Monsters Will Die if They Are Killed

Chapter 66 Opening Heaven and Earth Communication


Thunder came from heaven and earth.

Su Zhou turned his head as if feeling something, and looked at the sky beyond the gate, and above that sky, the scars engraved on the bottom of the world.

—The crack widened again.

The connection between heaven and earth has been opened.

At this moment, every place, every corner of the world, every existence and force that knows this moment and is waiting for this moment raises their heads and looks towards the sky.

——On a mountain, in the sky, thunders of five colors form layers of towers and pavilions, with continuous gates, and the rain and clouds all over the sky turn into bead curtains that hang down to the ground, and the curtains are heavy, like a road leading directly to the sky.

Under the torrential rain, there is a huge exoskeleton armor driving the thunder, floating in the air.

On the vermilion armor, there are densely engraved three-day orthodox scriptures. This celestial master's armor with dual magic swords, stepping on the bright blue electric light, is moving step by step towards the Thunder Cloud Sky Tower in the high sky. Among the thunder clouds, the thunder of spiritual light, which was enough to turn any armor into ashes in an instant, was like a tamed kitten, docilely surrounding the figure, and condensed into a huge symbol behind him.

——Kunlun Jade Mountain, as if a gust of wind blows from the nine heavens, the sudden snow and storm set off a huge cold wave, causing the permafrost ice on the top of the peaks to collapse together, and together with the violent spiritual tide, it turned into a fury sweeping the mountains whistling.

And in mid-air, nine aircrafts that were pitch-black and sprayed light blue flames, like giant black birds, surrounded the stretching mountains.

They waited patiently for the end of the avalanche, until the gray rock shell of the huge mountain collapsed inch by inch, and the warm five-color divine light shot out from the inner shell like a sharp sword—finally, all the divine light converged on the peak , it turned into a phantom of the nine-story sacred mountain, and went straight into the sky.

——The Holy Mountain of the Ten Commandments, cloudless and sunny, the flames ignited from the sky released a vast sacred light, which was like thorns, and like clouds of smoke. This flame surrounded the ancient peaks and descended with horns and hymns.

On the holy mountain, pure white inscriptions lit up on the commandment stone pillars that had already been cast from crystal rock, and the blazing holy fire spontaneously ignited out of thin air.

Seven huge white equilateral triangle helicopters fly around the holy fire. They look around the eternal fire that makes the air tremble and the earth tremble. They watch that on the ridge of the holy mountain, the ancient texts and precepts are gradually changing. Condensation and appearance out of thin air, turned into holy crystallization.

There are many, many more——

On the sacred mountain of Olympus in Europa, someone saw a shining flame and twelve points of light, condensed in the surrounding of fifty-two peaks, corresponding to the infinite stars in the sky.

Surrounded by heavy steel walls, golden totems are emerging on the surface of the Great Pyramid of Egypt, and the voices of distant voices return from afar, making the sky shine with the brilliance of the sun.

In the land of Fusang, between the mountains and rivers, the earth suddenly trembled like water, and countless gaps were opened, and between the gaps, there were cyan light phantoms, which condensed into giant trees supporting the heaven and earth, surrounded by spirits.

All over the world, there are huge changes coming, and the great formation of order covering all the world is also shining brightly because of this——

In an instant, the entire earth was enveloped by a warm spiritual light, and even this light penetrated the icy vacuum and entered the boundless universe, shining like a beacon!

Finally, Zhengguo Hongzhou Hongcheng.

The red snake spirit hovered over the tree of wisdom, squinting its eyes and staring straight at the sky.

He can see the endless cracks that are spreading in the sea of ​​stars in the universe, and are about to collapse the entire infinite world.

【Unexpectedly, there are times when I have the same goal as these little guys... This is the impermanence that we can't predict. 】

In the auditorium of Hongcheng No. 1 Middle School, Professor Zhang Fucheng was still narrating, about the beginning of the great world called the recovery of spiritual energy and the opening of heaven and earth.

"——From now on, in addition to the normal subjects, there will be a new 'Reiki Science', which will teach all kinds of supernatural knowledge, popularize various basic rune structures, and identify various types of aura plants and alienation materials. The same reason , The Holy Judgment Examination will also open up a brand new subject test, and there are three academies to select the best in this subject."

After roughly explaining Zhengguo's response to the recovery of spiritual energy and its impact on senior high school students, Zhang Fucheng let out a long breath.

What I can tell and describe about this huge reform is just the tip of the iceberg—for a long time, for decades, all human forces have been preparing for this coming huge change.

Whether it is an energy base that simulates the light of the sun that is being tested on the plateau, or exploring the sky as much as possible, many rocket ship designs that break through the limitations of this planet are all hidden by the Central Committee and are ready to wait until the age of aura. The 'cross-age creation' completed directly across the technological generation gap.

The difference between modern civilization and the civilizations of the ancient past is that there are still some supernatural beings in the generation before the millennium, and everything born in the last millennium is based on the foundation of the mundane world - this is analyzed from another angle The brand-new road and inheritance of the "Avenue", mixed with the past road, will surely bloom brighter sparks!

This is the road and everything that Zhang Fucheng firmly believes in.

"It's almost here, students. Next, your teacher will explain some follow-up and more detailed questions to you, and I will leave temporarily."

It ended neatly, and then put away the sword and left. Professor Zhang came and went in a hurry, leaving him at a loss. All the students who didn't know whether they were excited or nervous looked at each other on the spot.

And Su Zhou looked at Professor Zhang again, and both of them looked at each other and smiled, but didn't say much.

"Did you hear that?! Most of those myths and legends are actually true!?"

"Spells really exist in this world... Did you see those thunder characters? Right, I thought it was a holographic projection at first!"

"Oh my god, but why, obviously with extraordinary power, why did those sect inheritances all disband themselves a thousand years ago... It doesn't make sense at all!"


The entire auditorium was completely immersed in chaotic discussions. No matter how much the teachers and school leaders asked for silence, they still couldn't suppress the excitement of these young people.

Around Su Zhou, the classmates who heard the Taoist's previous words were all looking at him with the eyes of "as expected".

"I just said that Ah Zhou's physical fitness is absolutely abnormal! Who in a normal human can do twenty one-handed pull-ups in a row at the age of sixteen?"

"If there is only one person in the whole school who has extraordinary talent, then there is no doubt that my entire net worth surpasses Su Zhou - he doesn't count, and I don't know who can count!"

"Everything is explained. I said that there is no person in this world who can eat forty plates of beef tongue, twenty plates of beef ribs and thirty plates of beef in one hour. Unfortunately, I was still wondering if I didn't develop it. Out of the potential of my stomach!"

"Ah Zhou——no, brother Zhou, in terms of the friendship between five years of classmates, can I be a leg hair?!"

No one doubted the authenticity of the previous Taoist admiration—not even jealousy.

If you want to be jealous, they were already jealous two years ago, and even before the aura recovered, many people speculated that Su Zhou was a superpower... After all, how could a normal person have such a powerful body in all aspects like his? Quality?

"Acceptance, acceptance, I know that I am a genius, you don't need to repeat it, I will not be humble."

Su Zhou didn't care about these gazes. He responded with a smile to every question from his classmates and friends, without denying it, and there was no need to deny it.

In the end, as the discussions gradually diminished, the students, who were finally calmed down by the teachers, listened to the speech of the school leaders again—and this time the speeches were all based on the system reform based on the recovery of spiritual energy, and Relevant textbooks, even changes in history, chemistry, and knowledge points of various subjects.

While this caused a lot of wailing, it also made people feel clearly that all of this is true and true.

And at this very moment.

Su Zhou listened to the speech of the leader of the stage colonel, and the students around him whispered about himself, about the future, and about Chaofan. He clenched his fists tightly and then let go.

Feeling the power in his body, he smiled, then fell silent again.

Su Zhou raised his head and looked around in all directions—his spiritual vision couldn't penetrate thousands of miles away, but he could still see that the sky and the earth were radiant with radiance and lingering green energy, which was never the same as before.

And he looked at the sky outside the door again, the black gaps spread, bringing more and more aura, and at the same time pushing the end of the world.

——The spirits are revived, and the brilliance is bright——

——On the sky, there are cracks——

In the ancient history, the cobwebs on the dusty inheritance have been brushed away, and the benches for the latecomers have been arranged in order from the vast sky.

This world calls for miracles and awakening.

As the world beyond the rift called to him.

"This is my new era."

end of next chapter

Thank you Almahan Zhixinghebei for the reward

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