hand, almost breaking the glass case on the dial: "Are you sleeping? Can you sleep now? Did the professor ask you to command this battle because he wanted you to mess it up!! "

Crow No. 15 beside the coffee table subconsciously tilted his head back.

She had every reason to believe that if it hadn't been for the crow mask, Gan Ning's delicate little face would have been covered in the saliva of crow No. 14.

"What? What? Are you leaving?"

Crow No. 3 looked around in confusion. After a few seconds, he finally realized what had happened. He took off the two paws on his shoulders and stretched out: "Don't be so nervous...yawn... ...Learning to take a nap between hunting is an essential skill for a good hunter. It can keep you energetic at all times...Don't waste time, professor, well, or rather, the time left for us in school is very limited, jump Let’s go straight to the hard food after passing the other stages.”

As soon as these words came out, the other four people, including the two crows who were monitoring the target at the window, all looked at Gan Ning and subconsciously objected——



"Isn't it a little too impulsive?"

"I think we should follow the planned plan..."

"No chance." Gan Ning jumped up from the crib, put away the pocket watch, waved his hand, and interrupted everyone's chatter: "If the plan works, then we should have consumed at least three large targets by now. The power talisman popped..."

He pointed out the window and reminded meaningfully: "...They have disrupted our arrangements, so don't expect us to follow the steps and still achieve the expected results. I like a saying very much, beat the old man to death with random punches Master. These kids are easy to deal with, and if we don’t disrupt their rhythm, we will fall into their rhythm.”

Everyone was silent.

"What are those crows doing?"

Under the shadow of the pale yellow hill, the alert voice of the fat wizard rang out. He noticed that the crows that were hovering above a few people suddenly began to kill each other: "Did you just break the ability of those crows to identify friend and foe?"

Zheng Qing shrugged his shoulders, saying that he didn't know - at this moment, he was still immersed in the afterglow of the excitement of having just hit the magic node of the small world - and patted Xiao Xiao's shoulder.

"How's it going? Have you contacted me?" With tangible results, his voice naturally gained a little more confidence, and he became more forceful when talking to the doctor.

Xiao Xiao pushed away the crystal ball in front of him, took off his glasses, rubbed the corners of his eyes, and shook his head slightly.

"The time was too short. Just after searching for the breath of the school's protective circle, the sandbox was closed again... What is certain is that based on the speed at which they adjust the magic nodes of the small world, the black hands behind these crows will not be too far away from us. "

Having said this, the doctor hesitated for a moment, stretched out his hand and pressed the bluestone beneath him: "...did you feel the slight tremor on the ground before?"

"There should be someone outside trying to open the entrance to this sandbox." Zheng Qing calmed down - naturally he would not ignore the slight tremor that had just created an opportunity for him to shoot - at the same time, he was also quickly calculating possible possibilities in his heart. Candidate: "From the perspective of time and attack intensity, Senior Korma is more likely."

Among the high-level wizards he knew at the level of Grand Wizard and above, only Korma, who was relatively weak and inexperienced, might show such caution and embarrassment when facing the small world of the sandbox for fear of shocking the hostages to death. feel.

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