Monster Hunting High School

Chapter 2641 You will examine yourself three times in the future

Tuesday afternoon is a session of advanced magic texts.

Until Professor Monteria and most of the classmates left the classroom, Zheng Qing was still a little distracted. From time to time, his mind wandered to the last two words Su Shijun said after meeting her at noon.




Every time he recalled it, he tried to interpret these two words in different tones, but no matter which way he changed, he had to admit that he could not give an exact answer.

If he had followed the determination he had made when he left Shanglinyuan a week ago, he should have drawn a clear line with her long ago, and naturally he should not go to her after encountering trouble.

But unknowingly, it was delayed for a week, and his determination disappeared quietly in the delay.

It is true that he can convince himself in his heart - for example, the existence of Boseidong prevents him from completely cutting off the relationship with her; for example, she also serves as the advisor for his graduation thesis; for example, she once had the first time during the winter hunting in her freshman year. Trying to break his tail to save himself during a sandbox accident, etc.

These excuses gave him enough reasons to maintain this vague and beautiful relationship.

Alas, if you ask what love is in the world, it means that one thing comes down to another.

This meaningful sentence floated through his mind, and he couldn't help but clenched his fist and knocked on his head, as if he wanted to knock out all those bad thoughts.

"If you can't kill someone with your fist, if you want to commit suicide, you have to use a hammer." The fat wizard sneered, took out a small hammer with his backhand, and banged it down in front of Zheng Qing.

The young teaching assistant was shocked.

"I didn't think about it... I just have a headache, it's an old problem." Zheng Qing mumbled and pushed the hammer away.


Fatty Xin's face was full of contempt, and he poked Xiao Xiao with his stubby finger: "Do you want the doctor to tell you, are you suffering from a mental illness? You obviously just miss women! You are so lewd (she), just like Maodou Just like hair! Maodou will wag his tail when he sees you, and the corners of your mouth will turn up when you think about girls. It’s so hard to do it again and again. Do you want me to help you find a girl with a cleft lip and let her tell you the secret to keeping the corners of your mouth up forever?”

The cute description of the cracked girl immediately made Zheng Qing sober up.

Before he could recover, the doctor's slightly cold voice came to his ears.

"You can't say what he said is wrong," the fortune teller of the Exoneration Hunting Team commented with the same objective tone as always: "He has a headache because of his relationship with different witches, and getting entangled with different witches is his old problem... … There is no problem in understanding his answer from another angle.”

"Have I offended you two?" Zheng Qing looked puzzled.

The fat wizard held the small hammer and whirred, as if spinning a quill. Zheng Qing was frightened by the sight, fearing that if he was not careful, the hammer would fall out of his hand and hit his face.

Xiao Xiao thoughtfully answered Zheng Qing's confusion for Xin: "What happened at noon yesterday caused the two of us to be taken to the office by Lao Yao to write a checkup at noon today. We signed a lot of silence contracts and were not allowed to use magic or write. My hands were numb when I wrote... Then we asked Lao Yao what you were doing, and he smiled and told us that you were drinking tea in Councilor Su's office."

Just listening to this description, Zheng Qing felt very angry, and it seemed a bit unreasonable not to give himself a blow.

"Linda originally made an appointment with me to have lunch together!" the fat wizard added through gritted teeth.

"I'm very sorry. I was wrong." The captain of the Exoneration Hunting Team held his hands in front of his abdomen, bent at 90 degrees, and bowed sincerely to apologize.

"Knowing your mistakes and not correcting them is useless!" Fatty Xin said angrily: "You have said this kind of apology so many times that I could have it tattooed on my butt!"

Zheng Qing tried very hard not to ask a question - why should he tattoo his answer on his butt - something that would get him beaten upon hearing it.

"I didn't really think about any witch."

He finally defended himself duplicitously and found a reasonable excuse at random: "I was thinking about those crows, who they could be, where they might usually hide, and why they would sneak attack on us... This is not the first time... Did you mention this to Lao Yao at noon? "

The two companions exchanged glances.

"We said it." Xiao Xiao first determined the premise.

"But Lao Yao's attitude is a bit subtle."

The fat wizard stopped playing with the hammer, folding his arms and looking hesitant: "He only said that the school has paid attention to the relevant developments and will handle it carefully... He also said that what we saw may not be the whole truth."

"Using the idea of ​​a fortune teller, we can seem to interpret Lao Yao's statement as some kind of 'playing the long game to catch the big fish'. But you also know that at our level, it is very funny to speculate on the thinking of legends. …”

"There is no more information from the editorial department. Whether it is the school newspaper or the Beta Town Post, all they publish are press releases from the school. There are many rumors, but none of them are authoritative, and there are none involving crows..."

"I suspect that it was because we told Lao Yao that we were asked to sign a lot of silence contracts later."

"I had a discussion with the doctor at noon, and I think those crows should be coming for you. Do you still remember that copper bean you accidentally ate during the winter vacation? Most likely you have been marked as an experimental subject by them... How does a laboratory handle an experimental subject normally?"

"Plucked, bled, stunned and sliced."

"Have you thought of anything?"

"The last mission your devil organization received! If there were just some guys who wanted to deal with you, they wouldn't have to pay such a high price for a prank or prank..."

The two of them were talking to each other, and Zheng Qing was scratching his head as he listened. Until the doctor's last words came out, Zheng Qing's mind suddenly flashed back to his former sinner, and he thought of the scene where he met him at the Cat Fruit Tree.

This subtle emotion was very similar to the feeling he felt when he saw the jacaranda tree and the deputy leader of the Rainbow Wizard Group, and when the blue bird appeared that day and let him smell the cherry blossoms.

He was in a daze for a moment, and his expression relaxed a lot unconsciously.

"Cheer up! When have you been stupid? You don't have time to think about it now!"

Dr. Xiao Da patted Zheng Qing on the shoulder, with a hint of emotion in his tone: "Next time you think of witches or the corners of your mouth turn up unconsciously, just think about the rest of your time in school... Ask yourself in your heart, Have you finished your homework? Have you finished your graduation thesis? Will the crow still attack you after thinking about it? It’s not too late to laugh again.”

"You must be a devil! I didn't think about girls just now!" Zheng Qing complained behind him with a gloomy look on his face. The inspiration that just flashed through his mind immediately disappeared without a trace.

"That means you can examine your body three times every day." The doctor corrected him seriously.

Ps, regarding Zheng Qing’s subtle emotions, please refer to Chapter 831 Emergency Assembly

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