Monster Hunting High School

Chapter 2659 Silence makes sense

The deeper you go into the Silent Forest, the more lush the weeds become and the denser the trees become.

Dense trees will not only block sight, but also isolate sounds. In other words, the deeper you go into the forest, the quieter the surrounding environment will become. If it is daytime, even the light will become darker as you go deeper into the forest. The bleaker it gets.

This environment is very dangerous.

Because in the silence, any existence that makes a sound is exposing its position and will immediately attract countless coveted eyes hiding in the dark. If the creature that makes the sound is weak, then the next second it will be You will pay with your life for your carelessness.

In this world, if you want to express your voice, there is a price.

Therefore, silence is the best choice for most people.

The silence makes sense.

Of course, this truth does not apply to the employees of First University - in the entire Phuket Island, First University is the biggest truth. The forest must be silent in front of the school, but the school can make loud noises in the forest.

This is why, even though she knew this was a confidential operation, Hilda still acted a little absent-minded, and even dared to talk about "lessons" to Zheng Qing during the battle.

Until he was deducted points again.

The Silent Forest finally fell into true silence.

On the night of Qingming Festival, the yin energy is particularly heavy.

When the teaching assistant team arrived at their destination tonight, the moon was already in the sky. The light blue cursed light was like streams of elegant mist, connecting between the five assistant teachers, flowing slowly in the night, outlining the appearance of a vague water leopard. The moonlight fell and coated it with a pearly light film. From a distance, it looked like a ghost whose body was about to collapse.


At the front of the battle formation, the wizard wearing a B-shaped mask gently tapped his mask and passed this message to everyone in the team.

Zheng Qing dragged his robe legs and struggled through a tangled bush. He followed Hilda and looked behind the bush.

The originally dense forest suddenly opened up before his eyes.

Like a patch of bald spot on a giant's head, a small forest glade appeared abruptly and ugly in this beautiful world. A low fence that billowed with a fierce smell separated the open space from the forest. In the center of the camp, a blazing bonfire was burning, emitting a strange aroma that spread in all directions.

Almost at the same time that Zheng Qing smelled the aroma, a warning hiss and a series of slightly manic barks came from his ears.

"Who is there!"

When the stern shouts rang out, a blade of wind was also wrapped with dazzling firelight, and it rushed straight to the direction of the uninvited guests like a shooting star, instantly illuminating a large area of ​​the dark world.

"I'm going to say hello. You two can patrol the area. You don't need to go too far. Just don't let anything blind disturb you... As for you two, just stand here and don't move around at will."

The wizard wearing an A-shaped mask spoke very quickly and whispered instructions.

The previous order was given to Masks B and C. They had previously been responsible for the exploration and patrol work of the team, so the new tasks they took on at this time were not surprising.

The latter order was given to Zheng Qing and Hilda.

Four people responded one after another.

Hilda might still be a little angry, but at this time, she showed no signs of anger and followed Zheng Qing angrily to stay where she was.

After giving the order, the wizard wearing the A-shaped mask turned towards the direction of the wind blade, straightened his robe a little, pinned a badge of the First University Assistant Teaching Group to his chest, and then walked straight out of the forest. The Dharma book is hung on the waist, and the free hands are spread forward, as if to shake hands with an old friend:

"...The First University Teaching Assistant Group visited the Utya tribe."

Only then did Zheng Qing know the name of the centaur tribe they met tonight.

With the wizard's greetings, the entire camp suddenly started boiling like a pot of boiling water. The rapid sound of horse hooves seemed to come from all directions, but in the end, only a small team of centaur warriors appeared in front of everyone's eyes, galloping out from the center of the camp.

Zheng Qing noticed that there were several short hunting dogs hanging around the group of knights, staring intently at the uninvited guests deep in the forest. Apparently, they have sharper senses than centaurs.

The centaur warriors wore light leather armor and carried bows and swords. Their black manes were raised in the firelight, like streaks of burning flames. Just a small group of knights ran out with an unstoppable momentum. But when they came behind the A-shaped wizard, the entire team's fierce momentum suddenly subsided.

Like the roaring waves turning into gurgling water.

They crowded around the guests and headed towards the center of the camp, leaving no centaurs outside the fence, only a few short dogs.

Zheng Qing looked at the dogs squatting behind the fence and the figures receding away. He finally couldn't help but poked Hilda's arm and asked in a low voice: "Is it okay if he goes in alone?"

The practical class teacher gave him a rather resentful look.

Before he could speak, another voice sounded in Zheng Qing's ears.

"Among all the magical creatures in the Silent Forest, centaurs are probably the smartest ones." The person who spoke for Hilda was a wizard wearing a B-shaped mask, but the voices under the mask were disguised and mechanically indifferent. His tone was incomprehensible: "...This is why we chose to visit them tonight. So, there is no need to worry about the captain's safety."

Zheng Qing agreed rather cautiously.

Not knowing his true identity under the mask always made him feel like he was facing a stranger.

"Let's go too." The B-shaped mask turned to look at the other companion, and nodded slightly. The next second, the two of them turned into two streams of light and disappeared into the dark night.

Behind the fence, several dogs stood up alertly, hanging their tails and staring nervously at the spot where the magic power had just risen. They bared their teeth and seemed to be about to roar in the next second.

"Don't talk to me!" Hilda glanced at the student who seemed to be hesitant to speak and warned him in advance: "I don't want to finish the task late at night and write a three-foot-long reflection report..."

Since he is willing to speak, it will be easy to handle.

"It's not a small talk, teacher, I mean, it seems a bit unruly to let A go in alone?"

Zheng Qing looked around uneasily, as if he felt a little ashamed for not trusting his teammates, but he couldn't remain silent at this time. There were some things he had to ask clearly now: "I remember it was said in the safety regulations of the assistant coaching staff that the implementation of It is prohibited to have random contact with third parties during tasks. If contact is necessary, the two-person principle should be implemented..."

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