Monsters Will Die if They Are Killed

Chapter 758 The Whirlpool of Disputes (4400, small chapter)

The siphon vortex that swept through the entire star field swallowed up almost all the surrounding star beasts. It was like krill being sucked into the mouth of a giant whale. No matter how hard it struggled, there was no possibility of escaping.

In the stunned gazes of everyone, including the Yuhengdao Lords and Mechanical Gods who were marching in the distance, the barrier of the Creation World opened a huge hole, but the person who walked out of the abyss-like green-purple hole , but it is a figure that is very different from the huge dragon before, and it can't even be seen that it is the same existence.

Su Zhou walked out of the space-time gate with a satisfied look on his face. From the appearance of the young man in human form, it was impossible to tell that he was the prototype of the terrifying cosmic dragon that swallowed thousands of star beasts. The countless star beasts that were swallowed up seemed to have fallen into Like black holes, it is impossible to tell where they have gone. It is as if they are being sucked into another world.

In fact, it is indeed another world - the foundation of personal space has become thicker. This is how Su Zhou laid the foundation for his personal space.

Behind him, Jiu Ming and Decimus slowly walked through the space-time gate and came to the blank star field with expressions that were almost numb. It seemed that they had not yet recovered from what had just happened.

The movements of the Yuhengdao gods marching in the distance also slowed down.

After all, it has come to this point, and it is impossible for him to stop Su Zhou and others. Without the entanglement of the star beasts, and with Yin and Bai's abnormal time and space travel ability, even the Lord will find it difficult to intercept him in the boundless space of the universe. They, let alone add another Lord?

Moreover, even now, their strength far exceeds that of Lord Su Zhou and the combination of several ascendants... But not all Lords can drink so many star beasts in one go like soup. Light.

Su Zhou's strength is obviously not just an ordinary Lord.

It's not surprising - just like we are all human beings, no matter who it is, if they see a big eater who can eat dozens or hundreds of meals for ordinary people, they will definitely be surprised and shocked, and even be stunned by what the other person is doing. How is it done? ! 'Bar?

The Star Beast group collapsed.

After all the remaining star beasts sensed the spread of Su Zhou's aura, they fled away frantically like bereaved dogs, daring not to make any stop.

Immediately, the entire star field became quiet, and only the roar of the huge spiritual energy vibrated around the young man, making ripples visible to the naked eye.

"Is that...the original Zhu Zhou?"

At this moment, Chengdao Dragon Girl, Xingying, was staring blankly in the direction of Su Zhou on the bridge of the Feihong. Beside her, Shao Shuangyue was cheering, 'Brother Zhou is here! Now I can fish! ’ Such an irresponsible voice, and Funya, who had always been reliable, breathed a long sigh of relief and felt a lot more relaxed.

In fact, even she herself relaxed her mind and felt at ease when she sensed the huge spiritual energy ripples she had experienced in the Zhuzhou chat group.

"Unexpectedly, it is so powerful... Just showing up can directly reverse the situation, and unconsciously make us feel at ease?!"

Although it was a bit unimaginable, Xingying had to admit that Su Zhou's strength was even far stronger than she imagined - it could even be said that he was stronger than most of the Creation Lords who belonged to the Ruins of Creation that she had seen before. Mainly strong!

It's not just a blood relationship, but an instinctive prediction of strength!

The first person under Hedao...

Of course, Xingying's reaction was not an exaggeration.

What was really exaggerated was the siblings Yin and Bai who had begun to drift towards Su Zhou without even realizing it.

[This breath... so familiar, so warm...]

[It is the existence that gives us strength and blessings... No, it is not, but it is very close, very close...]

No matter how many hardships they have experienced, and even how they have escaped from the hands of the Creator Machine God and many Mechanical Gods, Yin and Bai are indeed just young children.

After sensing the extremely rich aura of the sacred tree on Su Zhou, they felt as if they were in the arms of their parents, with a sense of peace and security that was difficult for others to understand. Therefore, without even noticing it, Subconsciously, he approached Su Zhou.

"Are these the two children who received the inheritance of the two sacred trees? Enlightenment buds and long stubs turned out to be these two inheritances. It seems that these two children suffered a lot of torture before they truly understood the inheritance."

Without stopping Yin and Bai from approaching, Su Zhou watched the two young Shenmu family members with great interest.

The buds of enlightenment and the long stubs are not some cultivation techniques or killing techniques that are infinitely powerful and can make people become top powerhouses in an instant. The most powerful of these two inheritances is to give a being the power to "understand the charm of the Tao from all things" and the tyrannical vitality that "if there is no external force that transcends the way of heaven, it will not die between heaven and earth."

It sounds outrageous.

In fact, it's just that outrageous.

The holder of the former possesses the best talent. Although the advantage may not be obvious in the early stage, once it becomes stronger, the essence of everything in the world will be analyzed and understood by the holder, and turned into his own power... In other words, If there are no accidents, those who get this inheritance (basically a sacred tree) can achieve the realm of returning to the void, and then open up a universe for themselves.

Directly leading to the Path of Returning to the Void, you can get a glimpse of the realm of the torrent. Even if you are the holder of the supreme inheritance of a great existence, not everyone can do it!

The latter's "long-lasting roots" are even more outrageous. Those who hold this inherited magical power are initially rooted in the foundation of the universe. The universe will not be destroyed until it is destroyed. But when they become stronger, they are rooted in the void, and the multiverse will not be destroyed. Nor will it be destroyed.

Unless there is a strong person from the torrent or even above, who resonates with the power of the endless world and carries the power of part of the origin of the multiverse to forcibly pull out and erase its roots, otherwise, it is impossible to kill him with ordinary attacks.

Of course, the seal is another matter.

All in all, each of the six supreme inheritances of the Double Divine Tree has no obvious lethality, but in terms of priority of ability, that is, the depth of reaching the origin of ten thousand ways, it is the highest level.

Similarly, if you want to awaken these two supernatural powers, even if you have external help, you must have absolutely pure thoughts of 'wanting to live' and 'wanting to get out of trouble' - revenge, revenge, love and hope, and even There can be neither joy nor despair. Only such pure desire can make the supernatural power arise on its own and integrate into the true spirit inside and outside.

If they were not pure children, perhaps only the thin sacred tree and the old monk who had seen through everything in the world could obtain this magical power.

[These two children are, indeed, very good seeds]

[Although it has not been inspected and blessed by us, it does meet our standards]

At this moment, the two sacred trees also nodded slightly. Their tone was puzzled, but they did not have the anger that Su Zhou imagined that their power was being divided and plundered: [It seems that the guy who stole our power still maintains the minimum standards]

[In other words, the person who stole our power was not another great being, and naturally did not have the ability to tamper with the nature of our power]

The two sacred trees were lost in thought, and Yala was also frowning slightly. These three great beings did not mind their powers being stolen and used. After all, 'this may be very chaotic', and since it appeared, it makes sense.' Also part of the continuation'.

However, they could not figure out the purpose of stealing their power.

After all, the power of a great existence exists forever. Even if it is temporarily stolen by incredible means, as long as the great existence reappears, it can all be terminated. Just like now, if the Avenue Tree and the World Tree think about it, they can completely combine Yin and Yinshu. Kashiwa's power is withdrawn and then re-gifted, erasing any possible hidden means.

But it wasn't, and it wasn't necessary. Both siblings were normal.

As for Su Zhou, he didn't think about this aspect.

At this moment, he turned his head and looked at the Feihong in the distance.

Raising his hand and saying hello to his little girl who was cheering, Su Zhou put down his hand with a smile, but his eyes locked on the white-haired dragon girl standing next to the beautiful black-haired girl.

The dragon of inheritance.

"Interesting, there are indeed many secrets hidden in him."

Su Zhou nodded thoughtfully and called out the Book of Prajna in his body: "Let me see what is going on."

[Name: Dragon of Chengdao/Xingying]

【Age: 5】

[Talent: Walk with the Tao]

[Race: Dragon of Chengdao/Candleday subspecies]

[Cultivation: Soul of High Mechanical God (Spiritual Mechanical God Body Realm, but without Mechanical God Body. If you have a strong enough body, you can directly return to the high level of Mechanical God)]

[Historical information: Five years ago, one of the four forbidden areas, the natural mechanical god was born from the ruins of creation. Hundreds of millions of years after the birth of the world of creation, the second one was born in response to the Tao, carrying the Tao, and contains The powerful divine force of cosmic destiny.

Its essence is the 'key of the source' that condenses the origin and authority of the universe in the world of creation. In the ruins of creation, it is the Tao-born life that is combined with many information from the outer universe. It can even be said that it is the world of creation. It is formed by the awakening of the tributaries of the will of the universe, so it is named "Chengdao".

The Tao-born life should theoretically not have wisdom and self-will. The Dragon of Tao should be a cosmic entity like a natural phenomenon. It can traverse the world by relying only on instinct. However, due to the creation of the Ruins Lord, the 'Titian Titan' ·Andro Acto's plan, and the future he chose, used Hedao weapons to tamper with the nature of the universe, causing the Dragon of Chengdao that should have no self to awaken to its self-awareness, creating the current "Zhidao of Chengdao" Longxingying'

The identity of the Dragon of Chengdao should not have been revealed, but because Founder Farewell had a channel and knew the nature of the Dragon of Chengdao, he finally captured the other party in secret, but was escaped by the Dragon of Chengdao.

Now a teammate of Shao Shuangyue, a half-step pioneer (inferior) in Pioneer Space. 】

[Perfect deduction (incomplete): In the battle of ██████'s origin, he and Ruins of Creation ██████ were ultimately defeated.

Because of its nature, it was regarded as the last hope to resist the forces of the Founding Path and ████ and ████. In the end, it lived up to expectations before the 'War of World Return' and used itself as a species to open up ████, ██ ██, got rid of ████'s restraint on ████, and achieved a victory that was not a victory.

████████, but choosing one's own path with one's own will is a life worth living no matter what. 】

"Grass (an emotion)."

Although it might be an illusion, Su Zhou felt that every time he used the Book of Prajna, he would be shocked and moved.

In the past, when I saw Shao Qiming and Gasaloa, I felt incredible about the darkness hidden in their future possibilities. But this time, facing the possibility held by Xingying, what Su Zhou felt was not about that long paragraph. I was troubled by the large vacancy, but shocked by the possibilities revealed in those few words.

He was supposed to be an innate and divine person who was the incarnation of the heavenly law of the universe. He gained himself through the power of the Lord of Creation. The birth itself of Xingying was probably a miracle.

And the subsequent 'Battle of Origin', 'War of World Return', and the final sacrifice of self... As long as you read a little bit of novels, you can probably imagine how magnificent and wonderful Xingying's life is, right?

Su Zhou can still understand the battle of the origin point. It is most likely a war between the Ten Heavenly Gods and the four restricted areas to compete for the key to the origin point.

As for the War of World Return, it is a bit puzzling, but judging from Su Zhou's imagination and current intelligence, it may involve the war of the 'Ten Heavens Realms', the ten small universes in this world of creation.

With the current information, Su Zhou could only guess so much.

As for the incomplete deduction content, he was not surprised - after all, the Book of Prajna is just a perfect blessing power, how can it know everything? That must be some information that involves an extremely powerful existence, or is protected by the power of a great existence, so it cannot be displayed.

"Is the most perfect ending also self-sacrifice? It's hard to imagine what would happen to Xingying in other imperfect endings."

Even without imagining, the young man can probably guess what kind of dark future it will be.

Although it sounds very long, in fact, Su Zhou just glanced at Xingying and analyzed all her deductions and futures.

Of course, the most important thing is that the Dragon of Chengdao is only five years old.

Although it sounds crude at first, time is also a very important information clue - five years is probably when Su Zhou became an Earth Immortal and just started transmitting his own information in the multiverse.

At that time, there was actually a derivative of Su Zhou in the ruins of creation, or in other words, in the world of creation?

You know, as the original world, the flow of time in the world of creation is similar to that of the sealed universe!

"It seems that Xingying should be the center of the dispute in the world of creation."

Thinking of this, Su Zhou turned his head and looked at Yin and Bai: "And the two siblings who happened to meet her in the infinite universe and are also related to the Key to the Origin... I guess the same is true."

"Let me see what your future is like."

at the same time.

Just as Su Zhou continued to use the Book of Prajna and observed Yin and Bai's perfect deduction.

The world of creation, outside the universe.

The headquarters of the vortex of strife - the source of conflicts.

[Finally, I’m back la la la la——]

A silver stream of light flew in a large silver stream of light, and the bustling voices of the silver fairies filled half of the realm. Facing this group of cute little fairies, even the many giant gods walking in the source of contradictions could only He avoided them with a wry smile, watching them gently as they flew by.

Silver Fairy Ling Hui is currently immersed in the joy of returning to his hometown - although it is not the real Fairy Township, the source of the conflict is where he grew up and studied, and finally became the God of Mechanics.

To be honest, he really wanted to go back to his home, invite friends, and have a long-lost drinking party.

But not now.

The humming silver fairy knew this very well. The reason why he came back so smoothly this time was not just because of his hard work.

The Lord of the Source of Conflict and the Queen of Miracle Fairy Village, the two leaders of the vortex of strife, wanted to summon Him together, indeed to express condolences for His hard work in the recent period.

However, they also wanted to inquire about the situation and whereabouts of the 'Original Lord Candlelight' who had just signed to enter the universe.

They are all very interested in this extremely rare and unique strong man who can really sign into the universe.

Yesterday I fell asleep while writing, but it turned out to be too late

This month, including the extra chapter, 100,000 words have been updated, which is not very slow. I want to write this volume slowly (I don’t have full attendance anyway), so please forgive me...

Now that we have spoken, let me ask for a monthly pass! (Confidently)

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