Monster Hunting High School

Chapter 5 Ant Continent

"...In the Oustrian space-time theoretical system, taking the Seegers mechanism as the starting point, within a certain space-time range, the strength of active individuals is inversely proportional to the lifespan of this space-time..."

"...The mantras involved in this theorem include..."

"...In this part of the derivation, we can use a Lie-Mac expansion to approximately replace some of the complex functions with a polynomial..."

"...When the T value is 0, we can get the Laurent formula with the Perrin term..."

"...Converge this conclusion and obtain an approximate H effective solution..."


Professor Yao stood on the podium waving his pipe and talking.

On the wall behind him, in the large blackboard, chalk characters of different colors are crisscrossed, listing dense formulas and derivation.

Moreover, these mantras are still extending and expanding with Lao Yao's explanation.

Everyone, including outstanding public-funded students and top students, as well as sophomores and juniors, stared at the blackboard with blank eyes, listening to the analysis and explanations that seemed like a bible.

The classroom was quiet, no one said a word.

He was afraid that he would be named by Lao Yao and be embarrassed in public.

Zheng Qing copied the lecture notes on the blackboard on the title page of "Philosophy of Magic" one stroke at a time, and patiently read it word for word.

Read it again.

Repeat three times.

Then he felt the call of Duke Zhou.

This was a powerful hypnotic spell. The young public-funded student shook his head in pain, resisting the call that he could not refuse, and tried hard to reopen his eyelids that were almost stuck together.

Do it all at once, second time tired, third time exhausted. 【】

For some reason, this sentence kept spinning in his mind.

So, he finally gave up on saving himself and poked the great doctor next to him with his pen: "Do you understand?"

As if it was a signal, the eyes of several students around him suddenly focused on him.

"I feel the deep malice of this world...the origin of magic is repelling my prying eyes." Duan Xiaojian sighed deeply, and turned to look at Xiao Xiao with a flattering voice: "If there is anything in this darkness, Then a beam of light must be you, our cutest Dr. Xiao!"

"Yeah." Xiao Xiao frowned and said cautiously: "I can understand every word that Lao Yao said..."

Several other people immediately beamed with joy.

"Leave it to you!" Duan Xiaojian happily stuffed a piece of panda cigarette candy over him: "It has a lilac scent. It is said that you can taste the taste of first love... Doctor, can you give us a simple tutorial after class..."

Without saying anything, Xiao Xiao put the piece of candy into his pocket, then nodded vaguely.

But all this did not affect the judgment of the young public-funded students.

"Then what?" Zheng Qing raised his eyebrows, continued to poke, and said, "I can understand every to connect them together?"

"Stop talking...Old Yao, look over here!" Xiao Xiao sat upright, looking at the blackboard intently, refusing to answer Zheng Qing's question.

At the same time, several clear coughs came from the podium.

Several boys who were having a small meeting suddenly withered.

After coughing, Lao Yao did not continue to analyze the difficult derivation on the blackboard. Instead, he knocked on the table with his pipe to regain everyone's attention.

"I noticed that people are not very interested in the most fundamental content of our theory."

There was a slight roar of approval in the classroom.

But more people, including Zheng Qing, only supported Lao Yao's conclusion with their eyes.

"It's not unexpected at all." Lao Yao shrugged, curled the corners of his mouth downwards, and spread his hands slightly in front of him: "Then let me help you understand this theory in a more popular way."

"It's still the same sentence: within a certain time and space, the strength of an active individual is inversely proportional to the lifespan of this time and space."

"How do you understand it?"

"To put it simply, in a small world, the more powerful the active individuals are, the shorter the life span of the small world will be."

There was a neat "oh" sound in the classroom.

Everyone had a look of realization on their faces.

It makes it much clearer if you put it this way... Masters are not good at this. They always like to use very awkward words and phrases to express what is originally very simple.

Zheng Qing smacked his lips and quickly wrote down Lao Yao's explanation in red pen next to the note he just took.

"But you need to pay attention... what I just mentioned is just a conclusion. It cannot improve your theoretical foundation of magic. It will not help you in building a higher magic world view."

Lao Yao shook his head, obviously not satisfied with the students in this classroom.

"In future studies, you must understand the source of this result... Now, I will use a more specific case to deepen your impression."

As he spoke, he pulled out a piece of white paper from the folder on the podium, brightened it, spread it out, and placed it in mid-air in front of him.

Then he flexed his fingers and flicked the paper.

The white paper seemed to be fixed by the surrounding space, motionless in mid-air.

It just made a dull 'pop' sound.

"Suppose this blank piece of paper is a continent."

"We can call it the 'White Continent'... Don't laugh, for ants, this continent is enough for them to explore and explore for a long time."

The chuckle that just sounded in the classroom quickly subsided.

Lao Yao squinted his eyes, nodded with satisfaction, put his dark pipe into his mouth, and took a few puffs.

"The world has...then we say that the world still lacks a little life."

He blew out a plume of smoke that surrounded the white continent.

He turned over the pipe in his hand, shook it, and dropped down wisps of black ashes, a little red sparks, and a few golden tobacco pipes that were not completely burned out.

The ash fell on the white paper and turned into black ants.

Sparks fell on the white paper and turned into red ants.

And those few thin tobacco pipes turned into several strange beasts with teeth and claws.

"Light curtain!" Old Yao knocked on the blackboard.

The elves flapped their wings and quickly pulled down a translucent curtain, and their sweet sounds echoed in every corner of the classroom.

In the blink of an eye, the originally small white continent cast a huge, clear image on the curtain.

Everyone can clearly see the black and red ants, their trembling antennae and sharp fangs.

They linked their front legs and danced happily in a circle.

Then a black ant was accidentally squeezed off the white continent by a dancing red ant.

After a struggle, it turned into fly ash again and fell on the classroom floor.

The dance on the white continent came to an abrupt end.

"Good things are always short-lived." Lao Yao stood on the podium and said with emotion: "Where there is color, there will be disputes."

"From ancient times to the present, there is no exception."

The white continent rotates slowly.

Through the wide light screen, everyone can clearly see that the ants of the two colors have gradually broken away from each other, forming two distinct groups.

"War is the most direct way to resolve disputes."

Following these words, ants of two different colors started biting each other seemingly in an instant.

They opened their claws, kicked their legs, charged at each other, and bumped their shiny heads together.

After only a few minutes, the overlapping corpses formed a zigzag mountain range, separating the two different colors of ants.

So this short but cruel war came to an abrupt end.

There was an exhale of relief in the classroom.

"If there were only these ants on this continent, if these ants could only have these abilities."

"Then even if they hit us until get out of class is over, they will only drop some soot... and have no impact on our lovely white continent."

Zheng Qing nodded in agreement.

He looked at the notes in his hand, and then his eyes fell on the white world again, seeming to feel something. 21032

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