At this moment, dark brown mist surged from the underground tunnel in the distance, and at the same time, there was an ear-piercing rustling sound.

Whether it was the flowing sewage or the stone corridor, they were all trapped in this layer of light mist that began to pervade for a long time. The mist has a sweet smell, like the scent of flowers, and like the smell of blood, and along with the mist, there is also moisture that seems to soak into the bone marrow and take root in the human body.

Turning his head to look in the direction of the mist, Su Zhou calmly clenched the gun barrel in his hand. A translucent gun blade emerged from the front end of the two and a half meter long hardwood gun barrel, and the 'evil warding off' magic circle radiated dangerous spiritual light, illuminating the darkness.

can hear.

There was the rustling sound of insects and ants crawling, it was the sound of many poisonous insects crawling and retreating in a panic.

can see.

The black moss attached to the walls of the corridor began to emit light brown powder, which covered the light of the small flashlight, and completely plunged the originally dark underground waterway into a forbidden area where the eyes could not see.

Something was crawling rapidly approaching along the cement road, the shadows turned, and two balls of maroon light lit up in the dark fog.

Then, the mist rolled, and a thick black centipede like an adult rushed out of the darkness, carrying gusts of smoke, and wanted to choose someone to devour!


With a yell and anger in his heart, Su Zhou, who had been prepared for a long time, twisted his hands, took a step forward with the gun in his hand!

Facing the giant jaws of the giant insect, which is stronger than swords, Su Zhou has no fear - he knows how powerful he is. If he was ten days ago, he might only be able to dodge, but now he can deal with it! This shot was clearly intended to aim at the mouthpart stabbing in the middle of the giant worm's jaw, and would use this as a breakthrough to punch its head through.

But in the next moment, his face changed, and instead of stabbing the gun in his hand, he backed away, and pushed forward with all his strength!

And at this very moment, a long black carapace tail could be seen suddenly jumping out of the water behind Su Zhou, rushing towards his back!

This giant worm is actually deceitful. It dives its tail into the water and then stabs it. At the same time, the head at the front opens its jaws and bites off!

——It can be seen that there are two sharp venomous spines on the top of the worm tail, shining with dark purple light, if it is stabbed, it will be very dangerous!


But Su Zhou's reaction was very timely. The tail end of the arachnid gun barrel that was swung upside down hit the centipede's tail firmly, and a huge impact force of hundreds of kilograms was gathered to knock the giant insect back and forth out of balance, rolling over. He was submerged in the waterway between the cement roads on both sides, but Su Zhou was also beaten and rushed forward. After narrowly avoiding the bite of the insect's jaws, he rolled on the ground a few times in embarrassment, and flew about ten meters before finally restore balance.


The wind and waves created by the momentary fight blew away the fog for a while. Su Zhou, who was half kneeling on the ground leaning on his gun, coughed. He looked up and saw that the monster that was churning in the water was extremely huge. Forty centimeters high and nearly ten meters long black giant centipede!

It is covered with blue wooden veins like tree roots, agitating with the movement, and the roots are covered with greasy black moss, forming a dark carapace like bark, with runes flowing and flashing faintly on it.

It can be seen that the reddish-brown compound eyes at the front of the giant insect are hidden in the mist, and the tips of the opposite feet, which are like branches, are even sharper like swords.

"Good guy, is this a worm or a dragon?!"

Seeing this scene, Su Zhou's expression changed slightly. He could tell at a glance that this long worm weighed at least two or three tons and moved so quickly. Not much bigger than I thought."

"Everyone has come, there is no reason for Zhengguo people to return empty-handed."

Without even the slightest pause, Su Zhou stood up again, his leg muscles agitated, and his muscles, which were far more developed and robust than ordinary athletes, accumulated strength, and then exploded—the inscriptions on the spear flashed with brilliance one by one, and the translucent spirit blade burst into flames in the dark. There is an arc in the middle, like a flying star.

The giant worm also stood up shaking its head. Su Zhou's punching force before was certainly great, and even exploded with an impact force of nearly a ton, but it was nothing to a giant worm weighing three tons.

Facing the stabbing humans and the delicious prey shining with aura, the giant worm raised its body greedily and ferociously, like a poisonous dragon with its head held high.

It swooped down condescendingly, with a mandible that could cut through steel, as if it wanted to cut off the barrel of the gun and Su Zhou, and then use its body weight and joint limbs to crush it into pieces.

But even clever daemons who can sneak up on their tails are nothing more than bugs after all.


Facing a giant centipede that was rushing towards him like a hill, Su Zhou, who was about to step forward in a single step, let out a loud shout. The powerful force that surpassed ordinary people erupted at one end of the lever, and then the other end turned into a heavy punch, which slammed into the giant worm's jaw!

Just how powerful is Su Zhou? God knows, but he can lift hundreds of kilograms, there must be no suspense for things over half a ton, and this strength is now turned into a bargaining chip at one end of the lever, directly tilting the head of the giant insect that was about to pounce, On top of the sewer!


The black giant centipede felt as if it had been hit by a mighty Thang Long punch, and the front end of the entire three-ton insect's body floated up!

It can feel that the carapace of its lower jaw was almost pierced by the hardwood gun shaft, and the violent impact, mixed with the spiritual damage caused by the 'evil-breaking' magic circle, is shaking and tearing up the demon giant insect. It is not complicated, but it is not simple either. Neural knots and spirituality!

The unprecedented pain and dizziness made it subconsciously let out a silent roar, then curled up, violently swung its body and tail, and repelled everything around it.


How powerful is a giant insect that weighs tons and shakes its body wildly? Su Zhou didn't want to know, he originally wanted to take advantage of the situation to chase after him, smash the carapace of his jaw with another blow, and nail the giant centipede's head to the concrete roof of the sewer, but now he could only sigh secretly, and then he raised his gun and jumped back to avoid the attack. Open the opponent's sweep with a poisonous tail thorn.

But just the strong wind and water waves from the giant worm's tail almost blow Su Zhou into the water... If he was greedy for knives just now, his spine might be broken.

However, this doesn't mean that Su Zhou has to suspend his offensive - the red eucalyptus gun shaft is made of hardwood, and it penetrates the front and back without shaking or shaking, and it is as strong as iron with the blessing of the evil magic circle.

'Stab' and 'stab' are indeed the most powerful attack methods of this kind of hard gun, but now that there is no gun head, he does not have other attack methods.

"Eat me!"

With a low shout, facing the giant centipede that was rolling in the water and causing huge waves, Su Zhou changed the position of his hands, and immediately held his spear upside down like a fisherman on the coast—he leaped high, and his whole body and the barrel of the gun were in perfect contact with each other. Turned into a 'fishing gun'.

Then, aimed at the iridescent compound eyes of the giant worm, and stabbed hard!


The huge vibration caused the ground to churn, and the vibration and echo of the shattered cement slabs were extremely loud, traveling through the rock at a speed of three kilometers per second.

If you are an ordinary person, even if you live in the surrounding area, you may not be able to sense the vibration nearly ten meters below the ground. Even if you have an extraordinary body, in this noisy world, it is difficult to distinguish between the small vibration and the subwoofer on the ground floor. What a difference in vibration.

But above the surface of the Fuhe River, Professor Zhang Fucheng, who had been concentrating on searching for the trajectory of the aura, suddenly stood up from the police speedboat. He looked in astonishment at the place where the aura erupted in the distance, and there was a blue-brown wood aura bursting from the ground. , set up a fountain that is extremely conspicuous in the spirit world!

"It's there!"

Although the fountain only appeared for a moment, the professor of Zhengyi Academy saw it clearly without any hesitation. He immediately pointed in that direction and said with certainty: "The monster is here!"

On the river in the dark night, the sound of a motor was heard immediately, and as the order spread, more heavily armed modern armed forces personnel drove an inconspicuous black car and drove towards the area where the aura fountain appeared.

At the same time, Su Zhou, who pierced the giant centipede's compound eyes with a single shot, was thrown angrily by the opponent, and was smashed to the curved ceiling of the sewer with a 'slap' by an unmatched force.

There is really such a plant as the centipede on the wood, but the inspiration comes from the masson pine...

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