Full Title, Chapter 4 Su Zhou Boxing Town Kansai 4400


——I have wine, do you have a story?

Although this saying didn't spread in the other world, Su Zhou's meaning was obvious, that is, exchange money for news.

This is indeed a good way to inquire about local news and customs, because several adventurers who are daring or drunk have already stood up: "Then master, I will not be polite!"

Su Zhou's appearance is indeed relatively rare in this place, but in the final analysis, it is just black hair. The Etruscans and Goths in the south have this appearance, and everyone also assumes that he is from the south by default. A lone transcendent.

After all, even a three-year-old child knows that the world is about to be destroyed. Many extraordinary people don't want to just stay in their hometown and wait for death, so they walk around without saying anything about saving the world. At least they want to see some new places before they die .

As for being suspicious... Hey, it's almost the end of the world. Some time ago, the lord was dead, so what's wrong with being suspicious? If you have this thought, why not tell more stories and drink more wine!

Neisser City is indeed the largest shelter city in the surrounding area. Most of the adventurers living here have some unique skills, and there are also many stories and news to brag about. Su Zhou also happened to be eating local specialties charcoal grilled Yu, while listening to these local people tell themselves about various aspects of the world from various aspects.

Although it is close to the end of the world, there is no shortage of products in the order formation because of the magic assistance. They won't be too desperate. If it doesn't work, just be a coward and pretend not to know about it.

Of course, Su Zhou is not someone who will be deceived by some information that is obviously nonsense. With years of experience in online bragging and superhuman level sensing of various human body micro-information, he can easily find some Inconsistent descriptions and lies. After he threw those cheaters out of the tavern, most of the people who were willing to exchange stories for drinks were honest storytellers.

Soon, an afternoon passed, it was evening, and the dim sun had completely set.

There are still many people who want to tell stories, and there is also a lot of money left by Su Zhou.

But now, Su Zhou has almost obtained enough information, and he can already summarize the whole picture around Nessel City and the general situation of this world.

First of all, it is the division of power in this world - trainees, formals, elites, and above them the near-god powerhouses. In other words, it is enlightened, awakened, extraordinary and commanding ranks.

As for why the leader rank is considered to be close to the gods, it is not surprising. After all, after the leader is the overlord, Tianchi Dragon King's kind of demon god powerhouse who can subvert a world is nothing more than the overlord rank. The level of Human Immortal Demon King is indeed close to God.

Su Zhou's strength is considered the highest in this world. The previous lord of Nessel City, Grand Duke Nessel, was only an extraordinary high-level, and he died unexpectedly in the process of breaking through the leadership.

"Also, did the revival of spiritual energy in this world start decades ago?"

This is also valuable information. Su Zhou has already noticed that whether it is the world of Shenmu or this other world, the recovery of spiritual energy is earlier than that of the earth.

If the revival of spiritual energy is really a rising tide among the worlds, then the universe where the earth is located should be considered the outermost layer and the highest point.

As for why this world is almost doomsday, and there is still the profession of adventurer, Su Zhou can also hear some reasons.

The underground of this world is not completely solid, it is essentially a huge maze, and in the maze, there are actually relics of the ancient civilization, which may be the previous generation.

In this labyrinth ruins, there are many miraculous and extraordinary items that have gone through the ages and can still function. For example, the water purification magic array currently in use in Nessel City, the core of its water purification is excavated from the ruins. Extraordinary items.

It's just that in the underground, there are also many monsters and monsters, powerful treasures, and powerful monsters guarding them. Adventurers are the group that target the underground labyrinth and extraordinary items.

It is said that in the deepest part of the underground ruins, there are still the secrets of why the world will be destroyed and the civilization of the previous generation—but regardless of whether this is true or not, the underground ruins are also layered. The underground realm developed by the city of Nessel , is only around the sixth floor, and there, there are already occasional monsters of extraordinary rank.

In addition, adventurers are also the fighting groups in the city responsible for defending against incoming monsters and undead souls. The local lords will give them a legal status as mercenaries outside the establishment. If any sanctuary city wants to continue to maintain, it must have Such a group of adventurers who explore the maze and exterminate underground monsters will also go underground to find some supernatural items that may be useful while protecting the city.

"There are definitely secrets in the underground." Even Su Zhou, a person from another world, can clearly feel that there is a big problem in the underground of this world, and there must be some secrets hidden. Will not encounter some powerful monsters, or find some magical items.

Among other things, this world actually has space equipment like storage rings! At least one such ring is among the treasures of the Nessel family, and it is said that it can hold enough food to feed thousands of people for several years.

Su Zhou doesn't even need complete space equipment, he only needs the corresponding supernatural materials, so that he can cultivate the supernatural powers of personal space.

As for the situation in Nessel City, Su Zhou has also roughly analyzed the story in the different versions of the narration of many people.

About half a year ago, the old Grand Duke Neisser died, and other members of the Neisser family also died suddenly. Immediately afterwards, teams of extraordinary people who did not know where they came from entered the Grand Duke's mansion and took over all the rights. .

These people say they are tyrannical, but they are not to that extent, but they can definitely be called cruel and ruthless.

As long as someone does not comply with their rules, they will be hanged. In the past few months, dozens of people have been hanged or even beheaded just because of the curfew and refusal to search. Ordinary people who served the Grand Duke's family were taken away one by one, and now there is no news, and it seems that there is no good end for them.

Most ordinary people don't dare to stay on the streets for a long time now, because once they are suspected by those guards, the best result is that they will be extorted a large amount of money.

"However, we have no other place to go after leaving Nessel City."

An adventurer who finished telling the story complained to Su Zhou: "Within thousands of miles, only Nessel City is relatively stable, and it is not easy to be besieged by swarms of dead souls and monsters, so even those newcomers The guys are killing people, searching everywhere, extorting money, we can't do anything except obediently obey and go out less on weekdays."

"That's not true—except for the large cities of shelter, the smaller villages and towns have all been dug into the ground and lived in some labyrinths with fewer monsters. Although it is dangerous, it is not impossible to live."

Another older adventurer with a scar on his face drank a glass of wine and said loudly: "When I was young, I tried to explore the borders of the world with the team prepared by the Grand Duke. Part of the world is shrouded in gray mist, and there are only rocks and undead in the mist... At that time, the entire surface may be filled with mist, and even the sanctuary cities can only be transferred underground."

Although it is said that it is a hopeless doomsday future, it seems that all the adventurers present are used to this feeling, and they even thought about joking: "This doomsday was said to be coming a thousand years ago, but it hasn't come yet. Feelings are also pigeons.” (The original words are not pigeons, but the most vivid description after the soul transmission is like this.)

"In that case, yes, hahahaha!"

Su Zhou looked at this group of adventurers who could still laugh even in such a dark world, and couldn't help but nodded slightly, admiring their big hearts.

However, he is very clear about his purpose in coming to this world.

One: Find enough qualified enemies, and find the real inspiration you need through fighting.

Two: Look for possible supernatural materials in space, and prepare for the practice of personal space.

Three: Explore in a different world, if possible, find the incarnation of the Lord of Silence in this world, no matter what method you use, try to stop the other party as much as possible, and see if you can prevent the destruction of this world.

Basically, it is certain that the current abnormal situation in this world is likely to be a vision caused by the recovery of the Lord of Silence. After all, the current decline of this world is related to decay and dead souls. The silence of the four elements may also be some kind of underworld. feature?

As for the incarnation of the Lord of Silence, Su Zhou felt that it was not particularly difficult to find. After all, even the sacred tree relied on the Banyan Undead Tree to change the world. There must be a powerful existence or thing behind it.

The strong in this world need to protect the people and the sanctuary, and they can't move away to look for it, but he, Su Zhou, doesn't need it.

"Finding the incarnation of the Lord of Silence may solve the problem fundamentally. For this, I need to understand the history of this world and many hidden information that ordinary adventurers cannot know."

Please retreat the other adventurers, Su Zhou sat at the table alone, while eating grilled fish, he secretly thought: "On the way, naturally we can find many strong people, and encounter some monsters to fight, so we can kill multiple birds with one stone."

But at this moment, with his overly sensitive hearing, he heard the noise of furniture being destroyed and the cries of mixed men and women coming from the other side of the street.

"what happened?"

Su Zhou put down the grilled fish skewers in his hand, raised his eyebrows, and looked outside the door.

On the side, there was also an adventurer who seemed to see that Su Zhou was interested, so he flattered him and said, "Isn't it just those extraordinary people who occupied the Grand Duke's mansion? Recently, I heard that Grand Duke Nessel has a descendant with the right to inherit." They have already arrived near the surrounding area, and they are waiting for an opportunity to lurk back to the Grand Duke's Mansion and regain the authority of the formation... After getting this news, they immediately attacked like mad dogs."

"Although it is not that simple to regain the authority, it is not difficult to destroy it. As long as this heir is so bloody and dares to directly destroy the shelter formation of the Nessel Sanctuary, it will be enough for those outsiders to get nothing!"

At this time, another skinny adventurer sneered: "So recently, that group of wolves has been catching people everywhere, and if they are a little suspicious, they will all be arrested. Kill them all—kill the wrong ones."

Obviously, these local adventurers are not interested in those outsiders, and even have deep hostility.

According to Su Zhou's personality, he should now ask some questions that make these adventurers feel prickly, such as 'If this is the case, why don't you resist? ’ or ‘If the descendants of Grand Duke Nessel really succeeded, destroying the authority of the elemental array and letting the whole city be buried with them, what are you going to do? ’ This kind of question.

But now, Su Zhou didn't have the heart to think about such trivial matters - the answers were nothing more than 'can't beat' and 'don't know'.

He walked out of the tavern quickly and looked towards the street where the sound originated.

Su Zhou could see that several soldiers in armor and holding spears were interrogating a family of civilians with whips and sticks in the street. , the skin and flesh rolled up.

There are five people in this family of civilians, a man and a woman who are adults who should be parents, a woman who is an elderly person, and two children, a man and a woman. At this time, the adult man had been beaten until he was breathless, and the old man also passed out, while the armored soldier in charge was holding a child in his hand, and the woman was holding another child in her arms. what to do.

"You have the magic power of Nessel's family! In the past few days, you have definitely communicated with him!"

The captain of the armored soldier was holding one hand on the little boy's neck, and his fingers were tightening, gradually making the little boy roll his eyes.

He asked sharply, threatening the remaining woman: "Don't answer 'I don't know!', you must have seen him! If you don't say it now, we will send you to Master Delanger later, I To tell you the truth, the torture of the soul is much more painful than my use of whips and sticks!"

"And now, if you don't tell me, I'll let this little guy go to see the doomsday!"

At this time, there was still a group of armored soldiers searching roughly for something in this family's house. From time to time, there was the sound of broken furniture and something being smashed, and the surrounding doors were closed tightly, and the neighbors did not even dare to watch. I can only pray that this doesn't happen to me.

There were also a few adventurers who came out with Su Zhou. Obviously, when they saw this scene, they just frowned, but they didn't even dare to point fingers—those who dared to fight against this group of unknown guards, It has been sunk into the lake long ago, although the end of the world is coming soon, but it is better to say that because the end of the world is about to come, everyone is dying, so why bother to fight against these people.

Among the adventurers following Su Zhou, there was a guy who was relatively short and his whole body was covered by a robe. When he saw this scene, his body trembled. After a brief hesitation, this guy made up his mind and put his hand into his arms.

Of course, he had no chance to make a move.

Because Su Zhou had already stepped forward, crossed 145 meters in less than a second, and punched the leader of the armored soldier captain with his fist.

Blood, bone residue, brain matter, and even the fragments of the helmet were scattered in an echoing sound of metal collisions, and half of the street was like a dyeing workshop, with red, black, and purple blooming.

Then, Su Zhou turned around and looked at the soldiers who stared blankly, obviously not realizing what was going on.

"The villainous aura on your body is so red and purple, and purple and black, it's a little worse than those demon generals in the Shenmu world."

The young man sighed: "I can't even find a reason to spare your lives."

Immediately afterwards, he raised his fist again.

The second chapter... 8000 words will be updated today, let's gradually recover.

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