Monster Refining System

Chapter 1246: Hehe

One minute later...

Xia Fukun put his hands on his thighs, and his head was almost buried on the ground...

In his mouth, some filthy things were constantly being spit out by him...

in case…

Can do it again...

He wants to be Li Bai...

Ah, no, it’s because if you can come back again, Xia Fukun feels that she must be mentally prepared before stepping onto this somersault cloud...

After all, now Xia Fukun’s strength is in the realm of the gods. In a sense, if his speed is fully deployed, he has already shaken off the so-called speed of sound... the speed of light does not know how many streets...

However, under such basic circumstances, Xia Fukun has doubled the speed...

God knows how fast he has reached...

Even Xia Fukun himself, after stepping on the somersault cloud, the surrounding scenery is already blurred...

I can't see the surrounding scenery at all...

"Somersault Yun, did you deliberately **** me?"

Xia Fukun frowned and looked at the somersault cloud in front of him.


The bag on the forehead of Somersault Yun has not disappeared. After hearing Xia Fukun's words, the somersault cloud turned his gaze to other places...

Xia Fukun's toothache is angry.

It was also at this time that the Bliss system emerged from Xia Fukun's body.

"This somersault cloud is a bit interesting, and most of the systems are multi-performance systems. To be honest, they are really rare."

Xia Fukun was taken aback when he heard the words of the Bliss system.

It was also at this time that the somersault cloud saw the Bliss system coming out, and subconsciously showed some hostility towards the Bliss system.

The cloud on that body is like an angry cat, exploded...

"Hey, this little girl is actually quite hostile to me. To be honest, the system is all within the body, but the system created by your artifact village seems to have a specific form of presentation..."

The Bliss system is not because of the hostility of this somersault cloud...

Between the two...

It's not one level...

The Bliss system is the central system...on top of the ordinary system...

It's like...

When an adult meets the clamor of a child, he won’t be too concerned about it...

I saw the Bliss system lightly click, and suddenly, the somersault cloud, there was a cry, and then, obediently fell on the ground, honest...

It has to be said that the restraint of the central system over ordinary systems is still great.

This is why the previous Bliss system can control other systems so easily.

"However, this somersault cloud should be a speed attribute system, and based on my current understanding of it, it should be considered good. Among all speed systems, it should be considered top-notch."

"Moreover, there are six gears in this somersault cloud system. Every time you increase a gear, your speed can be doubled. After the six gears have been upgraded, hehe, think about your speed."

Hearing the words of the Bliss System, Xia Fukun was taken aback for a moment, and then exclaimed:

"Still divided? Isn't this an electric fan?"

Bliss System: "..."

Xia Fukun gave Xia Fukun angrily.

What is Xia Fukun's mind pretending? Why is the brain circuit so strange? ? ?


Xia Fukun pondered for two seconds...

"Brother Lian, you have presented me with a mathematical problem. There are six gears, and each gear doubles the speed. Isn't this 2 to the 5th power?"

The Bliss System glanced at Xia Fukun. Fortunately, Xia Fukun was not stupid.

"But I can't figure out the 5th power of 2!"

Bliss System: "..."

Got it!

When he praised Xia Fukun in his heart!

I also pondered for a long time...

This Xia Fukun understands...

2 to the 5th power is...

64 times...

Although the multiple is not very big, the base is big!

The current Xia Ford, according to the information given to him by the somersault cloud system, his current agility point is 998...

And this, the supreme powerhouse who has surpassed the ordinary realm of the gods does not know how much...

64 times faster...


No matter how big the gap between the Celestial Realm and the Ancestral Realm is, this 64 times speed is enough to make most of the Ancestral Realm powerhouses far behind...


Xia Fukun is still thinking...

After I really raised the gear of this somersault cloud system to the highest...

Can those in the Blood Palace be their opponents? In terms of speed alone?

At that time, even if you can't beat it, can you still run it?

Thinking of this, Xia Fukun licked his lips.

Immediately, his eyes aimed at the somersault cloud system.

The somersault cloud felt the ill-intentioned gaze from Xia Fukun's delivery, and swallowed with a "grunt", feeling an unpleasant feeling filled his heart.

It's also this time...

The voice of the bliss system came:

"Xia Fukun, you also know how much I can help you in the realm of the gods, but after reaching the ancestral realm, you really can only rely on yourself..."

"I checked this somersault cloud system in your body."

"If you want to upgrade to the second gear, this somersault cloud system needs to swallow sixty-six artifacts."

"From the second gear to the third gear, there are also six hundred and sixty-six..."

"Third gears to fourth gears, six thousand six hundred and sixty-six..."

Upon hearing the words of the Bliss System, Xia Fukun seemed to be watered by a basin of cold water...

According to the words of the Bliss System, if you want to upgrade this somersault cloud system to the highest level, wouldn't it cost...

A total of more than 700,000 artifacts? ? ?


How many artifacts are there in this world? Ok? !

Isn't this bells and whistles? !

Where can I have so many artifacts to feed this somersault cloud system?


Xia Fukun's eyes rolled, he didn't have the artifact to upgrade to the sixth gear, but to upgrade to the second gear, only sixty-six artifacts were needed, which he could still take out.

Moreover, without relying on this somersault cloud, one's speed can be doubled, Xia Fukun thinks, it is very cost-effective!


Xia Fukun's ill-intentioned gaze turned towards the somersault cloud once again.

Somersault Yun took a deep breath...

Subconsciously prepare to escape.

It's also this time...

It saw that in front of Xia Fukun...

One artifact after another was taken out.


Somersaults swallowed saliva...

However, would Xia Fukun be so kind?

When the number of artifacts reached thirty, this somersault cloud had already begun to frown...

The number of artifacts reached fifty, and the eyes of Somersault Yun became weird...

Until the number of artifacts reached sixty-five...

Don’t ask why it’s sixty-five pieces, because this somersault cloud has already swallowed an artifact from Xia Fukun... Can someone like Xia Fukun detain and search for one more? Don't be kidding, okay?

Of course, just these sixty-five artifacts made this somersault cloud dumbfounded.

It doesn't know...

What exactly is Xia Fukun doing...

It was completely lost, and completely astonished...

It's also this time...

It saw Xia Fukun "hehehe" walking towards him...

As we walked, those artifacts were still following Xia Fukun, floating towards it...

Xia Fukun: "Wowotou, four for a dollar, hehe!"

(To be honest, I don’t even understand this stalk myself, hahahaha...)

Somersault cloud: "..."

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