Monsters Will Die if They Are Killed

Chapter 942 Wufang Demon (8000)

Many people may feel confused about the terrible reality at a certain period of time in their lives, and develop a great sense of mission.

Maybe it was when I was in the second grade of middle school at the age of fourteen.

Maybe it was when I was seventeen and in my sophomore year of high school.

Or maybe it was when I was twenty years old and in my sophomore year.

Even in middle age, the moment when I woke up from the boredom of work and looked out the window; the moment when I was overwhelmed by the boring reality and couldn't help but want to rush into the heavy rain and roar at the sky.

There will be a period of time in life, a moment.

They will feel that this world is terrible and it would be better to destroy it.

Yes, many people think so. But it is just a thought, just a fantasy. They will control themselves after the impulse. This is not a mistake.

What's more... outside of such a group of people.

There is another fantasy, although it is less common, but it also exists in the hearts of many people.

At that time, they will think.

——If you sacrifice yourself and do something to save the whole world, how cool would it be?

At that time, they may have just been scolded by their parents, or they may be enduring the pressure of entering higher education, or they may be about to face the fear of society, or even simply bear the burden of society.

They are growing up and know that they are no longer children. They have to face the forks in their lives, move towards the real human world, and even see through the gloom of the future.

Of course they would have thought that way at that time.

If - if.

If necessary, choose to sacrifice yourself, die in a grand scene, and then save the entire world, let the darkness retreat, and let the light shine in the sky.

What a handsome thing that is!

My life is no longer miserable and empty, but has absolute meaning.

His ordinary life will be of great value, and his deeds will be praised by future generations.

Doesn't it seem that such a great ending, which seems to be better than the possibility of one's own life, is unacceptable?

Why not sacrifice? One person's death can save a hundred and one trillion people, why not? What exactly are those who object against? If we really encounter that kind of crisis situation, are we still confused about whether we should sacrifice one's leisure and time?

"Everyone is going to die. If I really have a choice, wouldn't it be a good thing to sacrifice my life for the future of all mankind?"

They will always think so. Some people want others to sacrifice, but they want to sacrifice themselves.

They think it's really possible.

Although it is just the fantasy of a sophomore in middle school, a sophomore in high school, a sophomore, or a middle-aged guy, this kind of thought will always exist.


No matter how you say it, it's just a shortcut.

Just ask, 'If it is your family, your friends, your lover who are sacrificed, it is your choice'... anyone will hesitate, right?

Everyone will understand that sacrificing something like this is not the right thing, because it is not something that people can admit from their hearts without hesitation.

After all, whether it is voluntary or involuntary; whether it is necessary or not.

Sacrifice is the shortcut.

"...Are these the pains Hongshi once suffered?"

Coexisting with the soul of Yuan Cang, Su Zhou stared at everything in front of him in the airspace of the Asuluo Islands. He stared at the mighty fleet of the Dharma-protecting Buddha army and those shining brilliance.

He couldn't help but sigh: "Before I arrived, everything was a foregone conclusion, and at the moment of my arrival, many sufferings were also over."

"Even in the future, when I arrive, I may not be able to save everyone - the huge sense of powerlessness and frustration is as terrifying as unlimited power."

"With this feeling, no wonder Hongshi was so decadent, so desperate, so obsessed with it, unable to let go."

But Su Zhou did not stop there.

He just turned his head and looked at Yuan Cang, who was in a daze on one side.

At this moment, Shenmu Zhuzhou was dumbfounded by the scorching light in the realm of Hun Tian.

He didn't have the slightest doubt, didn't do anything he thought. The moment Yuan Cangguo watched this scene, what he thought in his heart was to 'change everything', to change this kind of burning of human souls as firewood to illuminate the light. action.

This is enough to prove that He is a worthy Candlelight. Even though his body is a sacred tree and even though he is practicing the way of creation, He is still a pure Candlelight.

However, He wanted to change, but he didn't know where to start.

Facing the vast and infinite realm of the heavens, he could only stay in place. Even the creator Tianzun was undoubtedly a fool when faced with all this.


After all, He is still very young, a young Zhu Zhou who has not experienced too many things and has not experienced too many adventures.

Most of the people Yuan Canghui met in his life were good people, and the problems he encountered were all small things that could be solved with hard work. Those problems would disappear with the help of friends in the chat group, and those that would really threaten him would disappear. The powerful enemies of life will also shun the name of the original Zhu Zhou. Even if he really wants to take risks, he can rely on various methods to avoid them.

Therefore, it is natural for him to be shocked by Hun Tian.

Knowing this, Su Zhou did not encourage or reprimand.

"Wake up, Zhu Zhou." The young man just said, calling his later colleagues: "Now is not the time to stop because of shock."

"The multiverse is endless, and we will always encounter this kind of world, even worse than the world. Your hesitation will also lead to the end of countless people. We must have the courage to face this darkness."

【...I, I know】

Yuan Cangguo was stimulated by Su Zhou's words and escaped from the shock. He took a step back slightly. Shenmu Zhuzhou's tone was filled with incredible fear: [But, the ancestor...]

[In the past, I thought that I already knew enough about most things in this multiverse. The information compiled by you and other Zhuzhu brothers and sisters also made me aware of the composition of many evil camps. What are beasts and monsters]

[I thought I was familiar with these things... But until today, when I saw these terrifying brilliance with my own eyes, I felt like I was touching my own body for the first time, and I felt the fear that really penetrated my heart]

He murmured: [I touch my body now, but I only feel empty]

[Doubts even arise in my heart... Is the self I thought I was familiar with, the world I thought I was familiar with, and even the multiverse, really what I imagined in the past? 】

“Don’t think everything is familiar.”

Su Zhou said softly: "But when he died, he was stroking his hair and skin, and he became suspicious and asked whose body it was."

"It's a good thing that you have such confusion."

Shenmu Zhuzhou lives in the Three Thousand Worlds of Hun Tian, ​​and next to him is the world of Hun Tian. In the past, although he felt that Hun Tian was a bit condescending, and those powerful Hedao men flying around were very annoying, Yuan Canghui did not feel that What evil people are they.

They did not oppress other worlds, nor did they exploit the Three Thousand Worlds of Huntian. They just focused on their own practice. Even if they fought with each other, they were sneaking into those dead timelines and fighting in the past and future. For Him It has no impact on us 'current' residents.

Yuan Canghui had no intention of entering the Hun Tian Realm, nor did he understand it. He just took it for granted that since his world was still happy, then the Hun Tian Realm, which was so much stronger than him, would definitely be happier.

Just refer to yourself and others.

Therefore, until now, when He sees the war in the Fifth Era, he finds it difficult to understand.

[Ramantra, Hija, Sitaro, Gabumen, Kronadat...]

Staring into the void, Yuan Canghui murmured these names: [In addition to those masters who sacrificed themselves voluntarily, there are many ordinary people who are just enlightened and their souls are annihilated]

[I have seen it, ancestor, I have seen the rise and fall of those islands, the Asuras that emerged from the upper cities and the wreckage of the battleships, I have seen the beginning of it all, and I know why those souls are angry and want to transcend, to break that All inherent order]

[ turns into ammunition]

If Yuan Cangguo had hands, he must have made a fist.

But no matter how solemn the voice of the trees was, it was difficult to express the anger. He just narrated what he saw and heard in a heavy voice: "I saw that the souls of these ordinary people will resonate with the soul of an immortal and transform into Create a ray of divine light that is enough to annihilate the gods and emperors, and even Hedao must look directly at it - this is an incredible miracle. Just a god can distort the common sense of the world, but this is also the most despicable plunder and oppression. , billions of sentient beings are all because of this...]

"Yuan Cang You."

Su Zhou spoke, interrupting Shenmu Zhuzhou's narration: "Calm down, don't use the subjective perspective of 'I think'. Take another look."

"No matter how stupid the Five Saints are, they will not deliberately let people be sacrificed and annihilated like this, repeating this boring viciousness."


Shaking the leaves, Yuan Cangguo realized that he had lost his composure. He calmed down and looked at the world again.

Then, with extremely complicated emotions, he said: [...Each magical power of the Heaven-breaking Light Realm can suppress the Wufang Demon for three to five thousand years, and protect the thousands of island worlds behind its fleet from being invaded by Wufang. Demonic intrusion】

[Thousands of living islands mean a population of trillions. The sacrifice of an immortal can protect them for thousands of years. In the past few thousand years, even if we do not count the self-cultivation of the 'celestial beings' in the fleet group, even in these islands, dozens or even hundreds of immortal seeds will emerge, who can succeed the immortal and mortals. position]

[Those seeds... some will become guides and control battleships; some will resist, intending to destroy the order established by the Buddhist army; and some will sink, let themselves rot, and no longer look at this dark, oppressive and desperate world...]

Saying this, Yuan Canghui admitted that the approach of the Dharma Protector Buddha Army was undoubtedly 'effective', but because of this, he gritted his teeth and said: [Unforgivable! 】

[Why must we sacrifice? ! Whether he is an immortal or a mortal, why must he sacrifice his life? ! 】

[What about those strong ones? What about those strong Taoists in the void of the multiverse who blocked you, the ancestor, from entering the Heaven? ! They only need one casual blow to destroy the entire Asuluo Islands, and they can annihilate all these five demons and their origins! 】

Almost roaring, Shenmu Zhuzhou's voice gradually became lower. He obviously understood that there must be a deeper reason why Hedao people didn't do this that he couldn't see or understand.

But even so, Yuan Cangfu couldn't understand what kind of terrifying reality it was that made those who followed the path, and even the Five Saints, make such a 'choice'.


He said blankly: [What exactly is the Wufang Demon? 】

[Why are they so ready to deal with such a distorted time and space? 】


Su Zhou stared at the other end of time and space at the Asuluo Islands.

His gaze can easily penetrate dozens, hundreds, and endless groups of worlds. He can easily penetrate countless Mahakarma obstacles and trace the origins of the Wufang Demon.

Even though this incarnation of Su Zhou has no power, his essence is still higher than all known existences and worlds, and seeing through all things is the basis.

However, just such a look made Su Zhou frown.

The young man had to shake his head and admit: "I don't know."

I can't understand it at all - whether from the perspective of Hedao or Torrent, the nature of Wufang Tianmo is inexplicable.

It appears to be nothing more than an animated mass of time and space, a world itself with a will of its own that is now encroaching on other worlds.

But in fact, this is just an appearance.

The inner body of Wufang Demon is a collection of strange forces that does not allow any interference, is extremely chaotic, and cannot understand its essence at all.

It sounds like it's just pure disorder, but in fact it's not... because Wufang Demon has an inexplicable 'connection' with everything, including Su Zhou himself.

With this connection, Wufang Demon can easily integrate, annex, and erase everything.

Even the time and space of the universe are no exception - this is why people initially mistakenly thought that the Wufang Demon was a kind of distorted time and space. That was just that time and space were infected and distorted by the essence of the Demon. The essence of the Wufang Demon is not that at all. It's not something superficial, but something deeper.

Only the purest annihilation, nothingness and the power of nirvana can resist this connection and isolate the way it infects time and space... But this is only temporary, treating the symptoms but not the root cause. No matter how the light of nirvana sweeps across time and space, When the remnants of the Nirvana light disappear and the will of the victim's 'obsession' dissipates, the Demon of No Direction will return again.

Over and over again, never ending.

And, it's not just that.

The size of the five heavenly demons...

"It's infinite."

Su Zhou narrowed his eyes and said in a deep voice: "There are already 'countless island groups' that have been invaded by the Wufang Heavenly Demon - there are several infinities wrapped up in the infinity of the sky!"

"In other words, that 'infinity' has been forcibly restrained!"

In Su Zhou's vision, no matter how Wu Fang Demon traces back its origins, it cannot go back to the 'original'. That is the 'original time point' of the realm of Hun Tian that cannot be defined, a past that is older than Hun Tian - in contrast Yes, the source of the Wufang Demon is also larger than the entire Huntian, and the five 'infinite eras' concluded by the Five Saints are far incomparable.

However, the wonderful thing is here - the realm of Huntian and the Five Holy Saints, as well as the Era they created, are like five infinitely long ropes, binding the Wufang Demon who is far bigger than them. Much larger infinite entities.

——Outside the realm of Huntian·The void of the multiverse——

Su Zhou, who was still wrestling with the Five Saints, frowned.

Just now, he held the Blade of Annihilation with his backhand and inserted it into the void. Immediately, an invisible ripple spread forward, sweeping through the time and space governed by the Five Saints. Wherever they passed, the brilliance, supernatural powers, and mighty power that the Five Saints jointly unleashed were all like long snakes nailed to the ground by knives. No matter how they writhed and twisted, they remained frozen in place.

But this damage is only to limited beings. Infinite beings are not afraid of any loss. In the next moment, even with their broken bodies, broken magical powers, and many crucified magical powers, they still forcibly break the seal and struggle to escape from destruction. He was freed from the anchor of the Blade of Speed, and then continued to rush in the direction of Su Zhou.

"You guys."

At this moment, Su Zhou stared at these magical powers rushing towards him, and he said: "I won't talk about time travel for now - what are you doing in your own world?"

Su Zhou's eyes and expression showed deep hidden anger, but he endured it and said calmly: "Not only in the fifth era, but also in the previous eras, what will you do again?"

The many candle days selected by Su Zhou do not just fall in the fifth era of the ignorant enlightened ones - in fact, the candle days in all the heavens and all the worlds all follow their own characteristics, and they fall almost evenly on them. Among the five ***.

And similar situations happen in every era.

To be honest, the wars of the strong will always affect mortals.

This cannot be said to be 'innocent' or 'wrong', because if the power represented by the strong is regarded as a collective, and the strong is the leader of the collective, then everything is easy to understand.

The existence of the strong has contributed its own strength to civilization. Every individual in the civilization will receive the benefits brought by the strong - whether it is the rare tranquility and peace in this multiverse, or the rapid advancement of Technology is an expanded vision, or a better way of living and practicing, and every civilized individual has benefited.

But similarly, if one day there are strong men from other worlds who challenge their own strong men and want to plunder all living beings - then it can be said that the ordinary people who have benefited are innocent and should not be affected. They are pure Bai Wuxia, is there absolutely nothing wrong?

This is a very complex issue. At the very least, in this multiverse full of extraordinary things, if ordinary people are willing to be ordinary people and enjoy the so-called "peace" and "calm life" and be "ordinary people without ambitions", then if they are affected, they will not be able to Resist, change.

So the fate of ordinary people like this can basically be defined as their own choices.

Because all peace, all tranquility, all the tranquility that can support the lives of ordinary people without ambitions, are not free.

All of them were made by people carrying a heavy load, blocking all the darkness and ugliness in the multiverse, and wresting trophies from the enemies.

If you are dissatisfied, you can resist, you can improve, you can reform, and you can overthrow it all. But it cannot be taken for granted. There is nothing in this multiverse that can be taken for granted.

However, even so, everything that happened in the Huntian Realm was too much.

"The Hedao gods in the world of creation fight back and forth. Although it affects mortals, they try to be as restrained as possible."

Facing the attack of the Five Saints, Su Zhou opened his five fingers, and the divine light of the Five Virtues rotated and intertwined into a small universe, directly absorbing all the incoming supernatural powers into it. The young man tamed these powers and turned them into the gods of creation. Light, and then throw it away casually, placing the cosmic seeds that may give birth to infinite time, space and life in the future in the void of the multiverse.

He continued: "They fought extremely hard. Except for the first time, which caused countless casualties due to lack of experience, it can be said that there were basically no victims the second time."

"Actually, I have been to so many worlds and seen so many strong people. Even those in Yue Zhang Universe are too bad, but they are really a minority. After all, how can there be such ordinary bad people becoming Hedao? "

"Tell me." Su Zhou said: "Tell me, why not let the powerful Hedao destroy those Wufang demons?"

【You already know? 】

After hearing Su Zhou's words, everyone already knew that Hongliu had learned about the internal situation of Huntian through his own methods.

The voice of Taoist Master Qianyuan sounded, simple and majestic: [Original Zhu Zhou, you should also be able to see that the power of the Wufang Heavenly Demon is far beyond what ordinary Heavenly Demons can match, right? 】

[That is the infinite demon, and it is also the absolute demon - the power of the Wufang Demon cannot be defined by any realm or intensity in the world. Rather, it is a relative demon. Facing the Protector Buddha Army, he is what he is now. strength】

[But what if Wu Fang Demon faces He Dao...]

Tao Zun Qianyuan did not speak clearly.

But anyone can hear what he means.

"Wufang Tianmo will increase his power according to the corresponding intensity?"

Su Zhou thought.

This is not a strange thing. Rather, in the multiverse, there are countless enemies with this characteristic.

For example, the 'civilization limiter', which exists in many science fiction universes, will continue to bring down enemies and disasters as the level of civilization increases. He is the embodiment of the Great Limiter, and will use a steady stream of trials as a driving force to push civilization to continuously become stronger.

A civilization that cannot keep up with the speed of improvement will be destroyed. On the contrary, it will be ruined and limit your civilization to a relatively low level...On the contrary, you will have more room for control and can better deal with the disasters caused by the civilization limiter. Tribulation.

When civilization reaches the river system level, the disasters that descend are the subspace demons, the spiritual disasters that shatter the curtain of time and space, and are super-enhanced versions of the Solemnity Agreement.

However, when civilization is only at the planet level, the disasters that may befall may be helium flashes from the sun, super meteorite light particles that strike at sub-light speed from a few light-years away, or Star Eaters, crazy ether dragons.

And if civilization is only at the continental level, or even just scattered countries on continents, then the so-called limiter trials are just one or two demon kings, artificial intelligence rebellion, invasion of monsters from other worlds, or Something else that can be easily solved.

Even the increasingly difficult tasks in the Pioneer Space can be regarded as the same existence in a sense - if you want to become a better adventurer, explorer, and pioneer, then you must constantly keep up with the Pioneer Space. Requirements, completing each task seems to be difficult.

But on the other hand, if you just want to be an ordinary second-level dealer in the pioneer space and an ordinary adventurer, then the pioneer space is actually no different from a nursing home, except that you need to travel everywhere.

Perhaps the Wufang Demon is the largest and most vicious ‘limiter’ in the multiverse?

"But where does it come from?"

Su Zhou was quite puzzled by this.

All limiters are essentially man-made designs. Civilization limiters are 'preschool education programs' prepared by super-advanced civilizations to create similar species. Pioneer space is a training camp prepared to hatch pioneers.

The Five Elements Demon does not have even the slightest sense of normality. Its existence itself seems to be to erase everything.

Why does Wufang Tianmo automatically respond to the power of civilization and increase his own power?

Su Zhou felt that it was definitely not a problem with the limiter - it was definitely not some kind of trial set up by humans.

[Unless you become Hun Tian, ​​the original candle day]

In this regard, the ignorant person still says the same thing: "If you don't become Huntian, then just telling you the truth will lead to the most tragic end - that is far more terrible than all sacrifices, far more terrible than all wasted deaths." 'Fruit']

[It is called the ending, there is no room for change, there is no future to speak of, it is an absolute ending]

"How do you plan to deal with it?"

Su Zhou asked.

[The extraordinary does not exist, the ultimate heavenly power, the end of the Dharma era]

The ignorant person clasped his hands together: [All fluctuations in life will cause the growth and growth of the demon of no direction, so we can only use the death of life to deal with its spread]

[In this way, when the civilization is weak enough, the Wufang Demon can even be imprisoned in the eternal seal]

Saying this, a solemn and sacred whisper came from the black mandala: [I am ignorance, the realm of the Huntian, the Lord of the Fifth End of the Age]

[My bounden duty is to completely bring the world of Huntian into the era of the Great Moment of Dharma]

[Then suppress the Wufang Demon and completely seal and suppress it]

Su Zhou didn't reply.

In the void of the multiverse, Su Zhou stared at the Five Saints.

He could see that the five epochs of the Five Holy Saints were five intertwined seals that ran through countless time, space and time, possibilities and concepts - the specific details were not clear, after all, the combination of each other was also a torrent.

And such a seal, until now, cannot be said to be able to completely seal Wu Fang Demon.

Inside the realm of Hun Tian, ​​in the fifth era, Asuluo Island Group.

Su Zhou lowered his head and looked at the deepest earth under the cloud world.

If you stand on the earth, then the sky is an endless abyss.

So, above the sky, isn’t the earth also the endless Abyss?

Even with Zhu Zhou's eyes and Hong Liu's perspective, he couldn't clearly see what the earth in Hun Tian was.

Su Zhou knew that the Five Supreme Sages were not lying. They were indeed not the spirits of the heavens. The will of the world of Huntian could not be so strong. In the final analysis, the world of Huntian was at most a Hedao who had mastered infinite elements. No matter what, Strong will never be like a torrent. If it really turns dark, the Five Saints will definitely be able to handle it.

"Yuan Cang You."

Facing the sacred tree Candle Hour on the other side, the young man passed on all the information he knew to him and all Candle Hours.

He said: "Do what you want to do, you are also a god, and it will not exceed the current upper limit of this world... There is always a way to solve the problem without sacrifice."

"I will help you answer many questions...but I'm afraid I don't have the energy to come and apply more favors for the time being."

【Yes, the ancestor】

Yuan Cangguo has now come out of the previous confusion and pain. He is thinking hard at this time. In the Zhuzhou chat group, he is brainstorming with many other compatriots who are equally angry and are communicating with each other on how to solve this problem. Trying to Dealing with the Invincible Demon.

Hearing Su Zhou's voice, he responded without hesitation, but he was still a little confused for a moment: [What's wrong, Ancestor, are the Five Holy Saints so strong? 】

"Of course not, they can't beat me."

In the void of the multiverse, Su Zhou raised his head and looked around the entire sealed multiverse.

The originally calm and peaceful void is suddenly like a tide in a storm, with endless brilliance, waves, strong winds, lightning and thunder emerging, like an endless torrent, gathering from every corner of the multiverse. Come.

"But," he said, "if there are five more torrents, it will be different."

The five paths are completely different, but the same boundless divine power is surging.

And their goals are all the same existence.

"The Five Saints didn't lie to me at all."

The young man's voice was calm, as if he already knew all this.

"The other torrents in this multiverse all support them."

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