Monsters Will Die if They Are Killed

Chapter 789 Friends, automatic fighting is simply a fantasy (1w1)

There are many kinds of mechanical gods, but because their essence is the practitioner's most powerful and complete imagination of themselves, they are mostly in human form.

In other words, if there is a person from the human race, but the mechanical god body is not humanoid, but some animal-shaped, insect-shaped, or even indescribable shape, then this person either has some mental problems, or he has super strength. It is beyond ordinary people's imagination that he is extremely powerful in some special magical powers, so much so that he has alienated his own essence.

Of course, because most of the world of creation are dependents of great beings, it is very likely that it is not a choice between the two, but both.

They are all sick.

Just like now, the Mechanical God stretches out a segmented tentacle and attacks Shao Shuangyue and others across time and space.

No one knows the past of World Weaver Skier. To people outside the Path of Destiny, he was already a god when he first appeared. He was responsible for repairing the time and space barrier of the world of creation that was damaged after the war. Specifically, The content of the job is to make up for those loopholes with the time-space gauze woven by oneself to prevent the invasion of monsters in the void.

In a sense, He and His colleagues might be called the platelets of the universe.

But no one dares to underestimate this weaver who seems to be just a paper maker, because anyone who has a little knowledge of magical techniques in time and space will know what it means to be able to use the network he spins to bridge the gaps in the universe.

That means that if his time and space skills go one step further, he can touch the edge of Hedao, which is already enough to help create the prototype of a small universe.

[A Mechanical God... and several god-gods? 】

For those remnants of the universe who dare to reach out to the prison he supervised and built, although Skir is far away from the founding path, the Beginning of Light, tens of billions of light-years away at the moment, his attack still tears apart time and space, almost Substantial spiritual energy fluctuations roll through time and space, sweeping in like a long river.

He shook his head: [Courage is commendable, no fear]

Spiritual power ripples should not have much power, but because they can shake time and space, this seemingly weak fluctuation is like the blade of a meat grinder. If it is slightly rolled, time and space will crack vertically and horizontally, and a long concave shape will be pressed out. The seal shattered all tangible matter in its path.

Even the space-time prison itself, the bright energy corridor was cut apart, and with a crisp clicking sound, traces of knife and ax chiseling emerged, and it almost collapsed.

Just a sweep of the tentacles and a shock of spiritual power, in Skier's hands, are more terrifying than most magical powers.

"Plan A!"

Since they dared to attack the prison of gods, the prestigious time and space prison, how could Shao Shuangyue and others be unprepared?

The black-haired girl gave an instruction, and Xingying immediately took a step forward.

The white-gold brilliance in her eyes bloomed, and the entire Feihong was transformed amidst the violent mechanical roar. With the dragon girl as the center, it once again transformed into the temporary body of the Mechanical God. A bright silver light, winding The spiraling steel dragon.

The tail of the giant dragon is raised high, and the chain saw module imitated by Su Zhou is running rapidly. As the toothed blade of the tail rotates, the runes engraved on the chain blade also rotate, containing chaos and negation. The energy of all things.

That's not a pure chain saw, but the right teeth for ripping.

Facing the incoming attack, the Dragon of Chengda slashed its tail, and the wave of time and space set off by Skir split into two before the tail, like the Red Sea parted by Moses, or like butter under a hot knife.

[Is it the ‘No Way’ of the Abyss Way? It's obviously the coat of arms of the Whirlpool of Conflict. Could it be that the Source of Conflict and Fairyland want to support the cowardly people who escaped? 】

Although Skier is a space-time engineer, he has seen too many battlefields and knows too many magical techniques. He can see the origin of Xingying's move at a glance.

Although it is a bit strange why a Mechanical God from the Ruins of Creation has the magical power of the Abyss Dao, and whether it means that the two families have secretly formed an alliance, this is indeed the most common way of denying the Dao in Chaos.

All in all, it is to find out the weaknesses of most magical powers and invalidate them. As a user of this magical power, Xingying's vision, judgment and decisiveness are also above the level, surpassing that of ordinary mechanical gods. It is difficult to imagine this The Dragon of Chengdao was born less than ten years ago.

It deserves to be taken seriously by Him.

Skir was not as careless as before, but seriously used a magical power.

All the brilliance converged on the extended limbs across time and space. It became almost non-existent in an instant. It no longer had the power to stir up time and space before. It seemed to be just an ordinary gray-black ant tentacle, which could even Said to have died long ago.

No, it was already dead, but it was moving without any warning or any aftermath, and the speed was completely unpredictable, because time and space seemed to have lost meaning in front of the tentacles that no longer existed, and would be ignored for a short distance from time to time.

One of the supreme magical powers of the Path of Destruction, the unfinished version of [All Death Breath]. Plunging oneself into a pure end, even the world itself cannot capture the user's existence, so its attacks ignore all distance, defense, time and space, cause and effect, and other people's attacks cannot kill a person who has died and ended. This is the real The method of annihilation that leads to death together.

However, Yuan Mie Dao will be reborn after death, but others may not. There is a high chance that one life will be taken away, and then they will be beaten by the Yuan Mie Dao strongman who has been strengthened by various backhands after self-termination.

In other words, it is the deathrattle stream.

"What the hell is this? A creator machine god is taking us too seriously?!"

Not only Xingying faced this blow directly, but also Shao Shuangyue and others who provided spiritual power and magical support in Xingying's body were all feeling chilled.

The black-haired girl stared at the grey-black arthropod tentacles that were several kilometers thick just at the top and had no idea how long they were overall. She could fully imagine that if this machine hit the planet, even if it didn't have any magical powers, it would probably It can also directly smash a continent, smashing the lava directly on a continental planet and shattering its structure.

What's more, there is still that kind of black aura lingering that looks very bad?

So, she quickly urged: "Quick, quick, quick! Use that!"

"Of course I know!"

And how could Xingying not know? But she couldn't sense Skir's attack at all, and that was the scariest part.

Because you don't know, you can't defend yourself. Even if you have temporarily regained the power of the Mechanical God, if the opponent really concentrates a blow containing great magical power, your body and all the companions in the body will die. I am afraid that only the soul can force it out. Survived.

Chaos's 'Way of Breaking the Way' was useless, at least her attainments in the Way of Chaos were far from being able to break things that had already ended. Xingying immediately changed the movement of spiritual power in her body, constructing a new divine will. In an instant, a hazy wisp of Gray mist enveloped the Dragon of Chengdao, and she also controlled the Mechanical God Body to hover into an egg shape.

The next moment, gray-black tentacles hit the dome that was several kilometers long - the dome transformed by Star Firefly was accelerated to 35% of the speed of light in a few breaths. If it hits, On Earth, the Earth would burst open on the spot.

The dome flew quickly and hit the corridor of the space-time rift on one side. Immediately, the endless spiritual patterns shattered and flew away, turning into burned ashes. A small amount of material structure behind the spiritual patterns also melted and evaporated under the heat brought by the super-high-speed collision. It turned into a golden-red nebula mist that filled the space-time prison.

【Huh? 】

But this time, Skier was surprised again. What blocked his attack was the magical power of the 'Reincarnation Path', the prototype of the immortal soul. Although it was the same as the previous magical power, its essence was just imitation, but the being who imitated it had definitely already imitated it. A strong person who has successfully cultivated the immortal soul has grasped a trace of charm.

The defense of the Immortal Soul has nothing to do with the form of other people's attacks. It is the product of subjective idealism. As long as it is not within the range recognized by the user, even non-existent attacks will be blocked, just like what happened just now. , the dragon egg wrapped in a thin layer of immortal soul actually blocked his inevitable blow.

——Can actually use the great magical powers of the Dark Abyss Path and the Reincarnation Path at the same time? No wonder Yuheng Dao and Chuang Dao are chasing this Dao-carrying dragon. It really has its own magic!

Skier was not surprised that his attack would be blocked by a Mechanical God. After all, he was tens of billions of light-years away, spanning less than half of the observable universe of Creation. No matter how proficient he was in space-time techniques, he could not There will inevitably be losses.

However, Xingying's method of blocking his attack was too strange. After all, every supreme magical power contains an extremely unique 'self-consistent logic'. In other words, it contains a 'man-made truth' ', ordinary gods practice a kind of practice, but they may not be able to achieve it until the end. Just like him, because he focuses on the method of time and space, his 'all death' has not reached the extreme so far.

Generally speaking, only those at the pinnacle of creation, or even those at the realm of harmony, can 100% grasp the essence of one or several supreme magical powers, but it is not certain whether they can practice to the highest realm.

But soon, before Skir could calm down his surprised heart, various images flashed in his mind.

Just a moment later, the egg-shaped Dragon of Chengdao will split itself into two ends. One end will carry the aura of the Burial Ground of All Things and force it to self-destruct, forcing it to retreat, while the other end will They will use the divine power of Yu Heng Dao to forcefully coordinate time and space and close the time and space rifts they opened, and they will take advantage of this to escape.

This is not a lie, but a fact. Although it is just a piece of leather robe, the [Revealing Eye], which is also one of the supreme magical powers of the Destruction Path, has shown him an ending to this incident. At least, he is trying to find a way If you deal with it, this is the truth.

But how to deal with it?

【Well done! 】

[That’s right, that’s right, that’s how you should fight. Otherwise, you’ll be waiting for me to be my sparring partner for a long time, and you’ll have thousands of moves! 】

【But be careful! The enemy is in the realm of the Great Heavenly Lord. Even if he is slightly unable to react in time because he spans endless time and space, if he is determined to defeat skill with strength, the current body of the 'Water Group Machine' cannot stop it! 】

Inside the soul space, all heavens and candles help each other.

Many Zhu Zhou, who were watching the battle from Star Firefly's first-person perspective, immediately cheered after seeing Star Firefly blocking Skier's 'Breath of Death'.

Ever since she received the attention of the original Zhu Zhou and was able to enter this group, Xingying has been communicating with her fellow tribesmen in the group, either on their training experience or on combat techniques.

She would even often find several members of her own race to practice fighting with, and compete and hone their skills in the arena set up by the original Zhu Zhou.

After all, there is no point in just teaching magical powers. Power that has not been used is all just talk on paper - in this case, why not practice with each other? It just so happens that all the races of Zhuzhu in the heavens are almost all different from each other. Fighting with these compatriots is equivalent to fighting many strong men in the heavens and all realms.

In fact, if Xingying had not been rich in combat experience, she would not have been able to block several consecutive attacks from a Creator Lord, even if she could use many powerful magical powers to deal with different situations.

At this moment, after seeing through the Chengdao Dragon's plan, Skier also became serious, and truly regarded Xingying and others as opponents, not just rats who sneaked into the house while taking advantage of the fate of the Daoist conspiracy.

But even if he used a strike of divine light to force back Xingying, who was planning to self-destruct using the twilight method, it would be difficult for him to predict the opponent's next move.

Because, originally, the person fighting him was not just one person.

"It's no longer possible. I'm using several great magical powers at the same time. My soul power is in chaos and I can't..."

Even if the Dragon of Chengdao continuously uses multiple conflicting supreme magical powers, it is obviously seeking death. Although Xingying's body is intact at this moment, his thinking is as chaotic as that of a mortal who stayed up for seven days and nights. On the verge of sudden death.

Before she finished speaking, she was already unconscious. Without another word, Shao Shuangyue and Jiu Ming, who had been communicating and training for a long time, immediately raised their hands, pulled their spiritual power, and connected to the control of Chengdao's dragon body.

At this moment, Skier's next wave of attacks had arrived.

That is the 'time and space supercharge' that compresses time and space, making billions of miles into a very short distance.

In essence, this magical power is no different from the storage spell. They both turn the large space into a small ring or a storage bag. However, in the hands of Skier, this ordinary spell is enough to seal many The Mechanical God, many of the prisoners in the entire third space-time prison were sealed by him personally.

And He is indeed the warden of this third prison, the commander who guards all the prisoners!

However, Xingying, who was supposed to be unable to resist, stood up.

In an instant, Chengdao's dragon body burst out with far more power than usual, avoiding Skier's prison attack. Countless card lights flashed from behind the dragon body, turning into various spells and monsters, and all kinds of enhancements. On top of the increase, one card even turned into a scapegoat, taking the place of the Dragon of Chengdao and suffering the suppression and seal of time and space.

That was the captain of the Feihong, Shao Shuangyue, the current Chengdao dragon body pilot. He was using his own power to squeeze every ounce of potential of his body, even exerting 120% of his power, and in the big Deputy Jiu Ming tried his best to increase the support, and even used the extremely cherished life-saving card "Scapegoat" before he broke free.

"Go!" Even a simple dodge, but controlling the divine body of a Mechanical God, still made Shao Shuangyue, who had not entered the realm of ascending to the gods, feel that her brain was burning, her mouth and nose were bleeding, and she even wanted to scream in pain. It was as terrifying as stuffing an entire library of books from the Earth into the brain of a salted fish. Even though they had been tried several times before, no Great Heavenly Lord cast a spell in the air with the intention of suppressing them.

"Funya, are you ready for the induction spell? Leave the time and space prison, sacrifice directly, and replace us!"

Jiu Ming was already lying on the ground at this moment. The dragon boy activated dozens of magic cards and sacrifice cards in an instant, and also sacrificed several monster cards. These were powerful spells that originally required the deck to be expanded slowly to get the effect. Magical powers are supposed to be an 'equivalent exchange' of the 'Yuhengdao' series, and require many sacrifices to achieve it.

But the matter is urgent, and Jiu Ming can only sacrifice himself to achieve the effect. However, he is already an Earth Immortal, so his current condition is barely better than Shao Shuangyue: "Turn around, let's run! Decimus, his wife and other pioneer explorers They have all been rescued, we have made a lot of money, and the mission has been completed!”

As for Decimus, he burned himself up after using Existence Erase before. If he doesn't return to the Pioneer Space, I'm afraid his next actions in the Creation World will be useless.

"No problem, you guys hurry up and get out of the space-time anomaly zone, I've already prepared it here!"

At the other end of time and space, in the star field on the edge of Yuhengdao, Funya inside a gas giant was busy preparing in a very hidden array filled with all kinds of sacred materials and sacrifices.

Sneaking into a great divine system to save people, how could such a thing be possible without complete preparation? Shao Shuangyue and others had already prepared an escape route if they succeeded or failed. That was to have Funiya prepare enough sacrifices and things related to the cause and effect of everyone present at the other end of time and space, and sacrifice them when the time came. Through the power of balance, they are directly replaced.

【Silverfish! 】

But Skir's reaction was much faster than they imagined. Even if his attacks failed repeatedly, he was not too surprised. After all, anything can happen in the attack and defense between gods.

Therefore, this God of Mechanics tried his best to use his most powerful magical power.

Time and space go back.

Instead of relying on black holes and high gravity to distort time and space to achieve an effect that is almost reversal of time, what Skir uses is a power that can only be used in the world he has woven, which is also the prison of time and space - forcibly moving with brute force. Each elementary particle is returned to its original position recorded some time ago.

As we all know, time is just a scale, a measurement of energy changes and a measurement of material movement. There is no real specific existence called 'time'. As long as enough energy can be paid, the vector of entropy can be reversed locally out of control and achieve The stupidest way to travel back in time.

By now, Skier already knows that there is definitely a great power behind this group of thieves. Their magical powers and their own qualities cannot be explained by ordinary visitors from the pioneer space.

Suddenly, everything in the time and space prison began to reverse.

The damaged corridor was restored as the light mist and smoke re-condensed into runes and magic circles, and the collapsed space-time rift also re-condensed from its collapse in a scene like rewinding a video tape.

Even the comatose pioneer space explorers who were rescued by Shao Shuangyue and others and stored in the core storage room of the Dragon of Chengdao seemed to fly out involuntarily and return to those seals.

——What should I do if someone escapes from prison?

Time and space flow backwards.

The world of gods is so simple and crude.

In this regard, facing a truly serious Lord, Shao Shuangyue and others had no room for resistance.

【Let me do it instead! 】

But at this moment, Shao Shuangyue, who was about to pass out completely, heard a sound of excitement.

Then, as Xingying forcibly cheered up and said "permission", another huge soul originating from the other side of time and space descended on Chengdao's dragon body!

The black-haired girl seemed to see a shining bird shining with five rays of light singing loudly, integrating into the body of the dragon.

In an instant, a five-element rotation, as if containing a bright divine light from a realm, enveloped the dragon body of Chengdao, preventing the time from flowing back and affecting everyone.

[Five virtues, divine light, perfect heart? ! 】

Skir, who has been surprised too many times and no longer wants to taste this unexpected feeling, feels extremely tired, but even so, he can't help but be shocked by it: [Why is the power of Nirvana...]

Giving up thinking, the Mechanic God continued to attack, but the person he fought with was another soul of Zhu Zhou who was full of breath and energy in the different time and space.

For a moment, it can be seen that the Space-Time Weaver revealed his full appearance. His body is almost like an ant, but with flying wings. He usually crawls on the universe and weaves his own network of time and space.

Skier's Mechanical God was extremely huge. Before that, he seemed to be doing other work, so he did not carry his own Mechanical God armament specially used for fighting. But even so, the arthropod tentacles of the space-time giant worm, as well as the The hands of time and space, whose physical limbs are more flexible and powerful, are also extremely dangerous, no less than any magic weapon.

However, under the control of the divine bird Zhu Zhou, Chengdao Dragon's body is extremely flexible and can freely shuttle through the giant insect swarm nets that have been compiled. Even if it is accidentally hit by Skir, it still uses the Five Virtues God Blocked by the strong dragon body of the Dragon of Chengdao, the light will break through the giant net at any time.

Of course, the divine bird Zhu Zhou is not that strong. It was only recently that he broke through to the realm of immortals due to the great release of the original Zhu Zhou’s magical powers and generous preaching. Skier glimpsed the power of his five virtues and divine light. After the flaw invades his five-element small world, it and the entire magical power will be solidified.

【Substitution! 】

However, the next moment, as Xingying said "permission" again, a ray of chaos and a demonic soul entered the dragon's body in an instant, and the already dimmed flying bird soul laughed loudly: [This is the power of Tianzun ? As expected, the experience gained from this battle can be used in the next time! 】

【this? ! 】

Skir, who had just planned to block the divine light of the Five Virtues, immediately felt a blur in his soul in his confusion. Soon, he, who had experienced many battles, woke up and realized that someone was using the most subtle and vicious method. The magical power of the soul corrodes his own soul.

[Devil, Heavenly Demon—] The six eyes of the giant insect lit up with gray-black light. He was clearly going to use his death breath to make his soul return to death, and to make the Heavenly Demon Zhu Zhou who had eroded into his soul 'join hands and destroy'— And He happens to be resurrected after death. Although there will be great sequelae afterwards, he can temporarily gain more powerful power.

【Are you serious? Sorry bro, I was kidding! 】

Seeing this, how could Tian Mo Zhu Zhou continue to play this kind of knife-tip dance with the other party? He just said goodbye and then slipped away.

The shadow of the demon separated like lightning, and at the moment when he left, a round of light was as bright as the scorching sun, full of vitality and filled with the breath of the world, and then both appeared on the Chengdao dragon's body.

[Why seek death to survive? 】The deep voice of the sacred tree Zhu Zhou sounded, shaking the time and space, and it was vaguely visible. The many thorns behind the Chengdao Dragon's body all turned into wooden roots, piercing into the surrounding time and space, and began to absorb spiritual energy to fight against the demon Zhu Zhou. When he finally escaped, he didn't have time. The trace of final death left behind.

[Life and death are existences, and death is not the end. Speaking of which, Chengdao’s body is really easy to use. Whether it’s me, the divine bird, or the devil, I can actually exert 100% of my power]

[It is worthy of the name of carrying the Tao, and all kinds of avenues can carry it! 】

In fact, even Xingying herself was a little confused.

"Why... can I also adapt to other Zhu Zhou's basic Taoist magical powers?"

"Even though they are both Zhu Zhou, the essence of life is different... Why can I use the great magical powers of all the gods without any side effects without being backlashed?"

The white-haired dragon girl fell into great confusion: "Also, why do these guys in the chat group want to come over and help me fight for me?"

Of course, who wouldn't want to be able to fight Tianzun or use someone else's body that can fully exert his own power?

At this moment, Xingying is not fighting alone.

Behind her is the entire Zhuzhou chat group!

And those who have the same idea as her are her enemies.

[What is this and what? How come these remnants of the will of the universe are everywhere in the Ten Heavens God System, with everyone there? ! 】

At this point, being corrupted by the demon and using the self-destruction magical power, Skir felt like his head was about to explode.

How could he still not understand that the beings behind the Dragon of Chengda were constantly using many tyrannical magical powers with great consequences to fight with him?

If he were on the other side of time and space, he might be able to expend all his energy to suppress these guys, but it would be impossible for him to travel through half of the observable universe in a single thought - if he really spent time traveling through time and space, these thieves would have escaped long ago. It is necessary to spend a lot of energy to keep them in the air.


Just when Shenmu Zhuzhou was using his divine power to quickly restore the physical energy of everyone present, including Shao Shuangyue Jiuming, Decimus and others, Skier made a rather serious decision.

boom! With a roar, the mechanical god's appearance of the creator's mechanical god became no longer agile.

He froze in place, with the four front limbs stretched up and down, using his divine body as a magic circle to fix the space-time channel.

Then, a round of pure silver-gray soul flew out of the giant insect mechanical god's body and condensed into a human form.

It was an adult man who looked quite majestic and strong. He was wearing simple light armor and had a thick hair that was twisted together like the roots of a tree. His eyes were rolling with a dark light every minute, and he looked at No pupils visible.

That was clearly Skir's true form, the true form of the god who had given up the appearance of a mechanical god.

The mechanical god form is the creation of the form that all living beings long for. It is the most powerful weapon, magic weapon, magical power and true body for practitioners in the world of creation. Giving up on it is equivalent to giving up more than half of one's own force.

However, compared to being cowardly and beaten in a wheel battle like before, if you give it a try with half your strength, your winning rate is higher.

But in fact, it was completely different from what he expected. As soon as his true soul was revealed, Skir was blinded.

"Quick, quick, quick! He gave up his mechanical god body and used the Demon Erosion Heart Curse!"

[And my heart-granting tree species! 】

[My Five Virtues, Sensation and Pure Mind Psalm can also be used! 】

"Don't forget the Divine Plague spell, use them all!"


It can be seen that various magical powers of various colors turn into lines and are released from the spiritual power concentration points all over the body of the Dragon of Chengdao, flying towards Skier's true soul.

These magical powers may be bright and upright, with brilliant power, or they may be sinister and vicious, taking root in the soul like parasitic seeds.

Wherever they passed along the way, the white space-time corridors were stained with ink. The extremely corrosive and terrifying spiritual power continuously eroded everything surrounding pure white, turning it into its own power, but it was so tyrannical and majestic, like a giant The sun shines brightly, and the sunshine fills the clouds.

In just an instant, their power expanded to the point where it surpassed the magical powers of ordinary gods and gods.

It is even difficult for the user himself to control it.

All in all, every Zhu Zhou, in addition to his bright and upright magical powers, would always prepare some dark... or in other words, 'last resort' means to do extraordinary things.

And now, it is an extraordinary time.

Facing these bottom-pressing techniques that he had been preparing for a long time but couldn't find the time to use, Skier's personal perception was as if he saw a seven-color rainbow coming all the way to his soul.

He is not irresistible. With the power of the Creator Machine God, even after being beaten for so long and giving up his Mechanical God body, the hidden hands of Shao Shuangyue and others and many Zhu Zhou did not need to pay too much price. Although He may be injured, But it is absolutely impossible to be held down and beaten violently without the ability to fight back.

However, just now, he suddenly shuddered for a moment.

Because of a thunder.


This thunderous cry came from the endless depths above the sky, like pure rage brewed from countless years of pain and sorrow: [You still have no repentance, Unapologetic——]

It has no lethality, but it is extremely powerful. When it strikes, it is like the dark and chaotic universe being cut through by a bolt of lightning, illuminating everything pale.

Skir knew the owner of the voice.

That's why I tremble.

[Cosmic Will——] He panicked for a moment: [How could it be possible? How could he wake up now? Didn’t Yu Hengdao say everything is normal? ! 】

Then He was struck.

Skier's soul fell down, and he stayed in place, as if he was offline, and he suffered a lot of candle and day attacks.

Even Su Zhou had to practice the magical power of body refining before he dared to stay where he was and take the attacks of people with a lower level than himself, let alone Skier, who had no special training?


Seeing this, even Xingying was stunned for a moment. She stretched out her hand and wiped the engine oil that had flowed out of her ears from the previous battle. The dragon girl who was still using an artificial body was a little confused: "Why did you win? ?I originally planned to run away while that guy was dealing with our attack."

"Stop thinking and keep running!" Shao Shuangyue was very practical. She stretched out her hand and pulled Xingying's face, prompting the other party: "Do you still want to make a last hit? Leave quickly, be careful!"

Shao Shuangyue was right to remind you.

Just when Xingying decisively dispelled the Mechanical God Body, then controlled the Feihong, and led his mission targets to the gate of the third space-time prison, they all heard a sigh.

[Skiel, it’s too ugly. If you’re not good at fighting, don’t force yourself]

Although it sounds like reproach, the voice is very gentle, like a teacher who is guiding earnestly: "Although it is true that a creator machine god cannot be unable to deal with a group of prison robbers who are at the level of ordinary machine gods, but they can also Not an ordinary Mechanic God]

After a blink of an eye, the thinking of Xingying, Shao Shuangyue, Jiu Ming, Decimus, even Funya on the other side of time and space, and even Zhu Zhou in the Zhu Zhou chat group fell into stasis for a short time.

Because, they sensed that a gaze, although gentle, but without much emotion, was focused on them.

Dark clouds and mist emerged out of thin air, and fierce winds stirred up in the vacuum of the universe. In an instant, the black clouds in the sky covered the entire space-time prison, and even the Dyson sphere beneath it was covered.

All those present, as well as those with self-will, can sense that there is a vast existence, like the incarnation of the universe's sea of ​​stars, looking at them with a scrutinizing gaze.

At that moment, all light, all life, and all colors disappeared. Everything seemed dim, dead, and fell into the end. Everyone seemed to see the end of their own death, with their bodies decaying and annihilating. The will dissolves into nothingness, and even the soul gradually dies and turns into flying dust.

Or a long time ago, or a long time later... maybe even now!

"Hedao...the strong man of Hedao..."

Among the people present, the only one who had seen the powerful Hedao, Xingying, the Titan of the Ruins of Creation, barely had a trace of consciousness. Her heart was like sand and gravel sinking into the deep sea, falling into endless darkness. among.

Apart from despair, there is no other emotion. The appearance of such a strong man is beyond all plans and is enough to overturn the fact of inevitable defeat and make...

"Hey, hey, it's too much!"

However, before Xingying and the others had time to despair, another solemn and solemn voice with dissatisfaction sounded from the other side: "In the beginning, the creator machine god used the big one to bully the small ones. After all, we are Bian was also in a wheel-and-wheel battle - but now he loses even if he loses, how come you, a strong man in harmony, end up so casually?"

"It's unreasonable!" he said in a shocked voice.

As soon as this voice sounded, it was like a bright flame burning in front of him, and the hot and warm power poured into his body, waking up the originally sluggish people from their daze.

Returning to normal, the white-haired dragon girl felt that the dragon scale necklace on her chest was shining brightly at this moment.

The white scales are not pure matter, but soul and energy compressed to the extreme. Wearing this Zhuzhi necklace is equivalent to carrying a part of the original Zhuzhi with you.

Just like now, the scales on the chests of Xingying, Shao Shuangyue, Jiu Ming, Decimus and others all decomposed themselves, and then condensed into an illusory human form in the vacuum of the universe.

His eyes were like fire, burning with fire and passion.

Su Zhou said in a low voice with a smile: "But, 'Final Master Helandi', are you sure you want to take action? I can sense that you are doing something very important on the other side of time and space, right?"

[Original Zhu Zhou...ah, I should have thought a long time ago that creatures like you who are close to all avenues, no matter what you think, are related to the will of the universe]

The original spirit of Skir has disappeared, and what stands there is a tall human form condensed from the hazy black mist.

This human figure stands on the spot, like a majestic mountain peak, and like a guiding lighthouse. Although the deathly silence lingering around the body is endless, but in the deepest part, it seems to be pregnant with a trace of pure and extreme vitality.

——Only when existence precedes existence can there be the end of nothingness.

——Only Mr. Creation has the end of destruction.

Ending is the inevitable end of all tangible and qualitative things, and of all living beings who have not reached 'infinity'. Those who have to step into the long river called 'death' due to time, disputes, and many reasons need guidance.

Guide them to once again embark on a world that is ‘destined to end’ but belongs to the living.

The ultimate mentor, Helandi, the strong man of Destiny and Hedao, and the holder of the Hedao Armed Forces [Dutian Yinshi Shu], manifested here through his body.

[Original Zhu Zhou, do you want to join the Tao in my world? We can help you]

Faced with a young man who was far away from him, although his essence was still inferior to his own, he was already very close to him. The mentor with a gentle tone and a solemn expression finally looked squarely at him and made an invitation: [But you also know that our world is about to begin. In the face of the final catastrophe, it seems that there must be a battle between many powerful Hedao people - the will of the universe is crazy and cold, why should we sell ourselves to Him? Why not join us and create a way forward for all sentient beings]

"First of all, this is not your world. The universe belongs to everyone. Wherever I like, I will be in harmony. I have good intentions and no need for help."

Su Zhouyi refused righteously. He stretched out his arms and stared at the dark figure in front of him with narrowed eyes: "If you want to fight, then fight, and don't involve sentient beings - the will of the human universe is indeed a bit cerebral, but it is not incapable of communication."

"I advise you all to be open and honest and tell your respective goals. In this way, the Ten Heavenly Gods can despise, discriminate and find fault with each other, and everyone can make progress together. Wouldn't it be beautiful?"

It was obvious that Tutor Su Zhou felt the same feeling as when he communicated with the Time-ending Snake here in Su Zhou.

[If this is the case, then it must be punished]

However, it was obvious that Herandi had good self-control. The corners of his mouth moved slightly, but he endured it. He did not get angry or harden his fists, and his voice remained calm: "You invaded my small universe of destruction, and robbed the prison." Prisoners are really guilty of extermination...]

But Su Zhou directly beat him up: "It's obviously you who illegally imprisoned the pioneer space explorer first, don't say it so innocently."

[They help the will of the universe...]

"Even if the will of the universe is 99% wrong, don't you have 1%?!"


It’s more than 1%, and it’s still unclear who is right and who is wrong.

Now that the words have come to this point, there is nothing left to say.

Su Zhou's soul light flickered and disappeared into the interior of Feihong, which was the original dragon body of Chengdao.

On the other side, the final instructor also shook his head slightly, and the black mist all over his body expanded and then shrunk, integrating into Skier's true soul and mechanical god body.

For a time, the auras of both sides were soaring, soaring, soaring!

Boom, boom boom!

Along with the surrounding Dyson sphere, huge mechanical waves roared through the thin spilled stellar gas. The dark energy-draining structure covering the entire Dyson sphere began to burst into cracks. The brilliance of the star was like a sharp sword, radiating from those cracks that spread radially. Shoot out.

The entire star was like a painful hemp rope being pulled apart by two strong men, and it screamed unbearably before falling apart.

It is just a prelude to the battle between the two sides. Dyson spheres, which are considered to be the miracles of the galaxy for many interstellar civilizations, have begun to gradually collapse.

And at the same time, it was obvious that the two strong men were going to have a few fights.

Jiu Ming, who was watching all this, did not cheer like Shao Shuangyue who was cheering inside Chengdao Dragon Body.

The dragon boy's heart was filled with the desire to complain.

"What the hell... just do all the fighting for me?"

This is the drawback of the ultra-high magic world.

Maybe it was okay at first, maybe it was a fair one-on-one duel between the two sides.

However, as long as both parties have a relationship behind the scenes.

Then, the endless substitute fighting frenzy is about to begin!

big chapter

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