Monster Hunting High School

Chapter 36 Collection of Farewell Replies

Deng Xiaoxian is twenty-seven years old this year. He has a long face, thin eyebrows, thin lips, and a sallow complexion. He has a lock of long hair on his forehead covering his left eye. He often wears a gray long coat with no collar and left hem, and a hood over it. A white robe.

Zheng Qing still remembers the first time he saw Deng Xiaoxian in early autumn five years ago.

Shopkeeper Lao Deng grabbed the lock of hair on his forehead and dragged him to his Huichun Hall. His roar echoed throughout the street:

"One bottle is not full, half the bottle is dangling!"

"Who do you think you are? What can you do? Do you know the fifteen ways to use the Pleiades Inner Metal? You can't even memorize all the medicinal properties, but you dare to learn how to prescribe prescriptions! How dare you go to a new world!!"

"I'll be unlucky if you don't go out on your own! The old Deng family deserves to be exterminated! What if you tricked the rest of the hunting team? Who will they ask to reason with?"

"To think that being a registered wizard can change the world! It's ridiculous! Do you think those big monsters out there are just paper?"

Zheng Qing was lying at the door, watching the formerly kind-hearted old doctor blushing, getting furious, and bursting into tears.

Pan Luer, with his head drooped, knelt in front of the shrine in the middle hall of the Huichun Hall and said nothing.

Since then, the shopkeeper of Huichun Hall has become this young man with a lock of hair on his forehead.

Merchants in Hui Ziji strictly abide by national regulations. On weekdays, the door opens at nine in the morning and closes at exactly five in the afternoon. Pan Luer was the only one who looked down upon it. He would only lazily open the door after four hours a day on weekdays. The door was already ajar at two or three o'clock in the afternoon.

After shopkeeper Lao Deng handed over the key to the store to Pan Luer, he wandered off to nowhere and might not come back for three to five years. There are no employees in the store, and the shopkeeper is responsible for dispensing medicines and treating patients. Pan Lv'er also cooked prescriptions and made pills and powders on weekdays. Occasionally, when customers came, he would say that the shopkeeper was not there, or use the prescriptions to fool the customers, but he never paid attention to this shop.

He only focused on endorsing.

Shopkeeper Lao Deng once said that if Pan Luer wants to leave, he must be able to skillfully prepare the three hundred prescriptions passed down from his family. He must also be able to silently recite the three poems "The Golden Chamber Helps the World", "Hold the Bottle" and "The Taoist Master Hanmei". There are tens of thousands of prescriptions in this book.

Shopkeeper Xiao Deng began to endorse desperately in order to leave Huichun Hall as soon as possible.

Zheng Qing picked one word from each of the three book titles he memorized and gave it a humorous name: "Jin·Ping·Plum". Every time he saw him reciting the book, he would tease him with the humorous name.

Pan Luer often blows into his nostrils and blows his locks of hair, pretending to be angry.

After placing the three kraft paper parcels on the counter of Huichun Hall, Zheng Qing hurriedly ran out and asked Pan Luer about his experience in school and asked him if he had any good suggestions.

"What advice do you want to hear?" Deng Xiaoxian put down the book in his hand and sat up straight.

Zheng Qing was speechless.

"I know more than two hundred hidden passages between the four colleges; I also know the secret camps left by the seniors in the Silent Forest; I also know which courses you can take in the second half of the semester to get credits more easily."

"But I can't tell you."

"Before each student leaves school, he will sign a 'silence contract' with the school to keep everything about the school confidential. This contract was drawn up by the First University Professors' Joint Meeting, and after being fair and impartial by the Wizards' Council, the effect is quite amazing."

Seeing Zheng Qing's disappointed look, Shopkeeper Xiao Deng rolled up the 'Jin Ping Mei' in his hand and taught a lesson: "First University is a holy place. It allows you to grow and mature quickly. The joy of life is hidden in the growth. Behind the scenes. It’s like playing a game. If you rely on cheats to pass levels, what’s the fun?”

"I have only one suggestion for you, make more friends and participate in more social activities." Deng Xiaoxian raised two fingers and concluded.

"These are two." Zheng Qing corrected.

A customer came to the door of Huichun Hall to take medicine. Pan Luer glanced sideways at Zheng Qing, then blew up the long lock of hair on his forehead and led the customer into the store.

Zheng Qing let out a long breath, feeling a lot more relaxed for some reason.

Huiziji is a very small market.

So small that the primitive trading method of barter is still used in this market.

There are only about twenty shops in the entire market. The streets are old and the shops are very simple. Many of the shop signs simply have the name of the shop written on them, without adding any gorgeous magical effects.

This gave Zheng Qing, who had been baptized by the gorgeous magic of Four Seasons Square, a sense of gap.

He felt that he had an obligation to help the elders in his hometown change this backwardness.

"Xiao Qingzi, have you used up the talisman paper last time? How are you preparing for college?" Granny Cai from Baicaotang stopped Zheng Qing with a smile.

Baicaotang is a store specializing in talisman paper, cinnabar, pen and ink and other utensils on Hui Zi Ji. For a while, Grandma Cai agreed to Zheng Qing's agreement to replace the finished talisman posts with new blank posts, which made Zheng Qing very grateful.

"There are still some talismans from last time. But because I have to go to school, I won't be able to come back soon, so I plan to get more." Zheng Qing answered respectfully.

After returning from Sijifang some time ago, Zheng Qing went straight to Hui Zi Ji to inquire about the situation of First University in these old neighbors. I never thought that most of the shop owners in the market had never gone to college. I just heard that this university is very good. He didn't know much about other things than Zheng Qing. Xiao Deng, the only shopkeeper who had gone to school, had gone somewhere in those days and didn't even open his shop.

It's really frustrating.

However, the shopkeepers in the market are all quite old, so they need more salt. In a few words, he gave Zheng Qing a lot of good suggestions.

For example, Granny Cai asked Zheng Qing to leave a letter and describe the situation clearly, and she could help pass it on to Mr. Wu; another example is that Boss Huang from "Da Dai Li Ji" suggested that Zheng Qing bring some jade pendants and give them to his classmates. It was a very nice little gift; Doctor Li from Herbal Medicine House urged Zheng Qing to bring a few decoctions.

"Everything is prepared in advance. You have to be careful when eating the soup and water outside. If you have a bruise, the school nurse at that school will not always be behind you. Bring a few commonly used stickers and stuff them in your pocket. Your bag finally makes people feel more at ease.”

At that time, Zheng Qing gratefully accepted these gifts. After returning home, the more he thought about it, the more embarrassed Zheng Qing felt. After thinking hard for a few days, I finally came up with a good idea.

He plans to help the old shops in Hui Ziji install some modern and more dazzling signs. Just like those shops in Four Seasons Square, they look very high-end.

So he came to the market today and planned to do some preparations first.

"Xiao Qingzi is here, did you forget something?"

"Did you remember that you didn't bring Boss Huang's granddaughter with you? You came late, and that little girl was driven to the mountain by Boss Huang!"

"When you go to college, you have a lot of ideas. With all your measurements, are you planning to close all the shops of us old guys?"

The market was not big to begin with, and Zheng Qing's measures quickly attracted the attention and ridicule of other shopkeepers.

He went around in embarrassment, begging for mercy, and after measuring the facades of these shops, he ran away.

Next time you come back, you must let these old antiques experience the splendor of modern magic.

Zheng Qing thought viciously in his heart.

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