Monster Hunting High School

Chapter 2665 Wizard Psychology

The three big elves entered the preparatory class of Fringe College after the Qingming Festival.

That's Tuesday.

Just one day later, on Wednesday morning, the news about Qingqiu sending three juniors to enroll in Fringe Academy spread like wildfire, spreading everywhere, causing a lot of discussion.

Most people focus on how beautiful the three little girls are, their robes, their makeup, their jewelry, their every move, every smile, etc. After all, Qingqiu is good at producing beauties, and those who love beauty Everyone has this heart.

A slightly more serious discussion focused on whether wealthy families like Qingqiu sending their children to marginal colleges would squeeze out the admissions quota for truly marginalized groups, and whether marginal colleges would gradually evolve into a low-profile version of the ‘Alpha College’.

There are also some people who are thinking in the atmosphere. They are privately analyzing whether the fact that Fringe College only accepts children from the Qingqiu family means that the alliance and First University have reached a consensus and intend to appoint a big shot from the Qingqiu family as the dean of Fringe College.

Zheng Qing was very concerned about these discussions.

Even when rumors about him spread around the school a few days ago, he never took it so seriously.

The good news is that so far, the three great elves’ academic careers are progressing very smoothly. They have not encountered bullying, skipped classes midway, or received negative feedback from professors.

This made Zheng Qing quite pleased.

Even when he described (fabricated) the dream to Xiao Xiao and Fatty Xin, he was much more serious - this time the description had nothing to do with nightmares, it was simply Zheng Qing helping his two roommates complete their elective coursework.

Wednesday afternoon is an elective class.

Zheng Qing and Jiang Yu took Magical Cosmology as an elective, while Xiao Xiao, Xin and Zhang Jixin took Zhu Si's Dream Interpretation as an elective. The after-school homework of dream interpretation requires analyzing the dreams of a third party.

Of all the people Xiao Xiao and Fatty Xin knew, perhaps only Zheng Qing was willing and didn't mind sharing his dreams with them.

Of course, in the absence of real signs of dreams, Zheng Qing could only work hard to 'make up' some dreams that met the textbook requirements to make the homework of the two roommates easier.

"...I dreamed that a small black dot appeared on the surface of the sun, moving slowly from top to bottom, diagonally." Zheng Qing was writing his homework on classical science while making up his own. Dreamland.

"A black dot appears on the sun?" The fat wizard frowned and analyzed it seriously: "The dream contains astrology content. Teacher Zhu Si will definitely like your dream."

In comparison, Xiao Xiao's focus is much more detailed: "How big is the dot? At what angle is it cut? How fast is it moving? Excluding sunspots, there are too many possibilities for that dot, including Mars and Mercury. ,Venus……"

", Mercury, I dreamed about the transit of Mercury! The one at an angle of seven degrees is Mercury!"

Zheng Qing was busy calculating the angle between Mercury and the Earth's orbit around the sun on the star chart, and couldn't help complaining: "I don't understand why classical scientific rituals involve calculation of planetary orbits at all! Divination is not like divination, and astrology is not like divination. Stars..."

"Can we distinguish between the transit of Mercury and the transit of Venus in dreams?" The fat wizard glanced at the doctor hesitantly.

"I can do that." Xiao Xiaoyan replied concisely.

The fat wizard nodded with satisfaction: "The theory is fine. At worst, I will make some mistakes in other places... Slight mistakes will make the results more realistic... Well, let me see, the transit of Mercury is about a hundred It happens thirteen times a year, usually in early May or early November...and the one closest to us should be early May. Is there any arrangement for the spring hunt?”

"The midterm exam." Dr. Xiao Da adjusted his glasses: "Haru Shou is next week."


The fat wizard took a breath, looked at his half-written homework again, and scratched his head: "This is too bad, how can I connect the plague with the midterm exam... Could it be that during the midterm exam, Is there going to be a massive flu outbreak in the school? Is the flu considered a plague?”


Xiao Xiao raised his eyelids, glanced at the fat wizard with a sad face, and reminded: "But what is related to the plague is the transit of Venus... The transit of Mercury hints at a critical decision that will lead to a cliffhanger or lead to the loss of everything. "

Whether it's 'bounce' or 'lose everything', they don't seem to be good words for midterm exams.

This made Zheng Qing feel quite sorry.

"Or am I remembering it wrong? What I saw in my dream was actually the transit of Venus?" He tentatively looked at his two companions: "It's better to catch a cold during the midterm exam than to lose everything."

The fat wizard was quite moved.

But Xiao Xiao clearly refused.

"This level of divination conclusion will not have any impact on my grades."

He commanded the quill confidently and completed the last part of the dream analysis assignment. Then he turned to look out the window and took a long breath: "The midterm exam is coming soon, which makes people feel a little emotional... Time flies so fast. …It always feels like the New Year just ended yesterday, and in the blink of an eye, school has started for more than a month, and the semester is almost over.”

The midterm exam of this semester is scheduled for the tenth week, and it is already Wednesday of the seventh week.

There's also the annual spring hunt next weekend.

Just thinking about it makes people feel a sense of urgency and anxiety, giving people a feeling that there is not enough time at all.

Zheng Qing touched his hourglass unconsciously.

With the time turner, he has a little more time than the others. In addition, because he applied for early graduation, he did not need to take midterm and final exams this semester, which made him feel inexplicably relieved, as if the pressure of not being able to finish his homework was fully released at this moment.

"Time flies so fast."

The fat wizard sighed sadly: "I remember that when I was a child, I had to go through the day every day, and time was so slow. But the older I get, the faster time passes... A few days ago, I saw a man with the meaning of time. Acceleration' different perspective."

"What's your point of view?" Zheng Qing was happy to be a qualified supporter at this time.

"It's an article in 'Wizard Psychology' - On the impact of psychological maturity on the speed of time." The fat wizard showed off the full name of the article.

Zheng Qing twitched his lips: "It sounds boring."

"Not only boring, but also ignorant." Xiao Xiao snorted, with a hint of disdain in his tone: "The biggest problem of those who study wizard psychology is that they ignore the nature of the world and always like to use 'I am thinking' to explain everything... Read a few more books and you won’t be fooled by their fallacies.”

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