Monster Hunting High School

Chapter 111: Put an eye in the sky

The 'Eye of the Whirlpool' in the center of the hunting ground suddenly began to shake violently, and the mist that had originally condensed towards the center seemed to be dispersing, slowly spreading to the surrounding areas.

This eye-catching change immediately attracted the attention of several young wizards from Jiuyou Academy.

"What happened? Is the magic circle malfunctioning? Why don't I feel any abnormal magic fluctuations?" Zheng Qing quickly rotated the telescope in his hand and asked repeatedly.

"I don't know." Fatty Xin grabbed a pair of stubby binoculars, put his head over the half-man-high guardrail, and leaned forward with great effort. His tone was full of doubts: "It feels so strange... Although the fog is renewed It spreads, but still maintains a certain special form... It seems to be fluctuating regularly with the 'Eye of the Whirlpool' as the center..."

"It's like breathing." A voice nearby echoed.

"Yes, yes, it's like the 'whirlpool' is breathing." Fatty Xin nodded hurriedly and added: "Those little fishes in the mist are alive again... eh?"

The fat man suddenly realized something and turned his head hard to look at the echoing voice just now.

The one who speaks is ‘half face’.

As if he was aware of the surprised gazes around him, the pointed chin of the 'half-face' retracted slightly, and a smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.

"This is the hunting team that has taken the oath and is preparing to enter." Half-face patiently introduced to several young people: "Since we are going to enter, naturally we need to open the door of this small world first... The fog you see Diffusion, in popular understanding, is a process of opening the door.”

"The competition for the 'College Cup' starts today?" Zheng Qingna said: "Aren't there any qualifying matches?"

"It's a 'round robin'," Half-face corrected the public-funded student's wording, and explained at the same time: "Today is not a formal hunting can only be regarded as a warm-up...for those alien ambassadors who came specially to attend the opening ceremony. And a performance hunt with some VIPs.”

Zheng Qing nodded suddenly.

"As for the 'Eye of the Whirlpool' you mentioned, it's actually a compound spell." Half-face used the unique enthusiasm of a businessman to explain the conditions in the hunting ground to several young wizards, in order to bring them closer to each other. :

"This compound spell is called the 'Eye of the Sky' by the professors. As the name suggests, it is the eye of heaven... Of course, the 'Eye of the Whirlpool' you use to call it is also a very appropriate name."

The last sentence gave a small compliment to several young wizards.

Obviously, this was very helpful to Fatty Xin. He had a smile that couldn't be called reserved on his face and his eyes were almost narrowed to a slit.

But Xiao Xiao obviously didn't care about this level of flattery.

He didn't know when he had opened the notebook again and was taking out a dry-tipped brush from his arms. 【】

"As far as I know, although 'Sky Eye' has a fixed name, it is not a fixed magic... It is said that this kind of magic can be accurately matched and constructed according to different circumstances to adapt to various environments. "As Dr. Xiao Da said, he put the brush into his mouth and licked it to moisten the tip.

This quirk did not cause Half-face any displeasure.

Even his tone didn't hesitate at all.

"Very accurate." Half-face put the quill in his hand into his breast pocket, clapped his hands gently, and praised: "You are worthy of being a special admissions student with the title of 'Doctor'! Even at First University , most students don’t even know the difference between collocation and construction in first grade..."

Zheng Qing wrinkled his nose.

He always felt that the last comment made by Half Face meant something.

"Don't worry." Xiao Xiao shook the penholder in his hand, interrupted half of his flattery, and a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth: "If you can spread a little knowledge about the 'Heaven Eye' to a few of us - it would be best Take the eye in the hunting ground as an example - then I believe that everyone will not be stingy with a few golden beans to help you achieve something. "

The doctor's promise obviously moved Half Face, but he still looked back at the other young people.

Zheng Qing and others nodded.

In their opinion, since the doctor made this request, he certainly had his reasons.

Anyway, they are just a few golden beans. At worst, you can throw them out and listen to the noise.

Half Face finally made up his mind.

But before explaining, he still emphasized: "Maybe I don't know any more than you you'd better not be disappointed."

"Even if you only know one word or one sentence more than me, it is still valuable." Xiao Xiao sat on the chair, leaned back, raised his brush, and gestured: "I believe I will not be disappointed... Okay ”

"The content involving the 'eye of the sky' has gone beyond the scope of the First University's teaching syllabus and belongs to the content discussed by the researchers in the 'research institute'... However, since this aspect of the spell is always used in hunting competitions, I may Knows a little more than others.”

"As long as you stay at First University for a little longer, you will always have the opportunity to come into contact with these spells - such as following the professors on duty at the school's guard array, or going to the Silent Forest to practice during your junior and senior years."

Having said this, Half-face took out the quill from his breast pocket again, and while scratching his chin with his feather tail, he slowly explained: "As far as I know, there are dozens of spells that can be used to construct the 'Sky Eye'" ...But I only know four or five commonly used ones - such as 'Haotian says Ming', 'Jinjin Qiming', 'Tianwei Xiansi' and so on."

"You can be a little more detailed here." Xiao Xiao raised his brush and interrupted half of his words.

This makes the businessman who sells gambling tickets a little helpless.

"It feels like I suddenly became a university professor." He said jokingly, cleared his throat, and added again: "...For example, 'Haotian said Ming, Ji Er came out to be the king (go)' 'Haotian said Dan, Ji'er Youyan said: "You are here, you are illustrious, and you are observing the four directions." "There are four directions on the verge of death, and everything is bright."

"It's too fast, it's too fast." Zheng Qing waved his hands repeatedly and complained: "I only heard words like 'Haotian' and 'Sifang'... Can you explain it in more detail?"

"Do you want to explain it like Professor Yao did in the Charms class?" he asked with a smile on his face.

The young public-funded student nodded repeatedly with a flattering smile on his face.

"Do you think I'm really a professor?!" Half of his face suddenly changed expression, and the blank contract in his left hand shook in mid-air: "I can only tell you that the general meaning of these spells is An eye is inserted in the sky to help you look around... If you join a hunting team, you will definitely learn one or two related spells from the seniors of the hunting team. "

These words made Zheng Qing's breathing suddenly become heavier.

The other members of Youzui exchanged glances with each other calmly and wrote down this message.

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