Monsters Will Die if They Are Killed

Chapter 395 Why do people on Earth need to explain to you aliens what they do? (Please give me month

The brief raid ended.

With the thorough preparations from the Earth side and the presence of Su Zhou, the Crow people were undoubtedly defeated by humans.

Even K-Cole, as the captain and the most powerful psyker, was sealed by Rafi after being defeated by Su Zhou, and was brought back to the alien quarantine area on Earth along with many other Crow people.

There, the Earth side will interrogate and extract relevant information through various methods, including but not limited to torture, psychic bewitchment, hypnosis and other means.

As an old enemy and receiving preferential treatment from the Earth side, the Tallinn people are even happy to do this kind of thing on behalf of the Earth side, and then let the Earth people do the red face.

After the battle, most of the exoskeleton armors have dispersed after this actual combat test. They will return to the earth through large-scale teleportation magic later, and the major military industrial groups will detect the actual combat data and conduct The new generation of exoskeleton armor has been audited. In the entire Moon Back Base, only a few master craftsmen are left who are preparing to study the Crow exploration ship. These extraordinary people who are obsessed with technology can't wait to analyze each other.

However, Su Zhou, who was supposed to leave together, did not return to Earth with those extraordinary beings.

Public opinion must have exploded on Earth at this time, right? Whether it is the continuous arrival of intelligent aliens or conflicts with them, it is something that can bring a sense of uneasiness to most ordinary people.

Can people on earth fight against alien visitors and protect their hometown?

And the whole process of this battle can undoubtedly answer the questions of those who have doubts.

You don't need to think about it to know what kind of public opinion Su Zhou, who is already the number one person on earth in publicity, will cause. After destroying the fallen exploration ship of the Tallinn people and defeating the Crow people, how high his reputation will rise. , even he himself doesn’t know.

Whether it is fans or negative fans, it will definitely increase.

However, Su Zhou has always been indifferent to such things.

Today's young man is crossing his hands on his chest, standing on the Crow exploration ship that has turned into a scrap ship and is gradually falling towards the back of the moon, with a solemn expression.

Although half-destroyed, a roughly intact alien exploration ship is enough to become an important reference target for people on earth and greatly improve related technologies.

At this moment, the battleship's hull was shaking due to constant internal explosions. From time to time, an ammunition or fighter plane even exploded, causing violent vibrations. However, the area around Su Zhou stood was extremely calm, and the impact was reaching its surroundings. In an instant, it will be suppressed by spiritual power.

He was on the battleship, looking into the dark distance.

From Su Zhou's perspective, the seemingly empty world was colorful and colorful, but when he stopped using the Dragon Eyes, to the eyes of ordinary humans, the universe was dark and dead. Even facing the sun, it was boring and impossible to look directly at. Just a bright ball of light.

In this way, he kept switching between two different perspectives, sometimes looking at the sun, sometimes looking at the earth, as if in a daze - but no one called him, everyone maintained a tacit understanding, giving Su Zhou his own tranquility. .

It wasn't until the moon reached its corresponding orbit and the sun shone on the spacecraft that Su Zhou woke up from his daze.

The young man faced the starry sky and murmured to himself: "The normal world is like a fish tank."

"And I am a fish longing for the sea."

This short sentence was exactly the reason why he pursued extraordinary things in the past.

Because he is not satisfied with the ordinary world, he pursues the extraordinary even if he is not understood by others. Even if he does not like disputes, he will still fight.

"However, the extraordinary sea is essentially just a bigger fish tank."

After saying this, the young man laughed. He sighed and shook his head: "Yes - even if the spiritual energy is revived and the earth returns to the age of immortals, this small planetary system is just a bigger fish tank. .”

Looking at the earth, Su Zhou, just like the shocked Tallinn people at the beginning, could clearly see dozens or hundreds of space-time realm gates flashing up and down around the world.

These passages leading to large or small worlds are baits and temptations.

"In the past, it was the earth's extremely favorable environment that made the gods and gods immersed in this huge fish tank. All the gods and humans were unaware of it. It was not until the spiritual energy was cut off that they suddenly discovered the truth, so they finally decided to take a step forward. Get out of the fish tank and go further.”

Turning his head, Su Zhou squinted his eyes and scanned the stars shining all over the sky against the background of the dark universe. He whispered to himself: "And now, modern people on earth will do the same thing."

"We'll smash the fishbowl and go into the stars."

It’s not like, ‘There are benefits to breaking the fish tank’, so I broke it.

It’s not that we go out because we think, ‘It’s good to go out of the world’.

Human beings go to the distance, not because of anything else, but because the distance exists. It is there, like a mountain, a goal, which always needs to be climbed and reached.

And the most important thing is that if you don’t walk towards the mountains, the mountains will approach you - just like the Tallinn people, the Crow people, and many possible civilizations in the future who were attracted. Even the immortal gods of the past had the name of a terrible restricted area such as the Black Domain, but the destroyed Curiosity spacecraft of alien civilizations could pile up on the moon.

Humanity will eventually move towards the stars.

In the final analysis, the struggles between countries and the conflicts between nations on the earth are no different from monkeys fighting for territory. Su Zhou will feel completely satisfied by placing his own strength and aspirations in such a world. Unwilling to do so.

But now, those stubborn realities have been changed - according to what he saw through high-performance psychic radar before, although the world is in chaos due to the revival of spiritual energy, in a sense, better changes are also emerging one after another.

Closing his eyes, Su Zhou recalled the conversation he had with Yala after making a covenant with her.

At that time, under the Snake Spirit's leading questions, he gave his own answer.

But now, Su Zhou can give the same reply without asking or questioning from others.

--It is not good? Compared to the ever-changing, stubborn and boring reality.

In the future, everything will change. Human beings will swim in the ever-changing and fast river, heading in the direction they want.

Why not look forward to it? Why be afraid?

"There's no doubt that this is the world I want."

After repeating this, standing in the starry sky and staring at the planet in his hometown, Su Zhou showed a gentle smile.

Step by step from the young boy who first longed for the extraordinary to the present day, Su Zhou looked back at the past and understood what he wanted to do and what he wanted to do.

In the world of Shenmu, he is a threat, whether it is the Demon Emperor of the Demon Dynasty or the Hundreds of Rebels.

In the world of reincarnation, he becomes the hammer that breaks eternal catastrophe. Anything that is repeated over and over again and never changes is always disgusting and unacceptable.

In the world of Shenlong, he witnessed wishes - everyone has the desire to change the world, and Su Zhou is willing to help those people realize their wishes and bless their future.

That being the case, he can do the same on Earth.

——Su Zhou will become a threat to the evil ones, break the solid hammer, and be a blessinger who realizes wishes.

This was the path he finally decided on.

And at this moment, layers of phantom sounds suddenly echoed in Su Zhou's ears, as if thousands of people were shouting, praising, and echoing at the same time.

--threaten! destroy! desire!

Endless, as if shouted out by countless people, passing through many worlds, reaching the phantom voice in the heart, it sank into Su Zhou's heart. I don't know where these came from, as if they were shouts born out of thin air, fanaticism The path echoes Su Zhou's decision.

Su Zhou even heard the voice of Crossel, the new leader of the Litany, in the sound waves one after another...

He seemed to be praying to himself?

Repeating it subconsciously, Su Zhou followed the voice coming from deep inside his heart and whispered to himself.

【my wish. 】

Then he closed his eyes and listened to his own voice.

Immediately afterwards, the magical power of 'Demon Devouring Lord' was activated spontaneously - the system entangled with 'curses' and 'wish power' began to operate rapidly according to the wishes of the possessor of the magical power, 'Su Zhou'.

Finally, a small 'wish soul', like a glass spark, condensed on his chest.

The colorless wishing soul flashes with a thin light like ice crystals.

It is clear and transparent. If it is placed on a black background, it is black. If it is placed on a white background, it is white. It is a glass that changes color as the environment changes. It is also a glass that always adheres to its transparent nature no matter how the environment changes. spark.

——What the hell, can my magical power still respond to my own wishes? ! Does making a wish to oneself really exist? !

It’s not surprising... After all, the Demon Devouring Lord has never limited who is the target of his attack...

Subconsciously, he reached out his hand and caught the wishing soul that floated from his chest. For a moment, an extremely dangerous thought even appeared in Su Zhou's mind: "In other words, if I kill myself, , can I also get a copy of 'Evil Soul'?"

"Bah, bah, bah, evil spirit!"

After pondering for a moment, Su Zhou took the wish soul into his body, placed it in his soul space, and placed it on top of the sleeping wisdom tree spirit, flashing with a faint but pure brilliance.

There is no name, no effect, and no explanation. This wish soul is still in the most elementary 'seed' stage. No one can know what kind of fruit it will grow into in the future.

"Wonderful harvest...Okay, it's time to return to Earth."

Taking a long breath, Su Zhou, who had unexpectedly obtained his wish soul, stretched out and prepared to fly directly back to the base on the back of the moon to chat with Meng Jin, Bai Canglang and Gu Yaoluo, whom he hadn't seen for a long time.

However, just as he was about to leave the Crow exploration ship, Su Zhou suddenly frowned.

"what sound?"

It was not a sound, but a kind of spiritual energy fluctuation. Su Zhou sensed an abnormal spiritual energy fluctuation coming from the exploration ship, as if... it was a communication from an extremely distant place.

Without hesitation, Su Zhou entered the ship directly through the opening he opened on the exploration ship. He knocked through various obstacles and blocking doors along the way, and then arrived at the place where the psychic fluctuations were located.

The command module of the exploration ship.

All tools in the command cabin require corresponding psychic codes to be unlocked. Theoretically, even if Su Zhou detects this psychic fluctuation, he cannot connect to it - but who is he, Su Zhou? Su Zhou didn't care about the receiving instruments in the command cabin at all, but directly intercepted the psychic wave for communication.

In other words, Su Zhou heard the phone ringing, but instead of trying to crack the locked phone that he didn't know the password, he directly hijacked the electromagnetic waves and simulated a virtual machine in his head to make the call.

[K-Cole, please reply to the center. The border sensor has received the crisis signal, and the central government needs to know the current situation of the Flying Star exploration ship. K-Cole, please reply to the center...]

Pure psychic communication carries the purest information similar to soul communication. As long as the psychic energy is strong enough, it can be analyzed regardless of language.

It seems to be a civilized message behind the Crow people?

Su Zhou nodded thoughtfully, raised the corners of his mouth, and then hung up the communication directly after leaving a 'chuckle' without any desire to communicate, leaving only the inexplicable Crow people on the other side of the starry sky. Dazed at a chuckle.

Why? No reason.

——We earthlings don’t need to explain to you aliens what we do!

Then, he happily returned to the Moon Back Base with an inexplicable happy mood.

2017, July 2.

Su Zhou returned to Earth.

The third update, there are more updates of the word w, please give me a guaranteed monthly pass at the beginning of the month~

Thanks to the new leader for the reward with zero attack power~

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