Monsters Will Die if They Are Killed

Chapter 785 The Knife of Ge Dao (5000)

As we all know, stars are balls.

As we all know, bird eggs are also balls.

So it’s understandable that the phoenix, which is both a star and a bird, is a ball, right?

"Hey, don't you understand now?"

Facing Castararo's surprised gaze, Su Zhou smiled slightly, and then began to speak something that was not lying, but seemed to make sense: "The so-called perfection is harmony, the source of the phoenix, the supreme existence. , exactly a ball!”

"And the powerful phoenix I once met, who stands at the extreme limit of the Return to Void Path and may be able to break through the torrent realm at any time, is also a sphere!"

The first phoenix of the perfect world, a super large Kerr black hole, even if the accretion disk is included, the main part is still a ball no matter how you think about it.

And Perfect himself is a golden sphere made up of countless fragments, which is enough to prove that the spherical phoenix is ​​the orthodox one!

In the conscience of heaven and earth, Su Zhou didn't tell a single lie! He even felt that he had finally understood the true meaning of the phoenix, and planned to send the image of the stellar phoenix back to the earth later, so that Bai Yingxue and the others could take a good look at what the truly powerful divine bird looked like!

As for how long Bai Yingxue's divine bird monks would remain in a trance, he didn't care.

"Perfect will be furious when he hears what you said." This was Yara's simple comment, and the young man tutted: "Why do you assume that Perfect will be angry? How can the phoenix be such an inconvenient thing, and it can still reach nirvana!"

【I have no doubt...】

Castararo was indeed confused for a while when faced with Su Zhou's demeanor of being able to mislead the dead even if he didn't tell a lie.

After looking at the star Phoenix with innocent eyes for a while, he even seemed to want to reach out and touch it.

But soon, the silver-haired god shook his head and returned to normal: [Mainly my own body... It is the light flow life produced when the supernova explodes. In a sense, it is the same as the divine bird on the other side of the Nirvana Path. The relationship is very close]

[But I really didn’t expect...there is such a, uh, divine bird with a divine body]

When a supernova explodes, a torrent of light will also pour out, and it will continue to radiate outward with high energy for hundreds of thousands of years in the future. If it is nothing more than the generation of nebulae in the non-spiritual world, but in the high-demon world, this will When an extremely large psychic aggregate explodes, many lives will naturally be born.

The light flow life is one of them. It is based on the many high-energy matter and spiritual energy carried by the supernova explosion. In the world of the speed of light, wisps of light will give birth to spiritual intelligence, and then be born from the corpse of the star.

Most of these lives born in the balance of destruction and gestation will pass away with the dissipation of the supernova light stream, but Castararo was lucky enough to be collected by Carla, the master of Yuheng Daoheng at that time, and was cultivated into The other party's assistant is almost half a child of the other party.

No, for a strong man who has reached the realm of Hedao, Castararo who can inherit the way of balance, and his successors who can inherit his correctness and belief, are probably more powerful than his bloodline descendants who have not yet become the Mechanical God. close.

Because it originated from a star, it paid special attention to the star Phoenix, but soon Castararo returned to normal.

Facing Su Zhou who was walking out of the time and space pool, he took a step forward and stopped in front of Su Zhou. Then, with the young man's confused eyes, he bowed to Su Zhou seriously.

[I want to apologize for my distrust of you at the beginning, Original Candlelight]

His expression was serious, without any hesitation. The god almost knelt down in front of Su Zhou, and then saluted again: [The first time is to apologize, and the second time is to thank you for everything you have done for our Yuhengdao. ——You stopped the radicals’ Star Festival, defeated my former friend Chanavia the Executioner, and slowed down their plans. This is a blessing to me, to Yuhengdao, and to all sentient beings in this universe. kindness]

[Especially, you are still the creator of another world from the outer universe. You don’t need to participate in this dangerous battle. This third gift, I do it for your noble soul]

After the third salute, Castararo still had his eyes closed and his expression was serious.

Before Su Zhou crossed the time and space pool and arrived at the temple, He relied on the power of the time and space pool to know everything that Su Zhou did to the radical faction of Yuhengdao during the Xingtian Festival.

Although the details are not fully known, Su Zhou's battle with those gods and the creator machine god is a fact.

Under the threat of the Hedao armed forces, the fierce battle between the opponent and the executioner Chanavia made him even more shocked and admired.

Castararo is actually very aware of his own strength and abilities...that's why he feels decadent in the face of his responsibilities.

He said he wanted to inherit Lord Karaheng's will to balance the universe and suppress disasters. However, just because he had guarded the origin of the universe for tens of thousands of years, the entire pantheon was eroded, brainwashed by the will of the universe, and turned into a completely different form. For practitioners of the Tao to do things that may harm all sentient beings in the universe, this is simply betrayal.

However, there is nothing that can be done, because the enemy is so powerful, it is the entire universe, and most of the power of the former Yu Heng Dao, but he is so weak, not even Hedao.

In fact, apart from them, the plans of the other Ten Heavenly Gods are not really for the sake of all sentient beings - whether it is the Founding Path or the Abyss Path, their plans, whether they are to converge the divine power network Power, creating the only God, or moving all living things away from the world of creation are all plans that will cause all living beings to lose the source of creation, leave their home universe, and lose their balance.

But, so what?

Suppressing the Ten Heavenly Gods, the leader of all the powerful ones in the Hedao, [Duska, the God of the Dao Founder] has the power to create galaxies and control various constant laws of the real universe.

The Lord of the Dark Abyss, who is vaguely an enemy of Duska, [The Great Time Reversing Serpent Yangaldaro] only needs to open and close his eyes to control the flow of time, causing the world to overturn and reverse the flow of time.

And the [Infinite Jailer Linkelda] who is entrenched in the Vientiane Burial Ground has a record of killing other strong men of Hedao. It is extremely ancient and its power is incredible.

And, the Yu Heng Dao where he is located, [Kara, the Lord of All Things Heng, is the light of justice that balances billions of galaxies, the supreme arbiter.

Kara, the Lord of Heng, has been trapped in the origin of the universe for tens of thousands of years. Although it is said that even the will of the universe cannot brainwash a strong man, but with the supreme authority of the creation world of the will of the universe, it is not possible to temporarily use the power of Lord Heng. strangeness.

Go against these strong men and the cosmic gods under these strong men, and hinder their plans? Just rely on yourself? How is it possible... It's better to stay in Yuheng Temple, leave the world of creation, save the futile effort, and at least save the seeds.

However, Su Zhou showed him a path.

It's incredible, but it's actually done.

Facing Castararo who half-knelt down and saluted him three times in a row, Su Zhou's expression that had been joking before became serious.

"I am not a strong man from another world, Castararo."

The young man stepped forward and lifted the other person up with his own hands. He looked at the silver-haired god and said seriously: "You are the Heavenly Lord, the chosen one at the pinnacle of creation. How can your eyes dwell in a universe? Even if the world of creation is vast. Boundless, but the universe you are in and my hometown are also located in the same multiverse - we are actually neighbors, and every move you make is closely related to our future."

"The world of creation has lost its balance, and many right and wrong are fighting. As a member of this multiverse, I am here to balance the power of all parties and guide them to a better place. How can it be something worthy of gratitude? That's just It’s just destiny that ‘innovation’ should be done.”

Explaining his own way, Su Zhou's demeanor at this moment made the gods have visions, as if he had returned to the time when he was still listening to Bishop Heng's teachings.

After helping Castararo up, Su Zhou put his hands behind his back. He smiled and said: "This time, I also obtained the inherited divine will of Chanavia, and among them, they were modified by the will of the universe. You can take a look at the traces and see if there is any way to restore them to normal."

[The balance of the large multiverse...]

After being lifted up by Su Zhou and hearing the other party's answer, Castararo couldn't help but froze.

First of all, he sensed Su Zhou's power - which was obviously no longer just a creator machine god, but a power that began to move towards the realm of Hedao... This strong man from another world suddenly began to work in a world he The extremely strange universe has taken the step of harmony!

You must know that the road to harmony is extremely dangerous. As long as you take it, you will either succeed or destroy yourself. If you want to have a high success rate, you must at least be in a universe you are familiar with and only after understanding all the situations in the entire world can you begin to sublimate.

However, Su Zhou didn't care.

As he said - his heart is in the entire multiverse, not just the world of creation.

If he wants to be in harmony with the Tao, he must be in harmony with the correct Tao that runs through the entire multiverse, not just a galaxy, a world, or a universe.

And this kind of belief naturally affects other people.

——If I can also become a strong person in Hedao, then today's chaos and today's difficulties, although still difficult, are not impossible to eradicate.

At this moment, Castararo clenched his fists.

Although for Su Zhou, it may be just a very simple thing, but for the gods of the world of creation who believe that their universe is extremely special, and in fact it is extremely special, if they want to open their eyes, It is naturally extremely difficult to look from the boundless galaxy of the universe to the even more boundless void of the multiverse.

Just like the gods on earth, since there are already countless nearly infinite time and space gates and countless worlds to explore and occupy, why waste time exploring the same boundless sealed universe and galaxies?

However, this barrier was broken by Su Zhou's light words and his undoubted achievements.

The true balance is by no means the balance of a universe or one side of time and space, but the balance of infinite worlds and infinite time and space!

And he is by no means alone.

As long as you are determined enough, there will definitely be people like Su Zhou in the multiverse who will come to help you.

Help yourself and do the ‘right thing’!

【I...somewhat understand】

At this moment, even Su Zhou could sense that Castararo's aura gradually became clearer, and the original anguish and depression, despair and confusion were dissipating little by little.

It is precisely because of this that the young man can also smile and watch, watching this strong man who is also the peak of the Creator Machine God and is only one step away from the realm of Hedao, gradually regaining his former glory... and may even be In the future, go further.

The Yuhengdao Temple, which was originally dark and looked like the universe, began to gradually become brighter.

The hall gradually became brighter, as endless brilliance flowed out of Castararo.

Even the stellar phoenix looked around in surprise at this inexplicably filled light. It was far greater than the stars, yet extremely gentle and silently moisturizing.

【Please leave it to me】

Raising his head, this time, the silver-haired god's handsome face showed determination: [Please give me the divine will of those heretics, and I will try to analyze where exactly they were bewitched... If the influence can be found... Source point, I should be able to try to find a way to dispel it]

"for you."

Seeing that Castararo cheered up a little, Su Zhou naturally didn't talk nonsense. He took out Zanavia's Thunder Divine Will from his arms and handed it to him.

As a strong man who has gradually begun to merge with the Tao, the young man can naturally see that with Castararo's attainments in the Way of Balance, the opponent is really only one step away from the Tao of Harmony, and only needs an opportunity.

This is not surprising, after all, he is the successor appointed by the powerful Yuheng Dao Hedao. He is still unharmed despite being hunted by heretics for tens of thousands of years.

If he could see through the demonic obstacles in his heart and further understand the balance of the multiverse, I am afraid that he would have become a strong Hedao man long ago and begin to fight against the group of Yuhengdao heretics armed with Hedao weapons, delaying the opponent's Eternal Star God. plan?

Su Zhou suspected that he didn't even need himself. He only needed Castararo to go to the pioneer space and witness for himself the vastness of the multiverse and the deeper 'balance' contained in it. He would wake up on his own and return to the place of creation. Realm, achieve harmony.

I just accelerated the process.

"If I can have one more Hedao strongman as my helper, my actions in the Creation World will be even easier."

Thinking of this, Su Zhou couldn't help but feel a little happy: "Furthermore, although I said to start the steps of joining the path first, as a direct descendant of the great being, Castararo will definitely join the path faster than me - after all My method of innovation is still being perfected, and at this point, I might be able to cross the river by touching it and find out some steps and misunderstandings that need to be paid attention to in the steps of harmony."

At this moment, just when Su Zhou was waiting.

The other side.

The silver-haired god took it and without a word, he concentrated on exploring and exploring the current path of these former companions.

Su Zhou originally thought that there would be no accidents. After all, he had done a general inspection himself. Although he did not inspect too deeply, there was indeed nothing abnormal.

I really can't sense any danger at all.

However, the young man never thought that just because he had no problems, it did not mean that others did not have problems.

Especially Castararo, who was originally a member of the Yuhengdao who was corrupted.

The moment he penetrated into Zanavia's divine will, the silver-haired god sensed a great terror.

It was a torrent originating from the depths of the soul, and even from a higher place of mind. The endless information and whispers were like a tide, sweeping in with waves of frenzy, as if to submerge his soul.

[Cosmic Will—How could it be? ! 】

Immediately sensing the torrent originating from the real enemy of Yuhengdao, Castararo's face froze. He mobilized his power as quickly as possible, but the speed was still not fast enough to stop this power. Overcome the obstacles of divine power and go deep into your soul.

From the outside, the light in Yuheng Temple suddenly dimmed, just like clouds covering the sun, giving off a dull atmosphere.

However, just when Castararo felt that he might be in trouble.

A hand, faster than the information torrent of the will of the universe, rested on Castararo's shoulder.

"A fragment of the will of the universe? It turns out that it only reacts to the strong men of Yuhengdao? My dereliction of duty!"

For a time, the light in the Yuheng Temple dimmed and then suddenly surged. It was like a blazing sun suddenly lit up under the clouds. Although the clouds had not dispersed, they could not stop the brilliance.

At this moment, Su Zhou went all out, instilling his spiritual power and Taoist charm into Castararo's divine body, using it as a battlefield to fight against the fragments of the will of the universe that had merged with God's will at some point.

It can be seen that between Castararo's soul and divine will, there is a mirror fragment that is completely dark but filled with bright stars, spinning, and endless starlight and a pitch-black torrent are rushing out from it.

It is also the fragment of the will of the universe hidden in the will of God.

Faced with this mystery, the source of the endless torrent of information, Su Zhou faced it head on without any hesitation, then turned his heart into Dao, used Dao as a sword, and slashed out with one strike!

In an instant, there was a bright red-gold sword light, like the sun going against the current, bursting out with endless brilliance, rolling back towards the dark torrent!

Knife of leather, new scabbard...

This is the knife of revolution!

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