Monsters Will Die if They Are Killed

Chapter 463 God doesn’t like to pray (Nine thousand two, thanks to leader Wei Ya 0205 for the reward


Repeating this word, a confused look appeared on Ammon's face. He was a little confused as to why his master said this word at this time, which seemed completely unrelated to the current situation.

"Yes, innovation."

Su Zhou responded to Aimeng's words. He turned his head and looked at the group of people behind him.

Amon stood beside him; Albert, who was still kneeling on the ground, laughing at the Fire Civil Code; Old Chuck, who was staring at the center of the VIP room in astonishment; The chief priest of Qixin City knew why he suddenly appeared here.

At the same time, in the personal space, Sara, who was playing with the Wisdom Tree, worked and farmed under the supervision of the Blade of Destruction. The pirates who opened up the wasteland also heard this word and Su Zhou's voice.

Innovation...what is that?

But Su Zhou didn't explain, he didn't speak.

Then the wind began to surge.

In an instant, countless cyan light spots were flying, and accompanied by the gentle howling of the wind, streams of wind spirit visible to the naked eye spread around with Su Zhou as the center, like a bright cyan ring. Whether it was Ammon or the officiant, Alber or Old Chuck, even the censoring priest, everyone in the VIP room was surrounded by wind and waves.

It was like a pair of wings appeared out of thin air on the body, and the wind came to life at this moment. It carried everyone floating in the air, and then took the surprised people away from the VIP room and flew towards the sky above Qixin City.

It was only then that one could hear exclamations coming from the temple not far away.

"Ah, what's going on?"

"The officiant is missing!"

"Is someone attacking?!"

The priest's voice came one after another, and they also noticed the silhouette of a person flashing in the sky, but soon, Su Zhou and others had crossed the city and arrived directly above Qixin Lake.

Qixin Lake is the largest freshwater lake in the east-central region of the Holy Fire Kingdom. There are hundreds of large and small rivers converging here. It is far larger than any city on the Holy Fire Continent. Standing on the edge, it is simply It's like facing the ocean.

"W-what's going on?!"

The chief priest of Qixin City has lived here for decades. He is so familiar with Qixin Lake that he soon realized that he had arrived at the lakeside from the city in just a few seconds, and then from the lakeside to the center of the lake. In the area, this extraordinary person with a somewhat out-of-shape figure may not be so careless in his practice, but his mind is definitely not bad. Except for the initial scream, he calmed down immediately and easily calculated the consequences of his actions. The speed has exceeded the speed of sound several times, and the height of where he is now is more than four thousand meters.

Moreover, the most important thing is not just that. The officiating master found that his Chosen One level strength could not be used at all. It was originally enough to cause an uproar in Qixin Lake and bring down heavy rain. But now, Whether it is the tyrannical mental power or the elemental power, all of them stay in the body as if in fear, unable to move.

Especially the two major elemental powers of 'wind' and 'water'. The chief priest even felt that the two elemental powers in his body were not only motionless, they even cheered and jumped for joy, wanting to jump out of his body and refuse. His own envoy, and swore allegiance to the black-haired young man in front of him.

"I-I apologize!"

After all, he is the chief priest of the land. The chief priest of Qixin City is not a fool. He turned his head and scanned the crowd with his eyes. When he saw old Chuck, the chief priest suddenly realized something in his heart. He was psychic and thought of some possibility in an instant. .

So without any hesitation, he directly admitted his mistake to old Chuck who had not yet figured out the situation: "I'm sorry, Chuck, I went too far this time - I will convene a meeting of priests to absolve you of your sins and use divine magic. Restore your hand and compensate for the losses of all your breeding plants!”

"In addition, I will also compensate you a large amount of money for the losses you have suffered in recent times!"

The officiant's voice was so sincere that for a moment it was impossible to tell whether he was trying to fool him or whether he was sincere.

"Smart indeed."

Hearing this, Aimeng couldn't help but frown slightly.

According to the precepts and oaths in the Covenant Code, Old Chuck should forgive the other party at this time - because the other party promised to compensate him for things far beyond his losses, and did not quibble and deny, but directly admitted his mistake.

"Wha, what?!"

Even Old Chuck temporarily got rid of the shock and panic of flying into the sky. The dark-skinned fisherman turned his head and looked at the officiant who was smiling humbly at him in surprise. Although the other person was fat and it was difficult to bend down, he Indeed, he leaned forward in a gesture that was almost a bow to apologize.

In response, Old Chuck couldn't help but feel obviously shaken: "You, are you telling the truth..."

"Okay, I'm not here to judge you this time. There's no need to apologize like this without sincerity."

But at this time, Su Zhou, who had arrived at the center of Qi Xin Lake, spoke. He said lightly, then turned around and looked at the spirit-like officiant.

The young man stared at the other person, and the overwhelming spiritual pressure spontaneously stirred up, causing the officiant who originally wanted to say something to shut his mouth, and his body trembled subconsciously. After kneeling for a while, Su Zhou laughed: "Say To be honest, I want to praise you, the chief priest of Qixin City, you have done a very good job. Everyone in Qixin City lives and works in peace and contentment, and everyone lives a happy life. After careful observation, I found that there are not many curses in the whole city. Resentment, this is proof of your achievements."

"Thank you, thank you for the compliment..."

In this regard, the officiant was a little surprised. He didn't know the origin of the black-haired young man in front of him, but he was obviously very powerful. He might be a new divine protector. He couldn't resist but could only wipe it. Leng Khan smiled apologetically at Su Zhou and said, "Well, sir, I know what I did was wrong, and I am willing to apologize - I swear, my apology is sincere, and I am willing to..."

"Your evil comes from your heart."

But Su Zhou interrupted him, and the young man said calmly: "I can hear your heart, so there is no need to lie to me. You are still just upset about why you were discovered by me, and why did old Chuck meet me instead of Really repent. Your evil does exist."

"But the meaning of order, law, and oaths is that people cannot do evil without restraint."

With that said, Su Zhou turned his head and looked around the entire Qixin Lake - in addition to Qixin City, there were a total of six cities and villages, large and small, by the lake, and there were more villages and towns farther away, which formed a lake. A dense network of towns is dotted all over the place.

Looking at these cities, Su Zhou said calmly: "There is no perfect person in the world. Who doesn't have evil thoughts? But you did it, and this is a mistake. Moreover, this is not only your fault, but also this person's." A flaw in the world order, a fault in the laws and oaths.”

"When you made a mistake, if a priest went to all the farmers around the lake to promote it, or if there were laws and regulations, the priest must inform everyone related to the law, so that you would not be able to do evil. "

"Sir, I..." The officiant seemed to want to say something more. His expression was a little stiff. Although so far, he did not feel that he was in danger of dying, but for some reason, a more disturbing feeling appeared. The feeling is spreading.

But Su Zhou shook his head and interrupted him again.

"But the most important thing is, Edmond, you still don't feel that you have done anything wrong. You feel that using rules to suppress people you don't like and forcing him to die is procedurally just. There is nothing wrong with that. But what about morality?"

"Oh, I forgot, your love is an obligation, that is the law, not morality."

At this point, Su Zhou laughed. He shook his head with a chuckle and said, "First you have to admit your mistakes, and then you can correct them. If you can't admit your mistakes and then apologize, then repentance and admission of mistakes are just perfunctory."

With that said, under the leadership of Lan Zhong, everyone has arrived at the seven-thousand-meter-high area directly above the center of Qixin Lake.

Looking down from such a high place, one can see that except for some thin clouds above Qixin Lake, there are no clouds for thousands of miles around, and there is nothing covering the entire earth except smoke and dust.

drought. Unprecedented drought.

This was a disaster that affected the entire world. Su Zhou could see that the cause of all these droughts came from the imbalance of the 'water element'.

Su Zhou stretched out his hand, and his spiritual power surged, blessing everyone behind him. He gave his power to everyone, so that they could see the changes in the elements just like him.

Ammon opened his eyes. He was the first to adapt to the suddenly clearer perspective. The gray-haired priest was surprised to find that he could suddenly see with his naked eyes the magic that filled the entire world, as well as the elements floating in the magic. The cyan Wind, red fire, brown earth and blue water, the four elements exist everywhere in the world, and they go through cycles of reincarnation.

"Is this, is this God's perspective?"

He murmured to himself, then raised his head and looked in the direction Su Zhou was looking at.

Then, the gray-haired priest opened his mouth wide and froze in place in shock.

Ammon could see that there was a mighty blue river flowing rapidly between heaven and earth, rushing towards the east... That was the water element, and nearly endless water elements escaped from every corner of the world. , fade away, they are stripped of their original elemental cycle, and then flow like this.

"W-what's going on?!"

"Why did the water element break out of the cycle and leave alone?!"

"That's the direction of the sea! Sure enough, Albert, it's you pirates who are doing the trick!"

Since Albert was not surprised or ridiculed by this, the big pirate just stared melancholy at the far east, the direction of the sea, and then let out a long sigh.

"The ritual has indeed been completed. Even if I fail, it is completely enough..."

Su Zhou was not surprised by this.

He has long known that all the water elements in the world are rushing towards the sea - just like the end of the reincarnation of the Tartarus world in the past, the balance of elements between heaven and earth is gradually moving towards the extreme. If it goes further, , is the final doom.

Throughout the Holy Fire Continent, such droughts are becoming more and more frequent, so much so that more than 20 God Blessers and all priest teams must try their best to rescue. Just like around Qixin City, there will be more than a dozen priest teams coming forward. Come here, use elemental magic to store water, and then go to a distant place to make rain and relieve drought.

As the local person in charge, Edmond, the chief priest of Qixin City, can plan all the teams and actions to satisfy everyone. He is indeed capable.

But it’s the ability for people to do evil that’s all the more terrifying, because it means so few people find out about it.

"Let's see."

Without saying anything else, Su Zhou raised his hand, pointed at the blue elemental river, and said lightly: "That is the source of everything."

"Something major is happening in this world. The elements are out of balance. The world is gradually heading towards the end of the world similar to the previous era."

"And this big event caused many small problems, such as siltation of rivers, drought in the world and famine."

"And these small problems will lead to more evil, just like Edmund took the opportunity to assassinate old Chuck. In turbulent situations, you can always find opportunities to do evil that you can't usually find."

Saying this, Su Zhou turned his head and looked at Old Chuck and the officiant Edmund, then shifted his gaze to Alber and Ammon, and even the examining priest was glanced at.

"The meaning of order and law is to curb these evils, such as the mistakes made by Edmund. The official meaning of the central church is to solve the siltation of rivers, drought and famine."

"As for bigger things, generally speaking, there is no way to solve them - but isn't there a God in this world? The meaning of God is to solve these big things."

When Su Zhou said this, he was a little dissatisfied: "I really don't understand what Elias and the God of Wind are doing. Can't they see that something is wrong with the current situation? Cangli knows etiquette enough. If the world is peaceful and there is no crime, God should shoulder his responsibilities!"

But even Su Zhou knew that something was definitely not right with Elias today. Otherwise, he would definitely appear as soon as he heard about his arrival... just to find out who Elias was today. What was the situation that made him plan to go to the central church to see what was going on with him.

"Ammon, if I asked you to adjudicate the matter between the priest Edmund and the fisherman old Chuck, what would you do? How would you prevent this kind of thing from happening in the future?"

Hearing Su Zhou's voice, Aimeng was stunned for a moment, and soon he began to think: "Although Old Chuck did violate the law legally, it is obvious that this was an accident and not intentional... Among the precepts in the religious covenant, although There is no distinction between accidental and deliberate results, but at least we can give old Chuck a chance to 'apologise' instead of arresting him for trial at the first opportunity, forcing him to be punished for several crimes, and cutting off his hands."

"This is a treatment method limited to the religious code. If it is to be eradicated... I will add a few more codes. For example, if a similar decree appears, the priest must notify everyone and personally go to the place where the decree is implemented and inform Everyone, this way, things like Old Chuck will never happen again..."


But Alber on the side spoke as if he was not afraid of death. He laughed and said: "Is the notice useful? What if the officiant has a time difference? It's not like I don't understand breeding. Don't I know how long it takes to pack these things? If I informed Old Chuck half a day in advance, and then came over the next day to arrest him and punished him for a small amount, I could still sentence him!"

The big pirate's expression was full of sarcasm: "There was a sailor on my ship who was forced to go to sea in this way. You priests have many ways to exploit loopholes. If you can block one hole, they can find two." A hole."


For a moment, Ammon couldn't think of a way to refute - in fact, when he thought about it carefully, he found that it was indeed the case, and he could also find several loopholes to circumvent various treaties. After all, rules are dead and people are alive. As long as you want to punish people, there will always be a way.

No matter how much he thought about it, he could never achieve perfection. Aimeng thought hard for a long time, and finally bowed his head to Su Zhou with some bitterness and sighed: "I'm sorry, Lord, I can't find a way to eradicate this matter..."

"No, haven't you already found it?"

But Su Zhou spoke. He looked at Edmund with a smile and said in a casual tone: "Isn't the method you proposed just now indeed able to prevent Edmund from trapping old Chuck? Although Alber soon proposed again Another loophole has been discovered, but is your method a step further than what you started with?"

Saying this, Su Zhou turned his head and looked at the turquoise Qixin Lake. The young man said in a serious tone: "Innovation is just like this. It is just one step. Just step back and then move forward. There is no need to be obsessed with 'perfection'."

"If you make mistakes, correct them, and then look for new mistakes. Admit mistakes, recognize mistakes, and correct mistakes - this is the basis of innovation."

"But the most important thing is to find out where the source of the error is. You can't treat a headache and a sore foot."

Closing his eyes, Su Zhou recalled what he had seen along the way.

——Since arriving in Twilight City, I have witnessed the flaws in judgment along the way, realized the limitations of the Demon-Eating Lord, and then understood that the judgment of the Dragon of Judgment is ultimately the source of the tyranny of the majority.

This was his limitation in the past. Although he solved many problems with it (Demon Devouring Lord) and indeed eradicated many evil enemies, he could still do better.

Since it can be better, why should we revel in the present?

So... we can't stand still. I want to judge myself and reform myself.

Only in this way can I guarantee that I will always be on the path to 'relatively correct'.

——My mistakes have been found, my mistakes have been admitted, and now, it’s time to find the root of my ‘mistakes’ and correct them!

Taking a deep breath, Su Zhou opened his eyes and stared at the world. The light in his blue-purple dragon eyes was bright. He said calmly: "Kill the evil when you encounter it. Kill the enemy when you encounter it. That's right. It is impossible to eradicate evil - we must find the origin of everything and block the sources of all evil step by step."

"Just like this small evil that happened in Qixin City originated from larger changes, if the problems caused by elemental imbalance are not solved, not only order and law will collapse, but also the central church's influence on The rule of the Kingdom of Holy Fire will also collapse."

"The same goes for order. Now that I have tried this Edmund priest, what can I do if I punish him? If we don't solve the problem at the root of the Holy Fire Kingdom's religious code, there will be more and more people like this."

At this moment, Su Zhou reached out his hand, opened his personal space, and drew out the Blade of Annihilation.

In the soul space, the purple-green Heavenly Soul rotates and replaces. Most of the original structure of the Demon-Eating Lord has been replaced, and 60% of the original supernatural power structure has been revised into a new and better form. Countless huge runes The group revolves around this soul sun, like planets around a star, forming a systematic and complete galaxy.

The red snake spirit lay on the spirit of the wisdom tree, and Yara watched this scene with a smile.

"Yes, that's it."

"What a lord of peace, what a pioneer, what a rubbish destiny, what a bullshit right - they are all wrong, no one is right."

"There is no need to insist on being perfectly correct - as long as you are more correct than others, that is enough."

"Question, question more! Su Zhou, keep going!"

The voice of the snake spirit echoed in the soul space, but in the real world, Su Zhou clenched the long knife in his hand, golden-red flames burned on the blade, and the majestic spiritual power turned into a bright light, extending from the tip of the knife, and it continued The ground stretched, stretched, and the golden-red straight line seemed to span the entire sky, dividing the sky into two sides.

Almon and Albert were fine, but Old Chuck, the priest Edmund, and the censoring priest were all watching this scene in shock. They were dumbfounded, watching the majestic power of the fire element like the blazing sun wreak havoc from the divine sword. Diverging, filling the sky with golden-red light.

"The Blazing Holy, you are..."

Among them, the censoring priest, who had long been suspicious, had his knees weak. He wanted to kneel down, but Lanzhong stopped him, and the already smart priest Edmund was trembling all over, his fat body shaking like a sieve.

He said the name tremblingly.

"Judge, Lord of Judgement?!"

"The river is clogged, right? There's a drought around here, right?"

Not paying attention to their astonishment, Su Zhou said this, holding the magic sword in his hand. He chuckled, then waved his arm towards the Qixin Lake below him and the river in the distance.

Then, the bright light extended for an unknown length and fell towards the ground.

Everything in the world seems to be stagnant.

Everything was still, whether it was the wind, the clouds, or the waves on the Qixin Lake, everything was stagnant and motionless.

In this stillness, only the light of the sword flashed.

The Blade of Annihilation slashed down. It struck the Qixin Lake and the blocked river. It extended all the way, splitting open the lake hundreds of meters deep, and emptied the sediment at the bottom of the river—— Huge waves rolled, and under the blazing sword light, the entire Qixin Lake seemed to be boiling, evaporating water mist all over the sky, and spawning strong winds that could spread hundreds of miles away.

Violent explosions appeared one after another along this straight line. They evaporated the lake water, evaporated clouds and huge waves, causing large tracts of pure white clouds to rise rapidly into the sky, like wings hanging from the sky.

With one slash of his sword, Su Zhou ignored the sound of "Clang?" ! ’ It seemed that he was questioning the doubts of the Blade of Annihilation, ‘I am going to use it to cut the lake water when I appear, it’s not just what I promised,’ and sent it back to the personal space.

Then, he stretched out his left hand and lifted up the Great Zhou Tianlan Armor.

Immediately, tens of thousands of cyan mist seeds rushed into the vast clouds with misty cyan spiritual power. The strong wind turned into a huge package, wrapping up all the clouds, mist and water vapor, and then moved as fast as possible. Rising high into the sky, it turned into dark rain clouds.

For a moment, the people in Qixin City who were panicked after hearing the huge explosion saw that the originally bright sky and earth suddenly darkened, and the dark clouds spread rapidly like an illusion, occupying most of the sky in their field of vision.

Immediately afterwards, Su Zhou flipped with his left hand.

In an instant, thunder roared in the rain clouds, and purple thunder flashed through the clouds, like dragons calling for wind and rain.

Then, it rained heavily.

After a long time, rain has once again fallen around Qixin City... No, it’s not just Qixin City!

Because a large number of clouds are being carried by the strong wind created by Lan Zhong, and are flying towards many arid cities in all directions! They also rain, nourishing the dry land in all directions.

"It's raining, it's raining!"

"This is a miracle!"

For a moment, although they knew it was probably an illusion, Aimeng and others seemed to hear the cheers of people in many cities and villages.

After doing this, Su Zhou withdrew his hand.

His expression was calm.

Turning your hands over becomes clouds, turning over your hands becomes rain.

This is the overlord level - the power of gods.

Such power can be used to move mountains and seas, and can also be used to protect people.

Strength itself is something that can be realized freely. The ultimate thing is to never stop and have love in your heart. In this case, whether it is fighting evil people or dropping nectar like now, it has meaning.

At this time, with Qixin City as the center, the drought in dozens of cities has been temporarily resolved - unlike the priest team that uses magic to transport water to various places, the heavy rain caused by Su Zhou can protect the needs of a place for at least a month. Moreover, the sword he just used to chop down with the Blade of Extermination has its own magic power, which will automatically evaporate part of the lake water, and Lan Zhong will also automatically bring these clouds to make rain.

This is a wonderful use of the magic spirit. In addition to automatically regenerating and repairing during battle, it can also be used to lay out a temporary magic circle that lasts for a long time.

Heavy rain covered the earth, and the moist wind blew into the sky. In just the blink of an eye, the situation around Qixin City changed.

A powerful being can do this if he can.

A strong person is born in a civilization, but if the strong person has to be excluded from the civilization, it is a regression of order.

Su Zhou knew that the Kingdom of Holy Fire had done a good job in this regard. Priests and divine protectors had participated in the construction of civilization and fought against disasters, but as the god of fire, Elias, the Lord of Fire, did not come forward.

Maybe He is working hard for something more important, and Su Zhou will definitely ask about it.

And just when Aimeng and others were shaken by such great power, they heard Su Zhou's voice.

"I will use my divine power to look into the hearts of people and listen to all the grievances."

With his hands behind his back, Su Zhou led everyone down. He walked on the rain clouds he created with his own hands. A road in the clouds leading to the distance was opened and extended to the end of the sky: "I will send down the oracle, So that all people like old Chuck can pray to me and pour out their grievances and sufferings."

"My lord!"

When Ammon heard these words, his heart was shaking and his breathing was a little short. The gray-haired priest clasped his hands together and asked excitedly: "Do you want to completely solve these problems?!"


Su Zhou turned his head, looked at Aimeng in shock, and said in confusion: "How is that possible!"

"These are all problems caused by Elias. I'm just helping him collect opinions. Where does he have the nerve to ask me to solve problems for him?"

The young man shook his head, with a dissatisfied expression on his face: "I will find all the people with grievances in all the surrounding cities and villages in a moment, and then form a 'report of grievances' team, and I will personally take them to the central church. , support them and let them ask why the God of Fire would sit back and watch them suffer injustice!"

Under the stunned and even incredulous looks of Ammon and others, Su Zhou expressed emotion: "In this world, there are too many people like Old Chuck who have been wronged."

"Not to mention people like Sara who were judged and died just because they were people of the sea."

"It's all because of problems with order and law, so there are these people who died in vain."

"On top of that, the elements of the entire world are out of balance - it's up to all the gods, including me, to address these issues, and it's our responsibility as well."

Saying this, Su Zhou turned his head with a smile and looked at everyone.

"After all, you respect me as a god and bow to me and pray to me every day, so I have to do something."

After finishing speaking, the young man lowered his head and looked at the cities around Qixin Lake.

"The natural problem has been solved for the time being."

“Now, it’s time to start solving the human problem.”

Su Zhou muttered to himself, then closed his eyes.

At the same time, everyone in all the cities and villages around Qixin Lake heard a gentle but loud voice.

[I am the Lord of Judges, and this is the oracle. 】

【Anyone who has been wronged, please pray to me. 】

[Whoever thinks he is innocent but is found guilty, pray to me. 】

The voice that comes from the deepest part of the soul, regardless of any language, resounds in everyone's heart.

Then, there were waves.

Countless prayers and wishes resounded throughout the spiritual world.

——God doesn’t like praying.

Because people’s prayers and supplications mean that the order set by God is not perfect and cannot meet people’s needs.

Unless this prayer is a greeting, a thank you, or a sincere desire to communicate with God.

The prayers of joyful people are sharing, the prayers of loving people are dedication, and the prayers of kind people are empathy. Although these have the name of prayer, they have no reality of prayer.

——Evil is the lack of good.

People will pray only when they are uneasy, not kind, have done something wrong, or are deeply wronged or trapped in mistakes, and are looking forward to changing their difficult situation.

And all of this proves God’s incompetence—He cannot make his people happy, so that all his people can live a carefree life without relying on his power.

[So, changes and innovations are needed. 】

[Need to become better, to become better and better from the original basis. 】

[I will bring doubt, I will bring correction, I will admit all my mistakes. 】

【I will bring about innovation. 】

Opening his eyes, Su Zhou's eyes were calm.

The voices of countless prayers echoed in his soul space, and he understood, distinguished, confirmed...and then initiated a response.

[All wronged people, let’s go, let’s go to the center of the world. 】

Such oracles echoed in dozens, hundreds, or even more cities.

On June 29, 307, in the east of the central part of the Holy Fire Continent and in the surrounding cities of Qixin City, millions of people listened to the oracle of the Lord of Judgment.

On June 30, millions of people listened to the oracle of the Lord of Judgment in the southeastern area of ​​the central Holy Fire Continent and around Tulip City. Nearly a thousand sinners left the Sinner Village and headed into the distance.

On July 2nd, in the middle of the Holy Fire Continent, there was pure phosphorus and continuous light, and around the Yuanyun City Group, nearly ten million people listened to the oracle of the Lord of Judgment. It was said that the Lord of Judgment descended from the gods and showed his true form, and countless people witnessed it with their own eyes.

A few days later, amidst the devout worship and cheers, a mighty, seventeen thousand, sin-bearing 'sinners' formed a huge team, following the footsteps of the 'gods', heading towards the center of the world. , walked away from the central church.

In addition to this, there are more people, more sinners who have heard the oracle of the Lord of Judgment, coming from all directions across the Holy Fire Continent, converging towards the team.

And in the land of miracles and omens, droughts thundered and torrential rains, torrential rains, floods stopped, swamps dried up, the elements returned to balance, and the heavens and the earth were temporarily at peace.

Seven Seas, the Sea of ​​Meditation.

A mighty fleet composed of hundreds of large ships sails on the calm and calm waters of the Meditation Sea. Fog covers the sea surface, and towering rocks appear and disappear in the dense fog that is almost invisible. Only extraordinary people use themselves from time to time. Only through the fog can we see the way forward.

On the boat with the largest head, the White Whale suddenly raised its head.

"There are people on the continent working to redress the elemental imbalance."

He scratched his head in some strange way, then reached out and picked up a cup of bitter tea and poured it into his mouth: "Strange, who is so strong? Or is it that those blessed ones suddenly changed their behavior, stopped fooling around, and really started to join forces to provide disaster relief?"

"No, no, no, no, no?"

Belugas never drink because the wine is not sweet enough. Of course, the bitter tea he likes to drink is not sweet enough, but obviously these two things have nothing to do with each other. Chewing the tea leaves, the Poseidon laughed, and he said to the other Poseidons beside him: "You guys Do you think it was our Lord of Fire who took action, or the God-Blessed Ones teamed up?"

"It's unlikely to be the Lord of Fire... He didn't take action in the last rebellion, and this time should be no exception."

Another Sea King with messy blue hair pondered for a while, he shook his head and said: "If the Lord of Fire hadn't been silent all the time, and only the oracle came down, how could our good friends on the shore not take action for so long? ?They want the Fire Lord to be active even less than we do."

"Who could that be?"

Shrugging, the white whale didn't pay attention to the problem. The tall white-haired man looked into the distance, his dark purple pupils flashing brightly: "That's all, keep going - inform the Herald that our plan is about to begin. "

He ordered with a smile, and then the fleet accelerated and continued sailing toward the depths of the ocean.

If you have elemental vision, you can see that at the top of the sky of this fleet, there are six mighty torrents of water elements that converge like rivers, and fall towards the center of the Meditation Sea, turning into a support for the earth and the sky. The huge pillar.

The ‘Deep Sea Ceremony’ is about to begin.

Holy Fire Continent, the center of the continent, the central church.

July 5, 307.

The profound dogma that leads to the deepest part of the world once again welcomes a hurried visitor.

The knight with black hair and golden eyes, Ishar the Blessed One, walked towards the sea of ​​lava with a worried look on his face.

This time, his purpose remains the same.

He wants to see God.

Thanks to the leader of Wei Ya 0205 for the reward! There will be another update later, so just wake up in the morning and read it.

Thanks to Yu Mengjun and Melancholy Jun, the helmsmen of the West Wind Blooming Tower for the reward!

Thanks for seeing it clearly only in memories, Mingzi Wang, Lost Life, Latiao Monster, Love in Minors II, 199104, Infinite Impossibility, Tea and Paper, book friend 160408212430975 for the reward! Thanks!

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