Monster Hunting High School

Chapter 198 Restless Monday

There are some things in life that we can be certain of.

For example, spilled salt should be thrown over the left shoulder, and rosemary must be planted at the entrance of the garden. Lavender will bring good luck. Another example is that no one dares to point at the rainbow hanging in the east sky, and don't peep at the moon when it wears gauze.

But other things are not so certain.

Such as life, such as death, such as love.

Ileana Jones is a gypsy witch.

At the same time, she is also Zheng Qing's classmate.

She is also a brave and beautiful girl - Zheng Qing is very sure of this. Every time her name floated into his mind, he would involuntarily think of that beautiful figure holding a handful of tarot cards in her hand and an apologetic look on her face.

The unique tarot divination technique, the tall wizard tower that appears and disappears, the caravan that shuttles between life and death wielding the whip of shadow, and the gypsies wandering in Eurasia have long been shrouded in mysterious legends.

And Elena inherited all the mystery of the Gypsies.

Her beauty, her enthusiasm, her burgundy wavy long hair, her mesmerizing big light brown eyes, straight bridge of nose, wheat-colored skin, tall figure, everything is full of mystery. lure.

Her every smile and charming look are all intoxicating.

It is very unmagical to expect a young man who has just left the greenhouse to control himself under such temptation.

Therefore, Zheng Qing fell in love almost the moment she talked to him.

Maybe God also intended to help this silly young man. The gypsy witch would actually be interested in the study of talismans. Is there anything more in line with Zheng Qing's wishes than this?

At the witch's suggestion, the 2008 public-funded student from Jiuyou Academy ignored the fact that his basic magic was a mess and agreed to help her with tutoring.

So, at two o'clock on Sunday afternoon, it became a piece of honey in the hearts of young people.

Every time he thinks about this time, he can't help but have a silly, sweet smile on his face.

Except last Sunday.

Zheng Qing hugged his Dharma book, frowned, and hurried to the classroom. The elves poked their heads out of the hood behind him, carefully observed the surroundings, and sang cheerful tunes.

It's seven o'clock on Monday morning, more than an hour before the first class starts.

But Zheng Qing could no longer wait in the small dormitory.

Starting from Saturday, the paper cranes he flew towards Elena flew back to his hand intact. No matter how gorgeous the shape he folds the paper crane into, or how many 'anti-dodge' spells he adds to the paper crane, those cyan letters will always flutter their wings in his disappointed eyes, and return to the small dormitory 403. On the balcony.

Then he nodded and pecked hard through the thick layer of glass.

Boom, boom, boom.

He didn't know why Zhihe couldn't find Elena, and he didn't know whether the witch appeared at the desk in the library at noon on Sunday, and he didn't know whether the witch was safe now.

All he knew was that he had to find the gypsy witch before his first class on Monday and express his deepest apologies for not being able to make it on Sunday.

If possible, he was ready to squeeze out a sum of money from his modest wallet and treat the witch to dinner at the most luxurious restaurant in Beta Town as part of his 'most sincere apology'.

He originally planned to talk to Elena about this matter at the regular class meeting on Sunday night, but to his disappointment, the witch did not show up at the regular meeting.

This kind of thing is not surprising. He comforted himself in his heart. Just like what Dr. Xiao Da mentioned, transfer students and international students have their own small closed circles. They are rarely included in class meetings and other activities. in numbers - and they rarely participate in such activities.

Therefore, before Professor Yao's spell class this morning, it was the last chance.

The young public-sponsored student was preoccupied with thinking about his words and deeds after the meeting. He did not pay attention to the excited expressions on the faces of the students coming and going on campus, as well as the figures who gathered in twos and threes and talked quietly.

Until he pushed open the classroom door, a group of people cheered and surrounded him, frightening the poor young man.

"Why are there so many people!" he shouted, "Why are you all here so early? What happened!"

However, the crowd paid no attention to his struggle and bombarded him with a series of questions.

"Is it true?" Li Meng squeezed into the front of the crowd, grabbed him by the collar, and screamed: "Did the patrol catch those monsters?"

"What?" Zheng Qing looked around in a daze.

The elf in the hood was frightened by the enthusiastic wizards, and flew to the top of the blackboard with a loud cheer, looking for comfort from those who worked in the school.

Each elf holds a blue paper crane in his arms - this is one of the 'sincerities' Zheng Qing prepared for Elena.

Perhaps because he was too panicked, one of the elves just flapped his wings and flew high, and accidentally dropped a paper crane. Without the burden of the paper crane, the little elf suddenly flew much more easily, so in a blink of an eye, this simple-minded little guy forgot about the 'treasure' that his master had repeatedly warned him about.

The paper crane floated slowly with the help of the airflow until it was about to land when it was caught by a bare hand.

Of course, Zheng Qing did not notice these details.

He was surrounded by curious faces, and his ears were filled with questions.

"Everyone is saying that it's a bunch of sand that sucks those magical creatures dry, is that true?"

The question is very simple and clear.

Zheng Qing nodded hurriedly.

This affirmative expression made the enthusiasm of the onlookers even more intense.

"Are there really tens of thousands of lazy bugs hidden in the school by those sandboxes?"

"What does the Mother of Sand Time look like? How big is it? Have you touched it?"

"How did you find the group of escaped sandies?"

"I heard that someone in the patrol team was robbed of a timeline by sand, and half of his face was withered. Is it true?"

"Did you get a small bottle of Sand Time Royal Jelly as a reward?"

This last question was so critical that everyone shut their mouths and looked at Zheng Qing eagerly, expecting him to give an accurate answer.

Zheng Qing hesitated and nodded slowly again.


The onlookers were in an uproar, and the atmosphere suddenly became more lively.

"Brother Qing, Brother Qing!" Squad Leader Downton put his arm around his shoulders and greeted him enthusiastically: "You probably don't need that bottle of 'Sand Time Royal Jelly'... I'll give you ten jade coins, evenly divided. How am I doing?"

Before Zheng Qing could speak, a mocking voice sounded clearly outside the crowd.

"Ten jade coins?"

Matthew Cullen was leaning against the window, tilting his head and looking coldly at the farce at the classroom door. When he suddenly heard Downton's offer, he couldn't help but mocked:

"Insincere price...I'll pay twenty."

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