Monsters Will Die if They Are Killed

Chapter 405 Moving Stars (First update, 6000)

The star located in the center of the Qingqiu Galaxy is an orange dwarf, emitting calm and constant brilliance.

Compared with the yellow dwarf star that people on earth are familiar with, that is, the sun, the star called "Qingqiu" is smaller and more stable, naturally, and its light is dimmer.

Therefore, in this distant place where the star's light cannot affect it, it is just a bright dot that can determine its position in the universe and cannot provide the planet with heat suitable for life.

In the Yuanwang's condescending observation lens, the entire Qingqiu Wu was completely silent, with only some frost and city ruins around the space-time gate.

In the past, when the immortals and gods were still there, there was a huge freight city on Qingqiu Wu that connected the two worlds. The special products of this world were continuously imported to the earth as the central divine court, and the earth side would also pass through here. , transporting creations from the 'upper realm' to Qingqiu.

Although it was completely abandoned at this time, judging from the area of ​​the site, it may have been home to millions of people in the past, and it had a complete ecological circulation system with a radius of more than 800 kilometers - this was due to the large number of man-made buildings around the city. From the lakes and rivers, you can imagine how prosperous the cities around the time and space gate were in the past, and how advanced the technology of the immortal gods was, and they were able to create such a paradise on a dead planet.

The official ground exploration team has already begun to explore the ruins, but until now, there has been no harvest. Presumably, all the people who were able to leave with the gods have left. The entire ruins is almost empty and can only be found in the square. Some remaining stone tablets were found on the ruins, and by identifying the words on them, it was determined that the place was named 'Qingqiu'.

"Does the Qingqiu Secret Realm mean there will be nine-tailed foxes here?"

In his cabin, staring at Qingqiu San marked on the star map, Liu Wuxin said in a rather expectant tone on the spacecraft channel: "Or maybe it's a fairy fox or something... cough."

Of course, he seemed to realize that the tone of his words was a bit strange. The Lingwu warrior who also worked as a fitness instructor coughed lightly and explained: "It's just out of curiosity, I don't mean anything else."

Su Zhou glanced at the opponent's physique through the light screen and couldn't help but shake his head slightly - it is said that moderate fitness attracts the opposite sex, and excessive fitness attracts the same sex, but Liu Wuxin's level of exercise has long exceeded the level of 'excessive', although he is not too good-looking. He has a standard face with thick eyebrows and big eyes. Even if he only has a few eyebrows, he still has the military temperament of the last century. However, according to his ferocious and powerful body, basically no one of the opposite sex would dare to approach him.

Neither do people of the same sex.

No wonder it smells like a very, very lacking love life as soon as he opens his mouth.

But as the leader, he still explained: "I don't know about the nine-tailed fox, but the Taoist immortal fox clan is definitely indispensable - and according to ancient books, not only the immortal foxes, but maybe the mermaid clan as well. few."

——The country of Qingqiu has many jade in its yang and many green eagles in its yin. There is a beast, its shape is like a fox with nine tails, its voice is like a baby, it can eat people, and those who eat it are not poisonous.

——The Yingshui comes out, and the South China Sea pours into the Jiyi River. There are many red ducks among them, their shape is like a fish with a human face, and their sound is like a duck. If you eat it, you will not get scabies.

Although the so-called red turtle sounds like a weird thing like a human-faced fish, after all, the imitation of Tao will progress. Even the original imitation of Tao of Xi Mu Tianzun was just a ferocious beast like a female leopard. Later, it was different. Transformed into a complete immortal body.

So Su Zhou guessed that if there really is a red turtle in Qingqiu now, it would be transformed into a human form and rounded off, it would probably be similar to a mermaid - and hearing this, Liu Wuxin couldn't help but his eyes lit up: "Oh! Really? ?”

"Can I, Professor Su, still lie to you?" he said casually. Su Zhou also remembered something. Sitting on the captain's chair, he prompted on the public channel of the spacecraft: "By the way, it should be noted that Qingqiu The secret realm should be an area where the ancient pseudo-dao prospered. When you arrive on that planet, you must be careful of every living thing, whether it is an animal or a plant - maybe it is a human being walking in the wild. If there are accidental casualties, the officials will severely punish them. of."

The design of the Yuanwang is very peculiar. Except for the captain's cabin, which can accommodate multiple people and is relatively spacious, the other cabins are independent and sealed. Food and drinks are provided by the spacecraft AI, and everyone communicates through projection light screens and the public. Channel, private communication needs to be applied to the captain, it is impossible to hide anything.

Just like the sea ships that sailed on long voyages in the past, the captains of spaceships that conduct space voyages also need extreme authority to manage everyone in order to ensure the stability of this independent small society, and the design of the spacecraft also ensures the captain's authority.


There was a neat response from everyone on the channel, even the ghostly Tallinn crew.

Although Su Zhou is very young, according to his qualifications and record, managing such a team is not a problem.

After giving the advance command, the Yuanwang began to accelerate its thrusters and speed towards the target planet in the distance.

"According to the plan, Yuanwang will set off from Qingqiu Five, then go to Qingqiu Four, use the planet's gravity as a springboard to adjust its position, or replenish some resources, and finally go to Qingqiu Three."

Staring at the star map in front of him with various data prepared by AI, Su Zhou thought in his heart: "When the time comes, just make a few more turns on the Qingqiu 4th orbit and see if I can find anything."

Now, although the young man is still a little confused about his reaction to Chixiao Sword Qi, it is time to set off.

"Vice Captain Ketalen, speed up the flight."

The accompanying Captain Tallin, Kotalun, also used the translator to reply "Okay", and then controlled the spacecraft to turn and accelerate towards the target planet.

Because the principle of the jump engine has not yet been analyzed, Yuanwang does not have the ability to jump. However, because this mission is within the planetary system, it does not need the ability to jump.

Modeled on the spiritual energy structure of the Golden Crow Demon Core, the nuclear fusion engine started with stably ignited uranium, plutonium and other heavy elements as fire. During the test in the solar system, through long-term acceleration, Yuanwang arrived at the sun as a reference. One hundred and fifty kilometers per second, or even one hundred and eighty kilometers per second.

Of course, this is data that can only be reached when the vacuum continues to accelerate and is assisted by extraordinary formations, but it also draws on alien technologies such as the Tallin people, the Crow people, and the lunar spacecraft.

As it continues to accelerate, the front of the Yuanwang will support a weak psychic buffer zone with a thickness of up to 20 kilometers. It is like an umbrella composed of a layer of non-Newtonian fluid. It can be used as a protective zone to block most of the Accident.

This speed is completely sufficient for flying within the planetary system. In addition, the orbits of the planets are intersecting and are not the farthest distance. Therefore, from Qingqiu 5 to Qingqiu 3, even including deceleration, it only takes 37 seconds at most. sky.

Navigation in the universe is boring and boring, even more boring than sailing in the open sea on Earth. After all, compared to the churning waves, a pitch-black vacuum with no change is truly boring.

However, only non-professionals can have such an idea.

For the professional team of the Third Section of the Bureau of Discipline Inspection, the various peculiarities of the Qingqiu Realm are simply thrilling.

By comparing the star maps observed with psychic radar, they calculated that the Qingqiu Realm and the Earth were not in the same universe, at least not in the same galaxy cluster, because the observable star maps were completely different and could not match at all.

According to the situation in the Kunlun Secret Realm, the Beast God Realm, Tianchi Realm and Typhon Realm, the time and space gate connected to the earth is probably not a 'wormhole' in the folded space, but a genuine product with different connections. The world bridge between 'universe' and 'world'.

This can be said to completely destroy the original universe model speculated by the earth and start over again, and the complexity has increased by more than a hundred times.

"This is incredible!"

The leading scholar surnamed Xu, who is a professional astronomer, lamented more than once: "It's hard to imagine that hundreds of thousands of years ago, humans had already begun to colonize other worlds and build a stable cross-world central government."

This slightly chubby man even joked: "In a sense, we humans on Earth have already begun to colonize the outer universe and become a 'multiverse race' before we started interstellar colonization."

"In that case, where did the immortals migrate to in the past? Could it be that the spiritual energy severance is not a universe, but a multiverse phenomenon involving multiple universes at the same time?"

Lin Chengde pushed up his glasses in confusion, and murmured: "In this case, the impact of the original spiritual energy severance may have been unexpectedly great."

Naturally, other people on Earth could not figure out where the immortal civilization, which had originally developed across many worlds, migrated in the end, but Su Zhou had some guesses in his mind.

"The immortals and the others should have followed the great seal to the worlds behind the seal."

He thought rather worriedly: "The seal should only be aimed at the inside. It may not be difficult for people on the outside to find the restricted area. But even so, the gods and gods will leave traces. It is difficult to say whether Yala and the others are there. It was then that he projected his influence on the earth and created the precursors of organizations such as the Holy Serpent Spirit Litany and the Celestial Seance."

"In this case, it's okay for the Earth side. After all, there is a great formation of order. The major inheritances are very wary of evil spirits and have a line of defense to block them. But other realms are blind spots for the defense line... We must be vigilant."

With such worrying thoughts, time passed.

Earth time, September 21, 2017.

Yuanwang arrived at Qingqiu IV orbit, and the spacecraft began to decelerate and repair, orbiting this rocky planet with a mass of about 1.2 times that of Earth. Relevant engineers and technicians also began to record the spacecraft's operating data and compile it into a research report.

As the first practical spacecraft, all data of Yuanwang must be sorted out one by one to serve as the standard for future spacecraft design, and various errors and omissions encountered along the way will also be made up for.

Qingqiu Si is also a dead planet covered by frost, with a thin atmosphere and some ice caps at the two polar regions.

And just when he was approaching Qingqiu Si, Su Zhou also felt that the jade box storing Chi Xiao Sword Qi on his body was vibrating.

There is no doubt that as the distance gets closer, the Red Sky Sword's senses become more and more sensitive. It is even like a compass in the jade box, with the arrow pointing far away to the North Pole of the planet.

"...Tang Yuan, scan this planet, especially the North Pole, scan more times."

Without saying much, Su Zhou, who was sitting on the captain's chair, ordered the activation of the psychic radar. Naturally, this was not a high-performance version that could scan the Kro spacecraft dozens of light years away, but a simple version used for planets in the planetary system. It cannot penetrate the earth's crust and can only roughly scan the surface of the star to search for psychic signals.

This kind of radar naturally does not need to be powered by Su Zhou himself. The energy provided by the spacecraft is sufficient, and the control is also handled by Tang Yuan.

"Now start scanning Qingqiu Four."

Tang Yuan didn't say much. In the exclusive cabin of the psychic radar module, he entered the spiritual state and was directly connected to the entire scanning system. Then, with bursts of spiritual light flashing, invisible spiritual power fluctuations moved towards The surface of the planet is swept away.

Soon, a large number of data reports appeared on the Yuanwang's information screen, and were publicly displayed to everyone by Su Zhou.

The results were surprisingly shocking.

Qingqiu IV is a star that has experienced planet-level environmental transformation. Whether it is the thick ice caps at the poles of the planet that are unusual and comparable to those of a living planet, the huge impact ravines crisscrossing the surface of the planet, or the thousands of meters wide and several The huge water-flow rifts that are 100,000 long prove that someone once attempted to transform this star into a life planet.

However, the transformation probably ended after only a small part of the beginning - the thin atmosphere on Qingqiu IV and the strange planet surface all prove this. They are all regrettable traces left by the operation stopped midway. .

"It must be a fairy."

Looking at all the information about this planet, Liu Wuxin's tone became serious: "At least several Earth Immortal-level 'Dragon Kings' can extract elements from other planets, or even directly from stars, and convert them into water to artificially To create such a thick ice cap and to create this kind of mark on the surface of the planet."

The Weiwu lineage has been passed down for a long time, and its founder is even an immortal immortal. As a direct inheritor, Liu Wuxin naturally understands the power of immortals: "The atmosphere of this planet is probably artificially created - there are at least immortal-level The God of Thunder led a team to adjust the planet’s magnetic field, and the traces are too obvious.”

"It is likely that the work was stopped due to the decline of spiritual energy. These traces are at least 10,000 years old."

Lin Chengde was also awe-struck. The inheritance of the Nongsheng line can be traced back to the age of immortal gods, and can even be traced to the head of the first generation of Shennong. It is one of the greatest inheritances of the Zhengguo line. Those with multiple sacred trees can choose from.

The complete severance of spiritual energy occurred a thousand years ago, but the decline of spiritual energy is a natural phenomenon that began tens of thousands of years ago and has experienced many ups and downs.

He carefully observed the psychic detection signal sent back by Tang Yuan and the surface traces of Qingqiu Si, and couldn't help but sigh: "It's a pity. If the spiritual energy had not declined, the planet would have become full of vitality long ago, and it wouldn't be like this. As it is now, there is no trace of life.”


But Su Zhou said, "Look, there is some psychic reaction over there at the North Pole."

His tone was so determined that not only Liu Wuxin and Lin Chengde, but also the more than 20 researchers in the third department who were recording spacecraft and planet data turned their eyes to Qingqiu with interest. Arctic data for IV.

But soon, Lin Chengde frowned and murmured: "...It is true...but the reaction is too weak."

Su Zhou was right, they all also saw some psychic signals on the Arctic ice cap - this meant that there was either an extraordinary mineral vein or there was life there.

However, the signal was so weak that it was almost negligible. Even if it was really life, it was probably similar to the lonely life system in the underground cave, a few life seeds accidentally left by the gods in the past.

"To tell you the truth, I think it should be a human being."

With that said, Su Zhou stood up while Ke Talun looked at him in surprise. He left the captain's seat and walked towards the sealed cabin where the Yuanwang launched drones, satellites and exploration ships: "I'll go down and take a look at the situation. Do any of you have any information?" If you are interested, come with me."

Qingqiu 4, around the Arctic ice cap.

A small white ice fox has been wandering alone on the ice.

This little fox is only about 30 centimeters long. It looks petite and cute. Its fur is silver-white without any mottled color. If any small animal lovers see it, they will scream with excitement and then hold it in their arms. Rubbing and sucking wildly.

However, compared to the completely flawless fur that can absorb some frost aura, what is even more surprising are the two big fluffy tails at its tail.

It is common sense that every fox has only one tail. If there are multiple tails, it must be unusual.

And this extraordinary little fox not only ostracizes others on the ice, but also raises its head from time to time and looks up at the stars with its icy blue eyes.

——Why look up at the stars?

It doesn't know that this is a task assigned by the elders of the clan. Every day, several foxes will leave the warm burrows underground and come to the bitter cold surface to take turns on duty and gaze at the stars.

If you don't do this, you will be kicked out of the crypt by the elder who is great-great-grandpa and exiled for three days.

Grandpa great-great-great was very powerful, able to control ice and move large rocks out of thin air. Although he was getting older and began to lose fur frequently, there was still no fox in the clan who could beat him and became the next elder. And no one can save the fox it wants to exile.

Even a fox couldn't survive three days without eating fish or drinking water. It had seen its uncle who was three years older than itself resist the task, and was dying after returning from exile. In the end, he was not rescued and died. In the cave, the corpses were thrown into the sacred lake to serve as bait for fish and algae.

Since then, these generations of foxes have never resisted a mission.

Wrapping his two big fluffy tails around himself to keep warm, the little fox knew that he had been on duty for an hour and a half, and in another half hour, the next fox would come to take over and end this difficult time.

——One star, two stars, three...

Counting stars to pass the time is what any fox who has done the task of looking up at the stars will do. This does not require teaching at all, it is just instinctive.

The starry sky is endless, and the stars are also endless. Anyway, according to the fox's thinking ability, it is definitely endless. After counting about dozens of stars, the little fox yawned sleepily, and his eyes staring at the starry sky became misty. Get up, obviously going to sleep.

But soon, it shivered and became energetic again - because there was an undisguised sound of action behind it.

Turning his head, the little fox saw a larger fox. It also had silver-white fur and ice-blue eyes, but the difference was that the other party had three tails. Immediately, it straightened up happily and walked towards the other party.

The second grandfather who took over has arrived.

Two foxes, one large and one small, faced each other with their backs to each other, their five tails intertwined together, and the subtle spiritual power intertwined, forming a simple frequency to communicate their thoughts.

——Second Grandpa, you came early.

——Well, you should go back first, don't freeze.

The communication was very simple. After all, the fox's thinking couldn't be that complicated. The little fox couldn't feel the care. He just felt that it was a happy thing to return to the crypt early. After saying goodbye to the second grandfather, he jumped and jumped. Jump to the ground and prepare to go back.

However, at this moment, it heard a short exclamation from its second grandfather.


This is not a common thing - the atmosphere in this world is thin, and it is difficult to just breathe, let alone make a sound. Even during the estrus period, the foxes competing for the opportunity to reproduce will not intimidate each other with their calls. .

What happened that surprised the second grandfather so much?

Thoughts like this, but soon, the little fox himself discovered something unusual.

In an instant, a bright light flashed from the sky——

It immediately raised its head and looked up at the starry sky.

Then, you can see that in the dark universe, there is a silver-blue star moving rapidly in the sky at a speed visible to the naked eye, leaving a faint band of light across the sky.

——This, this is really incredible!

Opening its small mouth, the little fox showed an extremely human expression of astonishment. It had counted the stars so many times, but it had never encountered a moving planet. No wonder the second grandfather screamed out in surprise. How. What a rare thing!

But then, something even rarer happened. The silver-blue star that was flying rapidly across the sky actually split into another smaller star... It followed another arc, descending, descending, and then.

Then it dragged the long flame light belt and fell on the ice field not far away.

While the little fox was immersed in this scene, his second grandfather hurried over and slapped his tail with his tail.

——Come on, Xiaowu, go back to the crypt.

--Eh? Why?

For a moment, the strange and beautiful silver-blue meteor was still in his mind. The little fox didn't realize what the second grandfather's words meant, but he still instinctively followed the other person's pace and ran towards the crypt. .

——Have you forgotten? Why do we look up at the stars?

The big fox had a serious tone, had three tails, and was full of joy as it was more intelligent.

He couldn't help but turn his head and continued to look at the bright traces of light remaining in the black starry sky. The big fox's eyes were full of expectation.

——For thousands of years...we have been waiting.

——Waiting for those ‘moving stars’!

First update, please vote~

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