Monster Hunting High School

Chapter 2633 Disrupting each other’s rhythm

Zheng Qing is just a second-year student.

Although he is now an official member of the school's support group, although he has an officially registered hunting team, although he has participated in the Battle of Black Prison, seen great beings from the depths of the stars, and killed incarnations of alien gods and great wizards A dark wizard, but he is not a real great wizard after all, so when facing monsters at the level of a great wizard, his methods are actually quite limited.

The skills learned in class were not enough to deal with the enemy in front of him.

In Zheng Qing's original plan, the little green snake living in his ears was second only to the 'Book of Forbidden Curses'. But just like the last time he opened the 'Book of Forbidden Curses' and ended up accidentally breaking the protective circle of the Black Hell Fortress, his control over such methods that are beyond his ability is actually very weak, like a child wielding A sledgehammer can hurt you if you're not careful.

Therefore, Zheng Qing would not use them easily unless absolutely necessary - even though he was familiar with blood rune bullets, he had accidentally seriously injured Serprano when using them, let alone others.

In addition, the slightly subtle state of the little green snake also made Zheng Qing feel fearful.

Theoretically, the snake staying in his ears is using the power of the forbidden spells that are constantly being born to eliminate the remaining obsessions of the Siren King when he advanced, which is mutually beneficial.

But perhaps because of being far away from the true body, perhaps because of the influence of the forbidden curse, in short, this obsession from the ancients gradually became more active as it was consumed by the power of the forbidden curse day after day.

In other words, it gave birth to a glimmer of life in the silence.

Life is naturally averse to death.

And the purpose of this obsession is to die.

Not wanting to die, but having to die, this conflicting emotion gradually fermented, causing the residents in Zheng Qing's ears to become a little passive and unwilling to talk to the landlord.

Therefore, when planning the battle plan earlier, Zheng Qing did not take the little green snake into account, and was only prepared to use the blood rune bullets and the legendary soft leg charm rewarded by Lao Yao to solve the immediate trouble - before he It seems that to deal with a small person like me who is still sneaky and hiding, it is not a big deal, blood rune bullets and legendary scrolls are enough.

But just like that classic theorem, if nothing unexpected happens, something unexpected will happen.

Without Zheng Qing's request for help or urging, the little green snake jumped out on its own, chasing and biting the big crows whose aura was close to the great wizard's.

Leave him stunned.

Also dumbfounded along with Zheng Qing and the others were the five ‘crows’ in the small attic at the end of the street.

When Gan Ning made a desperate decision to release an uncontrollable monster to force Zheng Qing to consume his powerful talisman bombs, the other four people complained a little, but it was understandable.

However, what happened next was completely beyond their comprehension.

The uncontrollable monster that the crows were about to release had not yet appeared, but the other side released an even more uncontrollable monster first. No, although the monster opposite looks a little crazy, it seems to be slightly controllable, because it has been chasing the remaining three big crows and biting them randomly - trying to disrupt other people's rhythm, but was disrupted by others. .

"Who saw that monster coming out from somewhere?"

"Zheng Qing..."

"Shut up and don't mention names!"

"Hug, I'm sorry! I mean, has our 'target' gone out of control? Has our 'target' turned into this monster? What should we do now?"

"Don't panic, the target is still within the observation range, the monster is not his... maybe this monster is their pet?"

"Which student would carry such a pet with him?! A creature of this level can serve as a treasure of the clan in those big families, and it must be regarded as a gift from the ancestors!"

Gan Ning listened to the rustling sounds behind him, but he didn't feel bored. Instead, he wanted to laugh. He felt that this 'out of control situation' in front of him felt inexplicably familiar.


He raised his hand and stopped the discussion among his companions. There was a hint of lightness in his voice: "As the person in charge, I judge that this mission has failed and prepare to evacuate... Can you open the sandbox now?"

Upon hearing the word 'responsible person', the other four crows immediately lost their opinions.

"Can't open."

Crow No. 9 answered Gan Ning's last question without thinking: "In order to catalyze the birth of the 'out of control body', we gathered all the magic nodes together... Unless there is enough time, maybe we can sort out those nodes one by one. come out……"

Gan Ning nodded slightly, this conclusion was not beyond his expectation.

He stared at the large crows flapping their wings and running away in mid-air. He hesitated for a few seconds, then turned to look at another companion: "The powerful talisman used by the target..."

"It can't be broken." Crow No. 15 shook his head gracefully and replied unhurriedly: "Before customizing this sandbox, the power of his rune bombs has been taken into consideration, and sufficient redundancy for destruction has been given."

"So, sometimes it's not a good thing to make plans that are too precise." Crow No. 9 sighed and rubbed the brass telescope in his hand.

Gan Ning was silent, his thoughts racing.

"We can still communicate with the outside world, right?" He asked incoherently.

Crow No. 14 tilted his head and glanced at him: "Yes, yes, but I don't think it's a smart idea to contact the professor now... It doesn't comply with safety regulations."

"Who said I need to contact the professor?"

Gan Ning touched the long crow's beak on the mask and pointed to the top of his head: "Isn't the great wizard in the North District studying how to open this sandbox? The core distribution map of magic nodes and the calculation method of operating rules Pass it all to her...just sign it as 'I am an unknown good person'."

The eyes of the other four people all lit up.

"Then how should we evacuate?" Crow No. 15 finally thought more.

"Surround Wei and rescue Zhao, attack in the east and attack in the west...and then take the lead." Gan Ning calculated various possibilities and came up with a highly risky evacuation plan.

When Kolma received the message from the small sandbox world, she was completely confused.

"The school still has undercover agents among those degenerate guys?" She stared at the "I am an unknown good person" at the end of the message, with a hint of suspicion in her tone.

"They can't do anything!"

Fei Rui never had a good impression of the guys from that university. Looking at the hesitating witch in front of him, he tugged on the end of her hair impatiently: "Wouldn't you know if it's true if you try it? Anyway, At your rate, you won’t be able to open this sandbox for a year or so, so what’s the harm in trying?

Colma blushed and resisted the urge to crush the fat hamster.

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