Monsters Will Die if They Are Killed

Chapter 946 The Taboo’s True Name

What does it feel like to change your painting style?

It's difficult to explain this in detail, but to put it simply, some people have really begun to practice cultivation in the magical world!

In fact, this is not a strange thing. After all, there is a natural phenomenon in the multiverse called time travellers. Over the years, there have been not a hundred but dozens of immortal time travelers who have traveled to the world where Qiongyuan Sage lives. Each one has They are the kind of people who travel around other worlds with the skills of cultivating immortals and Tai Chi. The Qiyuan Sage doesn't care and allows them to develop.

But this time is different...this time, it's not a time traveler.

Instead, the original ‘Western Fantasy Painting Style’ began to become erratic, and the whole world was like a piece of paper that was about to be completely blown away, revealing the ‘reality’ behind it!

Even Sage Qiongyuan himself was affected. He felt as if he was a Taoist ancestor. It was just because he wanted to experiment with a different possibility that he transformed his paradise into the Western fantasy it is now. Painting style...

How can it be!

Realizing that he was at risk of being covered, the Qiongyuan Sage naturally couldn't sit back and ignore it. He wanted to trace the source and see who actually dared to take action against him.

The third sage, who holds absolute power, looks back at the coordinate system of infinite parallel time and space to find the source of all these influences.

Then, He happened to meet the other two Saints who were almost sealed into the story.

Qiongyuan Sage communicated with Qianyuan Dao Zun and Ji Xing Holy Emperor and determined the common enemy of both parties.

Then, He exhausted the power of a complete possibility tributary and created the [True Anchor], so that the three sages could join forces to resonate with the absolute power and anchor the reality.

The location of the real anchor point is the real coordinate system ‘’.

However, the problem is that because the actions of the three Holy Saints are equivalent to being enemies of all infinite parallel time and space, the concept of 'absolutely real Hun Tian' needs to be continuously spread.

But among the three sages, none of them are natives of Huntian.

Qianyuan Dao Zun is a wandering strong man who has been walking in the void of the multiverse for endless years. He just helped Hun Tian when he passed by.

The Pole Star Holy Emperor is an anomaly that emerges from the innate chaos gods and demons. He is a traitor to order among the chaos gods and demons. It must be said that its origin is taboo.

And the Qiongyuan Sage... He himself is a member of the infinite parallel time and space, a 'Holy Taoist Ancestor' with a Western fantasy style.

The three strongest men can provide power, but they cannot provide the elements of the ‘Huntian’.

And at that moment...under the command of the Holy Saint.

Those living beings who were derived from the fragments of the world taken out by Qianyuan Dao Zun from the hands of the old Hun Tian and those broken gods, those most authentic descendants of the 'Real Hun Tian', chose to sacrifice themselves and become the real ones. The Tower of Anchor is an offering of the concept of point diffusion.

They are the remnants of the old Huntian, the original people of the new Huntian, and the most authentic representatives of the Huntian that spans the past and the future.

Their existence itself is even a more real concept of ‘Huntian’ than the Huntian universe.

[In our past, those gods who protected our ancestors, their sacrifices must never be forgotten, and we will never allow this to happen! 】

That was a firm oath, and the determination of all sentient beings even exceeded the imagination of the saints.

Those survivors who were rescued by them from the old Huntian have not forgotten the past so far. They still remember the tears dripping from the dark sun, the last protection of the gods, and the Taoist Qianyuan who did not hesitate to help. of pride.

But now, these 'truths' have begun to be smeared, disappeared, and turned into stories... Compared to the saints who can at least guarantee their authenticity, mortals like them are even more unable to accept this.

They will never allow, will not allow their past to be erased, will not allow the history of their struggle to be rewritten, and they have unknowingly become obedient people under the command of 'Taboo'!


Animals slaughtered for sacrifice; one's life given up for a righteous purpose.

This is both a sacrifice and a 'sacrifice'. The Holy Saints have no other way but to watch in silence as they choose to sacrifice themselves.

To this day, the Tower of True Anchor still stands in the Third Age, and endless sacrifices continue.

Sacrifice in order to prevent everything from being meaningless, and continue to sacrifice in order to prevent all sacrifices from being meaningless... This is the beginning of this never-ending cycle.

The seal against taboos has once again expanded the concept.

The real Hun Tian has once again returned to its rightful place.

However, if taboos can be solved so easily, why would there be a need for other beings in later generations and the emergence of the Holy Saint?

Just after the 'Rebellious Time and Space' was sealed, Huntian was functioning normally again for a while.

Once again, a change occurred.

The victims of the Tower of True Anchor are only humans and intelligent life. Although it includes many monsters and monsters, in the final analysis, there are only intelligent life.

Based on this, all intelligent life cannot be replaced by the power of 'absolute' to replace the true or false, or replace the copy.

However, other existences, such as gravel, air, soil, and other things, have gradually been alienated, replaced, and become "false" and cannot be used by all living beings.

This time, the three Holy Saints quickly discovered something was wrong. They discovered that in many airspaces in the sky, the islands had become false. They seemed to exist, but they could not carry people. People set foot on false land. It will fall directly towards the ground.

And those false lands cannot grow crops that can be eaten.

how to say?

Those crops and land are real, but they are like pictures in the story - the pictures do exist, but the crops and land are inside the pictures, and living beings outside the pictures cannot use them unless they eat the drawing paper.

Life cannot be infected and turned into falsehood, and the taboo named [Disaster for All Living Things] begins to infect all things except life... Without the earthly immortals and sacred trees, there is no way to survive independently of the material circle. This is One move will wipe out the firepower.

In addition, there were already many outside practitioners in the Huntian at that time - they resonated with the avenues of the innate chaotic gods and demons in the Huntian, and they could quickly become powerful ones in harmony with the Tao.

They believe that this is the move of the Holy Spirit to welcome them... But the real Holy Spirit is essentially the soul bred by the 'seal' created by the three Holy Saints. The 'river of time' itself that Huntian Spirit has mastered is the correct infinite time line. It exists, but it will not help powerful people from other universes to unite in this world.

These strong men who are in line with the innate chaos gods and demons are powerful and can surpass the will of the chaos gods and demons. In this way, they will get the permission of the Holy Sage of Hun Tian to trace back the timeline and become part of the 'Dao Realm' As a member, you also become a member of Huntian and become a part of the seal.

Those who have not surpassed the will of the Chaos Gods and Demons will become the carriers of the Chaos Gods and Demons' revival. Those who are in relatively shallow situations will be driven out of Huntian, while those who are in serious situations will be killed by the Holy Saint to avoid becoming the carriers of the Chaos Gods and Demons' resurrection.

This is also the reason why the Holy Saints have a reputation in the multiverse as being murderous and cruel, with extremely murderous intentions.

For this reason, the Shengyan Immortal at that time came into being, a ray of vitality in the rise of all life in the sky. In order to continue the existence of all living beings, he took action at the moment of enlightenment and killed all those who were unwilling to obey the instructions. The chaotic gods and demons who left Huntian combined their ways, and based on the infinite vitality of these combinations, they gave 'life' to all things in Huntian.

Wind, fire, sand, water, air pressure, thunder...

Everything animate and inanimate, everything tangible and everything intangible...

Everything, everything, whether it has a name or not, or a concept, is all given life by the Fourth Most Holy Saint, Shengyan Immortal.

They are no longer 'dead things' that can be manipulated at will by taboos, but 'lives' with their own will that can fight.

In this way, all things have become a member of all sentient beings, and in order to confirm the reality of their existence and to be real, they also need to prove their 'sacrifice'.

That was the battle of all races in the legends of later generations.

The war almost destroyed everything. The bloody battle between all races itself was a grand 'sacrifice' and 'sacrifice' - with the 'will' of all living beings fighting for their own existence as the source, Shengyan Immortal sealed [all living beings] All misfortune].

At this point, the [Innate Chaos Gods and Demons] and the [Evil God of Evil] representing the [Eternal Demon] were sealed by Qianyuan Taoist Master and the Pole Star Saint Emperor.

The [Rebellious Parallel Time and Space] and [All Misfortune to All Living Beings], which represent the [Absolute Demon], were sealed by the Qiyuan Sage and the Shengyan Immortal.

The absolute avenue and absolute order suppressed the [Eternal Demon].

Absolute truth and absolute life suppressed the [Absolute Demon].

And finally...


Su Zhouduan shouted, he closed his eyes and stopped looking at the future.

Looking towards the fifth era in 'now'.

That is to say, the fifth sage, the cosmic time and space where the Awakened One is located, fighting against the [Wufang Demon].

At this moment, even as a torrent, Su Zhou's heart was confused for a moment.

The three major elements of transcendence are ‘infinity’, ‘eternity’ and ‘absolute’.

In different civilizations, different languages, and different systems, these three major points also have different names - or infinite eternity, sourceless eternity, and no void eternity; believe, love, and firm belief, etc.

The power of the Five Holy Saints is more than enough to seal a torrent. When they combine themselves, they are also a torrent, no less than any other torrent.

Even four Holy Saints are enough to seal one Torrent!


There is also the Fifth Holy One.

In addition to the sealed 'eternity' and 'absolute', there is also the element of 'Wufang Tianmo', which has not been sealed.

——Those without prescriptions have no fixed rules, no definite rules, no definite categories, and no direction.

There is no direction, it is also infinite, it is limitless, it is boundless!

The Wufang Demon... is the [Infinite Demon]!

"Three elements——"

Su Zhou swallowed, feeling incredible in his heart: "This is already a transcendent!"

"But how is that possible?"

At this moment.

The Fifth Saint did not answer Su Zhou's doubts.

They won’t say it, they can’t say it, and they don’t need to say it.

Because in Su Zhou's heart, the possibility that was also unspoken was the 'fact'!

That's why they were reluctant to tell Su Zhou the truth. They would rather fight him than reveal even a word of the reason.

Because that 'sealed' 'taboo' is so powerful and so incredible that even if the torrent reveals a hint of his possibility, he can still recover from it!

Su Zhou quickly calmed down from the shock.

——The transcendent cannot be sealed.

Transcendence is the existence that transcends all trials, all sufferings, all reversals and logic.

Their appearance itself means the end - the world of suffering, the end of the problem, the end of the story.

There is no way that the true form of 'Taboo' is a transcendent one, otherwise, it would be impossible for him to be sealed. Not only that, not to mention the Five Saints, even Su Zhou would be kicked to God knows where.

Five Holy Saints? Adding five more torrents is not enough!

However, the 'taboo' does have three elements... He is better than the torrent, but it is not transcendent... If I have to say it, it is the half-step of the peak of the torrent to Dzogchen? No, this setting is just a joke. How could it be so outrageous?

"Wait a minute, let me think about it... why after the old Huntian summoned Taboo, the old Huntian was destroyed, but the Taboo didn't grow to its complete form in an instant?"

Su Zhou took a deep breath and began to think: "Is it a coincidence, or is Hun Tian special?"

"Reverse it again - why could Hun Tian summon Taboo at that time? Why couldn't other universes summon Taboo?"

Now the answer is much simpler.

"Huntian is special...Huntian will move endlessly throughout the multiverse."

The young man murmured to himself: "Huntian is the source of taboos, Huntian is... the center of the multiverse."

"And the essence of Wufang Demon... is the distorted time and space of the universe."

What is the universe?

The universe is endless and eternal.

The universe is unbounded and eternal.

The universe is [infinite and eternal].

Wufang Demon, those distorted cosmic time and space are endless, endless, and endless - in the fifth era, what the ignorant and enlightened beings and all sentient beings have to face is the infinite cosmic time and space!

Their enemy is real infinity.

Therefore...'infinite sacrifice' is also required!

The Awakened One is the result of the cause and effect of all sentient beings in the fifth era. He bears the cause and effect of the Qianyuan Taoist, the Pole Star Holy Emperor, the Qiongyuan Sage and the Shengyan Immortal who sealed the absolute and eternal demons. Inheriting the origin of the old and new Hun Tian, ​​and then gathering the karma for the continuation of all living beings, it is also a representative of 'infinite karma'.

Death is the beginning of life; the infinite reincarnation of death and life, the avenues of [Silence Lord] and [End] rotate, and finally turn into a great formation that can completely seal even infinity.

Its name is [Great Cause Mandala]. As long as there are still lives in the sky, there are still lives that are sacrificing, still stepping from the present to the future, still creating karma with other lives, still resisting this reincarnation, and still... If you are trying to transcend, then this seal will be unbreakable!

As for the seal that the Five Saints have joined forces to forge that runs through infinite time, what exactly is it to be sealed...

The answer is already clear.

Su Zhou kept silent because it was indeed something that could not be said.

The Five Holy Saints of the Huntian Sky may not have made it to the end, but they are undoubtedly doing the right thing on this point - facing such an existence, even if they mention a concept, self-existence and ubiquity, He who is eternal, absolute, and infinite will also be resurrected by this.

Because what the Five Holy Places sealed, they blocked the 'disasters' for all sentient beings in the entire multiverse.

His real name is...

【——True Spirit of the Multiverse——】

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