Monster Refining System

Chapter 1226: Can it succeed

"From today, there will be no Great Shrine in the world."

Also, accompanied by this Xia Fukun's voice fell.

This voice, as if, in the entire first domain, no, or rather, echoed in the entire thirty-two universe.

Countless people are watching the first realm, where the Great Shrine is located.

It's also this time--

They were horrified to discover that under their gaze, the location of the Great Palace, the place of the sky, the space, completely, cracked...

"Is that, the Great Shrine..."

At this moment, not only the first domain, but those powerhouses in other domains, cracked apart at the location where they saw the Grand Shrine.

Can't help but be stunned.

And Xia Fukun's voice, like the sound of the Tao that day, slowly spread throughout the 32 universes.

It’s not an announcement, but an announcement...

The era of the Great Shrine is over...

For the people in the top ten regions, the demise of the Grand Shrine is a shocking news.

Because the Great Shrine has ruled these thirty-two universes for too long too long.

Of course, only a few people know that Fulinmen’s gang master father has the strength to crush the Yunliao palace master of the big divine palace, but because the gang master’s father doesn’t care about things, it has been that big divine palace for all these years. Domineering. and--

Most people think that the demise of the Grand Shrine, perhaps, was because the master fathers took action?

Because there was no one at the scene except the people of Fulinmen, no one knew how this great shrine died.

In addition to the first ten domains, the domain space after that also echoed Xia Fukun's voice, but that voice appeared a little faint in the domain space after the first ten domains.

For example, the earth of the seventeen domains.

Although some people heard a voice appearing in their minds, they did not hear clearly what that voice was saying.

I just vaguely heard something like the Great Shrine.

Ordinary people like those on the earth must feel that they have heard hallucinations or something, pat their heads, and continue to work.

Only those cultivators seemed extremely excited when they heard this voice.

the reason is simple……

They can hear it right away, this sound does not come from the earth, or even from this world...

Many of those territorial spaces outside the first ten territories are also ruled by the Great Shrine.


When I heard this voice, the disciples sent by the Great Shrine were originally in the corresponding realm, like the existence of the heavens, who were in charge of their corresponding world, but when this voice came, They couldn't help being shocked. Then, his eyes turned to the direction of the first domain in disbelief...

There, originally, there was the most powerful sect in the thirty-two universes...

And now--

The sect disappeared.

At the same time it disappeared, there was also the voice of the announcement.

"From now on, there will be no more great shrines..."

Those disciples who were still in charge of the various domains for the Grand Shrine smiled helplessly.

Most of their disciples in the Great Shrine were cultivated in the realm of the gods, or the realm of the gods.

Although the space behind this area is a bit far away from the emperor, you can do whatever you want. However, for them, it is a painful thing to be sent out.

After all, in the sect, the resources for cultivation are definitely better than outside. I don’t know how much...

Originally, this Great Shrine also took this into consideration, allowing them to rotate every few thousand years, and change a wave of people to become the heavens of these back-domain planes.

right now……

no need……

Because the Great Shrine is gone...


I didn't know that it was a disciple of the Great Shrine in that domain, and suddenly he slapped his head.

"Now that the sect is gone, aren't we free?"

Thinking of this, the disciple of the Grand Shrine revealed a ray of excitement in his eyes. There are many peach-colored places in the space where he is located... However, because he is a disciple of the Grand Shrine, I have to look at it before. Now, the Great Shrine is gone, so what kind of outfit?

On Xia Fukun's side, naturally, he didn't know what was the situation of these disciples in the Great Shrine. It stands to reason that cutting the grass should eliminate the roots, but Xia Fukun had no such thoughts.

after all--

He didn't pay attention to the Great Shrine, let alone those disciples who were not treated in the Great Shrine.

As long as these disciples of the Great Shrine don't do anything out of the ordinary, Xia Fukun is too lazy to bird them.

It was also after the Great Shrine was settled that Xia Fukun brought Sanmei to the front of the gang leader's father.

"Grand Shrine, it's done."

Xia Fukun gave out a cigarette to the helper's father.

The two of them talked like smokers, vomiting clouds and fog.

"I know, I have eyes."

Helped the main father to take a mouthful of cigarettes and said lightly.

"However, don't be proud. You trampled on the face of Birus. I guess it should already be stomping in the dry well of the seal at this moment. It said, after coming out, first The one who is looking for is you, and that is bound to come to you. So—"

"So, before he comes out, I have to ascend to that ancestral realm, right?"

Xia Fukun glanced at the group of master fathers, took the other party's words, and said.


The leader's father nodded and looked at the third daughter of A Li.

"This time, you can't help Xia Fukun."

"In that reincarnation, only Xia Fukun can come by himself."

Hearing the words of the helper's father, there was some tension on the faces of the third daughter of Ali.

After all, they are no longer the novice Xiaobai.

They also knew a little bit about the Heavenly God Realm and the Ancestral Realm.

Therefore, knowing the difficulty of becoming an ancestral realm powerhouse, Ali couldn't help taking a deep breath, and asked the group of master fathers:

"Helper father, A Kun, can he succeed?"

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