Monsters Will Die if They Are Killed

Chapter 441 Second update: God descends (Second update, 5200)

——Let’s take a look at the results of my recent practice.

Such thoughts flashed through Su Zhou's mind.

As soon as Shao Qiming thought about it, his body had already reacted and raised his hand. At this time, Su Zhou also understood what Shao Qiming was thinking: This friend of his wanted to give himself a try. The power gained from the inheritance of Zhengguo’s orthodox sacred trees.

There is no malice and no unnecessary thoughts. To an ordinary person, this is nothing more than a sudden attack. To an overlord-level transcendent, it is nothing more than the feeling when a deskmate in elementary school gently throws a piece of eraser at the next table.

Su Zhou knew his own power, but Shao Qiming believed in his power more than Su Zhou himself.

The pure positive spiritual power condensed, and countless tiny light spots quickly condensed into an inconspicuous beam of light. This was enough power to penetrate steel and illuminate the small box in an instant.

The next moment, blazing white, pure light entwined with flames shot out from Shao Qiming's fingers and flew towards Su Zhou's forehead.

But midway, it was blocked by Su Zhou's outstretched hand - and then disappeared into nothingness.

The blazing white light beam hit the palm of Su Zhou's hand, and the immortal white phosphorus composed of nanoscale mesoscopic structure absorbed all the light and heat in an instant, making the light that even the aftermath could completely destroy the hotel's top balcony disappear. There was no trace, not even a trace of smoke rising.

"Not bad, this power."

Withdrawing his hand, Su Zhou moved his fingers. He sensed the attack he had just suffered and couldn't help but admired: "This is at least the destructive power of an extraordinary peak - and the power is controlled very well. With just such a blow, many people It’s hard to block, and you’ll definitely get a hard hit. Have you made a breakthrough recently?”

"Let me guess, you chose the inheritance of the sacred tree Fuso?"


Shao Qiming also retracted his hand. He was not surprised at all that Su Zhou could follow, so he nodded slightly and said: "Fusang suits my talent, plus Zhou Buyi's self-created Shenmu Kung Fu, I combined it with Fusang's method. Practice by contrast."

"After all, the Fuso Method theoretically requires the company of a Golden Crow to be practiced as quickly as possible. But where does the Golden Crow come from in this world now? I can't go to the sun or a nuclear explosion site to practice, so I have to learn from other methods. Find ways to make amends.”

However, although Shao Qiming was not surprised by Su Zhou's response, he still felt a little powerless in his heart.

His strength has improved at a rapid rate.

In the entire Zhengguo, under the Holy Seat, among the younger generation of geniuses, even those like Guan Wanjing, they started practicing long before the spiritual energy was revived, and their talents are also excellent. They are definitely one of the future heirs of the Weiwu line. An orthodox genius, he has just reached the extraordinary peak in his recent retreat, completed the training of all his spiritual energy organs, and condensed the spiritual energy circulation in his body.

But even so, he also paid a certain price - if there was not a big force behind Guan Wanjing and a good master, then his breakthrough might have suffered serious hidden wounds, which would take at least a few years to alleviate. Heal slowly.

But he is different. Shao Qiming practices the way of sacred trees. If he has any doubts, he can always refer to and confirm according to the wisdom tree in Su Zhou's personal space. Although the wisdom tree and the sacred tree method he practiced were not the same sacred tree, having a reference to it was far better than nothing.

In addition, Shao Qiming has not missed any of the training he should have done, and he has received many additional blessings. It is not surprising that he has the strength he has now.

"But even so, I am still surpassed by this guy by two realms... He is already the overlord, but I am still far away from becoming a commander and condensing my own magical powers."

Thinking of this, Shao Qiming didn't even hide his unwillingness, but let out a long sigh.

Then, without waiting for Su Zhou to speak, he asked directly: "Speaking of which, Ah Zhou, are you planning to go to another world again?"

"I saw you were preparing supplies recently. Why, are you planning to return to the sacred tree world?"

"No, it's another more dangerous world."

Su Zhou could naturally sense his friend's reluctance, but to be honest, he had long been used to this emotion, so the young intellectual said in a brisk tone: "That world of reincarnation, where the Lord of Silence is."

"There is something wrong with that place. Although I have some guesses in my mind, it is better to go and see with my own eyes."

2018, April 17, 7:30 am.

Li Hanshan was wearing headphones, listening to music and looking at his mobile phone, and walked into the door of Xiyue Hotel without raising his head.

He entered the main entrance of the hotel and came to the lobby. Then after sensing some breath, he immediately raised his head and looked at the top floor of the hotel.

In the eyes of Chongmingniao, iron, stone, cement, and various wooden boards and tiles are almost transparent in nature, so at a glance, he saw Su Zhou walking out of the door of the top box and talking with him. Shao Qiming said goodbye.

"Hello, professor!"

At this time, at the door of the top balcony, Su Zhou, who had just said 'see you later' to Shao Qiming, felt his cell phone buzzing. He took it out of his pocket and took a look and found that Li Hanshan was sending him a WeChat message.


With a slight sigh, Su Zhou lowered his head, looking through the floors, looking at Li Hanshan who was waving to him on the ground floor, and he waved back.

The two of them were waving to each other across dozens of floors, while Su Zhou sent a WeChat message with one hand: "Why are you here too? Is it Qiming who is looking for you too?"

"Yes, there is an 'Su Zhou Fan Group Management Offline Meeting' today. I was going to attend it, but let's not talk about it. I have to prepare for my grandpa's 70th birthday at noon today. I have to update tonight, so I can only Come here in advance and explain something alone."

"What? What kind of offline meeting?"

Looking at the text that appeared on the phone screen, Su Zhou's expression suddenly became confused, and then he slowly typed a symbol: "?"

“Professor, you don’t know???”

Li Hanshan's WeChat message contained three question marks, as if he was more surprised than Su Zhou: "It's been at least a week since the management group announcement was posted? Didn't you see it?"

"Why would I look at my fan base at any time!"

Su Zhou was completely confused at this moment. He thought in surprise: "What are Qiming and the others doing?"

Without hesitation, Su Zhou switched to WeChat and looked at several of his management groups.

Indeed, as Li Hanshan said, Shao Qiming is indeed planning to hold an offline meeting today, with the purpose of gathering cohesion within the team, communicating difficulties encountered at work, solving problems face to face, and strengthening team building work...

It was very formal. To be honest, it was far more formal than Su Zhou had imagined.

But because it was too formal, Su Zhou was a little confused as to whether this was a fan group or some strange mysterious organization - even the original Holy Snake Spirit Litany seemed to be like this.

Among them, there is a conspicuous group announcement in a fan management group.

[Come on, Zhou Zhou! Even if the world is your enemy, we will stand behind you! 】

Su Zhou: "?"

Wait, why should I be an enemy of the world? !

"Hahaha, Su Zhou, your friend is really a wonderful person."

At this time, Yala, who shared Su Zhou's vision, laughed in her personal space: "I do think of those who established the Dragon Worship Cult and the Litany... That's it, this is really different, after all, those guys This kind of sect is basically done for one’s own sake.”

"How can it be that exaggerated? Isn't it just a fan meeting? It looks more serious at most."

With a click of his tongue, Su Zhou put down his phone and shook his head slightly: "Forget it, never mind it - although it looks a little weird, since it was Qiming who did it, at least it doesn't do any harm to me."

It wouldn't be a bad thing if the fan group had a little more cohesion...right?

As long as there are no fanatics.

Thinking of this, Su Zhou left Xiyue Hotel, then returned home and put all the supplies he had prepared into his personal space.

He then headed straight to outer space.

Standing in an absolutely uninhabited place outside the orbits of all satellites, he looked down at the entire earth, then turned around and opened the space-time door.

In the vacuum of the universe, in the scale of the gods, the gray scale suddenly lit up under the infusion of huge spiritual power. Colorless ripples rolled through time and space, and at the same time, a silver glow burst out, opening the door to another world.

【——Core Elements of the World·Oath——】

【——Erosion deviation value 14.52%——】

【——High Stability Independent World——】

Behind the gray space-time light ball, you can vaguely see the blue sky behind you and the ocean under the sun.

"Yes, it seems that the environment of the reincarnation world is at least very good."

With a slight smile, Su Zhou stretched out his hand and touched the ball of light: "At least it proves that the world is maintained very well, and it is far from the point where it needs to be reincarnated."

Suddenly, a burst of silver light flashed, and the young man's body disappeared in an instant.

at the same time.

The world of reincarnation.

Elemental calendar, year 307, June 22, summer.

In the Kingdom of Holy Fire, the largest port in the Far East, Sunset City, the blazing holy fire burns on the tall tower in the center of the city, like a lighthouse, guiding the passage of passing ships.

The sky is getting dark, the sun is setting over the surging waves, the moist wind and clouds are rolling together in the glow, and the shouts of fishermen on the pier returning to port are endless.

There is a hint of coolness in the evening air, and the strong smell of grilled fish is coming from the vendors along the street lanes. Around the pier, many shops started to light stove fires at this time. They set up large pots and lit the flames. After the stove fire was lit, they put in fish bones to make soup. When the soup turned white, they pulled the fish just brought from the pier. , put the cleaned fish and seafood into the water pot.

Fresh shrimps, shellfish, white fish, plus various spices and seasonings, although it looks like just a random stew in a pot, there is actually something special about it.

Ever since the pioneers of the Kingdom of Holy Fire came here from the Holy City in the center of the continent and built a harbor for fishing, the reputation of the Twilight City stew has spread throughout the world, attracting countless tourists - and the most amazing thing is , the ingredients and taste of the seafood stew in any store are different, each has its own deliciousness.

"Thank you, my Lord, for shining brightly in the world!"

Then, before the official opening, all the shop owners will turn around together, put their hands together respectfully and bow slightly towards the direction of the setting sun in the distance.

In a coastal hotel, a middle-aged man wearing a white square skirt with a golden flame emblem was standing at the window of his room. He was staring at the waves crashing on the coast, and he also clasped his hands on his chest, as if All the travelers, shopkeepers and fishermen alike on both sides of the street prayed earnestly.

He has a head of mixed gray hair and a somewhat sad face. This older cleric, who has gradually shown his decrepit appearance, watched the setting sun and whispered piously.

"Thank you, my Lord, for shining brightly in the world!"

It wasn't until the sun set completely and submerged beneath the sea level that everyone straightened up and resumed their previous work, and the streets returned to hustle and bustle.

The middle-aged man in the sacred fire robe returned to his long driftwood table and picked up his silver-cap pen.

After he sat down, the originally extinguished elemental lamp on the table suddenly ignited and lit up. Inside the round can-like lamp, the fire element spontaneously became active, releasing light and heat, illuminating the entire room.

Although the technology of elemental lamps has long been popularized, even ordinary people who cannot listen to divine grace can turn it on through alchemical mechanisms, but only priests can use only their own will without coming into contact with any alchemical products. Make them work.

And this middle-aged man is obviously one of them.

At this time, under the light that could not be called bright, but enough to see the text clearly, the middle-aged man raised his pen and began to write the unfinished report on the scroll.

[...Three months have passed since the last time that Dusk Port was attacked by heretics in the sea. The city has gradually regained its vitality, and the knights and priests of the Templar have also worked together to rebuild the damaged temples and shops. 】

[Although there were no casualties, the 'Fragments of the Soul of Source Water' guarded in the Sunset Temple were taken away by heretics. The local Priest Glo wanted to die as an apology, but I consoled him for a long time before he decided. Continue to protect your people and never give up your life and glory or the glory of our Lord. 】

[As the Lord of Fire’s holy words say: Man is like the sun, his life span is from rising to setting. Human life should be like the sun, rising slowly and setting slowly, until it finally burns out and returns to the deep sea. How can it suddenly dim when it is like the sun in the sky? Life is so precious, that goes against the teachings of our Lord. 】

[But what really worries me is that when the heretics in the sea took away the fragments of the soul of the source water, they arrogantly claimed that their god was about to appear - the Lord of Water was about to be born. 】

[I spurn those arrogant words. As the Word of the Lord of Judges says: He who speaks falsely will be punished, and a rebellious tongue will be tormented. People are born with delusions in their hearts, but love must overcome them. We must not be jealous, boastful, arrogant, or rejoice in injustice. Only in this way can we walk on the right path and not be watched by the thundering eyes of the Lord of Judgement. 】

[But recently, their power is indeed shrinking. All the great pirates in the seven seas have lost their traces. It is like the calm before the storm. I am worried about the stormy waves that may come, so I carefully ask the central temple for instructions - please send the divine protector. Come and find out. 】

[Yours truly, Amon. 】

After writing the report, the middle-aged cleric checked it a few more times, then activated the magic power in his body and poured it into the scroll, causing the words written with magic ink in the scroll to disappear one by one and at the same time, be transmitted to the center of the distant continent. , in the central temple of the City of Holy Fire.

"Alas...those sea thugs who deserve to be judged, disrespectful people who have broken away from the commandments! It's hard to imagine that they actually have the power to break the temple."

Staring at the scroll whose text was gradually disappearing, the middle-aged cleric named Ammon shook his head worriedly and said: "Fortunately, they don't dare to kill people on the shore and touch the commandments of the Lord of Judgment. Otherwise, the priests of Twilight City I’m afraid they will all be killed.”

"But if one day they really have their own master and can resist the punishment of the Lord of Judgment...then won't this world fall into the darkness of lawlessness?"

Muttering like this, Ammon turned his head and looked at the sea that was gradually sinking into darkness in the distance. He sighed: "Why didn't the Lord take back the authority of the water in the past?"

However, just as the sun set completely, the world sank into darkness.

Suddenly, above the ocean, at the top of the sky, an extremely bright light lit up!


There was no thunder, no roar of meteorites, just a sudden light, like lightning, illuminating the dark night and making it extremely dazzling.

"Wait, this light?!"

Even the window of the hotel was filled with this light. Ammon was shocked. He hurriedly walked to the window, put his hand on the edge of the window, raised his head, and looked at the distant sky.

In the darkness without the sun, layers of dark clouds are gathering above the sea of ​​twilight. Bright lightning flashes and moves in the thick clouds, like a chaotic dance of thunder snakes. At the center of all the thunder snakes is a An extremely bright, blue-purple ball of light!

One could vaguely see a giant dragon-shaped thing slowly emerging from behind the clouds. Countless runes and auras flashed, condensing into layers of ripples of will power, and the blue-purple ball of light hung above its head. It is like an eye of judgment staring at all things in the world.

"This, this is!"

Not only Ammon, but everyone in the entire Twilight City, and even the civilians and priests in all the cities along the Twilight Sea, all saw this scene - they saw a strange phenomenon suddenly appear in the sky, a huge Spiritual power swept across the sky, causing dark clouds to gather and thunder to rise suddenly.

"Yes, it is the Lord of Judgment!"

Even in the depths of the ocean, the fleet masters who were converging towards the center of the ocean noticed that these knife-edge blood-licking people who remained unmoved even in the face of ocean storms and tsunamis also showed fearful looks at this moment. Some of them The less determined people actually knelt down and prayed to the dragon-shaped phantom on the deck. The captains, who should have kicked all these cowering people into the sea, were now stiff in place and did not dare to move.

The distant city of holy fire, and the other side of the new continent. Two sleeping wills trembled slightly, as if they were about to wake up due to the fluctuations in the distance.

However, it is different from what everyone thinks.

The dragon-shaped phantom only appeared for a moment and then disappeared.

Whether it was the criss-crossing thunder in the sky or the blue-purple ball of light, they all turned invisible and dispersed after a brief flash.

For a moment, the world was silent, as if the previous scene had never happened - only the thick clouds that had not dispersed were still drifting on the sea with the wind, proving that the scene was not an illusion.

"That is the holy symbol of the Lord of Judgment - the symbol of the Immortal Dragon!"

At this moment, the joints of Ammon's palms pressed against the window sill had turned white due to excessive force, and even the rocks were faintly cracked by his pressing. The middle-aged cleric's lips trembled, and he was so excited that he couldn't help himself: "This is It’s a miracle, a true divine gift!”

It can be seen that the pupils in his eyes are slowly changing into the shape of dragon pupils.

"This is a divine gift!"

Second update.

I accidentally fell asleep yesterday...and woke up not long ago.

Asking for a monthly pass

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