On Baiyun Street.

As more people arrived, the street seemed less deserted.

Among all the restaurants, the Dream Sichuan Restaurant had the most customers.

The reason for this is that most of the customers are locals in the mountain city.

Their eating habits naturally tend to favor Sichuan cuisine.

"Fuck, this is too cheap."

One exclamation after another rang out.

People looked at the menu handed over by the waiter and were dumbfounded.

It only read:

Boiled cabbage: 5 yuan.

Boiled pork slices: 3 yuan.

Pickled fish: 3 yuan.

Twice-cooked pork: 3 yuan.


"Isn't boiled cabbage a famous dish at the state banquet? It's only five yuan. Could it be fake boiled cabbage?"

"Boiled pork slices for three yuan? When I went to a restaurant to eat, they charged me two yuan just for rice."

"Too cheap, I seriously doubt that the food in this restaurant is not delicious."

Everyone was talking about it, and they were all shocked by the price of the dishes.

In the corner of the restaurant.

Zhou Ting smiled and said, "Mr. Liu, look at the price you set, it scared the customers."

Liu Mu just smiled and didn't respond.

Although he set the price low, he actually didn't lose much.

First of all, the ingredients in the store are all provided by his Baiyun Farm and Fulai Supermarket.

The price of ingredients can be said to be as low as it can be.

And the whole Baiyun Street is his, so the restaurant rent is also free.

The biggest cost is the salary of the chef and waiter.

But because the chef and waiter are recruited from the village in the city, the salary is not high.

As for the loss part, it is borne by the love fund, and he will get the cash amount because of using the love fund.

To be honest, he still makes money.

This is why he wants Li Mengqi to be the owner of the restaurant.

"Never mind, the dishes are so cheap, even if they are not delicious, it is my problem."

"That's right, each dish is no more than ten yuan, and there is no other restaurant that is so cheap except here."

Everyone came to their senses and started ordering dishes.

"Boss, give me a pickled fish and boiled pork slices."

"Boss, I want a Dongpo elbow and boiled cabbage."


A few minutes later.

When the dishes were served to everyone, everyone was stunned again.

A cute girl was stunned to see two dishes on the table that were bigger than her washbasin.

She ordered fish-flavored pork shreds and spicy chicken.

Originally thought that the price was so cheap, the portion was not much.

As a result, the plate was full of pork shreds and chicken nuggets, which made her stunned.

Just then.

The tempting aroma came.

The girl's appetite was aroused.

"It smells so good."

The girl first picked up a piece of chicken nugget and tasted it.

When the chicken nuggets entered her mouth, her pink face instantly turned red from the spiciness.

But she did not stop because of this.

Instead, she chewed faster.

As the chicken nuggets entered her stomach, the girl's mouth never stopped.

She completely ignored her ladylike image and ate with big mouthfuls.

The same scene was also played out at other tables.

Half an hour later.

Everyone leaned on the dining chairs with a satisfied look on their faces.

They couldn't finish it, they couldn't finish it at all.

Everyone looked at the remaining dishes on the table. Because the dishes were too much, basically no table of guests had finished eating.

"Well, please help me pack it."

A sweet voice sounded.

The girl before looked at the waiter shyly.

She really couldn't bear to waste such delicious spicy chicken and fish-flavored pork shreds.

Seeing this, the eyes of others all lit up.

They all asked the waiter to help pack it.


The private room of the restaurant on the top floor of the food city.

Jiang Qingyue received a call, and her expression suddenly became solemn.

"Qingyue, what's wrong?"

Su Yao asked.

"The people I arranged in Baiyun Street sent news that thousands of people have arrived in Baiyun Street, and the number is still increasing."

"This is impossible."

Nangong Yun frowned and said, "Baiyun Street has not been promoted. How can anyone go to a street that is about to close down?"

Nangong Yun's voice had just fallen.

Suddenly, there was a quarrel outside the private room.

"What's wrong with the five-star restaurant? People are not allowed to tell the truth, right?"

"The food in your store is not as delicious as those restaurants on Baiyun Street, and they are cheaper than you."

In a stylish restaurant.

A young man with dyed yellow hair was being driven away by a waiter.

"What's going on?"

Su Yao and the other two walked out of the private room.

"Boss Su, this kid is here to make trouble."

The restaurant owner, Du Rong, walked quickly to Su Yao and said.

Su Yao heard this and ignored Du Rong..

Instead, he looked at the young man and said, "What did you say about the restaurants on Baiyun Street?"

"The food in those restaurants is better and cheaper."

The young man replied.

"Mr. Su, don't believe him, he is just talking nonsense."

Du Rong said with a gloomy face, "My Baiweizhai is a decades-old restaurant, and it is rated as a Michelin five-star restaurant by a professional food organization. The chefs in the restaurant are all highly paid chefs. How could it be possible that the food made by the restaurants on the same street is better than that in my restaurant as this kid said."

"Besides, the food in my restaurant is 70% off. The same dishes can never be cheaper than mine."

"I'm not asking you."

Su Yao looked at Du Rong expressionlessly, and continued to ask the young man, "You have eaten in Baiyun Street, why do you want to eat here?"

"And what you said is delicious and Cheap, that's just your personal opinion. "

"Beauty, if you don't believe me, you can go to Baiyun Street and see for yourself."

The young man said, "There are restaurants of all kinds of cuisines on Baiyun Street. For example, the boiled cabbage and Buddha Jumps Over the Wall sold in this store are also sold in restaurants on Baiyun Street."

"And the boiled cabbage is only five yuan, and the Buddha Jumps Over the Wall is only ten yuan. If you are lucky, you can even eat Buddha Jumps Over the Wall for free."

"Bullshit, five yuan for boiled cabbage and ten yuan for Buddha Jumps Over the Wall, you are dreaming."

Du Rong said with an ugly face, "The cost of these two dishes is more than this."

"Boss Du, how much do the boiled cabbage and Buddha Jumps Over the Wall in your store cost?"

Su Yao frowned.

"Mr. Su, the normal price of boiled cabbage is 680, and the normal price of Buddha Jumps Over the Wall is 1980. According to the 70% discount, the current selling prices of these two dishes in my store are 204 and 594 respectively."

"This price can definitely be said to be as cheap as it can be."

Du Rong did not forget to glare at the young man while speaking.

Only a fool would believe that boiled cabbage costs five yuan and Buddha Jumps Over the Wall costs ten yuan.

"Believe it or not."

The young man was too lazy to say anything more and turned away directly.

"Humph, I said this kid is here to make trouble."

Seeing the young man leave, Du Rong became more certain of his thoughts.

"What he said is true."

Outside the restaurant, several young women passed by, and each of them was holding a plastic bag with a take-away box in their hands.

"The food sold in those restaurants on Baiyun Street is really delicious and cheap. You can all go over and try it."

"Have you eaten there too?"

Su Yao said with a serious expression.

"Yes, we packed it."

"Do you mind letting me taste the food you packed?"

Su Yao looked at the plastic bags that the people were carrying.

"If you don't mind, of course you can, after all, these things are not expensive."

"Thank you."

Seeing this, Su Yao thanked the people.

Then she asked the waiter to put the packed food on the table one by one.

As the lunch box was opened, a tempting aroma came to her face.

"Mr. Su, forget it."

Nangong Yun frowned at the leftovers.

Su Yao ignored Nangong Yun, but picked up the Buddha Jumps Over the Wall in the packed box and started eating.

When the food entered her mouth, Su Yao was stunned.

Then, she tasted the food in other packed boxes one after another.

After tasting the food in all the boxes, Su Yao fell silent for a while.

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