Monster Hunting High School

Chapter 249 Arrival


A heavy wooden stick hit the soft snow hard, creating a huge snow pit and causing scattered snowflakes. It is said to be a wooden stick, but it is actually more like a wooden hammer, because at the head of the stick, there is a huge burr, like the hammer head of a hammer.

The body of the stick is not held in the hands of a wizard, but grows on a big tree.

Yes, this stick is the weapon of a 'tree man'.

When the bull head with red eyes began to pull up the tree frantically, the young wizards did not stop it. Instead, they carefully built a defensive circle to be wary of the bull head's actions. In their view, Niutou's behavior was more like some kind of sequelae after losing control.

Besides, come on, it's just a guy with a cow's head. Can you expect its every move to have any profound meaning?

So soon, they paid the price for their prejudice and carelessness.

The bull's head pulled out the big tree, the turtle's back left runes on the tree, the beautiful snake sprinkled the potion, and finally the shining golden guy gave the big trees soul.

It is not a traditional druid spell, but it has a wider scope of application - this is another reason why the teaching assistants did not react immediately - even seedlings less than fifty years old were successfully awakened by them.



An arm stretched out from behind and pulled hard, almost knocking the young public-funded student to the ground. At the same time, a huge tree tumor whizzed past his scalp, and hit a shield supported by the assistant teachers next to him. The shield flickered wildly and almost broke. .

"These mutated tree men are not only rough-skinned and thick-bodied, but they are also surprisingly agile... You'd better not stand still and prepare spells like the method taught in the textbook." Assistant teacher Hilda threw a spell at the tree man. A binding spell, while turning back to impart experience to the young wizard.

Zheng Qing watched in shock as the tree man roared and struggled under the binding spell, and nodded repeatedly.

"Also, if you don't want to accompany those tree people to become torches, don't use any fire-related spells." The assistant teacher gave a final warning before turning around: "Many of the trees that the bull head just pulled out are conifers. It's very easy to ignite...Brother Yu just arranged for the following assistants to prepare various water magic to prevent those guys on the opposite side from using a lose-lose style. I suggest you also follow his arrangements."

When Su Shijun walked through the temporary passage and descended into this small sandbox world, the chaos in the snow was gradually coming to an end.

Although the assistants used all kinds of dazzling magic, there was still a gap in rank. They are just registered wizards, but they can only cope with the prosthetic bodies of the four great wizards.

If it weren't for the large number of people and stronger initiative, I'm afraid their battle formation would have been broken up by those guys long ago.

Compared with the assistant coaches, the guys in the Exoneration Hunting Team, who are not even registered wizards, can only play drums and play soy sauce on the sidelines. That is to say, Zheng Qing was able to draw talisman on the spot, and he also had two talisman guns, which could remotely support the counterattacks of the teaching assistants, so that the faces of these talented students from the First University were not so ugly.

Of course, no matter how fierce the battle was, the assistants always stood firmly at the forefront of the battle, blocking those violent tree men and the four crazy righteous bodies in front of them. A determination that if you want to hurt the students behind you, you must step over their corpses.

"When can people from the school come?!"

When another assistant coach was hit by Niutou's fist and vomited blood and flew back to the battle formation, Zheng Qing finally couldn't control the anxiety in his heart and looked up at the rippling sky above his head.

As the battle became more and more intense, this small temporary sandbox world could no longer withstand the overflowing magic power and was on the verge of falling apart. The bright moon above our head is the best proof.

"If the reinforcements don't come within ten minutes, the school will have to help us collect the bodies." Fatty Xin grabbed a chicken leg, viciously tore off a piece of chicken, and muttered: "Even if I turn into a blue giant, I don't have the confidence to break through space. Turbulence, get out alive.”

"Ten minutes?" Xiao Xiao lowered his head, fiddled with the crystal ball in his hand, and sneered at the fat man's speculation: "Even if the teaching assistants can hold on for that long, this space can't last that long... According to my opinion, five minutes , no more.”

This pessimistic tone made the surrounding atmosphere even more gloomy.

Zheng Qing had to find a way to change the topic and try to make everyone ignore the atmosphere.

"As long as you can eat at any time." Zheng Qing looked back at the fat man with a mouth full of oil, and couldn't help but let out a long sigh: "I feel like my stomach is twisted into a ball now... Like having a cramp."

"Everyone is going to die, why are we not allowed to go on the road after eating?" The fat man rolled his eyes strangely and gave a very good reason: "As for the stomach cramps you mentioned, that is a disease and needs to be treated."

On a normal day, Zheng Qing would have racked his brains to come up with reasons to refute the fat man's remarks. Even if it didn't work, he would have tried to find a way to criticize the fat man. But now, he had no such thoughts at all. He just frowned and stared at the figures fighting with the assistants not far away.

There were only a few things, but in fact the only ones who were struggling with the assistant coaches from beginning to end were the bull-headed man and the turtle-backed dwarf who made sneak attacks from time to time. The beautiful snake and the guy covered in golden light have always been standing behind the tree army, occasionally throwing a few spells, as if they were trying to make a fool of themselves.

Finally, when the bull's head was once again repulsed by the assistants' battle formation, it gave up its attack and instead turned around and charged furiously at its companions.

"How long are you going to stand by and watch?!" The tauren's eyes were red, and he blew out two thick streams of white air from his nostrils. The sound made the entire space tremble: "Don't you feel it? It has already fallen!"

"You are its prosthetic body, we are not...your induction is naturally much stronger than ours." The beautiful snake spit out a long letter, seeming to sense the fluctuations in the space, which made her voice a little bit louder when she spoke. Vaguely: "Besides, if you do it alone, you will smash this space to pieces..."

"If we don't take away the loot that belongs to us, then the only fate that awaits us is to be destroyed!" the tauren roared.

"Do you have any other destiny?" A cold voice interrupted the tauren's roar, his tone full of chilling meaning.

Everyone present raised their heads in unison and looked out.

I saw a beautiful figure wearing a red cloak appearing in mid-air next to the bright moon.

Behind that figure, three huge cyan fox tail shadows swayed silently, and at first glance they seemed to fill the entire sky.

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