"According to the general concept, wild monsters have a very strong sense of territory."

Xiao Xiao held his notebook, sat in the grass, stared at the green magic fire, and analyzed unhurriedly: "Any two different wild monsters encounter together, there will inevitably be a life-and-death fight. So different Wild monsters are very concerned about concepts such as boundaries, territory, etc. "

"Just like what we discovered when we first landed, during the divination, the five or six groups of wild monsters we discovered were sparsely scattered around, and no two groups lived together."

"But now, this area that originally belonged to the vine demon has received 'uninvited guests' one after another..."

"Maybe it's because other demons know that the vine demon was burned to death and plan to come over to grab the territory?" Zhang Jixin gave a highly credible guess.

"This possibility cannot be ruled out." Zheng Qing interrupted everyone's discussion and said in a serious tone: "But we should speculate on this matter with the worst ideas... to face the worst situation."

"The worst case scenario is that we have attracted these wild monsters." Xiao Xiao said very naturally, adding: "This means that our current situation is very, very dangerous."

"If I remember correctly, the demon's desire for the wizard is consistent." The fat man hesitated and raised a constructive objection: "Just like when you are hungry and need to eat, and when you are thirsty and want to drink water, the demon chases the wizard's The aura shouldn't be anything unusual..."

"Would you place your own safety on such baseless speculation?" Xiao Xiao asked.

Both Zhang Jixin and Xin immediately shook their heads.

"In short, the situation is a bit strange." Zheng Qing spoke again and further analyzed: "You know, before entering the venue, we all applied ointment to eliminate the wizard's breath, and each of us also carried talismans that concealed mental fluctuations and blood energy. . Under normal circumstances, wild monsters should not capture our aura..."

"We can discuss this topic later." Zhang Jixin suddenly interrupted Zheng Qing's analysis, looked into the distance nervously, and muttered: "I don't know if you are dazzled... Lanque, look at that thorn tree." Is there a shadow on the tree?"

The swordsman, who had been standing outside the discussion circle with his eyes closed, opened his eyes and glanced at the direction Zhang Jixin was pointing.

"Monkey demon."

Lan Que replied succinctly, and at the same time he lifted the long sword in his arms and slowly took off the cloth strips on it.

The others looked at each other in silence.

As the treetops swayed not far away, everyone soon saw the face of the monkey demon clearly.

It was a short gray macaque with a red face, a semi-long tail and a well-proportioned body. Without those blood-red eyes, it would look no different from a normal macaque.

"Where are the other monkeys?" Xiao Xiao looked around in surprise: "It should be a gregarious creature. Why do I only see one monkey?! Is this a pioneer exploring the path?"

"Whether one or two, it's still a big trouble." Zheng Qing felt a slight headache and took out a stack of talismans from the gray cloth bag. After thinking about it, he stuffed it back, and then pulled out a slingshot and a handful of talisman bullets.

In view of the possibility that more demons will appear in the near future, Zheng Qing must find a way to reduce the consumption of magic power and energy. So he had to use this weapon that was still under testing.

"Doctor, responsible for divination and further observation."

"Swordsman, search for defense nearby and serve as reserve team."

"Fat man, elder, you two are sweeping the formation from left to right...let me drive that monkey to the ground first."

After assigning the task, Zheng Qing stuffed a 'Binding Spell' talisman bullet into the slingshot bag, slowly pulled up the rubber band, and aimed at the tall cypress tree not far away.

"It feels like our position in the hunting team has become completely messed up." Zhang Jixin whispered in Fatty's ear: "I don't look like the main hunter, and the swordsman doesn't look like a hunter."

"It's important to survive." The fat man shrugged.

Zheng Qing's ears twitched, forcibly blocking out the noise coming from both sides. Then he squinted his left eye and opened his right eye, which was also red. He didn't know if it was an illusion. Recently, he found that the vision of this diseased eye seemed to be getting worse. The better it comes - aim hard at that monkey in the canopy.

"Save your life!" He prayed in a low voice, loosened his fingers, and the light green projectile drew a graceful arc and accurately hit a branch of the alder tree.


The talisman bullet shattered, creating a circle of emerald green light.

A thick rattan suddenly emerged from the center of the halo, circled twice between the tree branches, and suddenly attacked the watching monkey.

"The accuracy is okay," Zheng Qing nodded with satisfaction. After feeling the mental power and magic power consumed, he became more and more satisfied: "It seems that I will spend more time on this in the future."

On the philodendron tree.

The monkey demon was frightened by the vine and jumped up suddenly, trying to stay away from the dangerous tree crown.

But the vine that jumped up didn't hesitate at all, as if it had intelligence. The tip of the vine split into two, and the two split into four. In the blink of an eye, it scattered into one piece, forming a dense vine network facing the mid-air. The monkey demon covered his head and face.


The monkey demon screamed, was caught in the vine net, and dragged down the tree.

"It's so relaxing... I feel like it's not as troublesome as an ordinary monkey." Fatty Xin took out a piece of dried beef at some point and commented vaguely while chewing it.

"Stay vigilant!" Zhang Jixin glared at him: "Don't eat all the time!"

"I just said it's to stay vigilant!" Fatty argued unconvincingly: "Eating something when I'm nervous helps me concentrate..."

Zheng Qing ignored the conversation between the two, carefully looked at the trapped monkey demon, and commanded the vine net to drag it closer.

"You have ten minutes to deal with this monkey. The latest hexagram has come out." Xiao Xiao, who was sitting in the back, still lowered his head. The sword in his hands was folded, and a dry animal bone was slowly turning. There was a beep-bop-bop sound: "Sixth chapter - the dragon is fighting in the wild, its blood is black and yellow. It is said that its path is poor."

As if to annotate his oracle, the monkey demon who had been dragged close by the net suddenly showed a humanized smile, and a fierce demonic aura suddenly surged all over his body.


With a roar full of violence, the originally thin monkey's body expanded as if inflated. In the blink of an eye, it broke through its restraints and transformed into a giant beast seven or eight meters tall, tearing the vines around it to pieces.

"Oh!" Zhang Jixin exclaimed: "Now I know why it is a single monkey."

"Damn it." Fatty Xin took two bites, stuffed the remaining half of the beef strip into his mouth, chewed hard, and started to do stretching exercises: "It looks like we are in big trouble."

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